Tales of Regventus Book Three: Raya

Chapter 18

Ansel watched out the front window as Griffa left the house and walked down the path and out of view. He said a small prayer to the gods for her safety before turning and walking into the dining room to find Max and Issa eating breakfast. Ansel had already eaten, but he sat at the table and waited for Max to finish.

“Issa, what do you have planned today?” asked Max as he swallowed some toast.

“I was going to finish reading the last book we have on blood magic. I think we’ve learned everything we can, but I want to make sure.”

“If you get done early, you should come outside and watch me beat Ansel at a duel,” said Max with a smile at Ansel.

Ansel was glad to see that Max was in good spirits today. He had been worried about him after Max’s mood last night. “Large words from someone who hasn’t beaten me without a little help.”

“I’ve been close a few times,” claimed Max. “I have a good feeling about today.”

Ansel smirked and chuckled a little. “We will see. Finish up breakfast quickly if you think today’s you day.”

Max finisheed breakfast. He ran upstairs to get his staff, while Ansel waved his hand and stacked all the dirty dishes. He picked them up and took them into the kitchen to find Nora staring out the window.

“Oh, Ansel, thank you,” said Nora when she saw him come in with the dishes.

“I can wash these for you, if you want,” offered Ansel putting the dishes on the counter.

“No, I want to do it. Griffa showed me some simple charms in Abscon. Cillian has been working with me the past couple of days. I need to practice.”

Ansel had wondered what Nora and Cillian had been doing on their long walks. He had no idea Cillian was training Nora to use her magic.

“I’m glad you have decided to work on using your magic, Nora,” said Ansel.

“Just a little. I’ll never be as talented as you, Max, or Griffa, but it’s very convenient to know a few things. If I’m going to be living around magic, I better get used to it.”

Ansel smiled at her and wished her a good day. He walked to the entry way to get his cloak before going out the back door onto the lawn. Max came out soon after, wearing his own cloak and carrying his staff.

“Do you want to warm upa bit before we start?” asked Ansel.

“I think I’m good, Ansel. I’m ready if you are.”

Ansel nodded and walked away from Max until they were over ten feet apart. He stared at Max and nodded his head. They start circling each other, both at the ready. Max struck out first by pushing his staff forward. A spell flew at Ansel and he blocked it easily. Ansel pushed out his own hand sending a strong wind in Max’s direction. The wind blew snow in Max’s face, but he stayed focused.

The circled for a few more moments, both watching each other when Ansel turned and brought his hands together. Max turned sideways and tried to block with his staff, but the spell spun around him. He swayed and then feel to his side. Ansel was quickly on him, hovering over him.

Max smiled ruefully, “Fine you win that round. Let’s take a breather and try again.”

Ansel gave Max his hand and pulled him up. Max walked over to a bench and sat down. Ansel sat down next to him.

“I think I’m getting better and then you beat me so easily,” said Max.

“You are getting better, Max. I’ve been using magic a lot longer than you. Soon, you’ll be able to beat me just as easy at times. I got a lucky hit in.”

“I guess,” mumbled Max. He leaned back with his hands behind him.

“Max, I wanted to ask you about last night. Did something happen to upset you?”

“No, not at all. Why do you ask?”

“You were very quiet. You didn’t seem like yourself,” answered Ansel. He rolled his head, loosing up his neck.

“I was just thinking about something I’m researching,” said Max.

“What is it?”

“Probably nothing. I just have an idea about something, and I want to find out if I’m right. I’m more than likely mistaken, but it just feels like something I have to look in to.”

“So, you aren’t going to tell me what it is?” asked Ansel.

“Not yet.” He was quiet for a moment before he turned and to Ansel and said, “I remember a while back Griffa said that many magical folk have Adalwen blood. Is that true?”

“Yes, as you can see Abscon and the Valley aren’t very large places. There is probably some Adalwen blood in many people somewhere in their line.”

“So why am I so special?”

“You’re the only one we know of that has the blood of Adalwen on both your mother and father’s side.”

“Who were my parents, Ansel?”

Ansel had always wondered why Max hadn’t asked this before. He wondered why Max was asking now.

“They lived in the forest of the Great Surrounding. They were a young couple who both grew up in Abscon, but moved out to the forest. I really didn’t know them very well, but from what I hear they were both good people. Your mother was known to be very talented. Your father was the only child of a family who lived on the edge of Abscon.

“The first time I really talked to either of your parents was when I collect you. They knew they were being hunted. Madam Sidora had told them you were special, and she let the Ring know as well. Renweard Keene sent me to collect you, and Madam Sidora told me where to take you. It was very hard for them to give you to me, Max. I believe they loved you very much.”

Max nodded and was silent for a few minutes. He eventually sat up straighter and asked, “Do you think there could be others out there with the blood of Adalwen on both sides?”

“I don’t know. Probably not. Madam Sidora foresaw you being born. She said you were the one who would be king. The Ring has never had a prophecy like that.”

“What if there was someone else? Someone older and more talented than myself. Someone more worthy to be king or queen?”

“That’s a lot of what if’s that more than likely will never come true,” said Ansel with a frown. “Max, you are the one who was foreseen to be our king. More than that, you have chosen that path for yourself. Everyone is behind you, even Griffa, and you know how she feels about prophecy. If you don’t want to do this, then that’s a different conversation.”

“It’s not that, Ansel. It’s not. If I am the one who will be king then so be it, but if there was someone better for the kingdom, I would step aside.”

“I know, Max. That is one of the reasons you will be a good king. You aren’t doing it for selfish reasons. Now, come on. Let’s go again. Who knows, you might have better luck this time.”

Max looked at Ansel for a moment, and then gave a sigh and nodded. They stood up and walked apart from one another. They circled each other for a few moments before Max struck out his staff, and Ansel dodged his curse. Ansel put out his own hand sending a spell, but Max blocked it easily. Ansel went to strike again when a deep sense of dread came over him. He suddenly couldn’t catch his breath. He felt like something was very wrong.

Max threw a spell at him that hit him directly in his chest. Ansel went down hard on the ground. Max ran over and placed his staff at Ansel’s chest. He looked down at Ansel smiling, but his expression quickly changed.

“Ansel,” said Max worriedly. “What is it?”

Ansel sat up and put his head down between his knees. He took deep breaths trying to slow his breathing. He then jumped up. He felt like he needed to do something. He needed to help someone.

“What’s wrong?” asked Max. He put his hand on Ansel’s arm. Ansel looked at Max with wide eyes.

“I don’t know. I just feel like something is wrong.”

“Is it like before when you weren’t feeling well?”

“Yes, but it is so much worse. I don’t know what it is, but it’s bad.”

“Come on, let’s get you in the house. Maybe you should try some of those things we found in the protector’s journals.”

Ansel nodded and let Max lead him into the house. They passed Issa in the parlor as they walked to the study.

“Is everything alright?” asked Issa putting her book down.

“I think Ansel is having issues with his protector’s magic. We are going to try some of those things Griffa and I found.”

Issa nodded as Ansel and Max entered the study. Ansel sat behind the desk and leaned back in the chair. Max looked through the drawers until he found the piece of parchment he was looking for.

“Here try some of these. I’m going to get you a glass of wine,” said Max. He turned and hurried from the room.

Ansel sat still trying to breath. He wished he knew why he felt this way. He at first wondered if it was because he was dueling max. He had been dueling Max for many months, and he would never really harm Max, so he couldn’t think that would be it. Perhaps someone was planning on harming Max. They could be plotting in Aurumist this very moment. Ansel didn’t know, but he knew he felt someone was in danger. He felt his magic rise to the surface of his skin, waiting to be unleashed. It felt like it was searching for something. He could only think that it must be his protector’s magic.

Ansel looked down and pulled the parchment close to him. He read a few lines on how to calm protector’s magic. He tried the first technique. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths, imaging Math safe and happy. His breathing slowed down a little, but the feeling of dread still enveloped him.

Ansel read the next thing to try. He was to think of someone he loved. He closed his eyes and thought about Griffa. He imagined her with her mischievous smile. He took a deep breath and could almost see her deep blue eyes looking at him. He thought about what it felt like to hold her. He found that his breathing had slowed down. While he still felt off, the knot of dread in his stomach had loosened.

Ansel opened his eyes as Max came in with a glass of wine. He handed it to Ansel. Ansel took a large swig and looked at Max.

“Do you feel better?” asked Max.

“I do. I still don’t feel completely well, but it’s much better than before.”

“Just sit there and do whatever it is that works,” said Max. I’ll be here if you need me. Max sat down in front of the desk.

Ansel nodded. He took a sip of wine and closed his eyes. He thought of Griffa. How she made him feel strong and loved. How she made him laugh. He even thought of how she aggravated him. He smiled to himself. Eventually he sat his head back in his chair and drifted off.

Ansel had no idea how long he dozed. He was awakened by Issa calling out Griffa’s name in the parlor. Ansel’s eyes snapped open. He saw Max stare back at him with concern as he held a small book. They both jumped up, and Max laid his book on the desk. He walked out quickly to the parlor, Ansel right behind him.

Griffa was being carried to the sofa by Talon. He carefully laid her down. Ansel’s eyes went to Griffa. Her face had blood caked on one side, and there was a rough gash across her cheek. Her hair next to it was matted to her face with dried blood. Ansel immediately went to Griffa’s side and kneeled down next to her.

She looked at him with pain in her eyes, but she smiled. “I’m alright. I really am. I know I probably look a mess, but it’s not that bad.”

Ansel gently turned her face with his hand to get a better look. The wound went from just below her eye to almost her lips. It looked like it was partially closed by a healing spell.

“Issa,” said Ansel looking up at the girl, “Go tell Nora to get some warm water and a rag. We will need to clean this.” Issa nodded and ran from the room.

“I really need a salve from my potion room. It will heal the balm nicely in a few days,” said Griffa. “Just let me go get it.”

Ansel put his hand against her shoulder. “You stay right there. Tell me where it is, and I’ll go get it.”

“I know where it is,” said Max. “I’ll get it.” He walked quickly towards Griffa’s potion room.

“What happened?” asked Ansel. He turned to look at Talon who had sat down in a chair close to the sofa.

“We were ambushed on the mountain pass by some Aurumist soldiers,” said Talon. “They hit us quickly, and Griffa got grazed by one of the curses.”

“Aurumist soldiers were on the mountain pass?” Ansel shook his head. “Where were my guards?”

“They showed up eventually,” said Talon. “I don’t know if they were too far away or not paying attention, but by the time they showed up, we had already taken out most of them, and Griffa was hurt.”

Ansel closed his eyes. He would go to see those guards later today. He would let them know this was unacceptable.

“It’s fine, Ansel, it is,” reassured Griffa as she placed her hand on Ansel’s cheek and looked at him. Ansel held it with his own hand and gave her palm a short kiss, letting her hand fall back to her side.

“It’s not fine,” protested Ansel. “Both of you could have been taken, severely hurt, or worse. This is bad enough.”

Issa came into the parlor followed by Nora. Nora had a large bowl of water, and Issa carried some rags. They placed them both on a table close to Ansel and Griffa. Max came into the room with a small container.

Ansel cleaned Griffa’s face with the water and the rags. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths. He knew she must have been in pain. When he finished, he carefully put the salve on her face.

Griffa made an audible noise of relief. “That’s much better.” She pushed herself up into a sitting position.

Talon stood up and walked over to Griffa. He sat down next to her and put his arm around her. He pulled her in for a hug and kissed her on her uninjured cheek. “I’m glad you are alright, Griffa. Is there anything I can do for you?”

Griffa shook her head slowly. “No, I’m fine. I just need to rest and let the salve work. I’ll be better by tonight.”

Talon let her go and stood up. “I’m going to go home and rest my sore body. I suggest you take it easy for a few days. Maybe delay that return to Abscon.”

“We will see,” said Griffa. “Thank you, Talon.”

Talon smiled at her. “Think nothing of it. I’m pretty sure you saved my hide more than once out there. I left your staff by the front door.”

Griffa nodded, and Talon walked out of the parlor. Ansel stood and followed him. He stopped him in the entryway.

“Why do you think there were Aurumist soldiers in the mountain pass?” asked Ansel.

“I’m not sure. It can’t be good. We better all keep a close eye on our king.”

“Should we go back to Abscon do you think?” asked Ansel, thinking maybe they would all be safer in Keene Manor.

“Probably not. If there are soldiers outside the Valley, I am betting you will find some in the forest outside of Abscon as well.”

Ansel nodded. “We will need to have the forest searched.”

“Try to make Griffa stay here for a few days, Ansel. She will need to rest no matter what she says. When she goes back make sure she has plenty of guards watching her at all times. We can’t have anything happen to her before the war. She is too important to all of us.”

Ansel felt momentary irritation listening to Talon tell him how to take care of Griffa, but he knew Talon and Griffa had been friends for many years. He knew how Talon felt about her. He would of course care about her. She was also the leader of the Ring and was needed.

“I will see to it,” said Ansel

“I’ll stop in tomorrow to check on her if that’s alright.”

“Of course. Thank you for taking care of her,” said Ansel. “I know she means a great deal to the kingdom, but she also means a great deal to me.”

Talon patted Ansel on the arm. “I know. She means a great deal to me as well. I meant what I said earlier as well. She saved me several times out there. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Ansel walked back into the parlor to see Griffa sipping a glass of wine. She looked at Ansel. “I think I’m going to go take a bath and lay down for a bit.”

“I’ll get some water for you, Griffa,” said Nora. “I can manage the charm for it now.”

“Thank you, Nora,” smiled Griffa.

Ansel held out his hand and helped Griffa up. “Can you manage the stairs?” he asked.

“Yes, my body and face are sore, but it’s not bad.”

“I’ll come see you in a bit, I have some things to take care of first.”

“What are you going to do?” asked Griffa.

“First I’m going to write to Hector Delis and tell him what happened. I will also tell him you will not be back in Abscon for at least three days. You will not argue. Then, I’m going to have a talk with my guards.” Griffa looked like she might argue, but Ansel took her hand and squeezed it. “Please, just take is easy for a day or two.”

Griffa nodded and walked up the stairs.

Ansel watched her go. He suddenly realized the feeling of dread in him was gone completely.

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