Tales of Regventus : Adalwen

Chapter 21

Kedan sat in his study behind his desk reading Till’s latest letter. It had arrived this morning. Kedan had eaten breakfast and participated in his fencing lesson before sitting down to relax and read the letter. There wasn’t much new to report. Till found the lessons lacking in all rings of Clarton, but that was to be expected. There wasn’t much said about the Ancients, definitely no following of the way, but the people didn’t seem overly unhappy with Aurumist or his lordship.

Till still thought a message should be sent. He thought Bernot seemed too attached to his homeland to agree to any soldiers being authorized to use strength in Clarton, but Till would continue to work on him. Till planned to visit Harvestide in all Rings and then bring Bernot back to Aurumist so they could decide the next steps. It was a little earlier than Kedan was hoping Till would come back, but it was satisfactory.

Kedan was looking at other correspondence thinking of seeing what Teryn was doing. He thought about her all the time. He wanted her even now. Lately it seemed he couldn’t get enough of her. When she wasn’t with him, he felt lonely. He longed to touch her and be touched by her at all times. They slept every night together now, and she did not sneak away. Kedan didn’t care if the servants found her in his bed. What could they do anyway? Kedan had made up his mind to go seek out Teryn when he heard a knock on his door.

“Yes?” said Kedan.

“Camelia Belles would like to speak with you,” answered a guard as he opened the door.

“Mother? please send her in,” said Kedan standing up.

His mother swept into the room. Kedan met her in the middle of his study, and she put her arms around him, giving him a quick kiss.

“Kedan, thank you for seeing me. I wanted to have a little chat about the ball the other night,” said his mother.

Kedan was surprised, but he replied, “Of course mother, have a seat.” Kedan indicated to the two chairs at the front of his study. She sat down prettily in one, and he sat in the other. “Can I order you some refreshment?”

“No, I thank you, but I will not be here long. Your father is entertaining tonight, and I must get back to see that everything is prepared.”

“Of course, now what exactly did you want to talk about from the other night?”

“I introduced you to quite a few nice young women, Did any of them catch your eye?” asked his mother.

“I can’t say that any of them did particularly. They were all pleasant and pretty, and I didn’t object to any of them. Why do you ask?”

“You will need to marry soon, Kedan. I am looking out for you. Any of these young women would be a fine Lady for you and the kingdom. I am hoping you will not wait too long to wed. “

“I don’t know,” said Kedan. “What’s the rush? I am still young, and I have over a year to find a bride if I follow the tradition and take one at twenty five. Surely there is no need to rush.”

“Aren’t you lonely? A woman who could care for you and keep you company in all aspects of your life would surely be welcomed. I know you can satisfy some of your urges in other ways than marriage, but to have a wife would be a great comfort to you.”

Kedan wasn’t sure how he felt about his mother talking about urges. He felt the tips of his ears get warm.

“Mother, I can assure you, I am not lonely. I do know a wife would be beneficial to my position, but I don’t feel any great pressing need. Is this about something with you or father? Is there some alliance you need, or favor repaid? I can help in other ways if that is the case.”

“No, that’s not it,” said his mother. She started to sound irritated. “You father wields enough power through his position and wealth. Having you be the Lord of Regventus is just another jewel in his crown. This is all about you Kedan. There are things that are happening or will happen that you don’t know about. You will need a certain wife to make sure you are properly… protected.”

“Properly protected? What do you mean? How can any wife assure that I am properly protected? What do I need protection from? I am the most powerful man in the kingdom.”

“Oh Kedan, I wish I could say more, but please just trust me.” She took a piece of paper out of the pocket of her dress. “These are the names of the young women I introduced you to. Any of them would be a proper wife for you, one who could ensure you don’t have any problems with what will happen soon. Promise me you won’t dismiss this. Promise me you will look at these names and seriously consider one of these women.”

Kedan had no idea what his mother was referring to. “Can you please tell me more of what you mean? Explain to me what you are trying to say.”

“I can’t, not yet. Just be careful and do as I ask.”

Kedan took the list and nodded. “Fine, but I will want more information from you soon.”

“As soon as I can tell you, I will,” said Camelia. “Now I must go.” Camelia stood up, adjusting her skirt.

“Let me walk you out to the front,” said Kedan standing up as well.

They walked out of the study into the entry hall. As they walked towards the front door of the palace, Teryn walked into the room. She curtseyed when she saw Kedan.

“Who is this?” asked Camelia eyeing Teryn.

“This is, Teryn,” answered Kedan. “Teryn, this is my mother, Camelia Belles.”

Teryn curtseyed again and stood up. Camelia walked to stand directly in front of Teryn looking into her eyes.

“What is your position here?” asked Camelia.

“I am training to be an advisor to the future Lady of Regventus,″ said Teryn staring back at Camelia. “I came to the palace the same time as Lord Kedan.”

Camelia seemed to study Teryn’s face and especially her eyes.

“How extraordinary. I would like to know you better, Teryn. Might I come take tea with you in two days here at the palace?”

“Oh course. I have a suite of rooms we can use.”

“Very good. Kedan, I will send you a note soon. Think about what I have said.”

“Of course, mother,” replied Kedan. His mother left through the door.

“What was that about?” asked Teryn with wide eyes. “Why does your mother want to take tea with me?”

“I’m not sure. She was acting very odd today. Let me know what she talks to you about.”

“Yes, my lord. . What are your plans, for the rest of the day?” asked Teryn with a grin.

“I have none. I thought a nice lazy day in my suites might be just the thing,” replied Kedan coming up to stand close to Teryn. “Do you have plans?”

“I think I do now,” Teryn said seductively.

Kedan spent the rest of his day thinking of only one woman, and she certainly wasn’t on his mother’s list.

Golnar stirred the liquid in the kettle over his fireplace. He was satisfied with the work he had done. He only needed one more ingredient and time to make it perfect. He looked around his room and at his clock. He was growing impatient. He had summoned the girl an hour ago, and yet she still wasn’t there. The skies outside had grown dark. It was supper time, and surely the young lord would eat, giving Teryn time to sneak away for a bit.

Golnar was about to have her summoned again, when Teryn opened the door and walked into the room.

“You wanted to see me, Golnar,” she said sounding annoyed. Her hair was loose, so it hung down her back. She wore a very simple dress. She looked like she had dressed quickly.

“Finally got away from the lord’s bed, did you?” asked Golnar with a smirk. “You already have what you need if you followed my instructions. You do not have to keep going to him.”

“I enjoy being with Kedan,” Teryn said with a smirk of her own. “A woman enjoying herself in bed might not be something you are used to, but it can be done.”

“Watch yourself, girl. You don’t want to get on my bad side,” Golnar shot back. “You have your child to think of now, as well.”

“I didn’t take your elixir,” said Teryn. “I poured it out.”

“Why? You said you wanted to be Kedan’s wife and carrying his child would help you achieve that.”

Teryn shrugged. “It didn’t feel right. It felt wrong to force Kedan in that way. I want him as my husband, but I want him to want me to be his wife as well.”

“That wasn’t part of the bargain. He will be happy enough with you as his wife. He already enjoys the most important activity husbands and wives do with you,” Golnar said, turning back to his kettle.

“It’s too late. I threw the elixir away. I will just have to think of another way or be happy being just his mistress,” said Teryn defeatedly.

“You will be his wife. I have already taken care of it, and you can’t back out now.”

“What does that mean?” asked Teryn. “What did you do?”

“There are other ways to ensure Kedan takes you as his bride. The child would have just been another way to ensure he and the kingdom accepts you as his lady, but it does not matter. You have other qualities that will ensure you are an appropriate wife for Kedan. He will simply not have anyone else, anyway. I gave Kean an elixir as well. I can assure you he drank it. Have you not noticed that he calls for you even more than before? That he can’t bare for you to leave him?”

“You gave him something to desire me completely? That’s now how I want him. I want him to actually love me, want me,” cried Teryn.

“He does, the elixir just enhances it. Part of it is because of you as well. You have powers you don’t realize, Teryn. Powers you will learn to use. Powers that Kedan will need. I have done nothing but help things along. You don’t need to feel guilty.”

Teryn looked utterly confused. “None of that makes any sense.”

“It will. You will understand in time. You have to trust me. Now come here; I need something from you. I am giving you what you want, and now you are going to help give me what I want.”

He grabbed Teryn and dragged her over in front of the kettle.

“What are you doing, Golnar?” asked Teryn fearfully. “Let me go!”

“I’m not going to hurt you, much,” replied Golnar.

He held on to Teryn tightly with one hand as he withdrew a small knife from his pocket.

Teryn screamed in fear. “No please, Golnar, please, don’t hurt me. Please!” She squirmed to get away. She tried to use her other hand to dig into his, but he pushed it away.

Golnar forced her hand open and quickly sliced her palm with the knife. Blood started dripping from the cut. Teryn screamed with tears in her eyes. Golnar took her hand and placed it over the kettle, letting the blood run into the liquid in the kettle. The liquid sizzled and bubbled as the blood mixed in with the gold potion.

“Calm down, girl. That’s it. That’s all I need, just a little of your blood, for now.”

He let go of Teryn’s hand, and she clutched it with her other one.

“What did you do that for? What are you doing with my blood?” she asked, shaking.

“You will see soon enough. Now come let me bind that wound for you so you can get back to your young lord.”

She looked uncertain but she held out her hand. Golnar cleaned it and bandaged her hand. He grabbed the hand hard and drug Teryn forward, so she was very close to him.

“Tell no one about this, Teryn. Remember you will get what you want, but I can take it all away at any time.”

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