Taken by the Major: An Age Gap Valentine’s Day Romance (Alpha Billionaire)

Taken by the Major: Chapter 16

With Tate’s lips on mine, I couldn’t remember anything. His touch took away the pain. I didn’t want memories anymore, and I wanted his hands on my body.

He tore his shirt off, and it was all I could do not to start rubbing my face all over him like a scent marking cat.

“Seriously?” I couldn’t believe he was not only willing to have sex with me, but he was prepared.

“I mean, yeah. I didn’t come over here expecting anything. It was an opportunistic purchase, that’s all.”

“That’s all?” I started laughing. What were the odds that he just happened to get the best pizza in town and show up with condoms? I had been half-joking when I said those words, but now, it seemed destined to happen.

I started to fight my shirt off over my head. Tate helped, holding me in place so I maintained my balance and then pulling the shirt from my arms. He made a low, guttural sound as I sat there perched on his knees, looking down at him. I lowered back down, pressing my nearly naked breasts into his bare chest.

His skin was on fire, or maybe mine was. I never expected his skin to feel so smooth and soft against mine. He was all muscle, and I was the polar opposite. My squish and extra portion-sized bits didn’t seem to bother him at all. After all, he had lifted me and carried me to the couch without a single complaint.

His hands were large. He grabbed and kneaded at my skin, grabbing my leg, then my butt. I sucked in a startled gasp when he palmed my breast and began to run this thumb in circles over my nipple. It felt right, his hands on me, his lips on mine. And that’s what I focused on, how right everything felt, including the hard bulge that had developed between us.

Tate was getting a hard-on because of me. That was a powerful feeling.

He reached between us and cupped me through my jeans. I had never allowed anyone to get close enough to touch me the way he was. The way he made me feel, I was glad I had waited for him. I mimicked the gesture and ran my hand over the hard ridge at the front of his jeans. I could feel the shape of him through the fabric. His cock was hot, hotter than the rest of him.

“Condoms are in the bag,” he groaned.

I looked over the back of the couch at the pizza boxes on the table. Bag? I saw it.

He unfastened his belt and opened his pants, putting his cock into my hand. I stopped moving with the shock of it. He had literally just handed me his cock. It was thick and heavy. I ran my thumb over the tip and wiped away a drip of his arousal. He felt like suede, or velvet wrapped over granite. Somehow, it was soft and lush but hard and dangerous all at once.

“You keep stroking me like that, and it will go off,” he said. His voice was thick and gravelly.

“That’s the goal, right?” I teased.

“Go get the condoms. I want to be inside you, woman,” he ordered.

My toes curled, and my knees forgot how to work. I was stuck in place perched on his legs, looking between us, stroking his glorious manhood. This was all too fantastical to be real. He smacked my ass.

I looked up into his eyes in startled shock.

He laughed.

“Condoms,” I eventually repeated. I scrambled off his lap, a little less gracefully than I would have liked at the moment. I returned with the bag and handed it to him.

He shoved his hand inside and pulled out a box of condoms. He tossed the bag and tore into the box. I stood there watching him as he ripped the foil pack with his teeth and rolled the condom down his length. Every movement he took caused something on my body to clench or tingle, wishing he were touching me instead of me watching him.

“Hey, are you going to help me out here?”

I shook my head and then started nodding. “You look like you’ve got it well in hand.”

“I’d rather it be in your hands.” He smoldered at me.

I must have blushed or looked shocked because he started laughing. “Kenzie, I can’t do this with you if you’re going to stand way over there with your clothes on.”

He sat up and reached for me, grabbing my jeans by the waistband and pulling me a few steps closer. With dexterity, he opened the button and unzipped my jeans. I finally figured out what I was supposed to do. I helped him push my jeans off, and then I kicked them the rest of the way off.

I should have been cold or nervous. I was completely naked with a man. I was naked with Tate. Time to freak out was long past. He held his hand out to me and helped me back onto the couch, straddling his lap. His mighty cock sat between us, poking me in the belly.

I leaned into him, running my hands over his chest and finding his mouth with mine. His hands ran over my skin. I shuddered when he cupped me again, only this time, there were no clothes between his fingers and my pussy.

Electricity shot into me when he slid his fingers into my folds and hit that bundle of nerves. Oh, God, did that feel good. I moaned and wiggled my hips, wanting him to touch me like that again. I didn’t look, I just wanted to feel and let him do what he was doing.

His finger was replaced with something wider, softer. I realized he was brushing his cock over my sensitive areas. That felt amazing. Tate knew exactly what he was doing, which was a good thing because I felt like I was making this up as I went along.

I whimpered when he pressed the tip against my opening. This was it. This was the moment where I went from virgin to not. Where I went from never knowing what a man felt like to having full carnal knowledge. It felt like a moment loaded with importance, yet somehow, not having any, all at once.

Why had I waited so long? I clearly didn’t care whether Tate was in love with me or not, and yet I had never allowed myself to be in this position before.

“You still good?” Tate’s voice was low and quiet.

“Yeah, just enjoying you,” I said. It was true. There was more going on in my head, but at the moment, it was nothing more than noise getting in the way.

Tate’s fingers bit into my hips, pulling me down as he thrust up. He filled me. I gasped at the suddenness of it. This was why. He was why I had waited. I needed someone as perfect as him to take me here for the first time. I may have been perched above him, but he had full control of me and the situation. He pulled back only to thrust into me again.

My ability to focus, to think left me stranded in a sea of nerves and feeling. My body was electricity, and Tate’s drove shocks into me, set me ablaze, and sparked lightning. I couldn’t see, I could barely breathe. I grasped his shoulders and rode him. I was useless as I held on. He had complete possession of me.

I screamed as my body wound up, and I felt my inner walls grab onto him, clutch at him. Something pulsed. I don’t know if it was me or him, but it was amazing. And then it got better. Everything around me exploded. I crashed back against him, and he folded around me. I’m not sure how anything worked, but there were yells, and cheers, and more explosions, and then Tate was cradling me in his arms.

“Let’s get you to bed.” His voice was soothing and soft.

I was surrounded by his warmth, and then I must have fallen asleep.

Tate’s thrashing woke me. I sat up. Whatever he was dreaming, it had a hold on him.

“Tate, wake up.” I shook his shoulder.

He muttered something in his sleep and grabbed my arm. He tried to pull me. He wasn’t very strong or effective in his sleep, but I ended up draped over his chest.

“Tate, stop, wake up!”

He sat bolt upright. I fell into his lap. He looked down at me, fear in his face. A second later, he relaxed as he recognized me and figured out where he was.

“I didn’t hurt you, did I? I’m sorry. I should go.” He swung his legs out of bed.

“Because you had a bad dream or because you slept with me?” I asked. A knot of fear formed in my gut. “You aren’t leaving because you regret last night, do you?”

He stopped and turned to me. Damn, he was glorious, like a Greek statue come to life. He shook his head. A smile slowly formed on his lips.

“Why would I regret last night?”

“Because I’m a… was a virgin,” I confessed.

His smile dropped away. He slid back onto the bed. “Kenzie, you should have said something.”

“Why? I figured you could tell.” I shrugged. I certainly had been able to tell.

He shook his head. “First times together can be awkward, and I wasn’t paying attention because I wasn’t expecting it. I would have taken extra care, made sure it was everything you wanted.”

I reached out and put my hand on his chest. “It was. It was exactly what I needed.”

He picked up my hand and kissed my fingers. “What does this change for you, other than the obvious? Do you expect us to start dating, or was that a one-time stress response?”

I blushed. I hadn’t thought about what sleeping with Tate would mean in the greater scheme of things. “I’m not really sure what came over me. After all, I wasn’t drunk. But I forgot the pain, and I have a much nicer memory for Valentine’s Day now. Can we be friends while I figure out what’s going on in my head? And whatever you do, do not let Ruby know you spent the night.”

“Cross my heart.” He made the X motion over his chest. “Kenzie, I have zero regrets. I’m honored you chose me.”

He pulled me into his arms and stretched out, pulling the covers back over us. “I was leaving because I didn’t want you upset because of my bad dream.”

“I know a thing or two about bad dreams,” I confessed. “I’m glad you’re staying.”

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