Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter 8

Kedan felt himself travel with Griffa at his side, and they landed just outside of the village of Nemar. He glanced at Griffa and then looked behind him to see Addie and Max. Griffa nodded at Kedan, and they walked into the village. Kedan remembered much of the village from his visit there almost a year ago. He couldn’t believe it had only been a year as so much had happened since he first came to Nemar.

He was called a king then. It was an empty title, but Kedan had tried to take it seriously. He had been tricked by Golnar, Teryn, and his mother to come to the Forest of the Lowlands to visit Daracha. The trip turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to him. His eyes had been opened by Daracha. She had showed him how wrong he had been, and she had sent him to Griffa and the others.

Kedan looked over at Griffa as they walked to the opening of the second ring, and she smiled at him causing Kedan to smile back. He felt so complete serving at her side. He had so much purpose in his life now. He had given his life to the kingdom and to Griffa, and he was proud to serve his queen. Having access to her feelings, Kedan knew how much she loved her kingdom. He knew how kind and caring she was, and he would not fail her.

“I have never met Daracha,” said Griffa as they entered the second ring of the village. “What is she like, Kedan?”

Kedan took a moment before he answered. “I found her intimidating. She always unsettled me during Ancient Council meetings. She was not unkind to me when I stayed with her, but she does not mince words. She is very straight forward. After getting to know her, I found that I trusted her.”

Griffa nodded. “I wonder who she wants me to meet. Whoever it is, I also wonder why she could not just bring them to Abscon.”

Kedan had no answer to this. He stayed close to Griffa as they passed through the entrance of the second ring, looking around for any threats. He remembered riding through there last winter. There had been people begging in the streets, and it had bothered him. He hated seeing poverty in the kingdom. He hated the fact that people in the kingdom were suffering. Griffa slowed down as they came to a small family who were sitting on the side of the street. It was a mother and two children. They had worn bowls they were holding, and they seemed to be begging. Griffa stopped in front of the family and kneeled down by one of the children and took his hand.

“You are very hungry, aren’t you?” she asked.

The child nodded with wide eyes.

“You are cold as well.” She turned to look at the mother. “Do you live in this village?”

“I moved here when I married my husband,” said the woman sadly. “He has recently died from the sickness, and I could not afford our small home, so I was forced to leave. I could go back to my parent’s home, but I do not have the means to get there. They live far from here.”

Griffa sighed and dug into her pockets. She pulled out a large number of coins.

“Go to an inn and get a room for a couple of days. You will be able to rest, eat, and clean yourself. You should have enough money to travel to your parent’s home after you rest.”

The woman stared at Griffa with tears in her eyes. “Who are you? Why do you want to help me?”

“I am the true Queen of Regventus,” said Griffa standing up. “When I take my throne, I will work to help all my people, especially those who are suffering. I can’t help all my people yet, but I can help you. Please take this money and go to an inn. Do it for your children.”

The woman nodded. “Thank you.” She took her children’s hands and stood up.

“I am sorry you have had to suffer. I wish no one had to suffer in Regventus,” said Griffa. She looked at Kedan, and they pressed on towards the first ring.

“That was very kind, my queen,” commented Kedan.

“I have lived in luxury my whole life, and I have never wanted for anything. I have not done all I could have to help those who are suffering in poverty. I am very ashamed of myself,” said Griffa as they walked.

“I am sure you have done more than most. You will soon be in a position to make many changes that will help all the people. You must not be so hard on yourself.”

“I’m not sure I am being hard enough on myself, Kedan. I will soon enjoy the warmth of Daracha’s home. I will eat a fine meal, and I will probably enjoy at least some of the evening. That woman will be glad to have one small room and a few meager meals for her children. I need to feel ashamed, and I need to remember how my people suffer.”

Kedan gave Griffa a half smile. He wondered how many people in her position would even give a second thought to a suffering mother.

“I am sorry you are ashamed, but I am very happy to serve you, my queen. It may not mean much to you, but I am very proud of you.”

Griffa stopped and looked at Kedan before they entered the first ring, taking his hand. “It means a great deal to me to hear you say it, Kedan. I hope you are always proud of your queen.” She squeezed his hand and let it go.

They walked on into the first ring of Nemar, passing by all the large homes and yards until they came to the Viceroy Manor that stood in the center of the first ring. Griffa walked up to the front door and knocked. She turned and smiled reassuringly at Max and Addi. The door opened, and Penelope looked at them all and curtsied low.

“My queen, it is good to receive you,” she said in her deep voice. She stood up and a moved out of the way. “Daracha is waiting for all of you in the parlor.”

Griffa nodded and walked in with Kedan following her as Max and Addi came in behind Kedan. Kedan could see the house looked much as it did a year ago. The entry hall was dark with only a few candles lit, and Penelope showed them into the dimly lit parlor. As they entered, Daracha, who had been sitting by the fireplace, stood up to greet them. Griffa walked over to stand in front of her.

“I get to meet you at last, my queen.” Daracha curtsied. “Or at least I get to meet you when you actually remember it.”

Griffa tilted her head and gave Daracha a questioning look.

“When you were born, my friend Sidora asked me to come see you. She said she had some questions about you she wanted me to answer. When I got to Abscon, Sidora couldn’t remember what she wanted to ask me, but I still went to see you. Your father was mourning your mother, but he let me come in. I am distant relative to the Keene’s, after all. My grandmother was a Keene, and your father’s great aunt.

Renweard let me hold you. You were a lovely babe, and I could tell you would be a great user of magic. I suppose Sidora sensed something in you, but I am not sure why she couldn’t remember.”

“My father tricked her,” said Griffa. “He gave her something to make her forget. He didn’t want me to be the queen. He knew who I was, and he wanted to keep it a secret. He wanted to protect me.”

“He was a clever man, but he should have known he could not keep you a secret forever.”

“He knew. When he told his so-called friends, it cost him his life,” said Griffa angrily.

“I know a little of it. Sidora has written me all about it. I am sorry for the losses you have experience, young queen, but you will have to look forward to the future if you are going to save our kingdom,” said Daracha. She took Griffa’s hand and gave it a squeeze before she then turned to look at Kedan.

“I hear much has changed for you since you left me, Kedan. Even if Sidora had not told me, I could sense your magic myself. You are now the protector of the kingdom and your queen. That’s quite a leap from being a useless and fake king.”

“I am happy with who I am now. I thank you for putting me on the right path,” said Kedan.

“I may have started you on the right path, but you had to keep walking it. I am glad you found your way.” She looked at Max and Addi. “Who else have you brought with you? I know the young diviner of course.”

Griffa walked to stand between Max and Addi. “This is Adelaide Vin. She is my friend and on the council of the Valley.”

“You didn’t bring the leader of the Valley or your betrothed?” asked Daracha.

“No, they are completing some other tasks for me at the moment. I will meet up with them after our time here.”

“You will want to settle into your rooms. Penelope will show you where you are staying.”

They followed Penelope up the stairs as she showed them each to a room. Kedan was put in the room he stayed in the last time he was there. Max’s room was on one side of his, and Griffa’s on the other. After settling in, Kedan stepped out of his room to see Max walking by, so he joined Max as the went down to the parlor. They found it empty, and sat in chairs close by one another.

“How are you feeling, Kedan?” asked Max as they settled into their chairs. “You are on your own without Ansel or even Talon to help you do your job.”

Kedan chuckled. “I feel fine. Our queen seems to be in good spirits as I think the quiet has been good for her. I know she cares about both Ansel and Talon, but their recent bickering has not helped her mood.”

“No, I don’t think it’s help any of us. I hope they can figure it out while they are working together. They are going to need to find a way to get along if we have any hope of saving the kingdom and Griffa.”

“Do you think we will do it?”

“Do I think we will save the kingdom? I have seen visions where we do, several actually. I think if we are careful and make the right decisions, we will do what needs to be done,” answered Max.

“What about Griffa?” Will she live?”

Max took a breath and closed his eyes for a moment. “I am not sure. I have had feelings lately that bother me. I am afraid Griffa might have to do something drastic to save Regventus.”

“She can’t die, Max. We can’t lose her. How can we go on without our queen?”

“Griffa will do whatever it takes to save her kingdom and her people. All we can do is everything we can to save her. You are her protector, and her survival will probably come down to you.”

“I won’t let her die. I will make sure she gets through this safely. I am not sure I could take losing her.” Kedan closed his eyes and shuddered.

“Your magic makes you feel that way. You are bonded to her. So much of your feelings and mood come from her. If she dies, your bond will change, and you will go on.”

Kedan considered this. “I understand what you are saying, Max. I know much of my feelings come from our magical bond, but I also care about Griffa. She has done so much for me. How could I not care for her and love her as my friend?”

Max half smiled. “Griffa is very devoted to her loved ones. She cherishes you not just because you are her protector, but because you are her friend. I love her as well. I have only known her for two years, but she is one of the people I love the most in this kingdom. I don’t want to go on without her, but she will do what is necessary for Regventus.”

Kedan looked at Max as Griffa came in the room with Addi at her side. Kedan turned and looked at Griffa to find her smiling. He could sense that she was feeling more relaxed than usual. She sat on the nearby sofa, and Addie sat next to her.

“You seem as if you are in a good mood, Griffa,” said Max.

“I am. I think the rest in Abscon helped, and although I miss them, I think I did the right thing sending Ansel and Talon off to the Riverlands. The peace and quiet is nice.”

Kedan silently agreed. He knew both men were important to Griffa, but their constant arguing had been a burden for Griffa and a distraction for Kedan. He was glad to get a break from them. He looked at Griffa as she teased and laughed with Addie. It was a nice change to see her relaxed. He hoped this meant good things were ahead for his queen.

“What will we do for the rest of the day?” asked Addi.

“I’m not sure,” answered Griffa. “I don’t see Daracha around, and the day outside is nice. It is cold, but the wind is still. I would like to go for a walk in the first ring.”

Max and Addi happily agreed to go with Griffa. Kedan knew he would not let Griffa out of sight when he could help it, so he followed everyone into the entry hall to get their cloaks. Soon he was walking behind his queen around the first ring as she walked between Addi and Max.

“The first ring here is very beautiful,” said Addi as she feel back slightly and walked by Kedan. She looked over at a large manor with huge trees around it, and her hand brushed Kedan’s arm.

“Yes,” said Griffa. “It is as if they planted a town around a forest and put a few houses here and there. There are more trees all over Nemar than in most villages.”

“This is the Forest of the Lowlands,” said Max. “It makes sense they would like their village to look like their surroundings.”

“There is an unusually large amount of magic in this ring to be known as a non-gifted village,” observed Griffa. “I wonder how many magic users actually live here.”

“Every house in this ring is home to an old magical family,” said a deep voice to their right.

They all turned to see Penelope walking up to them.

“Nemar was built around a small old magical village. It was founded by a group of diviners who wanted to live closer to Aurumist after King Nathin was crowned. The magical families stayed as the non-gifted built around them. The people of Nemar have long lived in cooperation with the magical families of the first ring.”

“How have they lived so long without detection from the powers in Aurumist?” asked Griffa.

“Cooperation with the non-gifted people of the village, and a little magic. Daracha’s family had served as Viceroy of the Forest of the Lowlands since the beginning of the Ancient Council. She has stepped down now as she awaits your reign, my queen.”

“Will the magical folk of this village fight for our queen?” asked Addi.

“Without question, they have been waiting for the true heir of the line of Adalwen to come for some time. They will be with our queen when she fights for the throne. Now, you should come back to Daracha’s. Lunch is almost ready.”

They all followed Penelope back to the Viceroy’s Manor and ate lunch together. After lunch, Griffa disappeared into her room to talk with Addi. Max sat quietly by the fire, occasionally talking with Daracha as Kedan sat close by observing.

“You should feel very at home here, young diviner,” said Daracha looking at Max. “This village was originally founded by three great diviners.”

“I have felt a connection to this place. I can sense things here more clearly than I have before. I have had small visions throughout my short time here.” Max kept his eyes on the fire before him.

“Do these visions help you in some way?” asked Daracha.

“They make things clearer,” replied Max as he looked up at Daracha. “I wish they didn’t.”

“Visions are funny things.” Daracha gave a small laugh. “They aren’t usually the whole story. Whatever it is you think you see, do not lose hope. Wait for the whole story to unfold.”

Max nodded and went back to staring at the fire.

Soon it was time for dinner. Kedan and Max cleaned themselves and dressed, and then came downstairs. Kedan waited in the parlor wearing his protector’s tunic, while Max stood around wearing the sun of Adalwen on his chest of his green shirt. Griffa came downstairs with Addi at her side. Both ladies had changed and looked very lovely. Addi in a red dress with her hair pulled up, and Griffa wearing a dark green dress with the sun of Adalwen on the skirt. Her hair was down, and she wore her crown. Max came forward to speak with Addi, and Kedan walked to the side of his queen.

“You look very nice, my queen,” said Kedan as Griffa smiled up at him.

“You do as well. It is still strange to see you wearing the protector’s sigil, but I think it suits you.”

Daracha walked in with Penelope at her side.

“It is time for dinner, and there are a few guest already seated at the table. Just a few heads of families from the area that wanted to meet our queen, and one other that wishes to speak with you, my queen. You may not want to see him, but he says he can help you,” said Daracha.

Griffa looked at Max and then back at Daracha. “Who is it?”

“Come and see for yourself,” replied Daracha. She walked out of the room towards the dining room.

Griffa looked up at Kedan as he offered her his arm, and she took it. They walked to the dining room, followed by Max and Addi. As they got close to the table, everyone stood. Kedan heard Griffa gasp, and she let go of his arm.

“You?” she asked loudly. “What are you doing here?”

Max let go of Addi and walked to stand by Griffa’s side. A man close to Daracha walked closer to Griffa and Max. Griffa automatically took a step back, and Kedan was put on his guard.

“Please let me explain, my queen,” said the man hurriedly.

“You dare to call her that?” Max sounded very angry as he stood slightly in front of Griffa. “After what you did to her, to both of us, you dare to call her your queen?”

Griffa turned and walked from the room in a hurry as Kedan followed her. He could hear others behind him. He found her in the parlor, and she was pacing and shaking her head with tears in her eyes. Kedan hurried to her and took her hands. She looked up at him as tears ran down her cheeks. He didn’t know the man who had spoken to her, but whatever he had done to Griffa, must have been terrible. Kedan turned as the man entered the room followed by Max and Addi. He could see Daracha slowly making her way into the parlor.

The man came close to Griffa, and Kedan moved a little in front of her. He stared down the man as the man stepped back and stared at Griffa.

“I was wrong, Gryphon. What I did was terrible. Philo swore to me he wouldn’t hurt you. He said he would let you go as soon as he had the king,” explained the man.

“So, you just decided to hand over Max, Devland.” Griffa shook her head “You would just give him up so easily?”

“He said he would just use the young king to negotiate with the Ring. I didn’t think we could win the war against Aurumist. I was scared for the Valley and my family. I wanted to find a way for everyone to live in peace,” said Devland. “I was very wrong.”

“You were,” said Griffa with disgust. “You should have known better than to ever trust Philo. Would you like me to tell you all the ways I was hurt? Would you like me to tell you every detail of the two months I stayed in the palace? Max and I both could have easily been killed, and it would have been all your fault.”

“I know, and I am sorry.” Devland stared at the ground.

“Sorry?” asked Max. “You are sorry? You caused the destruction of your village. You caused so many lives to be lost, and you are the reason Griffa was tortured for months by Philo.”

“You were my father’s friend,” said Griffa as tears continued to fall down her face. “You watched me grow up. He and I both trusted you. How could you just turn me over to that evil man?”

Kedan looked at this man with narrowed eyes. He was the reason Griffa and Max were taken to Aurumist. Kedan felt his magic rise to the surface of his skin, and he closed his eyes and tried to control it. Everything in him wanted to kill this man in front of him. The man stepped closer to Griffa, and Kedan met him, looking down at him.

“If you come one step closer to her, I will kill you without a second thought,” said Kedan as he tried to control himself.

Devland stepped back slightly. “What can I do to show you how sorry I am, Gryphon? What I have done goes against every decent thing in the kingdom. I turned my back on you, my people, and my village.”

“You did,” said Griffa quietly. “You should be glad I sent Ansel and Talon to do a different task for me. If they were here, I doubt you would have made it past the dining room. I doubt Talon would have even let you speak.”

“I will have to face him eventually,” said Devland. “I will have to try to make amends for what I did to the Valley. I will tell my part, and let Talon decide what to do with me. I believe I know what my fate will be, but before that happens, let me serve you, my queen. Let me try to do right by you and your father.”

“What is it you think you can do?” Griffa wiped the tears her eyes and cheeks.

“I live in Aurumist, and there are things happening in the city that you need to know about. Things that I doubt Camelia Belles has had time to tell you.”

Kedan looked at the man sharply. “You have seen my mother? She is still alive?”

“Yes,” said Devland looking at Kedan. “She stays in her manor, tending to the many who are ill. Philo does not bother her. He is so obsessed with getting his hands on Gryphon. I doubt he even registers what is going on in the city. He has made Helmer the Viceroy of Aurumist. Helmer is so far over his head, he doesn’t know where to start. He is busy making some kind of elixir to release magic in dormant magic users. He doesn’t even care what it seems to be doing to the people who take it.”

Griffa took a deep breath and asked, “People are falling ill in the city?”

“Yes, many of the released magical users are ill. Camelia has set up a place for the sick in her home, and she is trying to help them. I believe she has charmed her husband so he will allow it,” replied Devland.

Griffa grabbed Kedan’s hand. He turned to her and pulled her close to him. He felt his magic go to her, comforting her. She leaned against Kedan and closed her eyes.

“We should go back into dinner. Our queen needs to sit and eat,” said Daracha. “You can discuss this there and after.”

Kedan looked down at Griffa. She opened her eyes and nodded at Kedan as Addi came over and stood in front of Griffa.

“Are you alright, Griffa? I can’t believe that awful man is here. I almost cursed him, myself. My mother would have killed him at first sight.”

Griffa stood away from Kedan and took Addi’s hands. “I am well, and I want to hear what he has to say. We should leave him unharmed. Talon will want to speak with him. We will let Talon and the rest of your council decide his fate.”

“Talon won’t let him leave a room alive,” said Addi. “Not after what he caused in the Valley, and especially the pain he caused you. I only hope I am in the room with Talon when it happens.”

Kedan smiled at Addi. He had never seen her so fierce. It put a rather becoming blush on her cheeks and made her eyes bright.

“Let’s go eat.” Griffa gave Addi a very small smile. “If you wish, Addi, I will make sure you are in the room when Talon decides Devland’s fate. I might want to join you as well.”

They ate dinner as Devland described more of what was happening in the city, and Kedan could tell Griffa was disturbed. He took her hand several times to comfort and steady her. After dinner they all sat in the parlor as the magical folk from the first ring each spoke with Griffa briefly, pledging their support. At the end of the night, it was only Devland left with their group, Daracha, and Penelope.

“Where do we go from here, Devland?” asked Griffa, looking very tired.

“I would like to go back to the city and see what else I can find out for you. I could send you regular messages. When the time comes, I would like to fight for you,” replied Devland.

“You shouldn’t let him go, my queen,” said Addi fiercely. “He should be made to answer for his crimes against the Valley, Max, and you.”

“Let the queen decide, Adelaide”, said Devland looking at Addi. “You do not have authority over me.”

“Actually, she does.” Griffa took a sip from her wine glass. “She is on the council of the Valley. She is also one of my most trusted friends.”

“Will you keep me here, then? Will you take me back to Abscon or the Valley?” asked Devland.

Griffa looked at Max who was sitting in a chair next to her. She held out her hand, and he took it. “What do you think, Max? What would you do with him?”

Kedan watched as Max looked at Griffa while holding her hand. “If I could, I would make him stay here until Talon decided what to do with him. I would make him answer for his crimes, but it is not wise. He should go back to the city and keep watch for us. He says he can help you, Griffa. He says he will fight for you so let him prove himself.”

Griffa let go of Max’s hand and sighed. “Very well. You will go back to the city, and you will send me regular messages. If you live through the war, I will let Talon and the council of the Valley decide what to do with you.”

Devland got up and walked over to stand in front of Griffa. Kedan who was standing behind Griffa made a motion to grab Devland, but Devland got down on one knee and took Griffa’s hand.

“Thank you for your mercy, my queen. I will serve you well,” said Devland with his head bowed.

“I don’t know how much mercy I have given you. You have some time, but you will have to face your crimes at some point.” Griffa took her hand away from Devland as he nodded and stood up. “I am tired, and I am going to bed.” She stood up and turned to Daracha. “I thank you for your hospitality and dinner. I hope you do not mind if we stay one more night tomorrow to rest.”

“Of course not, my queen,” said Daracha. “My home is yours, take all the time you need.”

“Thank you.” Griffa turned and walked quickly from the room.

The next morning, Griffa rose later than usual. Kedan made sure to save her a plate of food for breakfast, and he sat with her in the parlor as she ate it. She seemed a little tired, but her mood wasn’t too low. He could tell she was fretting about the kingdom, so he offered to go for a walk with her. They walked through the first ring, not talking much, but her spirits seem to lift by the time they walked back to the manor for lunch. After lunch they sat in the parlor with Max, Addi, and Daracha, and Kedan noticed that Max seemed quiet and withdrawn. They were all speaking together when Penelope came into the room with a message for Griffa.

“I wonder if it’s from Ansel or Talon,” said Griffa taking the message.

Kedan watched as Griffa opened and read her message. She turned pale and seemed agitated as she read. She eventually stood up and started pacing. Kedan could see she was breathing rapidly.

“What is wrong, Griffa?” asked Max standing up and walking to join her. She handed him the letter, and Max read through it. He looked up at Griffa. “You can’t go alone, Griffa. You can’t let them take you.”

“What can I do, Max?” asked Griffa. “I can’t just let them die. I have to help them.”

Kedan jumped up and walked to his queen. “What is it?”

“Talon and Ansel have been taken by some magic users who are on the side of Aurumist,” said Griffa. “They are being held in a small village on the edge of the Grasslands. I am told to come alone tomorrow morning to the village, or they will kill both Talon and Ansel. If I come and turn myself in, they will let them both go.”

“You can’t turn yourself in, Griffa.” Kedan took the message from Max. “We will find a way to all go and help Talon and Ansel.”

“They will know if any magic users are with me. They said if they sense any other magic users with me, they will immediately kill both of my mages. You can read it for yourself in that message. I can’t lose them.”

“You do have to help them,” said Daracha. “But you definitely don’t have to go alone. The people here in this village will help you. We have ways of hiding our magical presence. We are known for our pendants and talismans, and I can provide ways to hide all of us, ways we could never be detected. Let us spend the rest of the day coming up with a way to save your two mages.”

Griffa nodded. “I will listen, Daracha, but I will do nothing to endanger the lives of Talon and Ansel. If I have to give myself up to save them, I will.”

“It won’t come to that,” reassured Daracha. “We will save both of your mages without doing anything to bring you to harm.”

Kedan hoped Daracha was right. Whatever may happen with Talon and Ansel, he knew his only job was to make sure Griffa was safe.

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