Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter 6

Griffa sighed as she slipped into the water of her bathtub in her Keene Manor bedroom. It had been a very long three weeks. They had been to many villages in the Grasslands, and Griffa felt they had done good work. They had covered the Grasslands with the cure for the illness. She knew they would have to send more, but she felt what they had done had been a good start to stop the sickness in the land.

They had visited many leaders of small, hidden magical villages. It had not always been easy to get them to listen to her. She was very pleased to have Arialla behind their cause. It had helped with the other magical communities around the Grasslands. Bettina had already sent Griffa a message stating that she was visiting with leaders of magical villages in the Grasslands and the River Valley. Bettina felt she could persuade many leaders to join the fight for the kingdom.

Griffa was pleased with their trip, but it had not been without irritations. Many of the villages they stayed in were not big enough for comfortable inns. They had spent many nights on hard beds or cots. After hearing of the misinformation being spread about Griffa, the group had elected to spend most nights in the fields on the ground away from villages. Griffa was looking very forward to sleeping in her large, soft bed.

She plunged her head under the water to wash her hair. She came back up and shook her hair out of her face. There was another irritation on the trip. It was a problem she knew she would have to handle soon. For some reason, Ansel and Talon had spent almost the whole trip arguing with one another. Not only did it stress Griffa to no end, but it had also affected the duties of her protector.

Griffa leaned back in the tub and closed her eyes. She would have to find a way to fix the problem. Ansel and Talon were both very important to her. She knew she would need both of them to take the kingdom, but if they could not find a way to get along, it might be impossible to have both of them by her side. The thought made her feel sad and anxious, but she didn’t know how much more of their bickering she could take. She felt like she had enough worries without those two constantly arguing.

Griffa opened her eyes as she heard someone come into the bedroom. She watched as Ansel walked over close to the tub. It looked like he had cleaned up in his old room and changed. He looked down on her with a slight smile on his face.

“I suppose I have bathed long enough,” said Griffa looking up at Ansel. “I will be out in a moment.”

“You don’t need to rush,” he said staring at her. “We have no set plans.”

“No, but there are some things I need to do this afternoon,” sighed Griffa.

She put her hands on the side of the tub and pushed herself up. Ansel grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her as she stepped out. He started drying her off as Griffa watched him. She loved him so much. He could be so thoughtful and wonderful. She knew he didn’t mean to add to her stresses, and she knew he constantly worried about her. She didn’t want him to ever leave her side. She didn’t want to hurt him, but she knew there were some things he needed to hear.

He finished toweling her off and stepped back as Griffa walked past him into the bedroom. She pushed a charm through her hair, drying it, and walked towards her closet. She would need to get dressed to talk to Ansel and then Talon. Before she reached the closet, Ansel grabbed her hand and pulled her to him. He kissed her and held her close.

“I need to get dressed,” said Griffa looking up at Ansel. “There are some things we need to discuss.”

“We can talk right now,” he said looking down at her. He kissed her gently on the lips.

Griffa smiled and started to speak before Ansel bent down and started kissing her neck.

“Ansel, I am serious,” said Griffa softly. “There are some things we must talk about.”

He looked at her, rubbing his hands down her sides. “I know what you want to talk about, but I’m not in the mood to speak of it at the moment. I have missed you,” he said quietly before kissing her again.

They had seen each other every day for the past three weeks, but she knew what he meant. They had barely had any time alone. A few nights on the trip, they were able to sleep in the same bed, but for the most part they were either parted at night or sleeping in a group with everyone else. It felt good to be held and kissed by him.

“I have missed you as well,” said Griffa. She reached up and touched his face before pulling him down and kissing him. She dropped her towel as Ansel moved her towards the bed. She supposed she could wait a little while to talk with him.

Later she lay in bed in Ansel’s arms. She made a contented noise as Ansel kissed her shoulder. She tried hard to cherish their times together. After almost losing him, she had a new appreciation for Ansel’s love and care. She had made the choice to be with him, to let him give up the duty his bloodline had held for fifteen hundred years. She had worried he would regret his choice. She had worried she would regret letting him do it, but she found she had no regrets. It was worth it to be with him.

She knew he had some problems giving up the duties of the protector of the kingdom, and she understood. He had been raised knowing he would be the protector. He had trained his whole life. It had been his purpose. She could tell he was trying to step back, and let Kedan take over all duties. She knew Kedan needed help and training from Ansel, but she wondered if he would ever be satisfied giving it up entirely. She wondered if he would find purpose being her husband and king consort.

“What are you thinking of, Griffa?” asked Ansel before kissing her shoulder again. “You don’t seem very relaxed at the moment.”

Griffa looked over her shoulder at him. “I was thinking of you.”

Ansel put his head on her shoulder and looked at her. “What about me particularly?”

“I am hoping you will be happy in the future. I am hoping you will be fulfilled in your role in the kingdom.”

“Do you mean as your husband and consort?” he asked.

“Yes,” said Griffa.

He pulled her so she would roll over and look at him.

“There is nothing I want more than to be your husband, Griffa. The only way I can truly be happy is to be by your side. You know this.”

“I just want you to feel you have purpose. I know you gave up your right to be protector willingly, but you must admit it is a huge change in your life. Everything you have worked for and lived for is now gone. I see how you enjoy training the protector’s guards. I see how you shadow Kedan’s every move. I can’t imagine how hard it is to watch him take over this right from you and your family line. It’s hard for me to think I am worth all of this anguish for you.”

Ansel looked at her and chuckled. Griffa frowned and huffed as Ansel kissed her forehead.

“You think this is funny?” asked Griffa annoyed.

“You are being ridiculous, so yes,” said Ansel smiling at her. “Griffa, I find that I don’t care much about giving up the protector’s line. I gave it up willingly. What I have gained is worth so much more to me. If find that being the protector is not something, I even remotely want any more. The only reason I continue to work with the guards and watch Kedan is you. The only hard part of this was giving up the right to be your protector.

“I liked being the one who could shield you and comfort you. Giving up the right to be in charge of your protection is very hard. Even though I trust Kedan, it is near impossible for me to depend on anyone else to keep you safe. It is not about losing the line of protectors from my family line, it’s the right to be the one who protects you that I am missing. The only purpose I want in this life is to be by your side as your king consort while you rule Regventus.”

Griffa kissed him. “I want you by my side as well, Ansel. There is no one else I want as my king.”

“I just wish I was better suited for the position,” mumbled Ansel.

“What do you mean? You are everything I want in my consort. You are brave, careful, wise, and kind. You also love me. What else could I want?”

Ansel rolled over on to his back and then sat up. “I don’t know how much I will be able to help you in actually leading the kingdom. I am not as skilled as some in talking to others. I am afraid you could not send me out to meet with someone like Bettina Devins and hope for success. I do not have experience leading a village or a council.”

Griffa rolled over on her side and looked at Ansel. “You mean someone like Talon. Is this why you have been bickering with him these past three weeks?”

“That’s not the only reason. He is also infuriating, but you must see how much better he is suited to rule by your side.”

Griffa covered Ansel’s hand with her own. “Ansel, I have chosen you. You are who I need by my side. You keep me steady and grounded, and you are my voice of reason. You may not be as outspoken as some, but when you do speak you are usually wise and careful.

“I won’t say that Talon isn’t handy to have around. He is very good at meeting with leaders. He is charming, sharp, and well-spoken. Which is why I have made him the second chair on my Ring. I trust him and care for him greatly. I need him to take the kingdom, but I do not need him in the way I need you.”

Griffa sat up, wrapping the blanket around her. She laid her head on Ansel’s shoulder and took his hand.

“I believe I need both of you to take the kingdom, but I cannot have you two constantly fighting. I cannot take another three weeks like the one we just had. I would like it if you both can work something out, but if you cannot not, I will send Talon away. I will ask him to go back to the Valley for a while, because if I cannot have you both with me, I will choose you to be by my side.”

Ansel laid his head against Griffa’s and squeezed her hand. “You do not need to send him away. You will need him on our travels. I will find a way to stop fighting with him. I do not want to add to your stress.”

“Thank you,” said Griffa. “If you are serious about getting along with him, I will need you to trust me in some decisions I will make soon.”

Ansel sat up and looked down at her. “What decisions?”

“I’m not sure yet,” said Griffa smiling. “But I have some ideas for both you and Talon.”

Griffa soon rose from the bed and dressed. She went downstairs to the parlor to find Talon sitting with Max. She smiled at both men as she entered.

“Talon, would you join me in my study for a moment?” asked Griffa as she walked by him, towards the study.

“Of course, I will do as my queen commands,” said Talon with a smile as he stood up.

He followed Griffa into the study, closing the door behind him. Griffa sat behind the large desk, and Talon sank down into one of the chairs in front of her. She put her arms on the desk and leaned forward.

“I can guess what this is about,” said Talon sitting back.

“I should hope so. Talon, I cannot have you and Ansel bickering constantly. We have so much work to do. I cannot deal with the both of you fighting like children.”

“I am sorry Griffa.” Talon gave her a small, half smile. “I have nothing against Ansel, but sometimes he is so ridiculous, I can’t help myself.”

“You were both being ridiculous. I need you to find a way to make peace with Ansel. Your constant fighting on our trip caused me endless stress. It also affected the work of my protector, and I can’t have it. If we are going to save this kingdom, we must all be on the same side.”

“I am on your side,” said Talon.

“Then you will find a way to work with Ansel,” responded Griffa. She put her hands in front of her and leaned further over. “Talon, I want you by my side. Not only are you very good at negotiating with leaders and giving me advice, but I also care deeply for you. I depend on you for strength. If I am going to take the throne, I can’t imagine doing it without you.”

Talon leaned forward and put his hand on Griffa’s. “I will be with you every step of the way. I won’t leave you, Griffa. I will do whatever you need.”

“Then you will put away this pettiness with Ansel. I cannot have it. I am under so much stress and pressure, Talon. I cannot take the two of you fighting. If you two cannot find a way to coexist peacefully, I will have to send one of you away,” said Griffa looking at Talon. She leaned back and took a breath. “You know if I have to make a choice who I will choose.”

Talon’s head dropped, and he nodded. “I do know who you will choose. I have always known it, but I cannot leave your side. Please, don’t ask it of me. I will try not to irritate Ansel anymore. I will find a way to have peace between us.”

“Good,” said Griffa standing up. Talon stood as well, and Griffa walked over to him, taking his hand.

Talon raised her hand to his lips. “I would do anything my queen asked of me.”

“I am glad because I will soon have a task or two for you. I will need you to do whatever I ask without question. Can you do that for me?”

Talon tilted his head. “What is it you ask?”

“I have not worked it all out yet, but I need you to agree to do as I command.”

“I will,” said Talon with a smile. “I only want to serve you.”

Griffa smiled as there was a knock at the study door. Talon walked over and opened it to find Ansel standing with a message.

“This just came for you, Griffa. I thought you might want to see what it is,” said Ansel walking in and handing the letter to Griffa.

Griffa nodded and took the letter. She walked over to sit behind the desk, and Talon and Ansel both sat in the chairs in front. Griffa opened the letter and read over it. She read it twice quickly, a plan forming in her head.

“Who is it from?” asked Talon.

“It is from Daracha,” replied Griffa “She wishes me to come see her at the end of the week. She has information she believes I need, and some people she wants me to meet. She would also like some more vials of the cure.”

“I guess we will go there instead of the River Valley,” said Ansel. “You will have to reschedule with a few of the leaders we were to meet with.”

“No,” said Griffa looking up from the letter. “I will not need to reschedule, because I have my second chair and my future king to take care of things for me. You will both travel together to the River Valley and meet with the leaders for me. You will deliver the cure to several villages while I visit with Daracha. Kedan, Max, and Addi will come with me. When I am done with Daracha, we will all meet up together in the River Valley to finish out our journey.”

Talon and Ansel looked at each other. “Are you sure this is wise?” asked Ansel. “I don’t know if we should split up. I would hate to be away from you.”

“Yes, Griffa,” said Talon. “I am sure the magical leaders and villages can wait a few days while we all travel together.”

Griffa put her letter down and stared at Ansel and Talon. “No, the sick in the River Valley need the cure as soon as possible. You both will need to get used to meeting with leaders without me. I cannot be everywhere at once, and I will depend on both of you to represent me much in the future. You both said you would serve me in any way I saw fit. You said you would follow my commands. This is a command. You will both travel together to the River Valley and do as I ask.”

“Very well, my queen,” agreed Ansel nodding. “I am happy to serve in any way you ask.”

“I will go,” said Talon. “If this will help ease your burdens, I will do it.”

Griffa smiled. “Perfect.” She stood up and walked towards the door. She turned to look at Ansel and Talon who had stood up as well. “Dinner should be soon, and I am very hungry.” She walked to the door and opened it. Before she left the room, she turned to look at them both. “You should use this opportunity I have given you to work out any problems you have with one another. When we are back together, I expect to see a change in both of your attitudes for the better. If I do not, changes will have to be made that I doubt either of you will enjoy.”

Griffa turned and walked from the room, leaving Ansel and Talon staring at each other.

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