Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter 24

Griffa stood by a tree with Kedan by her side. People would be arriving any minute, and Griffa was anxious to see how many would actually come. They had received confirmation from several magical leaders that they would come with their people, but Griffa wondered how many would actually follow through. Kedan grabbed Griffa’s hand and gave it a squeeze. She felt his magic flow to her, helping to settle her. She turned and smiled at him.

They had spent all morning putting up large protections wards and shielding charms all over the area to hide the coming magical folk from detection. Griffa hoped it would be enough. She didn’t want any of her people to be attacked until they were in Aurumist.

“It will be well, my queen,” said Kedan. “Your people will come and fight for you.”

“I hope you are right, but we will know soon enough.”

As if on cue there was a disturbance in the air. Griffa watched as a large group of people appeared in front of her. Leading the group was Bettina and Oliver Devins. Oliver smiled when he saw Griffa and Bettina nodded.

“My queen, we have come as we said we would. We are honored to fight alongside you,” said Bettina.

“I am happy to see you again, my queen,” said Oliver. “I look forward to helping you take your throne.”

“I am very glad you have come. Please have your people set up in the area so they can rest and prepare before tomorrow.”

Bettina nodded and led her people away. Griffa watched as group after group appeared. Some leaders spoke to her. Others nodded before finding a space to set up. A surprise to Griffa came as more than a few groups traveled with non-gifted people. Many of the villages Griffa had visited to tend to the sick had found a way to join with small area magical villages and come to fight for the queen. Griffa was honored and humbled.

Daracha and her village came with many of her non-gifted People. She and Penelope stood at the head of their group. Daracha walked up to Griffa took her hand and curtsied low.

“I have waited a long time to see the proper ruler of Regventus come. I believe you are worth the wait, my queen. The Forest of the Lowlands has come to help you take what is yours.”

“I am honored to have you and your people, Daracha. I hope I do prove to be a queen worth waiting for.”

Daracha patted Griffa’s hand and let it go. She led her people to a space to settle in and prepare. The Valley came in large numbers. Clara and Cillian stood in front of their group. Clara walked to Griffa and took her hand as Cillian smiled at her.

“The Valley is honored to be here with you, my queen. We have come to reclaim this kingdom for the rightful ruler. We long for the blood of Adalwen to reign again.”

“I thank the Valley for its devotion, and hope you all know you have my love and respect as well.”

“Of course, my queen,” said Cillian. “Nora sends her love as well. She hopes to attend your coronation and wedding very soon.”

Griffa smiled as the Valley walked away to find spaces to claim. She looked all around her to see thousands of people gathering in the woods. Some brought magical tents, others set up shelters using the forest materials around them. Griffa looked at Kedan and smiled.

“I told you they would come, my queen.” Kedan reached out and squeezed her hand.

Griffa turned as she felt a large disturbance in the air. She watched as the group from Abscon appeared before her. It looked as if almost the whole village had come. She smiled as Ansel, Talon, Max, and Addi appeared at the front of the group. Ansel walked up to her and took her hand.

“The people of Abscon have come to fight for their queen and their kingdom. We will see you on the throne, my queen. We will save this kingdom,” said Ansel. He brought Griffa’s hand to his lips and kissed it tenderly.

“Technically, Addi and I are from the Valley,” said Talon, “but it looks like they have already made it. I’m sure Clara said something proper for the occasion. I can only submit myself to you, and tell you I am ready to fight for you, my queen.”

“I am very glad to see you, Talon,” laughed Griffa.

She held out her hand to Talon. He grabbed it and pulled her in and held her.

“This isn’t very proper,” said Griffa as she smiled up at Talon.

“I find that I don’t really care, my dear,” said Talon before kissing her cheek and letting her go.

Addi came and quickly hugged Griffa before handing her the case with Griffa’s change of clothes. Griffa thanked her and saw that Talon handed Kedan a case as well. Max came up and took Griffa’s hand, and she felt their magic swirl together. She felt his love, devotion, and a strong sense of hope. She looked at him questionably.

“I have seen something, Griffa,” said Max quietly. “I believe you can do this and live to rule Regventus.”

Griffa smiled. “I hope you are right, Max. You usually are, so you have given me fresh hope.”

Max let go of her hand and stood back as Malchom and Hector Delis came forward.

“Your village is here, my queen,” declared Malchom. “We will not leave until you are safe on the throne.”

“Gryphon, I have made many mistakes in my life, but I know I will never regret coming to fight for you,” said Hector. “I will do anything I can to see you take your proper place as I always should have.”

“I thank you both. You are all very welcomed and appreciated. Please help everyone find a place to set up.”

Malchom and Hector both bowed before directing the people to a large space to set up their tents and shelters. As the people walked away, Griffa was surprised to see Madam Sidora come up and take her hand.

“Madam Sidora,” said Griffa with surprise. “I didn’t expect to see you here. I thought you would wait in Abscon until this battle was over.”

Sidora shook her head. “The only purpose I have left on this earth is to see you on the throne of Aurumist. I will be here when you save our kingdom. I will do my part for you, my queen.”

Griffa squeezed Sidora’s hand. “You are much appreciated. I hope I do not disappoint you.”

“You never have, Gryphon.” She smiled and let go of Griffa’s hand, following the rest of the village to a find a place to settle in.

Griffa turned to Ansel who was smiling at her. “Not too bad of a turn out I’d say,” said Griffa with a smile. “I believe you and Talon did a good job, contacting everyone.”

“Everyone was ready to fight for you, Griffa. I hope you don’t have any doubts of your ability to lead this kingdom after today,” said Ansel.

“I actually feel quite powerful right now,” said Griffa with a small laugh. “I hope it doesn’t go to my head.”

Ansel grabbed her hand and brought her in close. “I have missed you, Griffa.” He leaned down towards her.

“We are out in the open, Ansel. Are you really going to kiss me in front of all the people of the kingdom?”

“I am to be your king, and they will have to get used to it,” said Ansel. He leaned down and kissed Griffa soundly. She felt a little dizzy when he finally let her go.

“If that is how it’s going to be, I find that I look very forward to you being my king,” said Griffa with a small smile.

Griffa and Kedan walked with Ansel and Talon as Max and Addi found a place to set up before the battle. Griffa, Kedan, Ansel, and Talon walked amongst the people greeting many as they passed. They checked in when some principal leaders to make sure everyone knew their part to play tomorrow. Different groups would stay in different rings of the city. Larger groups would make their way to the first ring and the palace. After all was settled, Griffa with Kedan at her side led Talon and Ansel off to spot by themselves.

“I have to tell you something that may change our plans,” said Griffa looking at Ansel and Talon.

“What is that?” asked Talon.

“I need to get to the temple tomorrow. There is something I need to do there if I am going to save the kingdom.”.

“What do you mean?” asked Ansel. “How do you know this?”

“I have seen it in visions I know are correct. I believe the gods are calling me to restore the temple, and I feel I must do it to save the kingdom. I was hoping you two would help Kedan and me make it there tomorrow.”

Talon raised his hand to his head and messaged it a bit. “What will you do once you reach the temple?”

“I’m not sure, but I believe I will know once I am there. I know this sounds crazy and nothing like my usual self, but I need you both to trust me. I must get to the temple. If you will not go with me, I will go alone.”

“You will go nowhere alone, my queen,” said Kedan. “I will get you to the temple by myself if I have to.”

Talon sighed and looked at Ansel. “We trust you, Griffa. If you say you need to go to the temple, we will get you there safely.”

Griffa smiled. “Thank you. Now, let’s go find some lunch. I am starving.”

They ate lunch with Max and Addi. Griffa spent the rest of the day talking with people she knew from the Valley and Abscon. Kedan shadowed her the whole time. She watched as Ansel and Talon mingled amongst the crowd, but kept close to Griffa. She would often look up to see one or both of them looking at her.

Soon it was getting dark. Fires started springing up all over the area, and Griffa found a group to eat dinner with. She had a decent meal of meat, bread, cheese, and some dried fruit. As she walked amongst the people, some offered her wine or mead, but she politely refused. As the night wore on, she lost track of Ansel and Talon. She looked amongst the crowd, but it was hard to see in the dark.

She knew it was getting late. She took Kedan and led him by the hand to a shelter that had been set up for him on the outside of the main group. She took him into the shelter and lit a fire for him. She sat next to him for a few minutes.

“Are you ready for tomorrow, Kedan?” asked Griffa.

“I believe so,” said Kedan. “Tomorrow will come, so I will have to be ready. I will keep you safe, Griffa.”

“You will enable me to do what I need to do, Kedan. Remember my command.”

“I will, my queen, even if I don’t want to follow it.”

“You need to sleep, protector. Come lie down,” said Griffa quietly.

Kedan laid down next to her as Griffa looked down at him. She placed her hand on his forehead and smoothed back the blonde curls that hung there. She smiled slightly and left her hand on his forehead.

“You will sleep well, protector. I will need you tomorrow.”

“Yes, my queen,” said Kedan as his eyes started to close.

Griffa smiled and lightly rubbed his forehead as Kedan’s eyes opened slightly.

“Griffa, I mean it when I say I will keep you safe. I think I know how to help you save the kingdom and help you survive. I won’t lose you tomorrow.”

“I believe you, Kedan. Now, sleep. I will keep you safe as well. I will save you for your son. You will see him soon.”

Griffa bent down and kissed Kedan’s forehead. She watched as his breathing became even. She quietly left his shelter, wondering where to find the others she wished to see. She walked towards where the people from Abscon had set up when she saw a small fire burning amongst a few trees to the side. She found Max sitting by himself in front of the fire. Griffa sat down next to Max and took his hand. He looked up and smiled at her.

“I know you are hopeful that I will survive, Max. I am hopeful as well, but we must prepare in case I don’t make it. If I do not survive the battle, you will have to take your place as king.”

“It won’t come to that, Griffa. You will sit on the throne, and I will make sure of it,” said Max.

“Please, Max, at least consider that I may not make it. You will have to be king. You will have to rule this kingdom for me, and make it as it should be. I know you can do it.”

Max shook his head. “I was never meant to be the king, Griffa. You know this.”

“What have I told you about prophecy and fate? We choose our fate. If I die, you will be a good king, because you choose to be. You will work hard and listen to your people. I will make sure you have those around you who will help you. I can face anything tomorrow if I know I am leaving the kingdom in good hands. Promise me you will take your place as king if I don’t make it.”

Max squeezed Griffa’s hand tight. Their magic mingled together. She could see King Nathin in Max’s mind. She could see him talking to Max.

“He visited you as well, did he?” asked Griffa.

Max nodded. “He asked me to save you. I’m not sure he was supposed to come to me, but he did.”

“What did he tell you, Max?”

“Griffa, no matter where you go, I will come find you. I will show you the way back. Whatever happens, don’t give up hope.”

Griffa looked at Max curiously. “Will you still promise me if the worst comes, you will take your place?”

“Yes, Griffa, if you wish it, I will promise you. I will be king if you don’t make it, but it is a promise I will not have to keep.”

She pulled Max in and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her. “I do love you, Max. I am sorry for all that has happened to you, but I am so glad you came into my life. You are so dear to me.”

“I love you too, Griffa. I miss Issa. I wish she was here with us, but I do not regret coming to Abscon. I could not imagine my life without you.”

“No matter what happens, we will win tomorrow. We will fix this kingdom. We will do it for Issa. She was so brave and so good. We will find a way to make a kingdom worthy of someone like her,” said Griffa as she held Max.

Max pulled back and kissed Griffa’s cheek. “I will help you make a kingdom worthy of her and you. You are so good, Griffa.”

Griffa sat back and wiped her eyes. “Get some sleep tonight, Max. It will be a long day tomorrow.”

Max nodded as Griffa stood. She looked at him one more time before walking away from his fire. She ran into Addi who quickly took Griffa’s hands. She pulled her to the side away from others.

“Griffa, I have been looking for you,” said Addi. “I know you are busy, but I had to tell you how much I love you. I know I haven’t really known you long, but you have always been so kind to me. When the battle is over and you are crowned, I want to find a way to serve you. I will stay on the council of the Valley, but I want to spend most of my time in Aurumist close to you. I hope you will let me.”

Griffa hugged Addi. “If you wish it, I would love you to stay close to me. I love you as well, Addi. You are the kindest person I have ever met. We will figure out a way together for you to serve.”

Addi nodded. “We will win tomorrow. I know we will, and you will be crowned our true queen. I believe it, Griffa.”

“Then let it be as you have said,” said Griffa. “Will you do me a favor now? Max is all alone by that fire over there. Will you go to him and keep him company? Make sure he sleeps at some point.”

“Yes, my queen,” said Addi.

“Have you seen, Talon, Addi?” asked Griffa.

“Not recently,” answered Addi as Griffa gave her half smile.

Addi walked towards Max as Griffa looked around the people all around. She looked everywhere, hoping to catch a glimpse of Talon. She needed to find him. She did not want to face what tomorrow would bring without him understanding what he meant to her.

She looked well into the night, growing agitated that she could not find him. Finally, she had to admit to defeat. It seemed he did not want to be found, so she would have to let it go. Perhaps she would have time tomorrow before the battle, or she could hope for good things and be able to tell him all after they had won.

Now she had one more thing she wanted to do if this might be her last night in the kingdom.

Griffa took a deep breath and walked to the simple shelter she had set up earlier. She hoped she would find him there. She needed to see him. She needed to be with him. He had to know what he meant to her. After not being able to see Talon, she could not find any rest unless she was able to see Ansel. She walked into the shelter and let out a breath of relief. Ansel was sitting by a fire looking up at her.

Griffa smiled down at him. She saw small pitcher of wine and a couple of cups in their shelter to the side. She bent down and poured herself a cup

“Would you like one?” asked Griffa looking at Ansel.

He shook his head. Griffa quickly drank her cup and walked over to sit next to Ansel. She turned to look at him, and he grabbed her and kissed her. Griffa put her arms around him, scooting as close as she could to him.

“I looked for you,” said Ansel as he leaned back slightly from her. “I couldn’t find you, but I thought you would come here eventually.”

He kissed her again. Ansel held her face in his hands as they broke apart.

“I had others I needed to talk to tonight. I was hoping you would be here waiting for me,” said Griffa. She moved her hands to his wrist. “I have things I want to say to you.”

Ansel shook his head and kissed her again. “I know what you want to say, you don’t need to. I already know it all,” he said as he leaned back from her.

He pulled her into his lap, kissing her over and over. Griffa sighed against his lips as he held her close. She could feel tears coming to her eyes as she pulled back from him.

“You may know it, but you will still hear it. I need to say it. I love you, Ansel. I have always loved you. Not as I love you now, but I have always loved you in some way. Even when we were apart or when I was frustrated by you, I wanted you. You have done so much for me. I don’t deserve the way you have loved me, but I will never regret it, no matter what happens.”

Ansel kissed her quickly. “You are wrong, Griffa. It is I who doesn’t deserve you. You are too good for me, you are, but it doesn’t matter. I love you. I don’t intend to ever let you go. I will not lose you tomorrow.”

Griffa rested against Ansel, her head under his chin. “I don’t want to die, Ansel,” Griffa said quietly. “I want to stay here with you. I want to stay here with Max, Talon, and Kedan and all that I love. I don’t want to leave any of you.”

“Then don’t,” said Ansel fiercely “No matter what happens tomorrow, find a way to save yourself.”

“You know I can’t do it. I have to fight for my people. Any of us could die tomorrow. I could lose you or someone else I love.” Griffa took a breath and snuggled closer into Ansel. “You know if I have to die to make sure the kingdom lives on, I will have to do it. I don’t want to do it, but I know I will.”

“It won’t come to that. It can’t,” said Ansel. “I will do all I can to keep you safe tomorrow. We all will. None of us want to lose you, Griffa. I don’t think any of us can bear it.”

“You might have to,” said Griffa. She leaned away slightly from Ansel and looked at him. “If I don’t make it, I need you to promise me you will help Max. I need you to stay here in the kingdom and help Max be king. He will have Talon, Kedan, and even Addi, but he needs you. He trusts you. You brought him to us. You helped show him his way in this kingdom. You will have to help him rule it.”

“I will help him set up his Ring. I will make sure he is safe and secure, but I can’t stay in Regventus without you.”

“Yes, you can,” said Griffa. “You will stay here for Max. You will stay here for Kedan and Talon because you all need each other. You will stay here for me. If I can’t be here to make this kingdom right, then you and the others will have to do it for me. You will promise me this, Ansel.”

Ansel smiled slightly. “I’m not your protector anymore, you can’t order me to do something.”

“No, but you will do as I ask because you love me and you know it is right,” said Griffa.

“I don’t know if I am strong enough. I am not sure I am strong enough to stay here and do what is necessary without you. I don’t even know if I can go on without your love.”

“You will never lose my love no matter where I go. Our love can’t be separated by anything. Haven’t you learned that by now? We weren’t even supposed to love each other, but we do. The kingdom tried to keep us apart, but you made a way for us. Do you really think even death could keep us from loving one another?”

Ansel looked at Griffa and smiled slightly. Tears were on the surface of his eyes. He sighed and nodded. “I will stay here and help heal the kingdom. I plan to do it by your side, but I will stay here no matter what happens.”

Griffa kissed him. “I wish we had married. I should have married you back in Abscon instead of this stupid notion of waiting until we were in Aurumist.”

“We are as good as married,” said Ansel. “I have already committed my life to you. I will never love another, but it is no matter. We will still marry in Aurumist. We will do it as soon as we are able. No matter what happens tomorrow, I will love you forever.”

He paused and looked at her. “You have my promise to stay and fight for our kingdom, and now I need yours, Griffa. If something happens to me, you must go on.”

“I don’t want to think of it, Ansel. It is too much,” said Griffa feeling a tear fall from her eye.

“But you must think of it, just as I had to,” said Ansel. “Promise me if something happens to me tomorrow, you will go on for the kingdom. You will rule Regventus and you will find a way to be happy. I need you to tell me you will, Griffa,” said Ansel as he put his hand on her face and tilted it towards him.

Griffa looked into his eyes, finding them almost pleading with her. She could not refuse him, so she nodded her head and whispered, “Yes, I promise, Ansel.”

He smiled and kissed her gently on her forehead before brushing her lips with his own.

Griffa smiled against his lips. “I am done talking. I want to spend the rest of this night with you, showing you what you mean to me.”

Ansel kissed her and gently laid her down. He hovered over her for a moment looking at her.

“What is it?” asked Griffa looking up at him.

“You are so beautiful,” answered Ansel. “I just want to remember you like this, my sweet, beautiful, Griffa.”

Griffa pulled him down and kissed him. She wanted to remember this night as well. She hoped she would get to for many years to come.

She awoke at the first light of day, detangling herself carefully from Ansel. She dressed in silence, preparing herself for the day as best she could without waking him from his deep sleep. She wanted just a few moments this morning to collect herself. She emerged from her shelter into the cold, still air. Snow was very lightly falling, and only a few people were stirring in the area before her.

She walked past the few who were awake, moving towards an area of trees that she knew held a half frozen stream. She found the stream and sat down beside it against a large tree. Laying her head back against the trunk, she sat in silence and listened to the water flow past against the rocks, concentrating on just being there in the quiet of the forest.

She sensed he was near before he sat down beside her. She didn’t know how she knew it was him, but she had no doubt that when she opened her eyes, she would see his deep brown ones looking back at her.

“I looked for you last night,” said Griffa without opening her eyes. “I was disappointed not to find you.”

“I am sorry,” Talon said quietly as he put his hand over hers as it lay on the ground. “I couldn’t face it. I couldn’t hear you say what I knew you would say.”

She opened her eyes and turned to look at him. His was very close to her, his eyes tear filled and intense as they stared straight into hers. Without another word she fell into his arms as he pulled her against him. She didn’t move for several minutes, laying against him, feeling whole and safe in his arms.

“I wish we could just run away,” he said quietly before he kissed the top of her head. “I wish I could just take you to the East Sealand and find a boat, to sail you far away from Regventus.”

“You know that isn’t possible, for many reasons,” said Griffa as she stayed in his arms. “I can’t leave the kingdom, Talon. I have to try to save it.”

“But I can’t lose you. I can’t, Griffa,” said Talon as he leaned down and rested his forehead against hers.

“You won’t lose me. Even if I pass from this kingdom, I will still be out there. I will still love you wherever I am.”

“But you won’t be here. Do you have any idea how you have saved me, Griffa? I know who I was before I realized I loved you. I don’t want to be that person again.”

“You weren’t horrible then, Talon. You were young. You made mistakes, and you learned from them as you grew up. You are wonderful. I don’t think I know anyone as wonderful as you. Even if I do not make it tomorrow, that will not change.”

Talon kissed Griffa’s forehead and then took her face in his hands. “Promise me you will try everything you can to survive today.”

“Of course, I will. I don’t want to die. I want to rule this kingdom with you as my second. I want to see what we can make of Regventus together. I will do everything I can to remain in this kingdom.”

Talon nodded slightly. He looked down at her as Griffa smiled up at him.

“Will you promise me something, Talon?” asked Griffa. “If I don’t make it, will you help Max? Will you serve as second on his Ring and help him rule?”

“I don’t know if I can, Griffa,” said Talon. “I don’t think I can stay in Regventus if you die.”

“You can and you will,” said Griffa. “This is your home. You belong here, and if I can’t be here to heal the kingdom, I need you to do it for me. I need you to watch over Max. He does not want to be king. You will have to help him. I need this promise from you, Talon.”

Talon let go of her face and sighed. He leaned back from her and shook his head.

“Please, I have to know this kingdom will go on without me. I have to know someone will put it to rights. I know you can do it. You can do it better than anyone. Max will need you. Do this for me, please.”

Talon looked up. He nodded slightly. “I will, Griffa. I don’t plan on having to do it, but if it comes to it, I will help Max rule. I will stay and serve him.”

“And you will not hold Kedan responsible, no matter what happens to me. You will support him as he becomes the protector to the king.”

“Griffa…” started Talon.

“Say it, Talon. Tell me you will support Kedan. Tell me you will not let your anger and pain cause you to do something you will regret.”

Talon sighed and then nodded. “I will do all I can to support Max and Kedan.”

Griffa let go of Talon and stood up. She held out a hand to him, and he took it, getting up to stand close to her, looking down at her.

“Thank you,” said Griffa as she took both of his hands. “I want you to know what you mean to me. I want you to know how much I love you. You have done so much for me. I wouldn’t be here now without you. You are one of the dearest people in this kingdom to me. If I have to die to save this kingdom I will, but you are one of the reasons I will regret it. I don’t want to leave you, Talon. I want to stay here because of you.”

Talon raised her hands to his lips. He kissed both her hands, and Griffa could see tears in his eyes. “Then do everything you can to stay. I will do all I can to help you.”

Griffa smiled. She leaned up and kissed him gently on his lips. “We probably need to get back, as others will be waking up soon.”

Griffa let go of his hands and turned to go, but Talon grabbed one of her hands and brought her back close to him. He ran his fingers through her hair and looked down at her.

“I want to ask for my favor, but I am scared to do it.”

“Why?” asked Griffa. “If you want it, I will gladly give it to you.”

“I don’t want to think this will be the last time I have to kiss you. I would rather keep my kiss knowing you will live, and I will have years to claim it from you.”

“Kiss me now, Talon. I plan to have a long life, and who’s to say you might be able to bargain another kiss out of me at some point.”

Talon smiled down at her as he put his hand on her cheek. She felt her breathing increase as he slowly bent down and kissed her gently on her lips. Griffa raised her hand to Talon’s face as he kissed her. She heard him groan as she pulled him down towards her to deepen their kiss. It might have been wrong, but if she was going to kiss him, she was going to do it properly. He pulled back for a moment and looked at her, breathing heavily.

Griffa closed the small gap between them, and kissed him again. His arms encircled her as he pulled her against him. Griffa savored their kiss, thinking only of how much she loved him and how right it felt. They separated several times, only to find themselves drawn back to each other again and again. They eventually separated one last time as Talon left a string of small kisses down her neck. He held her as she laid her head against his chest. He rested his chin against her head, as she stayed in his arms feeling his chest rise up and down rapidly, trying to calm her own breath.

“I love you, Griffa,” he said softly.

“You know I love you, as well."

She stayed in his arms for a long while, not wanting to let go and face what lie ahead. Eventually Griffa pulled back. “We have to get back, Talon.”

Talon raised her hand and kissed it. “You will live through this, Griffa. I know you will.”

Griffa smiled at him, praying he was right.

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