Talent Hall

Chapter 24

It’s a full house already. Peopleare here tonight, sitting in their seats and waiting for the talent show to begin. King Henry and Queen Alice are seated on a high balcony where the wealthy people sit with some of their noble subjects and Princess Sydney and Riley, both of them looking queenly with their gowns, makeup, and tiaras. Their dresses are dark, almost black. The nobles are creating conversation with Riley. She just smiles and looks around the room.

The stage is huge. There’s enough room for every one of the servants to all kingdoms under King Henry’s rule to stand there and pose for a picture without running out of room. It’s that big. So we’ll all have enough room to strut our stuff and maybe play a game of football. If someone falls, part of the stage can cover that, so they aren’t embarrassed.

Neon colored lights are built in the walls and the stage floor. It’s built like tiles so each square is different. They’re all the same size, but the color and designs are all very different. One tile can be bright pink and the one next to it can be green. In a second, they’ll change colors, so they would be something like blue and bright yellow. We call them bipolar lights because they’re constantly changing.

Princess Sydney spots me and waves. I wave to everyone on the balcony and close the blood red curtains tighter, taking a deep breath. My heart is starting to pound faster by the minute. The closer we are to showtime, the more anxious I become. It’s almost unbearable. I’ve known all along that the room will be filled with peopleand that it’s being televised to the world, but it’s just now scaring me. Sometimes when you actually see a lot of people, the realization hits you like a bus. That bus not only hit me, but is running me over again and again, squeezing the air out of my lungs and sending waves of panic to my heart.

The backdoor by the dressing rooms open. I look up and see Kayiah and Aiken closing it with a couple bags of food. As soon as Kayiah hands me one of the bags, she says it has anything that could help us all to relax. Aiken places the bags down and digs in. Of course he needs something. He’s hosting tonight. That must be more nerve wracking than performing.

I open the bag and the first thing I grab is a piece of watermelon gum. As I start to chew, I think about the flavor. That starts to relax my racing heart. Kayiah pats my back and hands me a bottle of ice cold water. Angelia finally comes out of the changing room with her choice in clothes and her hair done completely. Curled. Lisa stands up and hugs her tightly, reminding her of how amazing and beautiful she is. She smiles and takes a deep breath.

“We’ll be watching you guys,” Blake says and kisses Her forehead.

The parents, guardians, and mentors of contestants have a reserved section of the room to watch us perform. Blake and Lisa enjoy helping out backstage, but they really want to enjoy the show too. Kayiah wants to go the same too. As soon it’s Lia’s turn, she’s going out there. The queen asked if I wanted to sit with them until my turn, but I had to turn down the generous offer because I’m such a spaz and can’t be ready under twenty minutes.

Jayla and Ashley McGray come out of the changing rooms and rush to the makeup tables. Lia helps Jayla with her hair and one of the makeup artists helps Ashley with her hair. Ashley’s not too serious about her appearance so the makeup artist doesn’t have a tough time with her makeover. Jayla on the other hand already has a ton of makeup on so she’s probably more serious and concerned with how she looks.

Some backstage employees bring in food and place it on the long table. Lia gently refers to the food that’s filling the table and the air with it’s delicious smell. Jayla shakes her head.

“I’ll puke if I eat before I go on stage. I’d rather not throw up in front of the world,” she says.

“I feel ya,” I add.

“You’re nervous?” Jayla asks. I nod. “Wow. I never would have guessed. You don’t seem nervous.”

“Good. Then the audience won’t see it either,” I chuckle. “I am extremely nervous.”

“I’m sure you’ll do great.”

“Thank you. I hope so. There’s nothing quite as embarrassing as falling or peeing on stage. Good luck on your talent. I mean, you’re standing and painting. It’s not like the risk for messing up is high or anything.”

“As a painter, it is. Trust me,” Jayla giggles. “And thanks. I’ll need it.”

I start to shake my head, implying she’s not as bad or likely to fail as she thinks she is, but end up staring at the large table of food and beverage.Although all the food looks delicious, it’s suspicious right now. With The Elimination around and everything.

Jayla looks at the table and gentle puts her hand on my back. I approach the table. The food is appealing, but that’s what you have to watch out for. The fun and appealing things are a trap nine times out of ten.

“What’s the matter, Danny?” Kayiah asks.

“Who brings the food?”

“Anyone who wants to help out or volunteer,” Jayla says. “Last year, Jayden was nominated for comedy. We all made some food and brought it. My family, Kamron’s. I think Blake brought blueberry pie. It can vary…”

“How convenient,” I mumble.


“If someone wanted to poison one of us back here, it would be that easy then, right?”

“You have to through a full background check, but because Jayden and Antonio have been here for a few years, we don’t have to do it every year.”


Lia rubs her eyes. “You think someone poisoned the food for us.”

I shrug. “Like I said, they have to go through background checks. There’s no way, Danny,” Jayla says soothingly.

“It’s The Elimination we’re talking about.”

“Watch. I’ll prove it,” Jayla says.

My heart is crushed slowly as she dips her finger deep in a blueberry pie, sucks on her blueberry covered finger, smiles, and bites into an apple. She chews slowly, which terrifies me, but as soon as she swallows, I somewhat relax. Lia tosses a grape in her mouth and smiles. Ashley stares at it, but backs away and holds her stomach. She probably won’t be able to eat without throwing up on stage. I totally understand. I probably wouldn’t eat anything anyways.

“See? Nothing to worry about.”

Lia hugs me and pats my back. “I think you’re anxious to the point of paranoia. Listen to some music. Take some deep breaths. It’s going to be okay. I promise.”

You can’t promise that.

Aiken claps his hands loudly. Everyone gives him their full attention, including me. Jayla takes a few more bites of her apple and listens while she and the girls grab their needed materials for the stage. Aiken just reminds everyone of the order of each talent on the stage and says the girls doing art need to be ready.

“We’re ready, Aiken,” all four girls say. Lia, Ashley, Jayla, and the girl doing photography, Caitlin Lathi.

While the girls are painting, she’ll be doing a slideshow of all the photos she’s taken and she’ll give an explanations of them all. And why she loves her talent. Aiken will ask that to every contestant on the stage. Caitlin’s turn should give the girls some time to get started and explain their paintings. That’s all they have to do. Pretty simple. It’s not like having to dance and not trip over a flat surface.

We all crowd in front of the flat screen TV. Kayiah, Jared, Kamron, and I sit on the couch. Marybeth sits on the couch armrest after she turns the volume up. Jayla, Ashley and Lia put their materials in the rightful positions, still behind the curtains while Caitlin sets up her camera right next to Lia. Aiken goes to the stage taps the microphone. The audience applaud for Aiken and the beginning of the show. He waves to everyone and smiles.

“It’s such an honor to be the host of Talent Hall’s ninety third award show. It’s a privilege. For ninety three years, this school has been up and running, helping children from all over the world realize their talents and giving them a place to be themselves, from 2002 until this year, 2095 Most areas have this school. Not every country, but most countries have it and it’s a blessing to be a part of it.” Everyone applauds one last time. “Thank you. I’m pleased to announce, our first group of talent tonight from Art. From Newark, New Jersey, Angelia Ryan, Jayla Johnson, Ashley McGray, and from the Photography Room in Miami, Florida, Caitlin Lathi.”

The curtains open and all four girls are revealed. A large screen is placed against the wall with the background of a computer. A girl who looks like Caitlin, but younger by three years at least messes around with the computer, picking pictures. Aiken hands a microphone to Caitlin and then stands back, keeping one for himself and watching the girl paint away on their canvas. A hidden camera reveals the progress they’re already making on their paintings. There are hidden cameras everywhere, but if you’re asked to spot one, you couldn’t do it. That’s how hidden they actually are.

The judges look pleased with the partially painted canvases. The board goes into slideshow mode. Caitlin smiles and starts to explain some photos. The first one is a photo of the Eiffel Tower with a couple standing in front of it. She went there on spring break with her boyfriend’s family and a friend of his. She took that photo when her boyfriend’s father asked his wife to renew their vows. Of course she accepted because the picture shows them locking lips. Nothing women like better thana puppy or being appreciated, hence the vowel renewal proposal. Mom would have loved to marry Caleb. I could always see she loved him.

The next couple of photos are of some cute couples. All five backgrounds are different. One’s in a garden. Another on the beach. In a parking lot. A bedroom. On the roof. They all show great talent and dedication to Caitlin’s work. Caitlin’s sister backs away from the laptop. Kayiah leans against my shoulder. I wrap an arm around her and smile, my nerves calming a little bit. Caitlin picks up her camera and takes a photo of Lia who stops painting and strikes a popular girl pose for the camera. I notice how the camera is hooked up to the laptop, so the picture of Lia pops up on the screen and looks amazing. The audience applauds. I can see Blake rolling his eyes, probably thinking it’s attractive to boys and Lisa giggling at Blake being to overprotective. I have to admit, I’d be the same way with my daughter. Lia is my cousin and one of my closest friends, but she is no exception.

“Excellent! What talent! I could never make a photo look so artistic,” Aiken comments. “What do you think, Your Majesties?”

The camera pans towards King Henry and Queen Alice.They are placed on the big screen. It also includes Princess Sydney in the background who smiles. Queen Alice mouths something like “beautiful” and King Henry gives a thumbs up to Caitlin and smiles. The judges write something down and smile at her. That’s makes the talent show so nerve wracking. They aren’t allowed to critique it now.

“When did you decide to do photography, Caitlin? And what do you like about it?”

“I’ve been taking pictures since I was nine. I loved the feeling of being behind the camera, taking photos of puppies and happy couples. It’s one of the best feelings in the world. It really makes you ignore reality. And it’s better than sitting behind a desk in a gray room. That would drive you crazy after a while, Aiken.”

“I agree. I go bonkers filling out papers in my office back in New Jersey.” The audience chuckles lightly. So if given the chance, would you like to make a career of photography, Caitlin?”

She nods. “It would my dream to be a professional photography.”

“I can see that happening. Caitlin Lathi, everybody!” Everyone applauds one last time. By the time she stumbles backstage and holding her chest, they are still applauding and then they stop. Everyone backstage highfives her and ask what it’s like to be the first one to perform.

“My legs are jelly and my heart won’t stop pounding.”

“At least you’re in an easy talent section,” Chloe says. “I have to do gymnastics up after the Art girls. I’m nervous about doing the wrong move and messing up the order.”

“Whenever I dance, my mind has to be blank or I can’t dance,” I add.

Some other dancers and the gymnastic girl agree. Aiken looks at Lia’s painting first. Her painting has two people, but there isn’t enough paint to reveal who it is yet. It probably helps that she had the image in her mind drawn on the canvas last night. All she had to do is paint and let her mind flow with the colors. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be done within an hour.

The camera shows the other two portraits and how much talent they have. Aiken fixes his bowtie and winks at the camera. Light chuckles come from the audience. “Would you art ladies like to tell everyone about your paintings?” They all smile and nod. “Lia, let’s start with you. What is yours and what does it represent?” The camera goes back to Lia’s painting. She’s working on the face and it looks similar to Kayiah’s skin tone.

“You can’t tell yet, but my painting is of my cousin, Danny, my best friend, Kayiah, and the creativity they share. The bright colors I’ve already painted show the blood that comes from her brain. Different colors leak out. It shows they aren’t normal or a clone of society. They’re different and creative. And that’s okay. I love it about both of them. If they ever tried to be normal, I would punch both of them in the face.”

So whether I’m dancing or not, I’m automatically placed in the spotlight.

Kamron nudges me and flicks me in my head. “That’s a warning. Both of you.”

“Beautiful!” Aiken says. “Very nice, Lia. Now, Jayla, what do we have here?”

Jayla’s painting pops up on the screen. So far, it looks like a heart with a dagger through it. She’s using red paint to color in the heart, but paints carefully so she doesn’t get red anywhere it doesn’t belong. The dagger is silver and black with a golden skull on the handle.

“As you can see, my painting is a dagger through a heart. My heart. And it symbolizes that I’ve been hurt and betrayed before, but in my mind, part of the dagger flows to the heart, making it stronger. Just like pain makes you stronger. I got the idea from a guy who broke my mom’s heart when she was a teenager. I painted about how she must have felt. How I would have felt. This painting is a combination of how I felt when I was betrayed and how I think my mom felt…” Jayla says, her voice trailing off as continues to paint. The heart is colored in and she’s working on the blade of the dagger now.

“I love artwork that has meaning. Makes it easier to understand and relate to. Thank you very much, Jayla.” He moves on to Ashley McGray’s painting. “Now, Ashley, what do you have for us tonight?”

Ashley’s painting is of a woman with dark black hair, bronzed skin, blue eyes, and a black dress. There’s something shaped like wings behind her, partially painted. That’s all we can see for now. She has it drawn, but there’s only enough paint to bring out the woman on her canvas. There might be a tree or a lake or something behind her.

Ashley blends different shades of black and purple. “I’m painting a fairy. As you can tell, she isn’t the ideal fairy most little girls look up to. Most little girls love the fun, bright, and good fairies. I grew up watching Disney films and usually, most characters are pure, loving, and perfect, but there are also a few evil trolls, fairies, and princes in those films. I grew up attached to the villains, oddly enough.”

“Is that so?” She nods. “You are the first girl I’ve ever talked to that looks up to villains.”

“It’s not that I look up to them. I understand them.Growing up, I was bullied and the kids who teased me always made me feel like an outcast. An evil queen, you might say. From that point on, I understand how people can people can be so evil. The Evil Queen from Snow White was my best friend, as sad as it sounds. She’s been there for me. So an evil fairy is my choice in a painting.”

“It’s lovely. It shows you’re putting a lot of work into it. All of your paintings show that. Keep it up, ladies. I’m jealous of your talent.”

The girls giggle a “thank you”.Lia takes a large drink from her cold water bottle and takes a deep breath before she continues.The top of the screen splits into two, showing Lia and Ashley’s’ paintings. Jayla’s is on the bottom. I notice Lia’s water bottle is almost empty and run to the cooler. As I grab a water bottle, I feel dizzy, but it eventually goes away. Then I’m able to whistle and roll three water bottles out to the girls. They smile and pick them up. I agreed to give them more water bottles earlier. I don’t know about Jayla and Ashley, but Lia gets dehydrated under pressure. Plus the lights are burning on them and makes it hot out there. Evie warned us about the lights and told us to take big bottles of water and drink as much as we can.

Minutes pass.

Forty five minutes actually.

Then the girls stop painting and stretch their necks and arms. Aiken smiles and looks at all three paintings. The canvases are turned around toward the audiences and shown on the big screen. Gasps and shouts come from the audience. And clapping. A lot of clapping. The camera pans to Blake and Lisa. Blake wipes a tear from his right eye. Holly blows a kiss to Lia, and Lia catches it in her fist and places it over my chest. We applaud backstage as well.

“Ladies, when did you guys become interested in Art?” Aiken asks and holds a microphone in front of Ashley.

“It was a way of helping me cope with my parents arguing and then divorcing. Then I went through some major depression. I was bullied at school every day. It was just a way to express how I’m feeling.”

“Very nice. And you, Lia?”

“When I was adopted by my dad, I was terrified,” Lia begins her explanations. The camera pans at Blake for a split second and goes back to Lia. “I needed an outlet. One day, my dad got me an art set. I didn’t think much of it then, but soon, I started to paint. Watching the colors create a painting made me feel connected. My emotions relaxed for a little bit. I was in my own little world. Then I realized painting can be my saving grace. And now I paint every day. Whether it’s with real paint or an app on my phone.”


“I took an art class and that was a turning point in my life. It convinced me I would always want to do something with art if possible. It’s a coping mechanism for me,” Jayla says.

“Beautiful, ladies. Great job.” Another round of applause, ladies and gentlemen.”

The judges observe the paintings and smile as they write down some scores. The audience applaud once again and whistle for all three girls. They bow and grab their materials with the help of some security guards.

As soon as they come backstage, they smile wide and high five each other as they place everything down. The security guards do the same and nod their heads at the girls.

“We’re alive. We didn’t die. We didn’t get booed,” Jayla says.

“It’s been a good day,” Lia says and then hugs me.

“You were great out there. Didn’t look nervous at all.”

“Guess looks really are deceiving,” she whispers and hugs Kamron and Kayiah afterwards. Jayla runs to the table and grabs a slice of blueberry pie. Ashley is right behind her, but she grabs a slice of pepperoni pizza and a can of Pepsi to wash it down.

“Thank you for being such a great audience. We’ll see you all again in a few minutes.”

As he vanishes off the stage, there’s another applause and the TV screen goes dark. Aiken comes backstage and the first thing he does is congratulate the girls and wish the rest of us luck. Jayla takes another bite of her pie and then stops. It’s like she’s no longer breathing. I’m about to ask if she’s okay, but she drops her plate. The glass shatters. That’s grabs everyone’s attention. Aiken stares at her in concern. She coughs violently and then holds her stomach before puking everywhere. Everyone backs away, except Aiken and one of the backstage workers.Lia panics at Jayla who’s still throwing up everywhere and calls her brother, yelling at him and their stepdad to come backstage.

As soon as she hangs up, Ashley stares at the chunk of blueberry pie that’s on the concrete floor and puts her finger through the blueberries in the actual pie. Lia calls for an ambulance as well. I glimpse at a red and sweaty Jayla, Lia and then back at Ashley. She pulls some blueberries out in her two fingers. Her fingers are covered in blueberry juice, some crust, and something that looks like dark dust.

“Lead poisoning,” she whispers. “Someone put lead in the pie.Someone needs to take her to the hospital. And report this to the queen. Lia, do you feel funny? You ate a grape, didn’t you?”

She nods. “Yes, but I feel fine. We both had something at the same time. If the grapes were poisoned, I would be puking too.”

“Unless he used something different on every food.”

“I didn’t want to believe he could do it so easily, but if Jayla puking and sweating and red, then you might be right.”

I sigh and look up at the ceiling. When my eyes open again, I come face to face with a camera in the corner of the room. That brings a smile to my face. Even though Jayla is puking and possibly dying and Jayden and Kyle are freaking out and waiting anxious for an ambulance to arrive, a camera can bring a smile to my face. Jack didn’t take the camera out. Meaning it’s likely we’ve got him on camera.

“Is that camera on?” I ask, pointing to the ceiling.

Everyone looks at the said camera, but waits for an answer.“Always,” Aiken says. “Someone get that down.”

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