Tales of Regventus Book 4: The Ring

Chapter 9

Kedan walked by Ansel as they made their way out of Abscon to the gates. He looked up at Ansel to see his face mostly hidden by the hat he wore. He could see Ansel’s mouth sat in a hard line, and he breathed heavily as they walked. Kedan knew Ansel wanted to leave earlier in the day, but Talon had convinced him they should leave in the late afternoon to escape in the cover of coming darkness.

Behind them walked Marcus and Talon. Talon was uncharacteristically quiet. Kedan glanced behind him and saw Talon had a determined look on his face. Marcus looked uneasy. Kedan wasn’t sure how he felt. He didn’t know Max or Griffa, but he did know two of the men he was with.

He found that he liked Talon as he was easy to talk to. He was fun and carefree most of the times, but could be serious when the situation called for it. Kedan was even warming towards Ansel. He was often distant, but he was not unkind. He could be funny when he tried. It was clear he cared deeply for both Max and Griffa.

Kedan felt right in what he was doing. He had not had that feeling much in the past, and he liked it. He enjoyed feeling truly useful. He liked knowing others had his back. e had never had many real friends. He was not sure he ever had any. Now, he felt a camaraderie with Talon and Ansel. Kedan didn’t really know Marcus, but he respected him for joining them today.

They soon walked through the gates of Abscon. Ansel stopped, and they all gathered around in a small circle. “You all know where we are going. Kedan, you will travel with me. Envision where we are going. You will have to have complete trust in me.” Kedan nodded at Ansel.

“We will meet at the river entrance and go to the palace together,” said Talon in a commanding voice. “We will cut off from the main passage to the left and take the one we found in Issa’s book. We will exit close to the throne room in the back by that statue that Kedan says is there. We will try to stay together as we look for Max and Griffa, but if we have to split up, Marcus will come with me. Is everyone clear?”

Kedan could see why Talon was able to lead the Valley. He had wondered how someone like Talon could lead a great village council. He could understand now. Talon could be commanding when he wanted to be.

“I believe we are ready,” said Ansel. He put his hand on Kedan’s shoulder.

Kedan closed his eyes and felt the strange sensation of traveling. He had only felt it once before when he had traveled to Abscon with Ansel and Talon. He had been terrified then, and this time wasn’t much better. Soon he felt his feet slam into the earth. He stumbled forward, but caught himself before he fell. Talon and Marcus joined them.

Kedan led them to a dirt covered mound. He pulled off some moss and sticks, to reveal a small wooden door. He opened it and looked in. He looked behind him to see Ansel and Talon holding out their hands. A small fire burned in their palms. Ansel moved Kedan slightly out of the way and entered the tunnel. Kedan followed behind him, as Talon and Marcus came right after.

The moved as fast as possible through the long tunnel, not saying much to each other. The only sound was the slight crackling of Ansel and Talon’s magical fire and all of their heavy breaths as they jogged down the tunnel. The tunnel seemed to go on forever. It felt much longer than Kedan remembered.

Finally, they came to an old stone door. Ansel opened it and looked in. He moved through it, followed by the rest of them.

“Now, up here a ways to the left, should be another door. We need to take that door,” instructed Talon.

The walked on swiftly. Kedan looked for the door that should be there. He thought the map might have been wrong as no door appeared. Kedan was just about to suggest they go back and turn towards the passage he knew when Ansel stopped. He held up his fire and looked to his left.

“What is it, Ansel?” asked Talon impatiently.

“I think there is something here. I don’t know why, but I know there is something here.”

Ansel held up his fire higher. He put his hand on the wall and closed his eyes. A light stated at towards the floor of the passageway, and it traced a large etching of a tree lit on the wall. A door appeared and opened before their eyes.

“How did you know about that?” asked Talon looking from behind Kedan into the door.

“Protector’s instincts, I guess, come on.” Ansel walked in the door with the rest following behind. “Don’t close it. It will be easier to find on our way out.”

They all kept close together as the passage twisted around. It slanted down at one point, and they all stumbled along, trying to keep their footing on the slant. The passageway eventually ended in a door.

“I guess this is it.” Ansel pushed open the door. The hallway was scatted with soldiers’ bodies lying around, and shelves were turned over everywhere. Decorative items and books were strewn up and down the hall.

“What in the kingdom?” asked Talon as he emerged behind Kedan and Ansel.

Kedan could hear noises coming from the throne room. He looked at Ansel who had a strange look on his face.

“Griffa,” Ansel whispered. “It’s Griffa. She’s close by.”

Ansel started to walk off when Talon caught his arm. “Ansel, wait. You can’t just walk off by yourself. Let’s see what’s going on.”

Ansel ripped his arm away from Talon. He tilted his head up and looked at him. Kedan could see that Ansel had a strange, possessed look in his eyes.

“I must go to my queen,” he said coldly. He walked away from them towards the throne room.

“What do we do?” asked Marcus quietly.

“Go after him,” said Talon pushing Kedan forward.

They all followed Ansel. He had stopped in the entry way to the throne room. The one that was right by the dais that Kedan had often used himself. Kedan looked over Ansel’s shoulder to see chaos. A woman was in the middle of the room, and she was constantly moving. He knew she was sending spells and curses every which way even though he couldn’t see them.

Kedan watched as soldiers went down all around, but there was still plenty standing. More came in from the entrance hall as she took four down with a swipe of her hand. It seemed the woman had some sort of shield up as even Kedan could tell no spells were getting through to hit her.

“Griffa,” said Talon breathlessly. “Where’s, Max?”

“I don’t know,” answered Ansel, “but I must help her.”

“We will all help her,” said Talon as he looked into the room.

“No,” said Ansel. “I need you to go find Max. I can handle this.”

“Ansel, there are too many of them. You will need help,” said Talon.

Ansel looked sharply at Talon. “You must go find Max. I can defend my queen.”

Talon hesitated and then shook his head. “Kedan, stay with Ansel. We will go see if we can find Max. If we are successful, we will come back here to the passage. If you get Griffa just head for the river. We will not leave without Max. We will see you at the river.” Talon went to leave, but Marcus continued to stare at Griffa. Talon grabbed Marcus’ arm. “Come on, we have to go now.” Marcus stared at Griffa for a moment more and then went with Talon.

­­ Ansel looked at Kedan. “You can stay here, or you can stay close to me, but I have to help her.” Kedan nodded.

When they turned back, Griffa was on her knees still try to send curses at soldiers. Kedan could tell she was almost finished. Ansel ran into the room, and moved his hand to the side causing three soldiers in front of the dais to fall. Kedan followed him, not knowing what else to do.

Ansel pointed his hand towards Griffa. Griffa, who had her head down, looked up. She turned and looked at Ansel and Kedan. Kedan saw her shudder before she jumped up on her feet. She took a deep breath and then raised her hands and pushed them both down. She then swept them out. All soldiers on the left side of the throne room crumpled down on each other.

Ansel and Kedan reached her, and she looked at Ansel and nodded. They stood back to back. Kedan swore he could see them glowing. He kept close to them as they threw spells and curses. Even though, Kedan knew spells and curses where being thrown at them, none hit them. Finally, Griffa jumped up and landed with her foot out and her hands up. The last of the soldiers were thrown against the wall.

She looked at Kedan and swayed. She closed her eyes and started to fall. Kedan caught her.

“Pick her up,” ordered Ansel. “Follow me close in case any more soldiers come in. We need to get back to the passageway.”

Kedan picked up Griffa. He could see she didn’t look good. Her face was bruised heavily, and a cut above her eye was bleeding. Her arms were raw and cut up, and both of her hands were covered in blood. She was filthy and her clothes were rags that hung loosely off her frame. He carried her easily as he followed Ansel back the way they came. They stopped as they encountered more soldiers being led in by Philo. Ansel held his hands up, ready to strike.

“Ansel, I was wondering when you would finally get around to visiting. King Kedan, this is a surprise. I see you have meet Gryphon. I don’t think she has enjoyed her time here,” said Philo as he raised his hands.

Ansel backed into Kedan and Griffa. He held up both his hands as Philo and the soldiers threw their hands out. Kedan closed his eyes waiting for the curses to hit, but nothing happened. He opened his eyes to see Philo looking confused. He raised his hands again, and Ansel kept his hands up. Philo looked at his hands as Ansel smiled slightly. Ansel pushed his hands out. Philo put up a block but was still pushed to the ground hard. Ansel swept his hands, and the soldiers fell where they were. They all tried to untangle from each other and get back on their feet.

“There’s another way to the river, isn’t there?” asked Ansel to Kedan.

“Yes, through my old rooms,” said Kedan as Philo sat up.

“Are you going to run away, Ansel?” asked Philo loudly. “Don’t you want to talk about how sweet Gryphon spent her time here?” Philo started to try to stand up.

Ansel looked at Philo and then glanced back at Griffa. “Let’s go, now.”. He pushed his hands out at Philo as they ran.

“This way,” said Kedan motioning towards the doorway to the entry hall. Ansel kept his hands up as he backed out with Kedan walking quickly to the entry hall. When they got to the hall, Ansel pushed his hands forward causing the doorway to crumble down, blocking off access.

“Go,” yelled Ansel. “Quickly, Philo will get through that soon.”

Kedan ran with Griffa in his arms up the stairs, and Ansel followed behind them. When he got to the second floor, Kedan turned towards his old rooms. He was stopped by his mother’s voice.

“Kedan?” she asked coming from the opposite wing. “Kedan, is that you?”

“Kedan, we have to go,” said Ansel urgently. He was looking down into the entry hall.

His mother ran over to him. “What are you doing here?”. She looked at Griffa in his arms.

“Mother, we have to go. Don’t try to stop us,” said Kedan looking at her. Ansel hovered by looking like he was ready to curse his mother.

“I won’t. Kedan, you have a son. He is perfect, and Teryn will be well. Now go, get Miss Keene out of here. You owe her a great debt.”

“Is Teryn in my old room?” asked Kedan.

“No, she has moved to the other wing since you left. Go, now.” Camelia turned and fled back from where she came.

Kedan watched her for a second and then hurried to his old rooms. When he got to the door, Ansel opened it and looked in. The room was dark. Ansel walked in followed by Kedan.

“Where do we go?” asked Ansel.

“Here, take Griffa, and I’ll show you.” Kedan passed Griffa carefully to Ansel. She made a small noise and burrowed into Ansel’s chest.

Kedan walked to his old bedroom. He went to the wall Teryn had shown him. He moved his hand all around, but he couldn’t get the passageway to appear.

“What’s wrong?” asked Ansel.

“I can’t find how to open this wall. I know it’s around here somewhere.”

Griffa started stirring in Ansel’s arms. “Let me,” said Griffa quietly. She struggled to sit up. Ansel gently put her down and steadied her on her feet.

Griffa walked over slowly to the wall. She moved her hands until she found the right spot. She pushed and the doorway appeared. She fell against the wall with her eyes closed.

Kedan grabbed her gently before she fell and lifted her back up in his arms. Ansel held out his hand making his small fire appear. He walked into the passageway, followed by Kedan. Ansel shut the door, and they began walking down the passageway. Ansel walked quickly, and Kedan tried to keep up. Griffa was not heavy, but after a while, Kedan was struggling.

“Do you think the others found Max?” asked Kedan breathlessly.

“I hope so. If they didn’t, I will have to go back in. I promised Issa I wouldn’t leave without him.”

They walked on until they took a right and walked further before taking a left. After that they walked straight until Kedan wasn’t sure he could walk any further. He concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other. He adjusted Griffa in his arms, and she gave a small cry.

Ansel looked back at him. “How much further?”

“I don’t know, hopefully not far,” replied Kedan.

They kept on walking until Kedan could see a small light in the distance. Ansel pressed on until he came to the old wooden door. He pushed it open and walked out into the moonlight. Kedan followed him and looked around. Talon, Marcus, and who Kedan supposed was Max were standing together. Max looked agitated and was pacing.

“Griffa,” gasped Talon. “Is she alright?” Talon looked closely at Griffa in Kedan’s arms.

“I don’t know,” said Kedan breathing hard. “She’s making noises and breathing.”

“Here.” Ansel walked over to Kedan. He carefully took Griffa from Kedan, and turned to Talon. “You found Max. Is he injured?”

“No,” said Talon. “He was up one floor wondering the halls trying to find a way back to help Griffa. We grabbed him and took him to the passageway. I think you had already moved on.”

Ansel looked at Max. “We need to get back. We will have to travel to the gates of Abscon. Max, are you alright? Can you travel?”

“Yes,” said Max looking at Ansel angrily.

“Talon, take Kedan. I will see you there.” Ansel closed his eyes and disappeared.

Talon patted Kedan’s shoulder and smiled. He left his hand on Kedan. Kedan closed his eyes and felt himself travel.

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