Taken by my mate

Chapter Chapter twenty


Evadiene was limp in my arms, letting me pick her up without any rebuttal. I pulled the shirt around her to hide her body so I could bring her inside.

I picked up our torn pants, useless to either of us now, but seeing my dick wasn’t new to anyone but her. As wolven we had all seen each other naked at one point or another, it was natural and accepted, but she wasn’t wolven, and no one would see her body but me.

She looked lazily up at me as I walked. “Covyn?”

“Yes love it’s me.” I could see where Navi had bit her through the shirt and blood now stained the collar.

Her head bobbed back against my chest as she tried to stay awake. “Are you upset too?”

I shook my head and kissed her temple. “Neither me nor Navi are upset with you. We were just scared when we couldn’t find you. It was too much like a dream I used to have.”

She nodded in understanding. “I’ve had a similar dream for as long as I can remember.”

I stopped walking to look at her. “What?”

She nuzzled into my chest. “I like you, you quiet the sounds that are too loud.”

“What sounds?” I begged, but her cheeks were flushed and eyes were heavy.

Her eyes closed and as her breathing softened I knew she was asleep and none of my questions would be answered. It was likely the alcohol talking anyway, and I doubted she would remember what she said in the morning.

I walked in through the front doors, everyone else would be in the dining hall wrapping up or already in bed, but Spencer sat on the stairs waiting.

“What are you doing up?” I asked and he looked from me to her.

“I’m not sure. I went to my room but her words kept ringing in my head. She said she trusted me, I don’t know what I did to deserve that but I couldn’t go to bed before her.” He looked down, away from us like he was afraid of making me mad.

Try hard as I did to bring up those possessive alpha feelings I couldn’t. He didn’t sound possessive, just protective over her. He stood to go, glancing slightly at her as he passed and stopped.

He noticed the blood on her collar and wisely phrased his concern. “Would you like me to bring the first aid kit to your room?”

“No, thank you, I will tend to it. Navi bit her,” I sighed, “she will likely be asleep most of tomorrow from it. This shouldn’t have happened.”

I saw him just barely restrain himself from checking when I told him my wolf had bit her, and I knew he did it out of worry and nothing towards me

Instead he nodded. “I’ll be going then. Good night Alpha, and to the Luna.”

I watched him leave considerately. Evadiene would need a personal guard when I was busy, and there were few I trusted, none more than Spencer and Ellion.

Opening the door to my room I nearly forgot about the cat, but she had chosen a chair by the window, stomach fat and full. She barely glanced at me as I brought Evadiene to the bathroom, growling lowly at me though and I wondered if she was worried about the blood smell.

“Evadiene? Can you wake up for me love?” I sat her on the counter, holding her up against me.

Her eyes barely opened as I started kissing around her neck up to her ear.

“Mmm Covyn? What’s wrong?” She moaned into my ear and the sounds made me want to burry myself in her, but not tonight.

“Nothing is wrong, but I wanted to clean you up and change your shirt before bed, just not without your permission.” I said softly and her face warmed with my words.

A smile spanned her face and her arms moved up to wrap around my neck. “Can we share a bath?”

I groaned at the thought. “There is nothing I would like more, but I don’t think you’ll be able to stay awake that long.”

Her hand moved to her shoulder and she winced. “You bit me,- no, Navi bit me.” She seemed to momentarily wake up with that realization before her eyes became heavy again. “You are not seeing me completely naked while I’ve barely got to enjoy your chest. You’ve already gotten my pants off while yours… oh.”

Glancing over me she realized that I was completely naked. Her eyes raked up and down and then repeated their path again, and again.

Her eyes looked hungry, full of more want than any eyes I had ever seen, and I knew I felt that for her too. Her hands ran down my arms reaching my hands and directing them to rest on her hips.

I had grown dutifully under her inspection and as she pulled me I didn’t think I could get any harder. I saw her bite her lip and then followed her gaze to where I was pressed up against her, not even noticing when she had parted her legs to bring me in closer.

I could feel her skin against my balls under her shirt, and see my length firmly running up against her pelvis and stomach outside of her shirt.

No, fuck I had to stop this.

It was bad enough that Navi had not control himself, I couldn’t also cave to such animalistic instincts.

Your mate is hurt. Your mate needs to be cleaned. Your mate needs to sleep.

I reminded myself.

“No bath, but how about a shower?” I offered instead.

She nodded and raised her arms above her head, signalling for me to help. I took a deep breath, grasping the hem and pulling it up.

Hurt, clean, sleep

She was every bit as beautiful as in my oversized shirt, but now I could clearly see every inch of her I wanted to devour. I moved in quickly, just managing to stop myself from lifting her up to take one breast in my mouth, and lifted her against my chest to go to the shower.

“A cold shower.”

I let it run down my back first, needing the sting of the coldest water to erase the memory of her pussy on my tongue. Letting the water run over my face, my chest, and my cock did little to prevent the visions of what she would look like beneath me, or wrapped around me.

I sat her on a small bench, and when I opened my eyes I saw her watching me like my every movement was part of a show. I washed quickly, bringing the water then over to her with a wash cloth.

I knew going slow was killing her, but if I went any faster I wouldn’t be able to think out my next step carefully and would lose my head. I’d find it again ten inches inside her, but not now. Not with her high off Navi biting her and making their bond, and not while I was more level headed then her.

When I took her as mine, in every way that remained, she would be able to fully consent, and she would be begging for it.

I rinsed her off, making sure I didn’t miss any of the blood or dirt, and having her clean her pussy herself. I was acting strong, but no one was that strong. I could already remember the soft noises I caught while Navi was in control, and the would drive me wild all night.

I brought her a large towel, carrying her to the bed to finish drying off. I had barely gotten her into one of my shirts before she crawled under the covers and fell asleep.

Peace was easy to claim with her taken care of. I got a pair of boxers and then crawled into the bed behind her.

I will give her space. I’m only in the bed because I barely fit on the couch.

No sooner had I completed my vows did she roll completely over to wrap an arm over my chest and tangle her legs around mine. Her nails clawed into my chest as she tried to find something to grab onto and she apparently settling on the hand I offered.

I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her close to kiss her forehead and grab her hip.

Mmmm, I thought, something to grab on to.

The sound of approval I had meant to make in my head rumbled through my chest and she smiled against me. After a moment her hand released mine to hook under the top of my boxers and grab my hip as well.

A released a big breath I had apparently gathered while her pinky was trailing the elastic band and tried to calm my heart.

I kissed her wet cool hair, enjoying the feeling on my face. “You are going to be the death of me, my love.”

9am came way too fast and before I knew it I needed to start getting ready for my meeting. One look at Evadiene sleeping in my tshirt, the fabric draping over her hips and leaving her bare ass on mouth dropping display, had me taking care of a painfully hard problem in the shower first.

I got dressed and sat on the edge of the bed beside her, brushing the now dry strands of hair away from her face. Pulling the collar of the shirt around, I could see the newest bite and it needed to be cared for. Kissing and licking on the mark had her stirring in her sleep, her legs squirming against each other and her toes curling as her feet twisted together.

“Covyn, go back to sleep. I want to be awake to enjoy you fully for the first time,” she moaned up to me and I chuckled against her skin.

“I’m on my way to a meeting love, I’ll be back in a few hours to check on you.” I kissed up to her neck and pulled her ear into my mouth, smelling her sweet scent already.

“Covynnn,” she groaned. “Not my ears, it’s unfair,” she insisted, rolling over but pressing her bare ass against me.

“I can’t help if every inch of you is delicious,” I cooed in her other ear, tending to the other mark.

She swatted a hand at me. “Go to your meeting before I pull you back to bed,” she threatened, but it was a threat I’d happily take.

I closed up the curtains and kissed her head on my way out, stopping at the door to watch her grab my pillow to pulled into herself. Evadiene was pure perfection laying there and I locked the door behind me.

Today we would have our meeting and at dinner I would announce the position of her personal guard becoming available. I never wanted to lock her in a room, but the meeting would only be a few hours and she would be sleeping at least that long.

Ellion and Spencer were waiting for me outside my office, along with all my commanders. I checked my watch but I wasn’t late and they smiled at me knowingly.

“We had bets whether you would show this morning after getting your full moon run with Evadiene.” Ellion chuckled holding out his hand to McLain, who reluctantly handed him a twenty note.

I turned to Spencer. “You didn’t tell them?”

He shook his head, half a grin on his face. “Why ruin their fun?” Is what he said, but I got the distinct impression he didn’t tell them more out respect to mine and Evadiene’s business.

“What happened?” Ellion questioned, looking over me with worry.

I shook my head. “It’s not important right now, let’s focus on the meeting.”

I unlocked the room and everyone entered behind me, going towards the walls to collect the spare chairs to gather around my desk.

“Not that one,” I said suddenly to Blake, as he went towards the one Evadiene had set up to watch me.

He nodded and grabbed the one beside it, probably scenting the smell of cat on that one that people had spread around was to be associated with the Luna.

I began presenting what I had heard from other packs while I was in town, and the new training equipment available to update another gym. Ellion followed that up with presenting how training the most recent troop of visitors had been going.

Spencer was our resident know-it-all, being trained by some of the best across the world before deciding to come home to us. He was the one to dissect everyone’s form, know when improvements to technique were needed, and identify different styles.

“They don’t fight like others from the region they’ve said to have come from,” he began, “Not entirely. This would lead me to believe they are sending their men to as many camps as they can, but whether that’s for safety or conquest I can’t say. I’ve seen this style before further West, it’s on the tip of my tongue.”

I picked up my papers, that I had spread out while we gave him a moment to think. Gathering them all carefully back into their folders to distribute to those who needed them, was apparently exactly what Spencer needed and he leapt from his chair.

“This one!” He gawked, picking up one of the books and flipping through it. “Uris, I’d bet my life on it. They’ve been training with Alpha Yarre’s warriors as well.” He looked back down at the desk and held up the other book. “The Trojan War? This is an odd couple of books for you to have here.”

I rolled my eyes. “Indeed.’’

He put the books back down, considerately and bowed his head slightly. “Pardon me all while I go take a piss. Please McLain, start without me. You can fill me in on our guard shift later.”

He closed the door behind him and McLain began his own reports from neighbouring packs. Rogues in our area often worked as informants between packs, but they become unreliable, whether they were going missing, never checking in, or not turning up for appointments.

We were moving into Blake’s report when a scream echoed through the house, and I knew with heart breaking certainty that it was Evadiene.

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