Tale of the Lotus Heart

Chapter 27B

*Yong's POV*

Aivi was leaving me again. I wanted to complain and argue with her for her choice to study in the Floral Realm, but the look on her face stopped me. She tried her best to put on a brave, nonchalant face, but I saw what she was trying to hide. Aivi was anxious and scared. Being pregnant made her protective and highly cautious. I could respect and understand that. She was worried for our child. We stood at the boarder of Floral Island as she faced me. She wouldn't be bringing Ixia this time either so I had no way of checking how she was really doing other than visiting. I held her hands in mine gently as I held my tongue. I wanted to ask her not to go, but I knew that wasn't an option for her. Once Aivi made up her mind, there was no changing it.

"Don't forget to write me as much as possible. I'm going to be lonely without you. How long do you plan to stay?" I asked instead.

"I'm not sure," she answered honestly.

"A thorough knowledge of plants and herbs takes at least a thousand years, but I'm sure it wouldn't take the prodigy Princess nearly as long," the Floral Goddess Peony said, coming from beyond the barrier flanked by two other immortals.

"Aivi's spirit is a white lotus naturally, so I'm sure she'll fit right in," I said longingly. I didn't want to part from her. Tase let me take her myself to give us some alone time.

"Lily, will you show our new student to her living quarters," Floral Goddess Peony said to the immortal on her right. Lily smiled and curtsied before taking Aivi away. I could only watch her back until it disappeared beyond the barrier.

"First name basis... you seem close with the Princess," Floral Goddess noted. I sighed and finally took my eyes off of the place Aivi disappeared to look at Goddess Peony.

"We are... very close. I need to ask of your help with something," I started.

"Let me hear it first," Peony said wisely. I sighed before I caught myself glancing at the barrier again.

"I'd like to visit often, to check on Aivi. In truth, she's pregnant with my child. Only my brothers know. I think she's using the Floral Island as excuse to run away from the conflict that will arise once people find out, but I don't have the heart to tell her no. I'd appreciate your help looking after her and our child, if you wouldn't mind," I admitted. Peony sighed before clasping her hands in front of her.

"I've watched you grow up. You've always done things by the book except that one time. You must really love her to be willing to do something this risky," she responded.

"Aivi is the reincarnation of Zyanya," I admitted. Floral Goddess chuckled lightly.

"Well that explains everything," she said as she crossed her arms. Floral Goddess Peony was one of the few people who knew about my story with Zyanya. She was the one who suggested I go down to the Mortal Realm.

"Have you told the Princess about her past life?" She asked. I shook my head.

"I didn't feel it was important," I said lamely. She clicked her tongue at me.

"You should've told her before letting her carry your child. You don't know how she'll take it later," Floral Goddess advised me. I knew she was right, but all that mattered to me was that she was Aivi and I loved her.

"All I know is that I love her. Her resemblance to Zyanya is what initially caught my attention, but I love Aivi for being exactly who she is, and I don't want to lose her this time," I tried explaining.

"You know I've always tried to help you where I could. I feel as though this is also one of those places. I'll keep an eye on the Princess and your child for you, but you should be ready to take responsibility," she finally agreed.

"Thank you, and I'm ready. I just know that Aivi isn't ready yet," I responded. I didn't want to be home alone, and the only company I wanted was Aivi's, but she was gone now. I had already decided to let Aivi handle this how she wanted to ease her tensions. All I could do now was be her silent protection and support.

"And one more piece of advice: don't push her too hard. She's only around 20,000 years old. She's still fairly new to our realm, no matter how high her cultivation status is," Peony advised me. I thanked her and glanced at the place where Aivi disappeared one last time before going back to the Heavenly Palace. I felt a little better as I made my way to Tase's Eternity Palace. I didn't want to be in my Palace alone right now. I sighed as I sat in the main hall with Tase and his wife. I rested my head against the table dejectedly.

"She loves you dearly; she's just scared," Zinnia tried to assure me. I was briefly reminded of something Floral Goddess Peony said to me.

"How do you think Aivi would react to hearing about her past life?" I asked them curiously. Tase shook his head.

"No memories of a reincarnation can be troublesome for someone who wasn't initially raised with the idea. She remembers her mortal life, but it's completely different to learn of a life completely unremembered as a fairy bud. It'll be even scarier for her to know she knew you... and loved you... in her past life, too," Tase said.

"If I were her, I would be suspicious of your original intentions for approaching me. I would wonder if you actually loved me or if you were just trying to chase a ghost and recreate those memories with the current me," Zinnia added. I sighed and covered my face with my hands.

"It's not like that though. I love Aivi for who she is," I argued.

"But she won't see it that way initially. Don't tell her just yet. There's enough going on already without adding Zyanya into the picture," Tase advised. I knew he was right. It wasn't the time.

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