Talent Hall

Chapter 9

Journal entry

October 8th, 2095

Daniel Colton

Creative Writing

Whoever said nothing can happen is such little time has clearly never attended Talent Hall, one of the best schools I’ve ever been to in my entire life. Things have been so busy, and I know more is about to happen. Especially with my aunt’s wedding coming up within the next week or so.

To get us started, I have spent countless hours every day dancing in my room to hip hop music. I’m very keen to do well at the awards, and that also makes me somewhat paranoid about everything that could go wrong. Everyone else totally believes in me. From Lisa and Blake themselves to people in other countries. I just have issues with believing in myself.

Speaking of other nations, no one told me the award show was going to be broadcasted for the entire world to watch! I found out when some people from other nations, including the king of Norway who is “en veldig stor fan av Talent Hall Talent Award og har vært i svært lang tid”, and when you translate that statement, it means “a very big fan of the Talent Hall Talent Award and have been for a long time”.

That’s when it hit me that there some some information I wasn’t getting. I asked my favorite teacher Mr. Brown and Mrs. Bryanti for some for info on Talent Hall Awards and they told me every nation is involved with them right now as a symbol of cultural diversity and that the only reason it is in a “White nation” is because Talent Hall originated in London and it’s only right to give the country the glory and credit that it deserves. My teacher also said something about other races finding those two words offensive.

I know years ago, cultural diversity wasn’t very common in the United States, and racism was really bad, especially in the nineteen hundreds, but I didn’t think people would still be offended by a talent show taking place in a place like England, especially if it’s totally coincidental, but what can you do? I was surprised because today, our society has so many groups open to other races, like anti racism groups for whatever race you are, Russian, Chinese, Mexican, African; you name it.

It just caught me off guard.

My most recent goal is to continue opening up to the ones I know care about me about anything. Especially when I relapse. I almost cut and relapsed a few nights ago, but I’m going to relapse and it’s okay. Not just because that’s what Lisa, Blake, my counselor Anna, Kamron, and Caleb say, but it just makes sense that if you’re in recovery, you’re going to relapse. And right now, I’m okay with that. If it means I can keep trying to achieve my goals and make myself proud one day like I’ve apparently made Lisa, Blake, and Caleb proud.

The other day, Blake gave me some encouraging words of advice.“Life will be difficult, but giving up ruins the chance of it ever getting better”. I’m pretty sure he got that from Lisa’s quote board on Pinterest, but I’m going to let that be my inspiration.

Another goal that I am working towards is telling Ana off like I’ve done a few times already. Sometimes it works and it makes me happy, but she comes back to insult me and then I either keep telling her off and tell Lisa that she’s harassing me. It’s not often she comes around anymore. When she was coming around, I was still getting used to my medicine.

In a way, I still am getting used to taking medicine every morning. People like to assume that if you’re depressed or have some other mental disorder and you have medicine, you’re fine, but that’s not the case. Medicine alone isn’t going to help. There is no cure for Schizophrenia, but the medication does help with some of the symptoms and talking about it, whether it’s in group or just with Blake or Lisa.

This time, group has probably helped me for than anything else. I grew up thinking that being raped was my fault and that no one else understood my feelings towards killing myself and being fat, but now after attending group twice a week for the past three weeks has shown me that it’s never the victim’s fault, depression will pick on anyone and so will eating disorders, and my most favorite of all, “Ana loves company. She doesn’t discriminate”, says the group leader for eating disorders.

I have learned so much the past few weeks, but my hectic life is just getting started. I still have so much more to learn and more goals to accomplish and I look forward to where I will be when I do accomplish them all.

Lisa picks me up for school around one thirty for a doctor’s appointment. It’s more of a check up really, but she wanted me to have time to mentally prepare myself for getting my driver’s license.The doctor sees me fairly quickly and takes Lisa and I towards the back. The minute I see the scale, it feels like Ana should be sneering, but it’s just silent. Lisa lightly pats my back. I take a deep breath and stand on the scale. Seconds later a number comes up. One Hundred and four.

”That’s a lot better than your last weight check. Good job. Danny. Has Ana been harassing you about starving lately?”

“Not as much,” I honestly answer.

When you do something all the time, no matter the outcome or current results, it becomes a habit.

So as time passed, I continued to ignore Ana’s threats and insults the best I can, and it became a habit. Kind of like getting petty revenge on family members who got away with everything. Yeah. Like that. It didn’t happen right away and I still have issues with Ana and eating, but I have noticed changes. I eat more veggies. Healthy food, but I’m eating. That’s the thing. And Ana vanished. For the most part. I can hear her angry outbursts over my disobedience, but she doesn’t say things like I’ll get fat because she knows I haven’t listened so far and probably doesn’t feeling like wasting her voice on a disobedient kid like me.

“Very good. Lisa, would you say his behavior has changed for the better?”

“Absolutely. He’s more open, talkative with my fiance and I. Eats more than he did before. He hasn’t hurt himself and when he relapsed, he let me in.”

The doctor looks to me either amused or amazed that I lasted three weeks. “That’s very impressive. It’s not easy, Daniel. Are you still seeing Anna?” I nod my head and smile. “How are you two getting along?”

“She’s easy to talk to,” I shrug.

“She’s very sweet. She’s personally my favorite counselor out of everyone else there. I trust you are completely honest with her then?”


“Excellent. That will help you. And keep in mind, both of you, that you, Daniel, will have bad days. Now I need you to stand still so I can check your height.” I do as I am told and he chuckles. “Oh my goodness, you grew an inch. Five foot five.”

Lisa gasps. “God, my baby’s growing up.”

“Lisa,” I whine. “I’m almost fifteen.”

“You’ll always be my baby, Danny. Always.”

As soon as we enter the coffee shop Angelia works at, we both realize that Angelia is being interviewed by a police officer. She makes eye contact with us and flashes a small smile before returning her eyes to the police officer. He doesn’t stay too long and eventually has to leave with the other detectives. Angelia waves us over as soon as he leaves. Her manager notices Lisa and asks if everything is alright.

“I was just about to ask that,” Lisa replies.

“Oh, you know how protective the law is. The Newark Police station seem to believe a guy that was poisoned last night has something in his drink and insisted on interviewing all of my loyal employees. However due to the busy investigation, the cafe will be shut down for a few weeks or until they give me the ‘Okay’ on everything. All of our employees will receive a paycheck for their hard work and endurance for this afternoon with all the distractions tomorrow morning. If Angelia comes in tomorrow morning before ten AM, I will have it ready.”

“Is she coming home now?”

“Within the next hour. We’re going to shut down for the evening and need her to help clean up the kitchen and give customers the ‘goodbye’ warning.”

If only I could get paid to tell people to get out… Oh, wait, Angelia probably does it with an angelic smile and pure motives. Never mind.

“Can I get you guys anything?” Angelia asks.

Her manager smiles. “My best worker- Alex! No! Not the good towels! Excuse me,” he nervously smiles as he runs the other way towards the messy kitchen. The second he walks away, it sounds like a million pans just hit the floor. I flinch at the sound and mumble I want a White Chocolate Mocha.

“Just get me a hot chocolate,” Lisa says and hands her a ten dollar bill.

Angelia does her thing with the cash register while the girl beside her starts on our drinks. Lisa lightly pushes me aside so the girl behind us can complain about getting the wrong drink. Angelia gasps and looks to the girl beside her before she apologizes and gets her another coffee. The complaining woman drinks it in front of her and walks away satisfied with her new drink. Angelia rubs her eyes and hands us our drinks.

“I’ll explain at home,” she whispers. “Love you. Good luck on your Driver’s test.”

“Thanks! I need all the luck I can get.”

The driving process went by surprisingly fast. During the process felt like an eternity, but once I got in the car, I felt a little more relaxed. I got behind the wheel, did everything I was supposed to, and drove safely, as Blakepredicted I would. Everything went smoothly. Instead of using Blake’s car like he promised, I ended up using my new car. A black Honda Civic. I told Lisa a million times from my tenth birthday to last month that I will to pay for my own car. Now I have chew them out when I have the chance.

Anyways… I am so proud to say I officially have my driver’s license and Lisa is too since she’s forcing me to drive home. Or park the car because we’re already home.

I follow Lisa inside and am attacked by Holly and Angelia who scream, nearly making me go deaf and hug me. Kamron just smirks. I glare and then fake cough.

“Seeing stars… Lights. Blacking out.”

They quickly get off and beam with excitement. Blake approaches me and high fives me. “We’re going to an Italian restaurant to celebrate.”

I raise an eyebrow. “For me getting my license.”

“That, and I want pizza,” he sheepishly says.

The restaurant is extremely crowded by the time we are given a table. Kamron sits across from me next to Lisa and Blake. Holly and Angelia are on the other side of me. A waitress comes to take our order and gives us some drinks. A shadow pops out of nowhere and smirks. It’s Jared. I roll my eyes.

“Can I help you with something?”

Blake glares at him. Jared smiles. “I just wanted to tell you that London month is going to be fun. You’re really talented, Danny. I’ve seen your dance moves on YouTube.” Now he’s stalking me and my dance moves? Wait, what? I glance at Angelia and Lisa. “It would be a real shame if someone better beat you though.”

“Shouldn’t you be in my league first? Now please leave before I puke my food. It’s already threatening to come up.” I flash a smile. I can picture the halo above my head right above some small devil horns. He rolls his eyes.

“See you in practice, Danny,” he says before he walks away to the restrooms.

The waitress comes back with the pizza slices, Lisa’s spaghetti, the lasagna for Blake, Kamron, and Angelia, plus my vegetarian lasagna. I’m the first one to take a bite. My mind enters a tunnel with rainbows and unicorns who are pooping skittles. I look at the food and all I can say is “Whoa.”

Blake nods. “Exactly. The best in the state.”

“How coincidental that the best of everything in New Jersey is right here in Newark.”

“Isn’t it?”

A little girl approaches me with a picture and permanent marker in her hands. She must be ten or eleven at the very oldest. Her face indicates she’s nervous. Her eyes are dark brown, her hair bright blonde. That combination is the worst from a child, especially when they want something. I whisper for Angelia and Holly to let me move to the end. Holly hops down and goes to the restroom. Angelia stands up to let me out and moves her plate to the other side. I bend down next to the girl.

“Hi, sweetheart. What’s your name?”


“It’s so nice to meet you, Sally.” I gently hug her.

When I pull away, she smiles. “Can you sign this and take a picture with me please?” Her eyes force me to accept. We take pictures with her phone and mine. Kamron even takes one. A man with blonde hair and brown eyes, I’m assuming her father, stands behind her with a small coat and smile. I, then, sign the picture of me and shake her father’s hand.

“Thank you so much. I’m really sorry to bother you,” he says apologetically.

“Oh!” I say. “It’s no bother. I’m happy to give her a picture and autograph. Your daughter is adorable.”

“Thank you. Ready, Sally?”

She nods. I watch with a melted heart as the girl and her father walk away, the girl smiling brightly like she just won a trip to Disney World. Lisa grabs my attention by smirking. I sit down and playfully glare.

“I couldn’t help it. She’s so cute. Her eyes just forced me,” I say with a shrug.

“Try staring into Angelia’s long enough. She has the type of eyes that could make you sell your soul without knowing it.”

Angelia smiles angelically. Holly comes back a few minutes later and whispers Jared is watching us from the other side. I plead with Blake to switch spots with Kamron after asking Holly if he saw her looking at him, and she says he didn’t because she’s a ninja. I laugh as Kamron sits besides me and looks down and sighs. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see an enraged Jared heading towards the exit door of the restaurant after yanking his girlfriend, Ashley with him right out the door.

Blake and the owner of the building talk for a whole five minutes before he as so much as notices me and tries to ask my name. I hesitantly tell him to call me Danny. Blake and Lisa are well known here, so he doesn’t have a problem letting her in, but he’s never seen me before, so he’s curious. I don’t think he was here when Angelia and I were here to paint or he would have seen us together.

“He’s my soon to be nephew,” Blake explains briefly. “He just moved here from Washington state. Danny, this is Aiken. He manages the entire building with few advisors.

“It’s awesome to meet you. I’ve known your aunt and almost uncle for a very long time.” I nod. “Blake works for our construction architecture company, and is one of the best workers I’ve ever seen. It only makes me feel bad about the fact that his manager in that department is pretty inconsiderate.Well, what are you guys doing today?”

“He hasn’t seen the whole building. I was hoping your daughter wasn’t busy. I thought maybe she could give him a tour.”

“Of course. Just a few minutes.”

More than ten minutes later, my name is called from the front doors. Kayiah stands next to Aiken with red lipstick and a bright smile. Her darker skin tone allows her the luxury of being able to pull it off like a model. I’ll probably never tell Angelia this, but she can’t pull it off like Kayiah can.

She grins at me and pulls herself away from Aiken. “Alright, let’s go.”I follow Kayiah to a gray building where Silver Go Karts sit under a green roof. Kayiah presses a button on her key-chain. The car makes an alarming sound, probably the kart unlocking. “Hop in.”

Kayiah turns the corner slowly and revs the engine before she goes faster. We ride on the sky walk with a great view of the sky. The glass windows really enhances the sun’s beauty. We’re already seen the pools, dorm room, restaurants, hospitals, classrooms. As we pass, Kayiah mentions something about watching the sunsets, stars, and fireworks here while listening to country music, and camping out here. The perfect combination. I’ve always wanted to do something like that.

When we come closer to what looks like a gymnasium, she slows down and then completely stops the kart. “And this is our training gym.”

Of course a revolutionary building would have a training gym, but me being the idiot that I am, I won’t hesitate to ask. “What do you guys train for?”

“Revolutionary inhabitants are volunteers to the cause. We train as warriors of anti Eliminators. Our revolution is our message, ‘We have a right to live as well as anyone else’,” she briefly explains.

“Do you guys also plan out attacks?”

“Only when necessary. And you have to be on the list go out and fight if it’s needed. I’m not on the list though. Aiken won’t let me.”

I cock my head to one side. “Why is that?” I curiously ask.

I follow Kayiah as she steps off the cart. “Aiken is my guardian and he’s really over protective. He won’t let me do anything he thinks is dangerous. Says he can’t bear to lose me.”

“Oh,” I say. “But that’s a good thing, right?”

She sighs and changes the subject. “He saved me from drowning in a swimming pool in Mexico City, and my brother from a vicious shark in the Atlantic ocean a year after he saved me a year after I came to live with him. Once he found out it was my brother, I instantly knew he knew that I owed him both of our lives. Unfortunately, I can only give him mine. Fortunately, I can repay him greatly by staying with him. I am indebted to him.”

“Did he ask for your life?”

“More like my obedience,” she says. “Our deal was I could pay my debt for my and my brother’s lives by staying here and assisting him until my eighteenth birthday.”

I smile. “So it’s not like Cinderella?”

She laughs. “Heavens, no. He’s very kind as long as everything is running smoothly. He treats me like a daughter. He gives me many rewards. He pays for me to live here, including food, clothes, and I get every weekend off as long as I am back by Monday morning. He doesn’t force me to do anything.”

“And you’ve never tried to run away, to be free?”

“When you think about it, I am free. The reason I almost drowned was because I ran away from home and tried to swim away from my father. He was really abusive. To answer your question, no. I never tried to run away from Aiken. He’s been more of a father to me than my biological father. Aiken and Blake. I have grown to love and respect Aiken. He’s done so much for me.”

I don’t know if I should believe this or if she is being forced to lie. “So how long do you have here?”

“Three more years. That’s only if I decide to leave. At the time, I thought he took me in and thought of him as hero for saving me from my broken home, but now I see, he’s done so much more.”

“How much has he done exactly?” I ask. “Sorry. I’m a little confused here…”

She puts her fingers up as she speaks. “One, he took me in, gave me a beautiful place to live, food, clothes, paid for my schooling. That’s all considered one thing.” Okay… “Two, he’s shown me fatherly love for the past three years, even when I was being difficult. Three, he only asks I work and assist him five days a week, and Friday is a half day, so two and a half days to have fun. Four, he’s adopted me, so I carry his name. Five, he’s paying for my college for four years after my debt is all paid. Six, he gives me an allowance of six hundred dollars, unless I decide to travel for two days, and he wants to make sure I’m with someone who will protect me. Seven, He didn’t have to save our lives. To love me, to pay for me to live, allow me to have fun a few days a week.”

In some really weird way, I kind of understand. Lisa didn’t have to bring me here, to give me a home, food, clothing, love. She’s treated me as her own, and I’m not even hers.

“I don’t mind doing this. Living here and working with Aiken is pretty fun. You get to explore wonderful things, gain the best experiences. I can’t ask for a better life.”

After a little hesitation, I clear my throat. “Does Angelia know?”

She shakes her head. “No one knows. It’s my secret. Promise not to tell?” she whispers with pleading, puppy dog eyes.

And I promise.

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