Tales of Regventus : Adalwen

Chapter 25

Golnar stirred his elixir in his kettle, making it glow gold. It was ready, he knew it. He was sure he had done everything right. If he hadn’t, it would go very badly when he drank it. If he had one ingredient off, the elixir wouldn’t work and would make him suffer a very painful death.

He looked at his potion. It looked like it should, at least it looked like what the text he studied said it should look like. He was sure about Teryn’s blood. He had studied thoroughly how to identify one with magical blood. You had to listen for the very subtle hum, and look for the very faint glow they had. He had worked for years to be able to identify magical folk, and he was finally able to do it. He knew he had a little magical blood in him. Normally it would have laid dormant there his whole life, but he wanted magic, craved it.

He was sure. If he was wrong, he was wrong. He had run out of time. He needed to do this now. It was time for the followers of the Ancients to show their true selves. It was time for the magical folk to show themselves again as they were meant to be. Not as the peace-loving weaklings he had heard lived hidden throughout the kingdom, but the real magical folk who were ordained to rule over the kingdom and all weak non-magical people. He wanted the power of magic, and he wanted to rule.

Golnar scooped some of the potion into a cup. It bubbled lightly as he moved his cup around. The risk was worth it, and he knew it was. So much would happen after this. He would take the place he was meant to, a place of power. He would need Kedan. Kedan would be a good figurehead as Lord of Kingdom. His non-magical blood wouldn’t be an issue. Magical folk would accept him if he had a magic user as a wife who could make up for his deficiencies. He could also reach the non-gifted and help them feel like they were still being represented. He could smooth a way for the new order of things. Things would be different. Once Golnar knew this potion worked, he would have to make much more and get it out to the people who needed it.

Everything was in place, and Golnar was ready. He took his elixir and sat down on his sofa, staring at the elixir. Why was he stalling? He wasn’t scared as there was no reason to be scared. This was the only option. He raised his glass high, toasting as if he were with a group of people. Then he put the cup to his lips and drank the entire contents.

The liquid was warm going down. It filled his whole body with heat, starting from his stomach and flowing out to his limbs. Then the pain hit. It was agony. Golnar fell to the floor, his cup clattering away from him. His skin felt like it was going to separate from his bone. He laid in the fetal position, writhing on the floor. He wondered if he was dying. Perhaps he had done something wrong. He didn’t know; all he knew was pain and burning.

After a few minutes, the pain started to go away, the burning feeling faded. A few minutes later, it stopped altogether. Golnar slowly stood up off the floor. He took deep breaths. He felt different. He felt like something was within him, living inside him. He reached his hand out and thought of one of his books. It flew into his hand, and he smiled.

He summoned many other things in his room, and then he raised his hand and broke the glass in his window. It had worked! Golnar picked up his cup and quickly filled it again. He would need to find Teryn soon. He hoped her own blood would work on her. She already had magical blood. He believed this potion would help her body to remember, to be able to wield magic.

First, he contacted Camelia Belles and had her sent to the palace. He had been meeting her in secret for some time. He would need her to support the marriage of Teryn and Kedan. He knew her meeting with Teryn had gone well. Camelia had sensed much magic in Teryn. He would also need Camelia for the next phase of his plan. No one could gather all the people necessary as well as Camelia.

Golnar found Teryn in her suite a little later. She answered the door with a confused look on her face.

“Teryn, I’m about to give you everything you ever wanted,” said Golnar with a smile.

She let him in, holding the door for him.

“If want you all your dreams to come true, if you want Kedan and the kingdom, drink this,” said Golnar holding out the cup of the elixir. “Drink it all. The effects will not be pleasant, but it will not last long.”

“What will it do to me?” Teryn asked, taking the cup, and looking in it.

“It will give you power you can only dream of. Men will fall at your feet. You will be able to alter people’s moods, persuade them to see things your way. You will learn to do even more than that. All you need to do is drink what is in that cup.”

“And you are sure it is safe?” asked Teryn.

“Yes, I drank it. If you need convincing, here,” said Golnar as he raised his hand and a book on her table rose up. He jerked his hand, and it flew to him.

Teryn stared at him wide eyed. “Is that magic?” she asked. “It actually exists?”

“Yes, and you have so much in you. Drink this to remind your blood of the power it possesses.”

Teryn paused for a moment but then drained the cup in one gulp. Golnar watched as she dropped to the floor moaning and writhing. Before long she lay still before slowly getting up.

“I feel different,” Teryn said. “Like there is something new in me, something powerful.”

Golnar smiled. A knock sounded at the door.

“Who is it?” Teryn asked looking at the door.

“Someone you definitely want to talk to,” said Golnar opening the door. Kedan’s mother walked in the room.

Camelia looked at Teryn and then at Golnar. “Has her magic been unleashed?” asked Camelia.

“Yes, just now,” said Golnar.

“And if they wed you can guarantee, Kedan will be safe?” asked Camelia

“I guarantee with Teryn by his side as his Lady, no harm will come to him,” said Golnar.

Camelia smiled and put her arms around Teryn. “You do love him, don’t you?” asked Camelia.

“Yes,” said Teryn.

“Then take good care of him,” said Camelia with feeling. “Keep him happy and safe. That’s all I ask. Do whatever you need to do.”

“Come along, Teryn,” said Golnar. “We are needed in the throne room.”

Kedan sat in the throne room, dressed in his full Lord of Kingdom attire. He raised up a little and adjusted his robe, so it flowed around him and the throne. He adjusted his thin crown on his head. Till was expected soon with Bernot. He knew he would have to convince Bernot to show the power of the kingdom to Clarton. He would need to show that he was the Lord of Kingdom, and he would not be denied.

The doors opened and Till walked in, followed by Bernot. They both walked to the front of the throne and bowed before Kedan. Kedan nodded back.

“Welcome back, Till,” said Kedan. “I trust your journey was fruitful.”

“It was. I learned much,” replied Till.

“And you Bernot. It is good to see you. Has Till talked to you about what must be done?” asked Kedan.

“We have talked, my lord, but I’m still not sure. What good will it do to show force in Clarton? My people are not unruly. They do not wish to act against you or the kingdom. We are peaceful and prosperous. Why risk destruction on the whole village?” asked Bernot.

“Till, is this what you saw in Clarton? Is everything as Bernot says?” asked Kedan looking down at Till from his throne.

“No, my lord. I did not find it so. The folk do not follow the way of the ancients. They barely acknowledge the Ancients exist. Some even worship the so-called gods of old. They people of Clarton seem peaceful now, but there is an uprising bubbling underneath,” said Till passionately.

“Now see here, Till. That is not the case of all. You are making a wild leap. It would be a mistake to cause any unrest in Clarton,” cried Bernot.

“Are you sure you aren’t showing your favoritism to your homeland. Are you blinded by your love of your village? You have lived there your whole life. You will have to put aside your feelings and see things as they are,” demanded Kedan.

“I’m saying this as a friend of the kingdom, Lord Kean. You do not want to provoke The Great Surrounding. The people there will be your friend and prosper for the kingdom if they are treated well. If you try to control them with fear and destruction, they will turn on you,” said Bernot gravely.

Kedan paused at this. Was this true? Bernot was making some sense.

“Is that a threat?” asked Till loudly. “You say if we send a full battalion of Aurumist soldiers to Clarton, then they will be attacked by your people?”

“No, that’s not what I’m saying. I do not want any violence. I don’t want trouble for my homeland or the kingdom. Lord Kedan, this is madness. You must see this.”

Kedan started to have second thoughts about these plans. He did not want to cause trouble in Regventus. He certainly didn’t want the kingdom to suffer.

The doors opened loudly, and Golnar and Teryn walked into the room with purpose. Kedan watched their progress. There was something different about both of them. They seemed to almost glow in the dim light of the throne room. Golnar nodded to Kedan as he stood to Kedan’s right. Teryn winked at Kedan as she took her place to his left.

Kedan wasn’t sure what was happening.

“Bernot has just called our plan for the kingdom madness, Golnar. What do you say to that?” asked Till looking at Golnar.

“I say that Bernot will need to change his tune soon and show that he is truly for the whole kingdom, not just his land,” answered Golnar looking at Bernot.

“I will not be cowered into cooperating with this. I have long served the kingdom by looking after The Great Surrounding during decades of prosperity. The kingdom cannot survive without the goods that come from our lands. If you destroy us, you destroy yourself,” cried Bernot.

“It’s a pity, Bernot. I wish you would change your mind, but so be it,” said Golnar.

“I don’t have to listen to this. I’m going back home to warn my people,” said Bernot, turning and walking to the doors. He pulled on them, but they would not open.

“What is the meaning of this?” yelled Bernot. “You cannot keep me here!”

“I’ll think you will find we can,” chuckled Golnar with his hand held out in front of him. He curled his fingers inward and said, “Come here.”

Bernot ’s body suddenly shot forward as though being dragged from some invisible force. He landed on his feet in front of Kedan.

“Now bow before your lord,” commanded Golnar. He pressed his hand down, and Bernot was thrown to the floor on his knees.

Bernot looked shocked and scared. Kedan could feel the shock on his own face. He couldn’t imagine what was going on. How was this happening; was Golnar doing this? Kedan felt himself start to shake with fear. This is not what he wanted.

“What will you do, Bernot? Will you do as your Lord commands you?” asked Golnar with his hand still pressing down. Bernot was hunched over on the ground. It looked like he was in pain, like something was pressing down on him.

“No, I will not. This is wrong. You will destroy the kingdom,” said Bernot shaking.

“Pity, you will not see how wrong you are, “said Golnar.

He pulled his hand up, and Bernot was lifted into the air. Golnar threw his hand hard to the side and Bernot’s body slammed hard into the wall with a crack. He slid down, broken, bleeding, and lifeless.

Kedan felt his eyes go wide. He stood up. Till looked to be in shock, staring at Bernot’s lifeless body.

“Golnar, what is happening?” asked Kedan.

“Everything that is supposed to happen. It is time for those who follow the Ancients to take their rightful place. True magical folk will rise up, and we will rule.”

Kedan felt fear run through him as the blood in his veins went ice cold. Teryn came up and put a hand on his arm. He immediately felt warmth flood his body. She looked directly in his eyes, and Kedan felt at peace. Everything was going to be alright.

“Kedan, my love, “said Teryn. “Everything is going to be fine. You and I will be wed, and we will rule together. The kingdom will be as it should.”

“We will wed?” asked Kedan. He sounded to himself as if his voice was muffled.

“Oh yes. I’ve already talked to your mother about it. She is quite excited about the wedding. It will be soon,” said Teryn looking directly in his eyes. She was so beautiful and wonderful; he couldn’t wait to be her husband.

“Yes, of course. I cannot wait,” said Kedan. He felt a wide smile come over his face.

“Now let’s go and let someone clean all this up. Golnar and Till will see to what needs to be done. Isn’t that right, Golnar?”

“Yes, go spend time with your betrothed, my Lord. You have much to do. I will see to our plans being put into place in Clarton,” said Golnar. Kedan felt like he was in a dream.

“Good, good,” said Kedan. Any concerns he had for Clarton or the kingdom had gone away. He let Teryn direct him from the room. He felt happier than he ever had.

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