Talent Awakening: I, the Weakest Awakened, Start with Dragonfire Spell

Chapter 480 Chapter481-Welcoming The Arrival Of The Gods

contemporary romance


The voice of the clown mask came from behind the shimmer of electric light.

"Interesting, to think you could unleash such a level of attack instantly. It seems I have underestimated your strength."

Nula could not detect any strain in clown mask's voice.

Could it be that those lightning bolts had no effect on him at all? A shock went through Nula's heart, prompting her to accelerate the condensation of her spell even more.

An unfamiliar mana suddenly burst forth with a roar.

Barely managing to root herself to the ground, Nula fixed her gaze ahead.

All the lightning was dispersed with a single move, and a pale blue glow of mana enshrouded the figure of the clown mask, leaving no trace of injury on him.

Under such an intense attack, not even a top-tier level 2 magus could emerge unscathed, yet the clown mask had done so, possibly indicating he was, in fact, a level 1 magus.

Nula slowly retreated, with her spell only seconds away from completion.

She would not give up until all hope was lost.

Seemingly recognizing the spell Nula was preparing, the clown mask halted his advance, his voice tinged with a hint of surprise: "A Disintegration Spell? And to think you can form it in such short time. It appears your talent is even greater than I had imagined. What a pity, if you had joined Eternal Flame, we could have been very good friends."

"One of my favorite things," he continued, "is making friends with exceptionally talented individuals."

Slowly, the clown mask raised his hand, as if lifting something immensely heavy, curling his fingers save for his index, which he extended.

A tiny point of light was taking shape.

"This is also one of the moves I'm quite proud of. What do you think, in a face-off between a primary Disintegration Spell and this, what will be the outcome?"

Will it be your demise or mine?

Nula discerned the confidence in the clown mask's words; he didn't believe she could breach his defense, even with the strongest single-target attack spell below the level 1 magus tier.

Nula didn't know where his confidence came from, but she believed nothing was invincible.

Even gods eventually have their dying day.

"Such a question, who knows the answer without trying?" she retorted.

In a moment filled with ethereal humming, a runic matrix with a diameter of two feet materialized out of thin air.

It was entirely composed of mana, with runes forming its basic structure, and mana, flowing like liquid gold, connected all the runes in a specific manner to create an even more complex mana circuit.

With a swift motion, a metallic short staff appeared in Nula's hand.

She lifted the staff, pointing it towards the clown mask's visage, with the disintegration spell matrix emerging, its surface aglow with shifting colors, directed at him.

"Truly interesting, truly fascinating!" the clown mask laughed wildly.

"If you survive, I'll answer one question for you! Even if it's a secret of the order!"

Nula remained silent, simply swinging her staff!

The matrix of the Disintegration Spell shone brilliantly!

At the same time, the point of light on the clown mask's left index finger silently began to expand.

What is the Disintegration Spell?

Nula had once asked her teacher this question.

At that time, her teacher wasn't Dorek but another, more obscure individual.

Mana is the foundation of the world, a fact universally acknowledged.

If the world were viewed as a skyscraper, then mana would be every brick that builds it.

Starting with free-floating mana, through the mixing by spirits to form mana, then resulting in various miracles visible to the naked eye.

If other spells are about shaping miracles, then the Disintegration Spell is the destroyer of miracles.

It seeks to unravel the very fabric of creation, turning what was once woven by the intricate threads of mana into nothingness.

This spell does not merely alter or manipulate; it erases, challenging the permanence of existence itself.

In a universe where mana constructs reality, the Disintegration Spell poses the ultimate question: what happens when creation itself is undone?

The function of the Disintegration Spell is incredibly singular; it doesn't even possess direct offensive power, unlike other spells that magi can learn, which can find suitable applications in any scenario.

The Disintegration Spell has only one purpose: destruction.

It aims to obliterate everything crafted by mana.

This spell was conceived for one reason: to annihilate magi.

Through a series of complex transformations, the Disintegration Spell can convert mana, which normally has the property of shaping, into an entirely opposite type of energy.

This energy is highly unstable and capable of disrupting any stable mana structure.

In the face of the Disintegration Spell, no spell or matrix is indestructible.

The clown mask's defense relies entirely on mana, which is precisely why Nula chose the Disintegration Spell.

The human body itself is a special creation of mana.

The more advanced the magus, the closer their bodily structure aligns with pure mana.

The activation of the Disintegration Spell is devoid of any sound or light effects, making this spell, recognized as the strongest single-target attack below the level 1 magus, as unadorned as a blank piece of paper.

A beam of grey light represents the entirety of the Disintegration Spell.

Mana, transformed by the matrix into a strange, alien energy, devours the free-floating mana bit by bit as it advances towards the clown mask.

The moment the Disintegration Spell was unleashed, the clown mask also launched his attack.

A beam of light, no thicker than a finger and shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, was his assault.

There were no runes, no matrices, just a slender column of light.

Yet, it was this very beam that made Nula feel the threat of death.

This represents an attack method unique to level 1 magi, directly condensing mana without relying on runes for control.

Such an attack can preserve the intrinsic properties of mana to the greatest extent, boasting an immense capacity for assimilation.

It can integrate all mana it comes into contact with, rendering almost any mana-based defense powerless.

As the two beams of light stretched out and then made contact, Nula's heart nearly leaped to her throat.

If this move proved ineffective, she would need to contemplate how to escape from the clutches of the clown mask.

That would signify the mission's failure, leading to Rodel being abandoned and countless individuals displaced.

The collision was silent, after all, it was a clash between pure energies, and Nula could only see the two beams locked in a stalemate, with the air bursting into tiny flashes and sparks.

The deadlock lasted for about a second before Nula's vision was swallowed by endless white light.

The two energies mingled and underwent an unknown transformation, resulting in an explosion.

Before the shockwave arrived, Nula raised her hand, and a scroll disintegrated instantly, conjuring a mana shield around her.

Clutching the dagger in her hand, her gaze moved outside the protective barrier.

She could see nothing but the chaotic airflow and dazzling white light.

Her mana sensing was in disarray too, with any released mana being destroyed by the clashing energies.

She could not discern anything.

What was the situation now?

Was the clown mask injured, or had his defenses held once again?

From Nula's perspective, it seemed as though the clown mask's attack had been completely blocked by the Disintegration Spell, with only some remnants reaching her.

However, the condition on the clown mask's side remained unknown.

The corridor's width did not allow for the clown mask to dodge; this was something Nula had calculated well in advance.

Nula fixated on the rune matrix hovering in midair, which, after slowly revolving twice, shattered with a crisp sound into countless scattering points of light.

Simultaneously, the blinding white light gradually dissipated.

The figure of the clown mask reappeared in Nula's vision, and this time, he was not unscathed.

Nula saw a terrifying gash pierced through his left shoulder, from which blood was unstoppably gushing.

He was finally injured! Faced with the strongest single-target attack below the level 1 magus, the clown mask was unable to remain unharmed.

Nula tugged at the corner of her mouth, but she couldn't manage a smile.

Now was not a time for joy.

The recent Disintegration Spell had drained her mana completely, and even her spirit had been significantly depleted, leaving her with a throbbing pain in her head that made concentration impossible.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say that Nula was now devoid of any combat capability.

"A truly powerful attack, worthy of being the Disintegration Spell," the clown mask said, pressing a hand against his shoulder wound.

"Do you remember what I said earlier? Ask your question now, while you still have the chance."

It was clear the clown mask harbored a killing intent.

Or rather, he had never intended to let Nula leave from the beginning.

But, invaluable information should not be left unclaimed; whether she could escape later was not for the clown mask to decide.

"What is the purpose of this place!" Nula demanded.

The question didn't seem to surprise the clown mask, which was understandable.

This place wasn't one stumbled upon accidentally.

Those who made it here were either members of Eternal Flame or their adversaries.

Only an enemy would investigate with such reckless abandon.


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