Tales of Regventus : Adalwen

Chapter 27

Kedan was standing in front of a large mirror in his study preparing for his wedding day. As his servants poked and prodded him, making sure everything was absolutely perfect, Golnar and Till sat close by talking to him. Kedan looked at both of them in the mirror behind his own reflection.

“The events in Clarton could not have gone better,” said Till. “The village is under our soldier’s control until we can find a new viceroy. We have several groups of people coming to the city for re-education and rebuilding the burned buildings has already started.”

Kedan furrowed his brow. “Was much of the village destroyed? How many people were killed? Was this actually a good thing that happened?”

“Much of the city is untouched. The complete first ring has no damage and most of the principle shops in the second ring are minimally damaged. The third ring wasn’t much to begin with so not much harm done there. Most people cooperated or were captured peacefully so deaths were kept at a minimum.”

“But some did die?” asked Kedan with concern. “Did our soldiers use extreme force?”

“Yes, some did die, but they were given every opportunity to cooperate or surrender. Sadly, it was necessary to lose some to ensure the kingdom continues to prosper.”

“Why are you worried about this today?” asked Golnar. “We shouldn’t be talking of kingdom business. This is your wedding day. You should only be thinking of your bride and the festivities.”

Kedan thought of Teryn. So much of his time with her was a blissful blur. She made him feel like the only thing that mattered in the world was him and her and their life together. She was truly the one meant for him. He felt at peace with her and so happy. He couldn’t wait to take her as his wife. He knew they had been together many times, but he still looked forward to the night when they would truly become one, lady and lord.

“Yes,” said Kedan happily. “She is certainly an exquisite woman. She will be an excellent wife and Lady of the Kingdom. I can’t believe I ever thought her unacceptable as a wife”

“You have chosen very well, my Lord. The people approve of you choosing a wife who is different from the usual Lady of the Kingdom. Her being a little lower born than yourself has advantages. Lady Teryn will be much loved by all in the kingdom,” said Till

Kedan was thoughtful for a moment. “You ever noticed how we are a kingdom with no king? I am Lord of Kingdom, but shouldn’t I be a king?”

“Our true leaders are the Ancients, they are our king,” said Golnar. “You know our history. They watch over us all and give us wisdom. You rule as their leader here on earth. You are as good as a king.”

“True, true, but to be king and not lord would be something,” said Kedan. “Teryn mentioned it the other day.”

“Did she?” asked Golnar. “It is something we could look into. As we make the kingdom stronger, maybe we do need a king people can see and touch. What do you think, Till?”

“It will be something to take up with the council when we are at full strength again. We will choose a new Viceroy of The Great Surrounding soon. I have some ideas, but Lord Kedan, you are our leader, there is no doubt it is true.”

“Very good. Now I think your bride and your people await, my lord.” said Golnar. “You must not be late on your wedding day.”

“Of course, I’m ready. Let’s go,” said Kedan.

Lord Kedan was united to Lady Teryn on a cold sunny day on the last day of autumn. Lord Kedan looked regal and happy. Lady Teryn was breathtaking in her simple white dress, her light red hair loose and curled. They said their vows in the temple of the Ancients in the center of the city. They promised to build a life together and to strengthen the kingdom. The sun shone through the upper window of the temple on the couple giving them a surreal glow. The people present took it as a sign that the Ancients blessed the union. The tale would be told to all in the kingdom.

They were presented to the people of the city from the balcony off the ballroom. The crowd cheered and called for Lady Teryn to grace them with her kisses. She obliged blowing kisses to the crowd and waving. They called for Lord Kedan to rule long and well. He responded by waving his hand and giving a benevolent smile. Kedan was blissfully happy. He looked into Teryn’s eyes the entire ceremony. He was so filled with love and lust for her.

As they were walking back into the ballroom, he heard Till ask Golnar, “When will we start the next part of our plan? When will we start releasing the magic users?”

“What was that Till?” asked Kedan confusedly. “What do you mean magic users?”

Kedan saw Golnar nod at Teryn and she took Kedan’s hands.

“Come now Kedan, it is our wedding day and we haven’t even gotten to the best part,” Teryn said trying to catch his eyes.

“One moment, Teryn. Till, what did you mean?”

Teryn reached up and grabbed Kedan’s face forcing him to look into her eyes. “Come Kedan, let us go to the marriage bed. I want to officially make you my husband.”

Kedan felt her pull. A smile spread on his face. What was Till speaking of? Did it even matter. “Of course, my love. I can’t wait.” He let Teryn escort him from the room.

Ansel warmed himself by the fire. It was cold today. The last day of autumn was upon them. The house had been quiet the past few days. Griffa had been recuperating in her room. She had inhaled too much smoke, and her breathing had sounded off. Ansel visited her, but she mostly sat reading quietly or sleeping. He had been worried about her. He tired to send for a healer, but she assured him she would be well. Max took turns visiting with Issa and comforting Nora. Nora spent most of her time in her room, grieving.

Ansel felt terrible for Nora. It was clear she had loved Danin very much. To lose the love of your life must be an awful thing. It must be something you never really got over, something you just learned to live with. Ansel shuddered at the thought.

He decided to go visit Griffa to see how she was. He made his way upstairs to her room and knocked. The door swung open on his knock, but the room was empty. It was dark and the bed was made. He made his way downstairs and into the kitchen. Maybell was there at the table drinking tea. He was surprised to see Nora sitting by Maybell, talking.

“Hello, Ansel,” said Maybell. “Nora was telling me about her husband and all the wonderful years they had together. I was telling her about my own Albert that I lost.”

Nora smiled at Ansel, “It is good to talk about him, even though it’s hard. He was such a good man.”

Ansel nodded and smiled sadly. After a moment he asked, “Have either of you seen Griffa?”

“She is on the back lawn with the young king. I hope they come in soon. It is too cold to be spending time outdoors. At least they both took their cloaks,” sighed Maybell.

Ansel thanked Maybell and nodded a goodbye to Nora. He walked out the back door and onto the back lawn. He found Max and Griffa sitting close together staring out into the distance. He sat down next to Griffa and squeezed her hand. She turned to him and gave him a smile.

“I’m surprised to find you out here. Are you feeling better?” asked Ansel.

“Yes, I’m still a little tired and breathless, but I needed to get out. I was finally able to work on Issa’s leg. I was able to mostly heal it by magic. I put some poultice on it to take care of the rest. She is resting now, but by tonight she should be better. I feel bad it took so long.”

“I’m glad to hear she will be better. Don’t feel bad, Griffa. You were injured yourself,” said Ansel. “What are you two talking about out here?”

“How my decisions almost ruined everything,” said Max.

“Max has this stupid idea that he is responsible for Danin’s death,” said Griffa sadly. “I’m trying to convince him otherwise.”

“I should have stayed in the forest like you said, Ansel. I was so worried about Nora and Danin and you two as well. I just couldn’t stay there and do nothing. If I hadn’t distracted you, Danin would still be alive. You and Griffa could have died as well.”

“No, Max, you don’t know what might have happened. What if I wasn’t able to get to Nora in time before soldiers came to the house? She would be captured or dead by now, and Danin might have still died,” said Ansel firmly. “You can’t second guess your decisions. You did what you thought best.”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell him,” stressed Griffa. Her eyes narrowed. “There are those who are responsible for Danin’s death and many others, as well as the destruction of Clarton. Viceroy Till being one of them. Those in power in Aurumist must be stopped.”

“You’re right they must. I’ve made a decision, and I wanted to tell both of you together,” said Max.

Ansel and Griffa both looked at him.

“I’ve decided to declare myself as king,” said Max. “I’m ready to accept who I really am.”

Griffa looked shocked. “Max, do you think now is the best time for that. A lot has happened. Maybe you should wait a while when you can think more clearly. Don’t let your grief and guilt make this decision for you.”

“No,” said Max. “I’m sure. I’ve been talking about it with Issa. I am meant to be king, and it feels right. I’ve been feeling something for a while. Being here and learning magic has changed me. It has shown me who I truly am. What happened in Clarton just made my feelings stronger. I will be king, and I will work to make the kingdom right so no one has to go through what Clarton did. No one should have to suffer like that. I want to be a part of something new. I want to build something better.”

“Are you sure Max?” asked Griffa. “You can still be a part of it without taking on the burden as king.”

“Yes,” said Max, standing up. “I am sure. I was meant to be the King of Regventus. I have the blood of Adalwen running through my veins. I am the rightful heir of the throne. Saying it feels right and true.”

They were all quiet for a moment then Griffa got up off the ground and stood in front of Max. She took his hands and looked in his eyes.

“If this is truly what you want, then I declare you are my king. I will do everything in my power to help you. I will serve you however you want.” She kneeled down at his feet.

Ansel got up as well. “I am your protector. Your safety will always come before my own. You are my king, and I promise to serve you well.” He kneeled before Max as well.

Max looked down at them and held out his hands, helping them both up.

“What I want is for both of you to still call me Max,” he said smiling. “I will need both of you to help me and guide me. I still have a lot to learn. You are my friends, two of the best friends I have ever had. Promise to stay by my side. That is all I want.”

Griffa smiled at Max and hugged him hard, tears were in her eyes. Ansel patted him on the shoulder.

They all three stood there staring out into the distance. Something monumental had happened, and Ansel knew they all felt it. They were all three bonded together in some magical way. Their fates would be intertwined, and there was no escaping it now. Ansel glanced at Griffa to see her looking back at him. She grabbed his hand, and Ansel felt his magic swirl inside of him. She gave him a curious look before letting his hand go.

After a few moments Ansel broke the silence. “Come on, let’s get out of this cold. We should take time to rest. There is much healing that needs to happen for all of us,” Ansel said. He took Griffa’s arm and put it in his own. She grabbed Max’s hand. They all three walked into the house together.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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