Taken by my mate

Chapter Chapter fifty-one


“They won’t last long,” I muttered, knowing Caius would need to be giving them his life energy to sustain them and would grow weaker each second they lived. “You need to be more concerned with who they are trying to let in.”

I felt myself getting weaker as well.

So, this boarder was one of the ones I had made. I should have gone back for that book in the library sooner. Well at least the car crash makes sense now, my magic’s about as stable as my mental state.

My head felt light and dizzy, meaning my magic was failing in the boarder and it was trying to steal the energy back from me. If I cut it off now the whole thing would disappear and they’d be defenceless. Sequoia jumped to me, feeling everything she needed to know about the magic involved through our bond and began purring in my lap as my anchor.

Other wolves began gathering around us and I knew Spencer must have called them. They began attacking the necromantic wolves with the red eyes, the new ones defending the ones that were eating my magic more ravenously. I could feel Spencer trembling beneath me, not out of fear but out of a desire to do more.

“Spencer,” my voice came out shakier than I thought it would and he whimpered with concern. “Spencer it’s okay, but I need down.”

He seemed confused, but moved away from what was happening anyway. He laid down a ways away, Lucas standing between us and the rest, as I slid off his side but no sooner had my feet hit the ground did the nausea overcome me.

“Evadiene!” I heard Spencer say my name before I had finished emptying my stomach and then felt his hands pulling my hair away from my face. “What’s wrong?”

I backed away from the smell of what I had expelled and fell on my knees. “Your boarder, that’s my handy work… “ I stopped to hold my breath, trying to prevent myself from being sick again. “I made it, and it’s failing.”

I saw Lucas and his wolf turn toward us, overhearing me. “This is thousands of years old… -alright then.” At my look Spencer accepted what I said and moved on. “What can I do?”

“Help your people,” I begged. “If that barrier fails there’s nothing between you and the others.”

We both turned around when someone howled in pain. There were still half a dozen trying to break the boarder, but the spaces between them were failing enough to let some wolven through. As the opposing pack broke through, more of the necromantic wolves could work at the wall to let more even more in. I couldn’t stop the next wave of nausea and emptied the rest of my stomach into the grass.

More from Covyn’s pack started coming out and I hoped they weren’t leaving other sides unprotected due to their faith in the wall.

The strongest warrior pack in the region. They are the strongest pack in the region… But my brothers are stronger.

Even my thoughts threatened to do me in, making my stomach flip over as it thought back to my dream. I couldn’t believe they had recruited wolven to help, but I was sure the pack belonged to Alpha Stone. I was willing to bet his Beta was upset with what happened involving his son, and Alpha Stone’s acceptance of it, and now wanted to take over the pack. Nine out of ten deals were for money or power; they were the bread and butter for our people.

I looked for Covyn, knowing he must be out there somewhere, fighting with the others, but I couldn’t see Navi anywhere. He had to be there, he would have come the second he was alerted, before their second wave of fighters was ready. Unless,…

I felt a thrum of magical energy, a dark shadow blocked out the sun above me for just a moment, like a cloud had drifted between us. It was faster than anyone fighting would have noticed, but I had been looking for it. My father couldn’t fight, he could not be involved with anything happening in front of me which left…

I growled so loudly it almost became the shriek of my phoenix that shouldn’t be possible.

I glowered past the army, out in to the direction my father had flown, baring my teeth like the animal I was born as. “Covyn went to make a deal.”

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