Talent Hall

Chapter 11

Kayiah, Kamron and I pull up to Jared’s house. Kayiah stops the car. Kayiah might have spent the past three years inside a district building, almost never leaving, but she’s not a hermit. She knows exactly where he lives and where his parents happen to work. I’m glad she was here with Kamron and I.

Meanwhile, Kayiah and Kamron are trying to talk me out of talking to Jared. He texted me while I was at the party before we were thinking about leaving, requesting to talking to me, and threatened to come to my house if I didn’t show up before ten. Needless to say, it motivated me to leave, and Kamron and Kayiah to come with me.

Kayiah and Kamron both mumble as they get out of the car and follow me to Jared’s black painted front door with a handle. I knock on the door, more like pounding really. Kamron takes a deep breath and looks down. I wrap my arm around her and kiss her forehead as the room opens. Jared stands in the doorway and invites us inside. We follow him to the kitchen awkwardly. He places three cans of Sprite on the table and smiles. I cross my arms, not in a pleasant and less hostile mood.

“What do you want?” I ask. “What’s so important that you threatened to come to my house.”

“It wasn’t a threat,” he whispers as he picks up a vase and holds up a photo. A photo of my dad. My chest tightens, my heart racing. “Is this your father?”

Okay. First. Why does he have a picture of my father?

The picture is of my father outside of a large castle with guards and a man with a large crown. The picture is black and white, so I can’t make out what colors the castle actually is.

“Where did you get that?”

He places it on the table. “That doesn’t matter. Anyways, your father is holding us hostage here with cameras, which are off right now. Just so you know. And the only way for my family to survive is for him to make a deal with me.”

“What kind of deal?”

“If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me.”

“Well, I’m here. You might as well tell me!” I snap.

He stands and walks to a wooden staircase before whispering “I’ll be right back.”

When he returns, he is holding a scroll and a giant book titled “The Eliminational Bible”. He hands me the scroll and places the book on the table. Dust flies everywhere, causing Kayiah to sneeze, her sneeze ever gentle. Kamron stands behind me, placing her forehead against my shoulder blade. I open the scroll, which appears to be very old, perhaps as old as the book on the table. The scrolljust states that in order to save his loved ones, he will serve The Elimination until his eighteenth birthday to make himself useful, him being a child and all. Lord knows what The Elimination think of children who have been spared. Heaven forbid Jared lives if he messes this up.

In exchange, his family in Finland will be safe and he will be taken care of by his supervisors whom he is residing in Newark, with. He will have food, shelter, schooling, and all the wealth he never would have had in Helsinki. On his eighteenth birthday, the boy’s sins will have been cured. He will be considered holy by the law of The Elimination, and when that time comes, he will decide whether he wants to live his life serving The Elimination or to be a regular man, but if he says a word about The Elimination, he and the ones he told will be executed in the kingdom of Savadonia. He is not allowed to fall in love until his eighteenth birthday. He may fake love, but not real love.

“Love is weakens the soul,” says a healer who works for the Kingdom of Savadonia. Jared’s signature at the bottom states that he will take lives to help purify the earth of their sins, by homicide or suicide, and acknowledges that if he tells anyone, the people he told and his loved ones will be killed. It’s right next to the date, but it’s a fake name, unless Jared is living by a fake name. The bottom of the scroll has a stamp, indicating it’s government approved. Eliminational government approved.

Kristian Koskinen May 31st, 2088

“You have a fake name?”

“It was forced on me,” says Jared. “See, I never wanted to torment you guys. I have to. I have one little brother left. The rest of my family are dead. If I didn’t at least try to torment you guys for show, he would be killed. There’s a reason I chose you guys.”

“And why is that?”

“You’re the liberator, Colton.”

Savior. Liberator. The Chosen One. Same thing. Either way, people have high expectations for me. I’m just trying to make it through the day everyday. What can I do to stop this government from killing off a bunch of kids?

I facepalm myself. “Not this again. Look, I’m sorry, but what prove do you guys have?”

“Because I’m known to Newark as the worst person of them all. A spy for The Elimination. I’ve tormented you or tried to. It’s apparent that nothing I could say to you would hurt you enough to give up. Think about it, yes, but never truly give up.” I have the god-given right to start laughing until I die from lack of air in my lungs, but that wouldn’t help us right now. “No one has ever dared to stand up to anyone accused of being a spy for The Elimination. In over twenty five years, you’re the first to stand up to a spy. Like physically talk back to one. You don’t know what that means for us. Especially with how young you are. My fake parents said The Elimination had a meeting about you.”

“How would they know?”

“My dad was told everything and advised I stay away from you or make you life so miserable you’d give up.”

“Which you’ve done. Was my dad involved with it or do I even want to know?”

He nods his head slowly.

I sigh.

When I moved here, I thought I would branded a loser, and I partially right. Something I never suspected to happen was to told I’m the Savior and that I will save a nation from a government that plots to kill off every child at the age of fourteen. This is so much to take in.

He drops to his knees and sobs, squeezing my hand. Kayiah’s eyes widened, but her mouth stays mute. “Please. You’re our only hope. If you could just make sure my brother, Andrew stays alive, I would die happily.”

“I’m sorry, dude, but I’m telling you from the bottom of my heart... You have the wrong guy.” He nods. “But... Are there other kids who are forced into this?”

Oh, yes. We came here with two other kids, but they left for Sydney a year ago. They ran away and their village in Illinois was destroyed, and I’m sure there’s plenty of other kids forced into this.”

One name comes to mind. A name of someone who can help me who’s in Sydney.

Much to my surprise, Caleb is at the house sipping coffee by the time I get there. I don’t hesitate. As soon as I see Caleb, I run up and hug him. He wraps an arm around me. “Where have you been? Your aunt was worried you might have done something.”

I pull myself away from Caleb and sit in between them at the dining room table. “I had to talk to someone about a school project.”

I usually don’t lie, especially to the people I care about deeply, but if Jared is telling the truth like I think he is, telling everyone could get people killed. He said it’s his family, but a village was blown up a year ago. Today, a whole nation could be destroyed. Maybe worse if my dad is involved.

“Well, I guess it’s time for the good news,” Lisa says when she slides a glass of wine over to Caleb.

Caleb takes a sip and nods. “Danny, you know how I told you, I’d be working in Australia for three months?”


“I have two weeks off. Gets quiet without crazy kids around.”

I smile. “Are you saying…?”

“Will you come to Australia? They said you’ve seen the District building here.”

I rotate my head just enough to make eye contact with Lisa and Blake. “Can I!? Please!”

“Of course. That’s why he’s here,” Lisa says with a chuckle. “For our wedding and to take you afterwards. If you go, your flight leaves Sunday at eleven thirty, but we’ll need to get your school work.”

“Crap, that’s right.”

Caleb chuckles. “Don’t worry. We can get your work. You can do it in Australia."

“I’m so excited,” I say squealing.

Caleb raises an eyebrow. “I don’t know what you guys did to my boy, but I love you both for it.”

Blake smiles. “Actually, we didn’t do anything different. It was all Danny.” I look at Blake and receive a smile and a wink, and that makes me feel good.

Halfway through the book I just started last night, the name Jared mentioned rings through my brain: Andrew Nurmi. I don’t know him. I’ve ever seen him, but my mind paints a picture of him. In my mind, he’s about Holly’s age. Five or six. Maybe younger. I can see him as an exact replica of Jared. Green eyes, blonde hair with bangs. Freckles. I’m sure their personalities vary, but physical appearance wise, I can see them as twins, aside from their ages, and I’m sure Andrew is tiny if my mind is right about his appearance.

If I am right, then that means he’s at the age where it’s easiest to torture him. I mean, no internet means no fanfiction and that alone is torture for me. Imagine how easy it would be to torture a child who can’t even read yet. A simple, but harsh strike on a five year old could break through his skin. Blood pouring everywhere. Tears trickling down his cheeks. Just thinking about Andrew causes the book to fall on my chest, my page lost. Somewhere in the two hundreds. That’s all I remember that has to do with the page number.

I push it away, reach for my phone and send Kamron a text.


You awake?


Barely. I couldn’t sleep last night.

Jared’s story kept me up all night.


Glad I’m not the only one.

His brother’s name is blowing through

my brain. I don’t want to just believe

anything, but I honestly don’t think he’s



About his brother, he isn’t

lying. He told me his brother was in

Finland with an adoptive family. He

just didn’t tell me why he was there

and not with him. Do you think we

can help?


Honestly, no. I’m not a savior.

I can’t get him out of his deal. But I do

have a friend that is in an Anti Elimination

building. He might not be able to save

his brother,but he might be able to give me

some information.


That might be all we need.

Did you talk to him?


Not about this. However, tomorrow night,

he’s taking me to Sydney for a week.


Where the two kids fled?


Yes.Do you think it will be

possible to get the names of the two

Runaways from Jared. Or Kristian?

Whoever he is..


I’ll contact Jared and ask.

I’d tell your friend about the

situation though. He might be able

to help.

Kristian slides a file with two papers and pictures inside across to the table to me. When I open it, two names are printed in bold letters with a red stamp underneath. Fugitive. “They’ve been gone for a year. At this point, they’re dead meat if they were to ever return or be found by anyone over eighteen who wants a fortune.

“The Elimination believe in tipping people for their runaways?”

“If you’re as crazy as they are, it’s clear that they aren’t totally unreasonable.”

“Right,” I say. “I didn’t ask for this before and I’m sorry, but… I might need some information about Andrew…”

Kristian’s face lights up. As if he believes he’s dreaming. Probably does. I mean, I’m starting to think I’m either crazy or on drugs for this. “Y-What? I thought you didn’t think you were our savior…”

“I didn’t… In fact, I still don’t, but if my dad’s involved and something happens to Andrew, well, my conscience won’t let me live with that. Now, your brother if you don’t mind.”

“I-Of course I don’t. Thank you.” And he gives me the information I somewhat already know. Appearance wise. Green eyes. Blonde hair. Bangs. Strong Finnish accent. Doesn’t speak English at all. Freckles. When Kristian left Helsinki with The Elimination, Andrew was living in Central Helsinki in a group home for boys. A year later, he got a letter saying he was adopted and that the contract will not change.

When Jared goes to buy my desired drink, I text Kayiah, asking if she’s busy and can help me today. She responds with an invitation to come over. I’m sure she’s the only one who can help me.

I groan.

“I’m sorry, but without an Iden-” The security guard is cut off by Kayiah who demands he lets me in and tells him I’m with her. Anyone who’s with Kayiah will not be denied anything.

The guard nods and calls Kayiah by her respected title. “District Princess” or “Ma’am” on a bad day.

On the way here, she called me back and asked what was going on and if it was about Jared. When I told her it was, she sighed and said she knew his words would have an affect on me and that I may be the hero everyone’s been waiting for. I ignored that thought and asked if there was a way to track someone down in the building. That’s when she told me about the Fugitive Satellite and that it may help even a little bit. I rushed here to find the kids in Australia and Kristian’s brother Andrew. We might even get a profile update on those three.

Confused and lost in this giant building, I follow Kayiah until she stops at a locked silver door with the word “Lab” painted blue on it. Inside sit computers and an iBoard. A man in a gray suit stands.

“Madam Kayiah, What can I do for you?”

“We need to use the iBoard, if you’re not using it,” she says.

“Of course.” He returns to his work. Kayiah turns the main computer on so the iBoard will turn on. A password box pops up and requires Kayiah puts it in. I look up at the screen as she types it in. She pats a seat and asks me to sit next to her and I sit. She taps on a red box with a star in the middle on the screen. Another window pops up and gives us a search engine. She moves over.

My first concern is Andrew, and that’s whose name I type in.

A map pops up with a red dot somewhere in Europe. I tap on the dot on the screen that’s also showing on the white table. The screen goes to split screen mode. The right side, a map, and the other side, his profile, completely updated. A box pops up on the red dot: He’s still in Helsinki, his name is Andrew Kurmi, and he’s seven years old. Meaning it wouldn’t be challenging to torture or even kill Andrew.

That’s exactly how I get the rest of the information on Rachel Rae and Caden Newt, the two kids that ran away to Australia, telling no one, but Kristian. Rachel is fifteen whereas Caden is seventeen. His eighteenth birthday is in six months. Then he can finally let go of this horrible lifestyle if he wishes to without having to hide. They are both from Toronto. Both have blue eyes of innocence. You can tell Rachel is biracial.

When I tap on the dot, it reveals they are still in Sydney, residing in the District Building Caleb works in.

That’s when a question blows through my mind. “Kayiah, can I ask you something?”

“Is it about how tracking someone is possible?”

“Or I guess you can ask.”

She giggles. “Let’s just say we have technology that The Elimination don’t have. If they had it, those two runaways would be dead for trying to escape their sadistic duties.”

“Does every building have this?”

“No, but I’m sure the buildings that don’t are either still in the improving process or they have something better. The majority of the buildings in North, South America, and Europe do. Like New York. The New York Anti Elimination Building maps build into crystal walls. Black crystal walls. As time goes on, they might get some of the things we have just like one day. If Aiken and the budget will allow it, we could get some black crystal walls.”

Budget? So the clear computer lab, schooling, jobs, rooms, and high tech hospitals are allowed by the budget, but walls made black crystals are a no no?

“Does Aiken pay for this?”

She laughs. “Not all of it, if that’s what you’re thinking, Danny. The government agreed to pay for it because the building offers jobs and housing for the homeless, orphans, and do a lot of volunteer work. And because we want to stop The Elimination as much as the government does if not more. We take care of everything else.”

“I guess that makes sense.” She smiles and places her hand on top of mine, and I feel a tingling sensation, a racing heart, and a smile spreading across my face.

“You’re so cute.”

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