Tales of temptation Greeds unlikely love

Chapter Intertwined souls ( aurora’s pov )

Greed's eyes held mine as he waited for my response, his anticipation mingling with the gravity of his revelations. My mind whirred with thoughts, my emotions tumultuous, but one truth rang clear—I didn't feel fear or regret. Instead, a profound sense of belonging washed over me, and I gazed up at him with unwavering affection.

"Am I happy to be a part of you," I confessed, my voice steady and filled with a quiet sincerity. "This world never felt quite like my own, ever since I was born. But when I met you, it was as though the threads of fate finally aligned in my favor." As I spoke, a soft smile curved my lips, my eyes reflecting the genuine affection I held for him.

However, there was still one lingering question that weighed on my heart. "Does this mean I have to go with you to hell?" The query hung in the air, the uncertainty in my voice palpable.

Greed's sigh carried a sense of resignation, a recognition of the complexities that bound us together. "Yes," he replied, his voice laced with a mix of acceptance and determination. "Where I go, you must follow. We cannot be apart, for you now share my essence, which makes you a part of Greed as well."

The implications of his words settled upon me—a reality that defied the norms of mortality. A life in the human realm, intertwined with a demon's essence, a connection that surpassed the boundaries of both our worlds. As I gazed at him, I saw not just Greed, the demon, but the one who had come to my rescue, who had brought light to my darkness.

With a steady resolve, I reached out, my fingers grazing his hand. "Then so be it," I said, my voice filled with a quiet acceptance. "I choose this path—our path—together."

And as our fingers touched, I felt the resonance of our shared fate—a bond that defied realms, a connection that transcended the known. In the face of uncertainty, I found a sense of belonging that had always eluded me—a sense of belonging to a demon named Greed.

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