Talent Hall

Chapter 28

When we get back to the House of Parents, Jayline and Kyle are there with their kids, a large dinner already cooked, chocolate cake with pink frosting, and a bowl of salty and buttery popcorn. The room is scented with candles. Holly hugs Lia and I at one time and jumps up and down, making eye contact and giving us a wide smile. They all shout and hug us after Holly pulls away and congratulates me on doing so well on the stage and commend me for not backing out. They’re aware I have bad anxiety. I didn’t tell them, but I’m sure Lisa did to prove one of her many points. I’m not even sure which point she wanted to prove.

I just shrug it off and thank them again before turning to Jayla. “How are you feeling?”

She nods. “Much better. They pumped my stomach and had me rest for a while and then said if I felt up to it, I was free to go. Of course, they’re keeping my file open until we go home in case it happens again, but other than that, I feel great. They said it was a different type of lead poisoning. Lead poisoning that only one kingdom has access too. Do I need to mention any names?”

“Let’s not just because we’ve all had a long day,” I say and then hug her, “I’m glad you’re okay.”

She smiles. “We wanted to throw you all of you kids a little dinner party of your own before you find out who won and lost at the King’s party in two days. So you’ll have go to sleep on a positive note and won’t be too anxious about your results.”

“Thank you,” Lia says. “We appreciate you guys.” She takes a handful of popcorn and tosses it in her mouth.

“We’ll try to be out of here before your movie date,” Kyle says with a smile and hands Holly a plate with a piece of watermelon. She sits at the table and chows down. Kayiah and I glance at each other and then return to face Kyle. He’s smiling, but when he says how serious we look, it disappears… “Is something wrong guys? Did Danny say something stupid? Because we’re guys. It’s in our nature, sweetheart.” She laughs and shakes her head. “Don’t blame us. It isn’t our fault. We really do try. Although it’s a little too soon to say anything dumb, isn’t it, Danny?”

“It isn’t that… I don’t think I’ve said anything too dumb yet.” She leans into my chest. I wrap my arm around her and kiss her forehead. “Um… I saw someone I wished I hadn’t seen and I have to help the guards get him in the dungeon. I agreed to meet up with him and his fiance at a coffee shop. I have to do that first and it could take a while to lead up to trapping him… I might not be back for another hour.”

He nods. That symbolizes he knows who I’m talking about and I don’t have to explain further. “Be careful. He’s… dangerous I’m sure.”

“You should let me come with you,” Kayiah says.

“Not a chance,” I say. “You’re better off hanging out here, even if it means you’ll hear embarrassing stories about me from when I was a baby. At least you’ll be safe. When I get back, I’ll just be embarrassed.” She raises an eyebrow. “What? I’m not taking anyone unless you’re an official police officer or guard working for His Majesty. Just so we’re on the safe side. It’s for your protection.”

“But you’re taking Blake?”

“I’m not. He’s following and him being older and taller than me and being one of my legal guardians, I technically don’t have a choice.” She crosses her arms. “Don’t look at me like that. I’ll be fine, Kayiah. I promise.”

“I’m all for bravery, compassion, and enthusiasm, but It’s The Elimination we’re talking about. They are incredibly dangerous, Danny.”

“I understand, but I don’t want you to worry so much. Go sit on the couch. Scroll through that wedding planning- recipe hoarding website, eat something and just relax for a little bit.”

She sighs, nods and sits on the bed with Lia behind her, bringing a bowl of fruit and some water bottles with her. Kayiah messes with the remote to the flat screen TV and picks a channel with a TV show playing. I pick some grapes from the bowl and toss them in my mouth. Lisa pats my back and follows Blake to another bed. Kyle snaps his fingers and holds up a leather jacket and some boots. Jayden’s holding up a pocket knife and a leather glove. I squint. They grin and place it over the other part of the table.

“You’re in a battle with The Elimination. You have to be prepared, man,” Jayden says. “This is for protection if all else fails. My mom always has pepper spray and maybe nail polish remover. That will burn. They might not want to bother you again. I mean, if you did that to me, which I know you wouldn’t, I probably wouldn’t want to approach you again either.”

“And the dark clothing...?” I ask hesitantly.

“If you look tough, you’ll be intimidating. Again, it is The Elimination we’re dealing with, but it might help. Besides, you have the face of an twelve year old. You’re not scary or intimidating.”

Unsure of how to take that, I nod again and gently take the pocketknife and smile. “You didn’t have to do that.”

He sits in the chair right next to Holly. “Look, I know you might feel awkward. I get that we don’t hang out as much, but you’re a good kid and I think you’re awesome for standing up for what you think is right and I’ll always respect you for that and if you want, when we get back home, we can work on bring friends and I’ll work not being so awkward too. How does that sound?”

“If anyone is awkward here, it’s me,” I say. He smiles. “But I would like to be friends if you don’t mind me being weird.”

He smiles. “I think we’ll be great friends. I am as weird as they come.”

“Like you said, we don’t hang out a lot. We don’t know that for sure, Jayden. We’ll find out once we hang out a little more. You’ll see I’m so weird and you’re wondering why Kayiah likes me.”

“And you’ll wonder why Emily Daniels went out with me,” Jayden says with a laugh. “You’ll know why we broke up.”

“Oh stop it. You don’t know weird yet.”

“You’re both plenty weird,” Lia says with a smirk. “Now hush. The show is starting.” I mock Lia’s words silently and that causes Jayden to snicker some more.

It takes us fifteen minutes for me to get dressed in an all black outfit Kyle and Jayden got me, Blake to kiss Lisa goodbye and for us to get organized enough to go through with my plan. Blake’s going to be in his car on the side of the coffee shop with Sam. Some guards will be hidden outside by the streets.

Before we go close to the coffee shop, I explain a few things to everyone, even if they already know it: Maura or Karah as Jack would says, is pregnant,so if she’s imprisoned she’ll have to have daily doctor trips and might be moody because of the baby. It’s my half-sibling, Jack’s child.

They handed me a small bottle of dust and told me it’s from Princess Sydney.

From outside, the coffee shop is dark. It looks like no one would be here. A perfect opportunity for them to jump me and threaten my life again, but this time, I don’t have a shiny red button to alert anyone else. I have a pocketknife to alert Jack of how fast he could lose a lot of blood and his life if he doesn’t back off and a bottle of dust to knock them out if I can even get close enough.

I look back at the guards who are hiding and take a deep breath before heading inside. It’s all dead silent for a minute. Even everything outside is silent. The cars aren’t making a sound. Neither are the coffee machines in this shop. The only thing making noise is the blood rushing through my ears.

Something drops and causes me to jump, but I realize it’s just a bunch of pans and cooking utensils when Maura comes out and claps. The lights turn on automatically. Dad looks up from his newspaper and looks at his watch, surprised I’m on time. I didn’t think I would remember that being on time isn’t one of my strong suits. Having compassion for certain people might be, but being on time isn’t.

“Getting better on the being on time goal, aren’t we?” I cock my head to the side. He gets I’m confused and slides a picture over across the table. “You made this goal when you were in third grade. You said your teacher told Danielle you had a problem with being late to class. They sat you down and talked to you. You said that inspired you to write this as a goal. Be on time to class and other important places. I’m impressed. Most kids your age aren’t on time. In fact, their habit of being tardy grows stronger the older they get.”

“Okay... Do you have to work at being creepy or is it all natural? Because if it is, you could have been in the talent show too, but they would told you you won the creepy section,” I say.

Maura giggles. “Do you want some coffee? It might take your mind off of your father’s practical jokes?”

“I’m glad you like them, baby,” Jack says, trying to sound charming.

Ugh. Gouge my eyes out. Stab in my chest. Hit me in the head with a brick. Beat me with a metal baseball bat. Anything but this. It’s cute when Blake and Lisa are like this, but when I’m looking at the man my mom married like this with someone I can’t stand, it’s gross. I mean, I guess I can’t stand either one of them, but I’d rather watch a turtle have a race then be around this.

Why did I agree to this?

Okay. Think Danny.

She wants to make me coffee. While I have this dust, It’s common to be effective when you blow it in the face of danger or faces to be exact. Putting it in their coffee just might be easier than blowing it their faces because what if it doesn’t work on two people at once? I’d be screwed. But if it doesn’t work in the coffee and they see it, I’m screwed that way too.

“I can make my own…”

She raises an eyebrow. “Honey, do you think I’m going to poison you?”

“It’s one way to kill me because I almost never question coffee.”

“But I don’t want to kill you, honey,” she says with a sing-songy voice. Jack smiles. “I’m your stepmom.”

I sigh. “First of all, Karah, don’t call me that,” I say. “You may be my mom by future marriage, but you’re not my mom in my mind… And I actually like making coffee. Makes me feel more at home if you catch my drift.”

She says the kitchen now belongs to me and sits across from Jack. He gently touches her hand. I look at all of the supplies and ask how they want their coffee. They give me their answers, Maura wants a Pumpkin Spice Mocha and Jack wants a Cappuccino. I nod and get started on the cappuccino. The coffee machines are similar to the ones we have back in New Jersey, so it isn’t difficult.

The only thing I have a tough time with is trying to sneak some dust into the coffee. If you want to poison or knock someone out using dust or medicine in their food or drinks, always put it in there a minute before serving it so it has time to dissolve. I decide to put the dust in first as the drinks are brewing and then pour them in. I notice it gleams and then goes back to it’s original color. I hand Jack’s his first and then continue to work on Maura’s. If he faints, she’ll be easier to deal with without him. Plus, I don’t want her to fall too hard while pregnant. I’m not complete a monster.

My mocha is already made and isn’t spiked so I’m looking forward to my coffee. They take that first sip and it’s very satisfying to watch. Nothing’s happening yet, but it’s still nice to watch. They’re enjoying it. Dad is finished with it before I can sit at a small table next to them.

Maura is impressed with my coffee making skills and says I could run a coffee shop if dancing doesn’t work out for me. I shrug. “You did a great job on your part. I didn’t know you were that good. Your father told me about you dancing since infancy,” she continues.

“You could say that,” I sigh. “So you wanted to talk about other things I believe.”

He places his Cappuccino down on the table and nods his head. “Yes. About that night I was taken to prison and leaving you confused.” I raise an eyebrow. “First of all, and don’t get offended, but I need to know what your mom and my sister told you… Just so I know how much you need to hear from me.”

There’s really nothing you can tell me that will change anything. “Oh,” I say. “Um, well, they told me it wasn’t my fault… Like you said it was. Hm, they wanted me to always come to them if I needed anything. They called you a sick monster… Lisa told me you were involved with The Elimination. Mom told me you would never see me again and if I even thought about being disrespectful to women, she would make sure I never did such a thing again.. I believe Mom always told me you cheated on her… Is there any truth to that?”

“There might be a little truth there, but I never touched your mother in a harmful way until she found out. There’s so much you don’t know, Danny… As I told you, the world is cruel and you were going to find out how such people can mess you up eventually and if it happened by anyone else who actually hates you, it would break my heart. I knew they wouldn’t do it with tender care. I know our methods were… painful-”

“Extremely painful,” I add with a sarcastic grin.

“But it was because you needed to know what the world is like and the sooner you learn, the better off you would be.”

I nod. “Alright. Okay. I see your point. You let Karah, your current fiance rape me when I was four and for most of my life, I’ve lived in fear of everyone and everything. Someone touching me in any kind of way. Even my own mother couldn’t touch me. My real mother couldn’t date without me trying to get rid of him by acting so crazy and out of control because of fear that he would he hurt me. I went through my life wondering what I did to deserve being raped for two years, but now I understand. You let her rape me because you wanted me to learn a lesson I would have learned in a less painful way eventually. That was why the entire time. Crazy world, isn’t it?”

“I know you lived in fear for a long time and you’re still struggling to realize not everyone is a bad person, but a lot of people are. I know you think we’re terrible people for tormenting or maybe, possibly, killing off a few bad kids…”

“Ahh… Few. Totally right word to use. I just helped over thirty kids in London alone trust the king and queen and their new parents to not hurt them as well. I’ve never seen so much fear and hatred in my whole life. Not even my own. Speaking of fear, when my cousin came in and saw you, she was afraid of you. She cried when you disappeared… Why?” I respond with a glare.

“Like I’ve established, we’ve hurt a few people. Unfortunately, your… cousin was one of the souls we had to torture. I knew her personally back in my day. She was an obedient child for the most part until she got rebellious and had to be punished.”

“Punished.. So beating or rape? Or both? Because that fear is similar to the fear I had of my mom’s boyfriend.” He doesn’t answer. “You know, if you don’t want to tell me, I can always go and ask her myself. She’ll tell me. It’s easy for me to break her silence.”

“Sometimes I had to whip her on her bare back multiple times and sometimes I had to rape her. It was the only way to get her to do what we needed. And sometimes those two alone weren’t enough so I may have combined them. Don’t like doing twice the work, but if it gets the job done… If she would just listen-”

“She would have died.”

“We only go that far in extreme circumstances,” Maura says. “I mean extreme like violence. Fighting back. Death threats.”

“I’m sure they had some good teachers,” I say and sip on my coffee. “Why do you do this though? I don’t understand that part… Why do you feel the need to hurt them?”

Jack begins to rub his eyes. It’s working. I was beginning to wonder why it’s taking so long.

“I think everything would be a lot easier if everyone did the same thing.”

Jack pulls out a large black and red box with two swords through a skull, symbolizing a lot of death and suffering. I’m assuming. He holds and opens it. Ablack crown sits on a red leather pillow inside. The top of the crown has pointy spikes, definitely worthy of stabbing someone and causing a lot of pain if pointed in the right area.

I stare at him, my eyes squinted and my brain demanding I ask for more answers.

“I’m sure you know much about our kingdom, Savadonia, right?” I nod slowly. “You see, one of my best friends died from an illness. He left me the throne. I am now the king. So King Henry and I do share that status. And soon, your stepmother will be the queen once we’re properly married.”

He wouldn’t…

“I may need a heir in the future and you being my son, well, the deal is sealed… Prince Daniel.”

He doesn’t really think I’m willing to be a prince and future king of a kingdom that believes in killing off kids, does he? Please, God, tell me he isn’t that stupid. You don’t have to be my best friend to know that I would never do something like that. Jayden knows that, for crying out loud and we barely hang out or talk. What could have tricked Jack into believing something so crazy? I’m curious.

He hands me the box. Whether I want to or not, I’m obligated to take it and at least look at the crown. I might as well compliment the design before I break his small and black heart.

“It’s your decision. I don’t expect you to decide right away. Especially with all the lies you’ve been told your whole life. You just finished a nerve wracking talent show. You’re fifteen. I understand you need some time to think. More than a little time, I imagine. Take it with you so you know what you’re destined to be, son. Don’t let anyone decide, but you. It’s your destiny. Your future. Your life. Live it how you want, but keep in mind, you can’t hide who you are. No matter how hard you try.”

Sounds a lot like he’s going to blackmail me into doing this. Nothing personal, but Jack isn’t and never has been the type of of fellow to let you make your own choice like a reasonable person. I wonder how bad Maura would be as Queen of Savadonia. Better yet, how bad is Jack now that he is the King of Savadonia? If they force my hand, they could change me and if I die, I want to die as myself. Not as someone I’m not.

He lays his head down. Maura shakes him. I stand up and lightly shake with her. She turns to me and pulls out a pocketknife, rightfully accusing me of poisoning him and goes on about how she’s immune.

“We’ll see about that,” I say as I hold my necklace and blow dust in her fast.

She backs away, but it’s too late. It gets in her face and she drops the knife and falls to the ground. I grab her hand before she hits the ground so the baby isn’t injured by her falling too hard. I smile and step back some more so I’m not so close. Blake runs in the shop with Sam and the guards. They all stare at the two unconscious rulers of a savage kingdom and then back at me, wide-eyed. They weren’t expecting the plan of a fifteen year old to work, but don’t want me to know that.

“I’m going home,” is all I say before I’m out the door.

I head back to the car with Blake and Sam following while the guard talk about how easy it would to be smash two skulls and hide the evidence if they weren’t so loyal to to the king. Blake and Sam sit in the front and refuse to so as much as start the car until I say something.

I open the box and pick up the crown, gently giving it to Sam to hold. They gasp and touch it. I notice something white on the side of the box under the pillow and lift it up. A piece of paper is folded. As I unfold it, I realize it’s a list of responsibilities as King of Savadonia. I crumble it into a ball and place it back on the pillow. Sam winces and then hands me the crown, blood dripping down his finger. I put it back in the box and slam it shut while Sam holds a tissue over his finger and groans. He pricked his finger.

“They can’t make me take the throne… Can they?” I whisper.

Blake starts the car and looks both ways before pulling out. “No one can make you do anything. Not even The Elimination. They’ll try. They’ll try to make you become king one day, but it’s your life therefore it’s your decision. The only thing I ask is you keep it put up so Holly doesn’t get hurt. That thing can poke an eye out. I’m not ready to explain that Holly hurt herself because of a dark and hard metal crown that belongs to her cousin.”

“And I’m not ready to tell Lisa this,” I say.

“I understand, but she has a right to know. She’s your aunt… She won’t be upset with you. You didn’t do anything wrong. She’ll let you make your own choice. Just like I will.”

I sigh.

As soon as I get back to the hotel room, I walk straight past Jayden, Kayiah, and Lisa. Angry at Jack, Maura, The Elimination, and myself for simply existing, I throw the crumpled ball of responsibilities into the fireplace. The fire rages and then calms down. I watch as it burns. Kayiah stands next to me and wants to know how everything went as well as Lisa and Jayden. I place the box on the table and open it. Jayden gasps and lifts up the crown, careful not to prick his finger.

“Is that…?”

“Yes. He told me he’s the king now and says I’m the heir. He wants me to make the right choice about it, but he won’t force my hand.”

“That makes me anxious.”

“You and me both.”

Kayiah kisses my cheek. “Don’t stress about this. He can’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do. What do you say we just relax and watch the movie? Kind of forget about this long night...”

The best suggestion I’ve heard all night.

“Sounds wonderful. I need to put this up,” I say and take the crown from Jayden. “Blake doesn’t want Holly to get hurt and that crown isn’t exactly child friendly.” I place it back in the box and put it in my backpack and put it on the floor. Lisa gives me a bottle of water and hands Kayiah a bow of popcorn before she hugs me. They must have made another batch because this one is hot.

Kayiah and I sit on the floor, leaning back against the couch. She turns the movie on and lays her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her. My nerves begin to relax. Lia and Blake sits on the couch with Lisa and enjoy the movie just as much as I do.

Halfway through my movie, my phone beeps with a message from Caleb.


You did such a good job, Danny!!

I’m so proud of you. And your

mother would be too!


Thanks, Caleb. I just wanted to perform

without passing out! I’m glad to say I

survived and I tried.


You were amazing, Danny. Just

amazing. You have to believe that.

Do you think you did a good job?

I glance at Kayiah who’s so into the movie and then return to my phone, wrapping my arm around her. She kisses my cheek softly. My cheeks filling with blush, I type a response into the text box.


In a way, I know I did a good job.

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