Taken by my mate

Chapter Chapter thirty-seven


Evadiene took off and I sighed. “Give her a minute.”

Ellion was staring at me. “You realize she fell like two stories, only cutting her hand and getting a few bruises, but you came in here like she stood in font of a train and begged it to hit her.”

I rolled my eyes. “I did not.”

“You absolutely did,” Spencer chocked out. “Go after her.”

I was starting to shake my head when we all heard the unmistakeable sound of my truck starting.

“You don’t think..?” Daley began, but then the garage door locks disengaged loudly and it started to roll open.

The four of us bolted from the room to the garage as fast as we could. As much as I wanted to tell them to back off, my panic told me that more eyes and hands to keep her safe were important. She was also pissed at me, and I didn’t think she would listen to anything I said, which was also why I allowed Spencer to come along.

We opened the door as she hit the gas to peel out and I quickly debated wolf form or car.

“Spencer and Daley in the RAV, Ellion with me.” We shifted and took off, will Daley starting the car as our paws kicked up dust into the air.

Our RAVs were generally used as emergency cars, being fast and dark they could take a lot, which is why we always left the FOB in the cup holder for quick access. We ran on the sides of the road to give Daley the best traction if we should tire or otherwise be unable to follow.

I knew Evadiene had seen us, and I knew she didn’t care. No amount of worry or concern I pushed her way even made her hesitate even the slightest bit as she sped down the road. Me and Ellion weren’t talking, and neither were Daley and Spencer, knowing every question right now would have tragically few answers.

I could feel that our boarder was near, and see the boulders we had placed at the sides of the road to mark its placement. She had been so sure that something outside this wanted to kill me, but she was leaving now into somewhere she didn’t believe I should go. My mate was running away from me.

She increased her speed and I watched the truck near the boarder, knowing I wouldn’t stop if she kept going. The barrier seemed to glow very lightly around the area that crossed with the outgoing road but the end of the road was bumpier, slowing down her confident driving a little. It was all I needed to catch up and run beside the truck, even if she didn’t turn to look at me.

I whimpered, looking at her through the window as she kept her face focused forward. Tears ran down her cheeks but she didn’t move to wipe them away. Her control slipped now that I was closer, letting me feel her anguish and regret, though it didn’t seem to be about leaving. I saw her eyes widen and turned to see the boarder glowing brighter now, faltering her speed to decrease further as she took her foot off the gas pedal.

The boarder was coming up, in less than 30 meters… 20meters,.. 10… 5… The barrier exploded with coloured around the road and then dropped a wall of black in front of her truck. I heard her foot slammed on the breaks at the sight but it was too late for her to stop. I saw the front bumper hit that black area first and expected it to go through to appear on the other side, but the other parts of my truck joined the bumper against this wall that shouldn’t be there. Horror filled me as the front end of the truck caved into itself, and then the air bag was going off and Evadiene was thrashed into the bag, the seat, the wheel, and the window.

This could not be happening.

My heart felt like it had stopped. The pain was so great that everything stopped with it. There was a ringing in my ears drowning out anything else around me and I felt like my throat had closed shut. I no longer felt like I existed in the world and knew I would blow it all up to see her smile once more.

I was howling, my chest in a vice, and I collapsed to the ground, shrinking to my human form. I couldn’t catch my breath, I didn’t even have the strength to get up and check on what I already knew to be true.

The car skid to a stop just behind the truck, illuminating it with its headlights, with me and Ellion already stopped beside the vehicle. The fear of seeing her momentarily gripped us all. No one could survive that. Especially not a human.

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