Tales of Midbar: Secret Priest

Chapter Yoho's Party - part 2

"Now," said Dad, sitting in his chair the way he did when he was going to say something serious. "I was very worried by your parting remarks about knowing what you've got to do. You're not doing anything drastic are you?"

"Can you clarify that?"

"No. I no longer have any idea what you're capable of, let alone Dwendra."

"Benai Nibeyim said they'd leave us alone and then tried to kill her!"

"Yes. It's easier for me to help if I know what the fornication is going on! I hate being stuck in the middle of a fight between you and your mother! I've spoken to your mother and Yoldasia and they say they're going to be nice to you, both you and Dwendra, but I don't entirely trust them. Can you try to be nice to them at least until they do something?"

"Depends how long they take to 'do something'."

"Anyway, the thing I really want to talk to you about. You know that Cudelda was badly hurt in the attack?"

"Yes. I'm told that Breeze tried her best but she already had some unconventional associates bound to her and that suicide bomb spell was a particularly nasty and rather unusual one so Cudelda wound up in a coma. Last I heard she was still in it."

"Yes, that's about what I've heard. Before she lost consciousness, she used my camera to give a verdict, which is legally questionable because it should be written and the trial hadn't concluded properly. The good news is that she decided that you were being bullied and shouldn't have been expelled. The bad news is that she ruled that students should be banned from having romantic relationships with others in the same school, so people wouldn't be put in the same situation as you. She didn't clarify 'school' so it's not clear what sort of schools it refers to, does it include the University, where many people meet their future spouses, or night school? What about things like marriage preparation classes and childbirth classes which are normally attended by romantically involved couples? 'Romantic relationship' is rather vague as well. Your school has filed an appeal. In order to appeal the ruling of a living judge, that judge must be consulted but she's in a coma. I understand that there's uncertainty about who her next of kin is so they can't take her off life support so it's basically a legal mess. All your other cases have been suspended pending the appeal so it could take a while."


"Anyway, you should be able to return to school but everybody will probably hate you for putting them in awkward situations regarding their romantic relationships."

"Everybody hated me already."

"The other thing I'd like to talk to you about is Dwendra. I take it she doesn't legally exist."

"Apparently there are ways round that."

"Good. I don't want to sound religionist or korbarist but can you refrain from marrying her or getting her pregnant, at least for a few ten cycles?"


"Well you haven't known each other very long. You're a bit young for that sort of responsibility and then there's the legal issues like you both being psychic. Hopefully, if you're still together in a year or so, I can figure something out with the legal stuff. Also it might be an idea to try not to get into any more complications for a while."

"I'll see what I can do."

"I'm sensing a lack of commitment here."

"I'm supposed to be having a meeting with Benai Nibeyim's new leaders, when they've elected them. Then there's the whole Prophesied Ruination thing. I'm not sure I'll be able to avoid complications."

"Well try! When is this meeting going to be?"

"Not sure, about six light cycles I think."

Back in the living room, not much had changed.

"To show that there's no ill feeling," said Yoldasia, "I'll treat you to a night out. Besides it will do Screld good to spend some time with young people. Drintac's only a small town and there aren't many young people there. Apparently there's a place where you can dance, play games and eat."

I suspected that it would be more accurate to say, "There aren't many young nibeyim there." The place she was talking about was called "Yoho's Party" but I wasn't at all sure how Yoho would feel about it.

I seriously thought about making an excuse and leaving.

"It wouldst be good for me to getteth to know thou's family better," said Dwendra.

Maybe she had a point but I was fairly sure that Yoldasia was up to something.

We decided to take Yoldasia’s car, which was huge, “You really need a bus when you have five kids,” she explained.

I sat beside Dwendra and put my arm round her shoulders. I felt cross looks from Screld and Attan.

“We’re going to pick up a friend of Attan’s,” said Mum.

Attan gave directions to his friend’s house.

“This isn’t the way to Garmas’s house,” I said.

“We’re not picking up Garmas,” said Attan. “Unlike you, I have lots of friends.”

“I have quite a few friends now.”

“But they’re probably all Haprihagfen,” said Yoldasia.

“Not all, but Haprihagfen are a lot friendlier to me than Benai Nibeyim.”

“What about Miandri?” said Yoldasia.

“Broke my heart and nearly killed me.”

“And tried to hath me raped!” said Dwendra.


“Fornicated Miandri and nearly killed me.”

“Your mother?”

Mum looked very crossly at Yoldasia.

“I think she just sees me as a job and prefers Attan. She certainly puts Benai Nibeyim before me.”

“That’s not true!” said Mum.

“Can we stop squabbling about this?” asked Dad.

We stopped at a house in a fairly poor area and Attan got out and went to get his friend.

“Don’t be rude to Attan’s friend,” said Mum.

“I’m only rude to people who deserve it,” I said. “The fact you felt the need to say that suggests this is somebody you know I don’t like.”

“Attan ist constantly rude unto me,” said Dwendra.

A few minutes later an adult, faharni hipsick poked his head through the car door and looked around. “Ah, Andan, Latchmir, you are supervising this?”

“Yes,” said Mum, “you have nothing to worry about. We’re just going to Yoho’s Party”

“OK, then.”

The man removed himself and Attan, his friend and somebody else got in. I was shocked that his friend was an idlan nibeyah. Both the people he’d got in with were. Of course I didn’t care about her race but I wasn’t sure if it was her sex or korbar that most shocked me, probably a combination of the two. I’d always assumed Attan, being very korbarist, was homokorbarsexual. Both girls were wearing a sari with one shoulder bare and had a harness over it. However, the girl sitting next to Attan had the top strap of the harness higher than normal and it pulled the dress in below very small breasts. I guessed she was about twelve. She also looked rather nervous, it was probably the first time she’d been in a confined space with two anavim. The other looked about my age and looked at me as if I was something terrible.

“This is Preldin,” said Attan, indicating the younger girl, “and her sister Jabna.”

“It’s you!” Preldin said, looking at me.

“I wasn’t told you’d be here,” said Jabna, crossly.

“I know some dreadful lies have been spread about me,” I said. “We’re taking legal action over it.”

“It’s not that it’s just that ...” said Preldin looking at Dwendra.

“We’re going to Yoho’s party,” said Mum. “He won’t be able to do much and he’s OK once you get to know him.”

I was fairly sure I’d seen Preldin and Jabna around, there aren’t many idlans in Laraget, but we’d never spoken. I suspected Preldin’s powers were getting stronger but she didn’t understand them. It was also possible Jabna didn’t know she was a nibeyah either.

As we drove, Preldin, Jabna and the rest of us introduced ourselves but Jabna was clearly very uncomfortable. Preldin had just finished beginner school and was going to Northside Adolescent School, which Jabna attended, after the holidays. Her and Attan had known each other for a while because she was a daughter of somebody Mum knew from her council work. This made me wonder why Mum had never introduced me to these girls.

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