Taken by my mate

Chapter Chapter five


His warm arms did make me feel better, and he smelt like French vanilla, but I let him catch me. If Sal’s men saw us leave this hall with out him they would get suspicious.

I turned in his arms and placed both hands on his chest. “Fire door at the back isn’t alarmed. Sal goes out there all the time to ogle us on our smoke break. Dump him by the bins with half a burnt smoke and take his wallet, watch and rings,” I instructed, looking through my lashes at him.

My voice was raspy and ugly but he didn’t seem to mind. His eyes looked lost in mine and I’d happily let him wander through my mind all day.

Fuck he was fine. He looked like a guy built from my wildest dreams and I wanted to devour him right there in the hallway. I glanced at his company quickly and back to him.

“You bought the room?” I guessed, realizing he had probably come to complain and saw me in the hall. He nodded and I started to pull him toward the back stairs. “Don’t come back in this way, if his men suspect it was you they’ll put a price on your head.”

I led him up the stairs, holding his hand behind me near my ass, and making sure he had an exceptional view with me climbing ahead of him. At the top I led him to the third room and twirled him into his seat.

I stood on the table, dancing to the song that played more quietly upstairs through speakers in the room.

“Stop,” he nearly begged, trying to guide me down. “You don’t need to do that.”

I winked at him. “For the guy that saved my life at great personal risk, I can manage. What are you drinking?”

He told me and I walked to the railing and waved to the bar. I taught the girls some basic sign language when I started working here. It was easier to communicate needs over the loud music and I broke the skill out now to order two double rum and cokes.

Before retreating back to the room I made sure to catch the attention of some of the suits up front. I told one of the men that Sal should get his requests in soon before my break. When nothing came in, I would break my heal and and tell my boss I had twisted my ankle and needed to leave.

When the drinks arrived I brought them into the room and closed the thick curtains, giving us mild privacy as long as we spoke low. I handed him his drink and took a big sip of the other.

He chuckled tightly. “Do you usually drink on shift?”

I looked into his eyes over my glass and smirked when I lowered it. “Only on very special nights when one of the big gang bosses tries to kill me and the good samaritan goes full uno-reverse on him. Is he dead?” My voice was still hoarse and sounded incredibly unattractive but I didn’t have time to dwell on that.

He shook his head, gritting his teeth together. “No, the son of a bitch still lives.”’

“You leave Maria out of this! She is a darling woman who I would have ratted him out to had he not ended up needing to switch to a liquid diet. You couldn’t have taken it a little easier on him?” I begged the question. This guy was hot, but not go to prison hot, and not get murdered in a meat plant hot.

“He was strangling you,” he objected and moved to stand but I encouraged him to remain sitting by placing one heal in the centre of his chest and pushing.

“Pray he’s dead or doesn’t remember a thing is all I’m saying. He luckily has a son who’s a decent enough person, he’ll take over starting tomorrow while he heals or rots.” I took another big sip of the drink and gulped heavily around the liquid.

I looked into the drink, considering taking the rest in one gulp, when his hand picked my hand at my side. He pulled it closer to him and I was forced to follow, but I didn’t try very hard to resist. Next, he guided me to sit in front of him and began checking over my injuries again. His hands were so gentle and warm over my skin and I found myself leaning in to the touch.

What’s wrong with me? I don’t even know him and I’m probably going to wind up on a hit list because of him.

But I wanted him. I wanted him so bad it felt like an ache in my skin. I pulled an unsteady breath through my teeth as his soft caress tickled me.

He pulled his hand back immediately. “Did I hurt you?”

I shook my head but he didn’t return his hand to my skin, instead looking me up and down before turning away.

“You have a problem with my outfit?” I snapped, crossing my arms under my chest to emphasize it more.

A low growl almost like a purr moved out of his lips. “Only that you’re wearing it for everyone to see and not just for me.”

His voice was husky and wanting. If it wasn’t for my work‘s policy, and the possibility of Sal’s men bursting in any moment, I would have sat on the raging hard on in his pants right then.

Instead I laughed, trying to cover the blush in my cheeks. “If you don’t want half naked girls dancing for you, and everyone else, you shouldn’t have come in a strip club.”

My voice was rude, much more rude than I had ever been to an over-paying and polite customer.

What’s wrong with me?

He chuckled without humour. “Yea it was a surprise to me to find you here too,” he muttered, scratching his head with his nails.

I wanted to run my hand over his short hair, down his shoulders, pull his lips into mine… I shook my head when I realized I was staring but he had already noticed too.

I moved back toward the table. “I should probably..”

“Please don’t,” he begged again. “Just rest, you’ve been through something.”

I smiled at him in a way that was usually convincing enough. “But you’ve paid…”

“I can afford it,” he interrupted, pulling me instead to his lap. “Don’t worry about me, let’s take care of you.”

My heart leapt at the idea in his words, or maybe just his voice saying them. I felt like puddy in his hands and the no touching rule went right out the window. All I wanted was his hands all over me sending those delightful sparks through every caress.

His warm hand cup my chin and he rubbed his thumb over my cheek bone. “Are you alright, Evadiene?” The way he purred my name left my skin tingling and a warmth moving from my chest down my stomach.

I was moving to touch his face before I realized it, scratching my nails through his short facial hair. He could say my name all nigh… my name.

“How do you know that name?” I startled stepping back. “I’m Nova.”

His face winced like he knew he made a mistake. “I have been looking for you for a very long time,” he said softly, reaching for me again.

“Don’t touch me!” I barked, but a little piece of me pained at moving away. “Did you send those fake cops?”

He hissed a breath and paused like he debated lying. “Real cops, just a little out of their jurisdiction,” he whispered, standing and wrapping his arms around me to bring me back to his lap.

“Don’t touch me!” I snapped again. “What are you playing at?”

He sighed heavily. “This isn’t how I wanted to do this.” His hand moved roughly over his scalp and again I could see the wheels turning like he wondered if he could get away with a lie.

“Don’t lie,” I interrupted his thoughts. “I’ll know if you’re not honest.”

He smirked and blurted out, “Your boss told me your name. People will do anything for money.”

I grinned. “That they will, but you’re lying.”

He didn’t know that my employment was under my first name, nearly everything was except for my morning job and my car, that would take my ‘preferred’ name. It was an effective tactic in keeping business and pleasure separate, and in situations like this it when it made lies obvious.

His eyes opened like he didn’t think he’d be caught, but as his eyes locked with mine and held me there. “My name is Covyn.”

“Covyn,” I breathed, and the word seemed to send a shiver through us both. “So what reason do you have to lie, Covyn.”

Covyn. I liked that, but no way to shorten it, so I’d need to come up with a pet name. What am I thinking, a pet name? I need to get away from this weirdo.

“It’s a bit of a long story.” He closed the gap between us, and for some stupid reason I didn’t move away, but I did flinch and he hesitated before wrapping his arms around me.

He sighed deeply into my hair and then took a big breath in like he was smelling my shampoo. I couldn’t help but feel instantly more relaxed. My shoulders dipped and my hands made their way up onto his back, under his shirt. He groaned approvingly and held me tighter against him.

I didn’t realize he was backing up until he was sitting on the couch and pulling me onto his lap. All thoughts left me as my legs moved to either side of his and his nose ran up and down the side of my neck.

I moaned in return and his hand made its way up my back to the back of my head, tangling in my hair. He pulled my head to the side and started kissing and sucking on my neck, and I lost myself to him.

My hands roamed over his back under his shirt, working their way up to rub his head and pulling him into me as tightly as I could. Nothing was close enough and I wondered if it was possible to occupy the same space as him, to feel his warmth around me.

Sparks shot over every inch of skin he touched and I found myself tearing the buttons of his shirt as I parted it to press my chest against his. He groaned into my ear, his hand sliding under the ribbons across my back like he meant to bring me as close as possible too.

My ragged breaths sounded in his ear and when he nipped at my neck I ended up gasping his name, “Covyn.”

He started and pulled back, looking into my eyes deeply. I wanted him to speak, to say my name again too and I didn’t even care right now how he knew it. I bit my bottom lip and it slowly unfurled from my teeth, I’m sure a little redder than before.

“Rraah, Evadiene you’re killing me,” he ground out, his hands working down to hold my hips still that I hadn’t even noticed I had been twisting in small figure eights over his cock.

He looked down at where his hands firmly gripped my hips, seeing his fingers dent in around their volume and I loved it. I ran my nose gently over his temple and when he looked up I crushed my lips against his; rough and possessive.

I was never really one who dreamed about marriage but if every day could feel like this man touching me, well put me in white and pretend I’m a virgin.

I suppose he was usually the one to instigate because he gasped when our lips connected and I ran my tongue across the seam of his lips begging to taste him. His lips parted and our tongues met in the middle, tangling together and tasting the spiced rum we had both just consumed.

Everything about him felt like a drug I was more than happy to take in and overdose on. I was minutely aware that I was grinding against him again, only because of the intense pleasure warming its way through me from the contact.

Nothing outside of us existed, and the only sound I could hear was the low rumble he made while he breathed me in. As if to mock my completely distracted entanglement with Covyn, I heard the sound of the metal curtains rings sliding along the rod and startled. This was it, I was getting fired.

Covyn started growling, not letting me leave his lap as he moved to start kissing my neck and shoulder again.

“Covyn you’ll get me fired,” I hissed pushing against his arms that wouldn’t let go.

“Good,” he growled. “I don’t want anyone else seeing you like this.”

I pulled my head away from him, trying to see who had entered but he tangled his hands in my hair and held my head firmly facing him.

I scoffed, loudly, “the nerve!” and shoved harder against him.

He was much stronger than me and it did essentially nothing. Then, I felt the person who had entered move up behind me and, though I didn’t hear what he said, the startling sound of another person in the room made me yelp and jump. Covyn growled lowly at the intruder to our space and despite the absolute absurdity of someone growlingpossessively over me, it turned me right on.

He seemed to know it too, because right after he was done glaring at whoever it was he nuzzled back into my neck and did it again against my skin.

I moaned low against the touch, and this time when the voice spoke I heard him.

“Alpha we need to go! Now!” The man was yelling.

Alpha? I though but then I voiced my concern out loud, “fuck.”

Now I could hear the people screaming in the other areas and I thought I heard a gun shot.

“Fuck!” I yelled again, pushing with everything I had against him to run and look down over the balcony.

Several of the suits caught me on the edge, one of them looked up apologetically and told me to go straight home. He didn’t need to tell me twice and l move to dart towards the stairs, but a pair of strong arms wrapped around me first.

“Not so fast beautiful, you won’t get away from me so easily,” Covyn purred in my ear.

The sound tickled and it had me scrunching my nose and smiling in delight but one look at his friend off to the side brought me back.

“Covyn we need to leave with everyone before they get suspicious. There’s about to be a lot of cops in here wondering why there’s blood on your shirt and your knuckles look like meat-tender-izers-“ as I spoke I looked down on the hands that held me and they looked absolutely fine, a little dried blood but no worse for wear.

Before I could ask any questions he spun me around and picked me up, grabbing my ass to lift me against his chest and wrap my legs around his waist. Then he was off going down the main stairs and I had no choice but to hang on or flop around in his arms.

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