Tales of temptation Greeds unlikely love

Chapter Illusion of desolation ( aurora’s pov)

As I stepped outside, a mix of anticipation and excitement bubbled within me. The sight of his silhouette promised another encounter with my stranger—a prospect that had brightened my day before it had even fully begun. With each step, my heart danced to the rhythm of hope.

But the scene that unfolded before my eyes shattered that hope into a million pieces. There he stood, locked in an intimate embrace with another woman—a sight that felt like a blow to my chest. My heart sank, and the warmth of anticipation turned to a cold and heavy ache.

The pain was raw and overpowering—the realization that someone I had allowed myself to care for could be so closely entwined with another. I struggled to make sense of the emotions welling up within me, struggling to hold back the tears that threatened to spill.

Unbeknownst to me, the truth was a twisted tapestry, woven with deception. It wasn't him; it was Lust, wearing the disguise of Greed. He had noticed my presence and seized the opportunity to manipulate my feelings, to exploit the connection he had witnessed.

My heart heavy, I turned away, retreating to the refuge of my home. The weight of disappointment and confusion pressed down upon me, casting shadows over my thoughts. Questions echoed in the silence—why me? What had I done to deserve this kind of pain?

Amidst the darkness that clouded my mind, a glimmer of broken glass caught my eye—a fragment, a reflection of my fractured emotions. In that moment of vulnerability, a dangerous thought took hold—a fleeting whisper that suggested an escape from the anguish that had become my constant companion. And i picked up the piece of glass and slit both of my wrists welcoming the pain of sweet relief

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