Taken by the Dark Elf King : Monstrous Mates Book One (Monstrous Mates Series 1)

Taken by the Dark Elf King : Chapter 29

MY HORSE HAS TO BE exhausted, but gods bless him he keeps galloping.

We cross through the portal and his hooves are the only thing keeping me grounded. I have to make it in time. If I can get there before they start fighting and before I start turning into a dark elf, everyone may be able to walk away without spilling any blood.

The weight in my satchel makes my stomach churn but it had to be done.

My horse continues his sprint and I can see the edge of the forest. Breaking through into the clearing, the sight freezes my blood. A sea of golden armor stares down a measly gathering of black. Arkain is easy enough to spot atop his proud horse. By the way some of the figures in black tremble holding the sword in their hand, they have to be new recruits.

Arkain’s face is cold and distant. Seeing him in this way convinces me that I was too late in stopping Ryvik’s lies from reaching him. I pray to the gods that there is still time for me to convince him of my innocence.

I hear Trian’s voice on the wind. “These monsters defiled your princess. Their king kept her and brutalized her. Just as they have kept us away from our ancestral lands for centuries. It is in her name today that we lead the charge.” A chorus of cheers go up and I know I have to act now.

Kneeing my steed in the sides he takes off again and I blaze a trail down the center of the clearing between the two sides. Arkain’s eyes track me as I get closer but they are like cold fire. The warmth in them has been put out. Wylan’s face does not even try to conceal his contempt.

“As the princess whose name you are fighting for today I urge you, my people, to put down your weapons,” I call out. “You have been lied to. King Arkain never hurt me. He treated me with kindness. With compassion.”

“She lies!” Trian yells. “Look at how his seed has polluted her. To try and make us feel sorry for these beasts. She probably carries his spawn within her now.”

I stare back at my people, Trian’s words ringing in my ears as I rest a hand on my stomach.

“If I do, I would welcome mine and the king’s child. He would be a wonderful father.” I turn to look at Arkain but he will not even look at me. The pain in my chest yawns open and I realize I have to go through with my plan.

“My people, Ryvik tricked you. My father never sent you those letters that I was being harmed. Trian forged them. Sent you all here so that Ryvik could kill King Arkain and claim the throne. This was never about honoring my family.”

“More lies,” Trian yells.

“It is the truth. And I’ll prove it to you.” Reaching inside the satchel, my fingers catch on soft blonde hair. Lifting it high above my head for all to see, the crowd gasps at Ryvik’s severed head that dangles from my hand. “I killed him for his treachery. Paying the ultimate sacrifice of taking a life to prove that he was lying.”

I look around the crowd. “Go home to your families. Hold them tight. There is no need for any more blood to be spilled today.”

The silence stretches on, then slowly, one by one the golden warriors turn and make their way back through the forest. I let out a breath and laugh. It worked. Thank the gods it worked. Turning back toward the castle, I trot over to Arkain.

Once I am in front of him, he yanks off his helmet and those red eyes chill me to my bone. He says nothing, but Wylan is ready to strike.

“Do not think that we will be swayed by this little performance.” I ignore him and try to meet Arkain’s eyes.

“I never betrayed you.”

“Then how did they know about the portal?” His tone is clipped.

“Ryvik said someone else told him and he told the others.”

“You honestly expect us to believe that?” Wylan scoffs.

“It’s the truth, please, Arkain,” I plead but his eyes remain cold and distant. With every passing moment I feel as though I have lost him to a place I’ll never get him back from. The silence stretches until he finally speaks.

“Our marriage was done in front of the gods and cannot be undone. You have fulfilled your end of the bargain from the Night of a Hundred Faces. Nothing is tethering you here anymore. You are free to go wherever you please.”

“Yes, there is something tying me here—” But Arkain turns from me, intent on walking back to the castle and away from me forever. I go to call for him again when a scream pierces the air.

Trian is galloping towards us. My stomach plumments when I see the orc’s teeth arrow notched in his bow. And aimed directly at Arkain’s heart. There’s no time to warn him, no time shout. Instinct moves me as I leap from my horse into the path of the careening arrow.

The arrow embeds itself into my shoulder and the pain is instant. Like a hot iron is being pushed through my bone. Kaethe was right, this does make me want to beg for death. My vision is blurring but I can just make out Arkain approaching Trian…before grabbing him by the shoulders and ripping him in half, blood and gore hitting the ground with soft thuds.

Even with the pain, I still manage to shudder. At least I got to see that before I died.

Then he is at my side. Cradling me in his arms. One final time it would seem. From all of Kaethe’s research, I know I don’t have long to go now.

“Why?” It’s all he can seem to say. “Why? Why? Why?”

I smile and groan at the pain. My vision is growing dark but I manage to say it anyway.

“You know why.” A broken sob leaves him and my vision goes dark but at least I think I am able to get out the words.

“I love you.”

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