Tales of Regventus Book Three: Raya

Chapter 9

Golnar raised his hand to summon a cup. The cup rose from a nearby table, moved towards him, and then fell to the ground. Golnar took a deep breath and tried again with another cup. Again, the cup fell halfway to his hand. He closed his eyes and tried one more time. This time the cup flew into his hand with no problems.

Golnar was concerned. Things like this had been happening frequently lately. At first, he thought it was just due to exhaustion or bad concentration. He had been working long into the night lately. He was distracted by having to deal with Kedan and his ridiculous ideas. He tried sleeping more. Teryn had been keeping Kedan in check, and still Golnar was having trouble with his magic.

He had been looking through all the books he could find to see if he could find some solution to this problem. He had come up empty so far. Golnar began to wonder if anyone else was suffering from the same issues with their magic that he was. He would need to talk to Teryn and Camila first. Then he would check in with Philo to see how the soldiers were doing. He didn’t want to reveal too much. If no one else was having problems, Golnar didn’t want to seem weak.

He was considering having Teryn summoned somewhere downstairs to meet her when there was a knock at his door.

“Yes?” asked Golnar

“It’s Camelia Belles. I need to see you.”

Golnar raised his hand to open the door, but it would not open. He tried again and still nothing. He closed his eyes and concentrated. He opened them. The door handle jiggled, but nothing happened. Golnar stood up angrily and walked to the door to open it.

“Is this a bad time?” asked Camelia eyeing Golnar as she came in the room.

“No, not at all. In fact, I have been wanting to speak with you. Please come in and sit down.”

Camelia walked over and sat in one of the chairs in the middle of the room.

“Can I offer you a drink?” asked Golnar.

“No, thank you. I don’t plan on staying long. I have an event to attend this evening.”

Golnar walked over and sat in the chair across from Camelia. “Why have you come to see me today, Camelia?”

“I have concerns for my son and his wife,” answered Camelia her eyes on Golnar.

“What concerns do you have?”

“Teryn has come to see me. She says you are displeased with Kedan. She is having to expend an enormous amount of energy to keep him occupied. What has been going on?”

“Kedan has gotten too involved in the kingdom’s business. He is asking too many questions,” said Golnar. “He is in danger of disrupting my plans.”

“He is the king. You made him one. What did you expect to happen?” asked Camelia sitting back in her chair.

“I expected he would be happy with the title. I thought he would wave to the people, hold good dinners, and live a life of leisure. I didn’t expect him to actually want to work as the king,” replied Golnar shaking his head.

“Yes, I’m thinking Kedan had you fooled. He has been spoiled his whole life, but he has always been curious. When he gets bored, he gets into trouble. Usually, someone has to push him towards trouble. Do you think someone has been talking to him? Filling his head with ideas?” She rested her elbow on the chair and placed her head in her palm.

“I don’t know who. He has many people messaging him, but they are usually just petty concerns about the kingdom. Are you suggesting someone is feeding Kedan information about my plans?” asked Golnar.

Camelia shrugged. “Kedan was quite happy spending time with Teryn and ignoring his responsibilities. Teryn had to work a little to make him so, but lately she says it is almost impossible to enthrall him. Something is different. He must be getting information and ideas from somewhere.”

Golnar sat quietly for a moment and thought this over. Could someone be giving Kedan ideas? He thought over all the leaders in the kingdom that he knew. He wondered if someone on the council was corresponding with Kedan. Golnar would need to make some inquires and find out who could be unhappy enough with his plans to go to Kedan.

“I think you might be right, Camelia. I will look into it.”

“Until you find out anything, I would like your assurances you will not harm my son in any way. Teryn cannot keep up what she is doing. She is tired and weak from the pregnancy. She needs rest and relaxation. The stress and guilt from charming Kedan are draining her,” said Camelia leaning forward.

“I do not need Kedan interfering in my plans. While I do not plan to hurt your son in anyway, I cannot guarantee anything if he comes between me and what needs to get done.”

Camelia looked at Golnar with narrowed eyes. “We had an agreement. I have done all you ask. You said my son would be safe.”

“And I have every intention to keep that agreement,” confirmed Golnar. “I do not want Kedan harmed, but he must not interfere.”

“What if we found a different way to distract him? What if we could give Teryn a break and find a way to keep Kedan busy that is actually useful for you.”

Golnar sat back and folded his hands. “What do you have in mind?”

“Send him somewhere that needs attention. Not for long, but Teryn still has a couple of months before the baby is due. He can do something useful for you, feel needed, and he will be out of your hair for a while.”

Golnar raised his eyebrow. Camelia was sharp. There was no doubt about that. She was right. He could send Kedan somewhere. Where would be the perfect place?

Golnar smiled. “Daracha in the Forest of the Lowlands took some of my elixir. She is trying to meet with the old magical folks in her area. Kedan could go and oversee her progress. I’m sure he will find it interesting. Maybe having the king meet with the magical folk could help our cause. He could go for six weeks and be back in plenty of time to be with Teryn when her child is born.”

“Sounds like a good plan. It will keep him occupied and make him feel useful,” said Camelia. She smoothed out a wrinkle in her skirt.

“Will Kedan go? Will he agree to leave Teryn?”

“I will see to it. I will invite Teryn to come stay with me while he is gone. We will tell Kedan how important this trip is, and how much the king is needed in the Forest of the Lowlands. Together I am sure we can convince him. I can be very persuasive.”

Golnar gave a short laugh. “I know you can. Yes, it is decided. Kedan will go to the Forest of the Lowlands. I will write to Daracha and let her know. He can leave by the end of this week.” Golnar stood up.

Camelia stood up and turned to walk to the door. She got a couple of steps from the door when she turned to face Golnar. “You said there was something you wanted to speak with me about?”

“Yes. How is your magical ability coming on? Have you had any issues?”

“No, though I admit I don’t use magic as much as I probably should. It’s a habit to just to do things like normal. My enthralling powers seem to be working fine. I will try to remember to use magic in other areas of my life as well,” said Camelia. “Why do you ask?”

Golnar waved a hand at her. “No reason. We are all still new at all this. I am just checking to see if you had any questions or concerns that have come up since you completed training.”

“No, everything is fine.”

“And everyone you have talked to is doing well?” asked Golnar.

“Yes, as far as I know. I will let you know if I hear anything different.”

“Good. Now, I need to write a message and meet with our king. Come tomorrow to talk it over with him in case he needs convincing.”

Camelia nodded and left the room.

Golnar sat back down in his chair. So, it seemed others weren’t having any issues. He might be the only one. He would need to check with Philo and the soldiers to be sure. Maybe he should talk to Till as well. If Golnar was the only one having issues, he needed to find out why.

He stood up and walked over to his desk. His problem could wait a moment. Now he would need to write a message to Daracha and meet with Teryn. Then he could go to Kedan and start convincing him to leave Aurumist for a while.

The next day, Golnar knocked on the door of the palace study.

“Enter, please,” said Kedan through the door.

Golnar walked in to see Kedan behind his desk. Teryn was sitting in one of the chairs in front of the desk just as she and Golnar had planned.

“Golnar, please come in and sit down,” said Kedan standing and pointing to the chair next to Teryn.

“Thank you, my king. I am glad you could see me today. I have something urgent I need you to take care of,” said Golnar sitting down next to Teryn.

Kedan looked surprised. “What do I need to do?”

“Viceroy Daracha has a daunting task in front of her. She is trying to meet with the old magical folk in her lands and sway them to our side. If we are to meet the forces of Abscon in battle, those magical folk of the Lowlands could make a big difference.”

Kedan nodded. “And how would you have me help her?”

“You need to go to the Forest of the Lowlands and assist her. Think what it will mean for the king to meet with the magical folk? Your presence alone would go a long way to securing their support,” said Golnar looking at Kedan.

“I would hate to leave Teryn right now,” said Kedan looking lovingly at his wife. “She will have our child soon.”

“Not for a few months at least,” said Golnar looking at Teryn. “We would all make sure you were back in plenty of time for the birth.”

“Kedan, if you need to go, you should go,” added Teryn. “I will miss you of course, but you are the king. The kingdom must come first.”

“I’m not sure,” said Kedan. “I want to do what’s best for the kingdom, but carrying this child has not been easy for you, Teryn. I would hate to be away from you.”

Before Teryn could respond there was a knock at the door.

“Who is it?” called Kedan sounding irritated.

“It’s Camelia Belles,” replied a guard.

Kedan looked at Golnar and Teryn. Golnar nodded.

“You should see what she needs, Kedan,” said Teryn, giving Kedan a small smile.

“Please let her enter,” called Kedan.

Camelia came into the room. “I am so sorry if I am interrupting something. I was just wanting to check on Teryn and was told she was here. I can come back some other time.”

“No, please stay, Camelia,” said Teryn. “I could use your support. Kedan needs to go to the Forest of the Lowlands on official business. He is considering not going because of me. He needs to go and will be back in plenty of time for the birth.”

“Kedan, if you need to go, you should go. If you are worried about Teryn, why doesn’t she come stay with me. I can watch over her for you.”

Teryn smiled and stood. She walked over to Kedan’s side and placed her hand on his arm. “See Kedan. I will be well looked after. You should go.”

Camelia walked over to Kedan’s other side and placed her hand on his other arm. “Yes, dear. You go do what you need to do. I will take good care of Teryn and your child. You will be back before you know it.”

“You both think I should go?” asked Kedan. His eyes looked cloudy.

“Yes,” both women said at the same time.

“Golnar, I shall go,” nodded Kedan.

“Good,” said Golnar, relieved. “You have made the right choice, my king.”

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