Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter 10

Griffa did not sleep all night. She tried, but she was too worried and unsettled. Addi tried to stay up with her and talk her through it. Max held her hand for a while, but then excused himself. Kedan had tried to help her, but even with his comfort, she could find no rest. Talon and Ansel were two of the most important people in her life, and she could not lose them. If she lost both of them, it might kill her.

She loved them both. Talon always believed in her, and he pushed her to always be better. He loved her with no expectations. He had helped her during the darkest time of her life. She depended on him for wisdom and strength, and she couldn’t imagine her life without him.

When Griffa thought of Ansel being in danger, she almost couldn’t handle it. After all they had been through, she couldn’t imagine not being able to be with him forever. He had always been a part of her life, and she had loved him in some way for as long as she could remember. She loved him more than she could ever have thought possible. She knew there was nothing she would not do to save him or Talon.

They had planned all day yesterday until dinner on how to rescue them both. Daracha had called in some magical folk from Nemar, and they had all agreed to help. With talismans and charms they could shield their magical presence from anyone. Everyone would go ahead of Griffa and sneak into the small village from different areas. While she spoke to whoever was holding Ansel and Talon, the others would be around, including Kedan. He would have to stay out of sight, but he could still find a way to be close to Griffa.

While Griffa was talking to the leaders, the others would cause a distraction. During the distraction, Addie and Max would release Ansel and Talon, and get them out of the village. Once they were safe, Griffa would be signaled to leave by Daracha herself. Griffa hoped the plan would be successful. She hoped Ansel and Talon hadn’t been severely hurt. She couldn’t imagine how anyone could hold either of them if Ansel and Talon weren’t incapacitated in some way.

Griffa dressed in a simple black dress. She left her hair down and put on her crown. She looked at herself in her mirror, noticing she looked tired and pale. She would need to show strength today. She raised her head and took a breath. She thought of someone hurting either Talon and Ansel, and she saw her eyes turn hard. She held out her hand and her staff flew to her before she turned and walked from the room.

She made it downstairs to find everyone waiting for her. She walked to stand next to Kedan and Max, Kedan holding her cloak. She put it own as she saw that everyone else seemed ready, each wearing a large pendant. They all walked outside the house to find five people waiting for them. Griffa walked until she was in the middle of the whole group.

“You will all travel to the outskirts of the village. Try to stagger your entrances from different areas as we do not want anyone to be detected. Once I find out where they are keeping my mages, Addie and Max will find a way to grab both Ansel and Talon. Once they have them, they will take them to the outskirts of the village and travel to Abscon. Your job is to create as much of a distraction as you can without hurting any non-gifted people.

“Once I know my mages are safe, I will leave the village with my protector and travel to Abscon. I thank you for your help with this. I will not forget it.”

“We are happy to serve you, my queen,” said Daracha. “We will get your two young men out safely. You don’t need to worry. Above all, you must keep safe. Everyone’s priority should be the queen’s safety.”

“Do not worry, Daracha as Kedan will keep me in his sights. I will have no issues as long as my protector is near,” said Griffa. “We need to go.”

Daracha looked around at her people and nodded her head once. They all disappeared as one,

Max walked up to Griffa and took her hand. “Do not be scared, Griffa. Addie and I will get Talon and Ansel both out.”

“I can’t help but be scared, Max. I can’t lose them, you know I can’t.”

“You won’t. I promise you.” He pulled Griffa in and hugged her as Addie walked up.

“He is right, Griffa. We will not fail you. I will do anything to save them for you,” said Addie.

Griffa let go of Max and took Addie’s hands. She brought her close and kissed her cheek. “You both need to stay safe as well. You are very important to me.”

Addie smiled and pulled away, and Griffa turned to Kedan.

“You will need to go with them, protector. Find a way into the village and watch for me.”

“It is very hard to leave you, my queen,” said Kedan.

“I know, but you must do this for me. Go with Addie and Max, and find a place to hide in the village and look for me. When I give you the signal, come to me, and we will leave the village together.”

Kedan nodded. He took her hand and kissed it gently. “I will do as you wish, my queen.”

He walked over and stood between Max and Addie. Griffa watched as Max and Addie put their hands on Kedan’s arm. Max gave Griffa a small smile before they all closed their eyes and disappeared. Griffa stood still and took deep breaths. This would work. It had to work. No part of this could fail. She would not lose either Talon or Ansel today. Griffa waited quietly until enough time had passed. She said a quick prayer for the safety of all those she loved before she closed her eyes and felt herself travel.

She looked up and saw she was in a field. She could see a small village up ahead. She took one more deep breath and walked towards the village, entering the outer ring and looking around. She walked a few more steps and a man and woman walked out between two buildings and stood in front of her.

“Are you the false queen?” the man asked looking at her.

“I am Gryphon Keene, and I am the true queen of Regventus. I have come for my mages,” replied Griffa.

“Are you by yourself?” The woman looked around.

“As you can see. You can also sense I have no magic users with me. I imagine you can both sense every magic user in this small village,” responded Griffa.

The man smiled slightly as the woman spoke. “Are you prepared to give yourself up for them? We will only release them if you will stay with us.”

“I will need to see them first to make sure they are unharmed. I will make a decision then,” said Griffa.

“They have not been harmed.” The man glanced at the woman. “I think they have probably been well entertained while they are here. They are in a place where men often find entertainment and pleasure.”

Griffa raised one eyebrow and stared at the man. “Take me to them, then. I would like to see for myself.”

The man nodded. “You can follow us, but do not try anything, or we will have them killed quickly.”

The man and woman turned as Griffa followed them. She looked around as she walked, spotting someone in a hooded cloak in the shadows. She saw a glimpse of dark gray hair and realized it was Daracha. Griffa almost gasped as she could feel Kedan’s magic surround her, and her own magic react. He must be somewhere close.

The man and woman took her to what look like a small inn. They both looked around and then opened the door. They motioned to Griffa, and she walked in ahead of them. She entered a large dark room that was set up with tables and chairs. She blinked to get used to the dim light, and a pretty young woman met Griffa as she moved into the room.

“Can I help you, miss?” asked the woman with a grin.

“I am looking for two young men, and I was told they are here.”

“We always have quite a few men here,” said the woman smiling widely. “You aren’t the first woman who has come to retrieve her lover or husband.”

Griffa gave a quick chuckle. “I imagine not, but you would know these two men. They tend to stick out wherever they go.”

“Quit playing with the false queen,” said the man behind Griffa. “Bring down her two mages so she can see they are not harmed.”

“Harmed, no, they are not harmed. I am sure they are actually feeling quite well. It will take me a moment to go get them as I may have to interrupt something.”

Griffa narrowed her eyes. “Do what you need to do, and I will wait outside.”

She turned and went to walk out of the room. She looked at the man and woman behind her. “If you want me to trade myself for my mages, I will need to see them in the light outside to make sure they are well.”

The man looked at the woman and she nodded. “Very well,” said the man. He turned to look at the woman who ran the inn. “Bring them out as quick as you can.”

Griffa walked outside and stood in the middle of the village. The man and woman came and stood close to her as Griffa looked around. She could see a few people in dark cloaks moving closer from in between buildings. After a few minutes, the door to the inn opened, and the young woman ran out.

“They aren’t there. I went to the room I had them in, and they were gone,” the woman said loudly.

Griffa turned to Daracha and saw her nod. Griffa turned back to see the man looking at her. He pushed his hand out to send a curse at Griffa, but it did not hit her. Griffa felt a shield that surrounded her. She pushed out her hand, and the man and two women were thrown back.

Some other magic users came out from behind the inn, running towards Griffa. She watched as the people from Nemar ran out into the road. They threw curses and spells. Daracha raised her hand, and a group of magical folk who had run out from the other side of town were thrown into the air and back down.

Daracha ran to Griffa, coming to a stop near her. “Your mages are safe and out of the village. You need to leave, my queen.”

Griffa looked over to see Kedan running towards her. He had almost made it when a spell threw him to his side. She turned sharply to see a group of Aurumist soldiers waking towards her with Philo quick out in front.

“Gryphon,” greeted Philo smiling at her. “You weren’t going to leave without seeing me where you?”

Griffa looked at Philo, and then glanced at Kedan who was slowly getting up off the ground. She saw the soldiers starting to fight with the people from Nemar, and she knew they all needed to get out of there.

“I would love to stay and chat with you, Philo, but I need to go check on a couple of my people I have misplaced.”

“What makes you think you can leave, Gryphon?” asked Philo with his hand up.

Daracha laughed next to Griffa. “You think you can stop our queen with your puny ward, Philo. Her protector is with her. She could crush you and travel whenever she pleased.”

Philo gave a short grunt. “That is true, Daracha, but you and your people can’t. Do you think she will just leave you here? Could she take care of all of us before we killed you and your people?”

Griffa realized he was right. Kedan was getting up, and he would be at Griffa’s side soon. She could leave if she wanted to, but she could not abandon Daracha and the people from Nemar.

“You need to go, my queen,” said Daracha quietly to Griffa. “Do not worry about us.”

“No,” said Griffa. “I will not leave you to fend for yourself.” Kedan was walking towards Griffa, and she looked at him. “Kedan, cover me.”

Griffa threw out her hands and Philo put his hands up. He stood on his feet, but the rest of the soldiers at his back were thrown down. She closed her eyes and knew what she had to do. She imagined every person from Nemar in the small village, and she thought of the first circle of Nemar. She opened her eyes and saw Kedan standing next to her, his magic washing over her. Griffa held out her hand and her staff as a bright light erupted all around. Daracha and her people vanished. Before Philo could react, Griffa grabbed Kedan and whispered, “Abscon,” into his ear before they traveled quickly.

Her feet hit the ground hard, and she fell sideways on top of Kedan. He caught her in his arms as they both fell to the ground. She laid against him for a moment, breathing hard. The magic she had just performed had taken a lot of energy.

“Griffa,” said Kedan urgently. “Are you well?”

Griffa gave a small nod. “Yes, I am fine. I’m just tired.”

She pushed herself up in a seated position as Kedan sat up and put his arms around her. She could feel his magic flow through her, and it relaxed her breathing and gave her some energy. He let her go, and Griffa stood carefully. She looked around to see Max and Addie looking at her. Addie grabbed her and hugged her tightly.

“What happened?” asked Max as Addie let her go.

“Philo showed up with soldiers. He set up a travel ward, and I had to send Daracha and her people back to Nemar before I could travel.”

“You moved people by yourself?” asked Max in bewilderment.

“Well, I had to have Kedan’s magic as well, but yes. I am sure they made it back fine. I managed to do it, but it has robbed me of any energy. I feel like I could sleep for a week.” Griffa picked up her staff and stretched her back.

“Let’s get you home, then,” said Kedan.

Griffa looked up to see Ansel and Talon sitting against one of the trees that formed the gates of Abscon.

“Are they alright?” asked Griffa as she stared at Ansel and Talon.

Addie and Max looked at each other. “They are fine, or they will be,” said Max quickly.

“What do you mean they will be?” asked Griffa.

She walked towards Ansel and Talon, and they both looked at her as she got close to them. Talon stood up and almost fell down as Ansel grabbed Talon’s arm and pulled himself up. Griffa couldn’t tell what was wrong with them.

“Griffa!” said Talon happily. “Look, Ansel, it’s Griffa!”

Talon tried to walk to Griffa, but he stumbled. Griffa walked up to him and grabbed his arms.

“What is wrong with you?” she asked.

“Nothing, now that you are here.” He leaned down and try to kiss her, Griffa holding him back.

“What are you doing?” She looked in his face and saw that his eyes were very unfocused. She shook her head. “You are drunk, aren’t you?”

“I guess I might be,” admitted Talon. “Ansel is as well. I’m not sure what they gave us, but it must have been very strong. I don’t remember drinking very much.”

Ansel had stumbled over to both of them. “We didn’t drink much, Griffa, honestly. At least, I don’t think we did. I can’t remember much of yesterday or last night.”

Griffa huffed. “Well, you were both in an interesting establishment to not remember what happened last night.” She turned to Kedan and Max. “Help me get them home.”

Kedan walked up and grabbed Ansel. He smiled at Kedan. “You look much better in that tunic than me.”

Max grabbed Talon who looked at Ansel “I told you, you shouldn’t have found such a handsome protector for Griffa. Who knows, maybe that is her type. You might lose her to her new protector. Then we will have to find someone else all over again.”

“Both of you walk,” said Griffa angrily.

“Kedan, tell me truthfully, you think Griffa is a beautiful woman, don’t you?” asked Talon as Max helped him stand straight.

Kedan looked at Talon as he held up Ansel. “My queen is beautiful and strong.”

“Yes, yes, I know”, said Talon, “but you do find her desirable, don’t you?”

“I see my queen as a strong and capable leader. She is an impressive woman,” replied Kedan.

“None of that protector jargon. You are still a man, aren’t you? I know you may not see her that way now, but before you were her protector, you can’t tell me you didn’t find Griffa desirable.”

“Talon,” said Griffa harshly. “Stop it right now. You are embarrassing Kedan, me, and yourself.”

“What’s embarrassing about finding a beautiful woman desirable?” asked Ansel. “You can tell the truth, Kedan. I won’t mind.”

Griffa shook her head as she felt her face turn red. She hurried ahead and activated the gates of Abscon. She continued through leaving everyone else behind. She was so tired, and she didn’t want to deal with Ansel or Talon in their current state. She was glad they were safe, but all she wanted to do was sleep. Somehow Ansel and Talon must have gotten away from Max and Kedan because they caught up with her.

“Griffa,” said Ansel. “Don’t be mad at us. We didn’t know what kind of place that was. We just went for lunch. We barely had anything to drink, right, Talon?”

“Yes,” said Talon slurring. “We didn’t know, and we barely drank. Ansel didn’t even know any of the women in there. Not like that place we were at the night before.”

Griffa looked at Ansel. He looked back at her and stumbled slightly. He then turn to Talon angrily. “You said you wouldn’t say anything to Griffa.”

“What did I say?” asked Talon walking sideways for a second. “Did I mention your Margie?”

Griffa shook her head and walked faster. She didn’t even have half the energy to try to understand what they were talking about.

“Griffa,” said Ansel as he grabbed her arm. “Please don’t be angry. I love you. I told everyone I met last night about how wonderful you are.”

Talon grabbed her staff from her other hand. He examined it for a moment before he turned and threw it. She watched as Kedan caught it. Talon grabbed her arm. “It’s true, Griffa. We both talked about how no woman could compare to you. I told them about that time on the stairs in your house in the Valley. You know that thing you did to me.”

“Talon,” said Griffa loudly turning to him. “Stop talking.”

“Yes, Talon, if anyone should be telling people how wonderful Griffa is, it’s me,” said Ansel. He moved closer to Griffa and said in a loud whisper. “I doubt anything you have done with Talon could compare to that one night in your study.”

“Both of you need to stop, now,” muttered Griffa. She threw her arms down, shaking both of their hands loose and moved ahead of them.

Griffa’s head was so cloudy, and her eyes wanted to shut. All she wanted to do was lay down and nap for a while. She walked as fast as she could, wishing she could run to Keene Manor, but she doubted she would make it halfway through the village before she fell down.

“Ansel, this way,” said Max.

Griffa turned to see Ansel had turned and started walking to the right. Max grabbed him and put him back on the right path. He looked at Griffa and jogged slightly. Griffa huffed as he caught up with her.

“Are you angry with me?” he asked as he stumbled and fell into Griffa.

“No, I’m not angry. I’m tried, and I just want to get home.” Griffa pushed him away gently.

“You know, Talon isn’t so bad,” said Ansel. “I don’t think you should send him away.”

“What did you say about me?” Talon hurried and caught up to walk next to Griffa.

“I said you weren’t so bad,” said Ansel loudly. “I don’t want Griffa to make you go away.”

“Good,” said Talon. “I don’t want her to make you go away, either.”

At least they seemed to be getting along, thought Griffa to herself.

“We have a lot in common,” continued Talon. He moved over to stand by Ansel.

He said something quietly to Ansel that Griffa couldn’t make out. Ansel looked at Talon and smiled, shaking his head. Talon again whispered to Ansel, and Griffa definitely heard her name. Ansel looked at Talon with surprise and then stumbled and fell over, catching himself with his hands. Talon stopped to help him, and ended up on the ground with him. She stopped and turned.

Kedan and Max both walked up to Talon and Ansel and worked to get them back on their feel. Seeing they had sufficient help, Griffa turned and kept walking. She just wanted to get home, and she could see the small gate for Keene Manor up ahead. She was almost there.

Talon caught up with her again. He walked to her side and put his arm around her, leaning against her. She almost fell over, but she kept her feet as he leaned in and kissed her cheek.

“You know you are very beautiful, don’t you?” he asked. “Of all the women I saw last night, not one of them came even close to being as lovely as you.”

Griffa looked at him and rolled her eyes. She turned as she felt someone try to grab her hand. Ansel was walking behind her, and he couldn’t quite catch her hand in his. He looked pathetic. Griffa grabbed his hand and pulled him along.

“Griffa, you know I love you, don’t you? I don’t think I’ve told you enough. All I could think of last night was how much I loved you.” Ansel stumbled by her side.

Griffa sighed and looked at him. “I do know, Ansel. You both need to get in bed and sleep.”

“What bed do you mean, Griffa?” asked Talon suggestively.

“Yours,” said Griffa as they came to the door of Keene Manor. Griffa stopped and put her hand on it. She opened it, to see Maybell looking out from the doorway of the kitchen. “Hello, Maybell, we are home early. Don’t worry, everyone is fine. I’ve got to take care of these two.”

Maybell looked at Griffa with confusion, but then just nodded. Griffa turned to see Kedan, Max, and Addi coming in the door behind her.

“Do you want me to take them upstairs?” asked Kedan.

“No,” said Talon, grabbing on to Griffa. “I will stay by my queen’s side.”

Griffa looked at Ansel who laid his head on her shoulder and swayed.

“I can manage it,” huffed Griffa.

She grabbed the hands of both Talon and Ansel and took them up the stairs. It took them a few tries, but eventually they made it to the top. She turned to the right and walked all the way to the end room Talon usually stayed in. She let go of both men for a second, and they each leaned on the wall and watched as she opened the door.

Griffa grabbed Talon’s hand and pulled him through the door. She managed to get him to the bed and made him sit down. She helped him take off his cloak, and he threw it on the floor. She looked up to see Ansel had followed her in. He had somehow lit a fire in the fireplace. He took his hat off and threw it against the wall. It landed by the door. He looked at it for one moment before he clumsily took off his cloak and threw it into a nearby chair before he walked over to the other side of the bed and fell down onto it. Talon looked up at Griffa.

“Lay down, Talon,” said Griffa. “Try to rest. You will feel better after you sleep.”

Talon grabbed her hand and pulled her to sit down with him. She sat next to Talon as he smiled at her, and she gave him a small smile in return. She was relieved he was there with her, if not completely well, at least safe.

“You look tired, Griffa.” Talon looked closely at her. “You need to rest.”

“I will as soon as you lay down. I will go to my bed,” said Griffa.

Talon reached up and undid the clasp on her cloak. He pulled until she took it off. He threw it behind him as Griffa shook her head.

“Griffa,” mumbled Ansel from the other side of the bed. “Come lay here.”

“No, I will let you two sleep here, and I will find my own bed.”

“You should stay here with us,” said Talon looking at her the best he could. He kept blinking.

“That is not a good idea,” said Griffa. She tried to stand when Ansel leaned up and grabbed her hand.

He pulled her down and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her close to him. His arm was tight around her as he laid his head back down. Talon laid down on the other side of her. Griffa sighed and tried to sit up, but Ansel held on to her tightly. She looked over at Talon who was looking at her with half open eyes.

“See, I told you, Ansel,” said Talon sleepily.

“You told him what?” snapped Griffa as she tried again to get up.

Talon only shook his head and smiled sleepily at her. He reached over and tucked some of her hair behind her ear. He stared at her and gave a contented sighed. Griffa thought of calling out for Kedan to come help her, but she didn’t have the energy.

She felt her own eyes grow heavy. It was so warm in the bed, and she was very tired. She knew she should get up, but she wasn’t sure how. Talon leaned forward and kissed her forehead. He put his head close to hers and closed his eyes. Ansel pulled himself closer to her, and She turned her head to look at him. His eyes were closed but he smiled slightly.

Griffa smiled to herself as she felt tension leave her body. She had been so worried about Talon and Ansel, and to have them both with her by her side was all she wanted. After staying up the night before, and the energy she used in the small village, Griffa had never felt so tired. She closed her eyes and drifted off in Ansel’s arms, listening to Talon’s soft snores.

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