Taken by my mate

Chapter Chapter fifty-four


I figured Lucas must have not been holding Nova very tightly, but later inspection had revealed Sequoia nearly chomped through his leg to get him off her, and I didn’t see Nova on Sequoia’s leopard back until it was too late.

I felt her hands clasp around mine like the moment lasted forever. Sparks rippled through my skin but instead of it feeling pleasurable and calming it filled me with an impending sense of dread. I watched her tumbling off Sequoia and onto the ground but I was rooted to the spot, unable to move in any direction.

Spencer was beside her before I had registered fully what had happened. My hand was empty and my chest felt like it was on fire. I knew this feeling, it was one I would never forget and hoped I would never feel twice. I moved as if pulled by a magnet to kneel beside Nova, Spencer already holding her in his arms. I wanted to take her from him, to hold her myself but I could barely bring myself to look at her eyes. Sequoia curled around her as much as she could, purring so desperately I knew it was more to calm herself.

“No, no … Nova…” Spencer brought her hand up onto his face and she used her thumb to wipe his tears.

“You already died for me once laendi, it’s my turn.”

“No, I’m just a wolven. There are hundreds of us, Nova, everywhere, thanks to you. You already gave up so much for me, for us, it was you that….”

“Ssshhhh…” she soothed, and reached out the other hand to me, squeezing my fingers.

The dart stuck out from her stomach, a small amount of blood collecting around it in her shirt.

She turned to me briefly, met my eyes and squeeze my fingers. “I, Novaestarus Vesperios, reject you, Covyn Durem, as my mate.”

The pain I felt from her dying was worse, but I still felt like I’d gotten the wind knocked out of me. I didn’t want the minor relief that her rejection over her death provided. I hoped the pain would consume me and take me with her. Regardless, her eyes didn’t waver, and despite everything her face looked calm even as it looked tired.

“You never listened to me, you didn’t ask me any questions, or take the time to try and know me. Take this and learn, to become a better leader, someone they can count on and doesn’t just get the job done. You are more than you’ve let yourself be, and everything happens for a reason…” she started coughing and turned back to Spencer, not letting go of my hand. “Find love, you deserve love. Don’t be like me and stop feeling everything now. I want you to get that life I always wanted for you. Please, promise me.”

He was shaking his head, silent tears running down his face and onto her shirt. “I’ll be right behind you.” Her brows pushed together but he pressed a finger to her lips. “I know you darted between us knowing you’d likely die.. and I know you won’t come back from the ash for that, we will be going to the same place.”

She smiled sadly. “I won’t be going anywhere. When the fire becomes ash, what is left of me will repair your wall and others like it.” She chuckled lightly, ironically. “You know I like to be watched, now when you’re home and you stare up to look at every calming blue sky, squint in frustration at the sun that blinded you with its heat, and howl at the moon.. you’ll be looking at me.”

From around the dart there was a growing heat and the dart burnt up to be the first bit of ash, drifting up into the air. I remained silent, not having anything meaningful to add and guilt consuming me for being the cause of her death. I had entered her life less than a month ago and single-handedly turned it completely upside down only to get her killed. The knot in my throat grew, and continued to grow as they began to recite a very old poem together.

“If only…” Spencer began, his voice breaking as he pet her hand against his cheek.

“If only the woodpecker sighs, the bark in the trees was as soft as the skies,” Nova sang softly.

His eyes grew somehow sadder. “The wolf waits below hungry and lonely, crying to the moon if only if only…”

Her lips curled up on one side. “If only if only the moon speaks no reply.

Reflecting the sun and all that’s gone by.

Be strong my weary wolf; turn around boldly…”

The flame grew from her middle, quickly creeping up her body but her face showed no pain, only… peace. Spencer’s breaths were raged, large sobs escaping his lips. He kissed her palm several times and she blew him a silent kiss.

Spencer didn’t release her hand as the fire spread down her arm. “Fly high my baby bird, My Angel, my only.”

She was engulfed in flame, that same flame moving over her fingers but never touched Spencer, and then there was silence like their had never been silence before.

My eyes closed to keep from seeing her burn up again. Everything was ending the way she had planned but she hadn’t gotten a chance to make her deals. I was the cause of her death. I would be the cause of my people’s deaths. She wanted me to take this and be better, but all I wanted to do was give up my pack to someone more capable of everything she wanted me to be.

The world stopped, literally stopped, and I thought it had been just my panic but I heard nothing of the fighting going on. I slowly opened my eyes, seeing Nova’s hand frozen in flame on Spencer’s face, both unblinking and unmoving. They were frozen in the moment of her last breath.

I pulled my eyes away from looking into hers and looked around myself. My warriors were also frozen in place in the middle of different states of battle and defending our land. I hadn’t noticed when Lucas had shifted back but his back leg looked absolutely useless with the bite wound from Sequoia. Still he stood with his face toward the danger to defend us in her last moments.

I looked around myself further, then seeing Balthasar in his same dark green dress pants and collared shirt, but this time the sleeves were rolled up. Beside him were three other men, one I recognized as Varro meaning they were her brothers. They were all dressed equally well, except there was dried blood over Varro’s hands below the rolled up sleeves of his dress shirt.

“You really cocked that one up, didn’t you!!” Varro growled, warranting a silencing look from his father.

I thought they would look sadder, but they looked like they could pummel me into the earth with just a look. I would deserve it. Two of the the boys moved around him to Nova, the third man grabbed my upper arm and hoisting me onto my feet. He walked behind me until I was standing in front of Balthasar, and then I could feel him lingering to the side of me with his arms folded. The others moved to sit with Nova, quietly talking to her or each other.

Balthasar pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head at me. “You had one job, and it was made so easy for you. You are lucky Varro didn’t spend his energy elsewhere during this fight or he wouldn’t have the strength to pause this moment, before my Jewel dies and becomes something I can’t undo.”

“You can fix this?” I questioned, warranting snickers from his sons.

“No, but you can,” his words sounded cruel despite giving me hope. “Don’t look so excited. Big magic, big price, and the price is decided by the person. What do you value more than anything?”

I looked around. My pack? My land? My power? But at this moment I could only think about how I had failed her and would do anything to go back and fix things. I felt it like a lightbulb in my head that Balthazar plucked free.

“My daughter? While I know that’s mostly due to guilt, I’ll take it. We will rewind the clock until before she met you, she won’t remember you or your bond.” Balthasar’s lips curled up like he was waiting for me to argue and already preparing his retort.

“Fine, anything just as long as she lives,” I assured, letting myself glance back to see her face, but when I turned back to Balthasar he looked like he’d had another cruel thought.

“She will not remember any of this, but you will retain your memories, placed under the same restrictions as she is about revealing too much about yourself or what happens. Don’t worry there’s a pain that will tell you when to shut up. You’ll shut up or black out.” He then gestured towards the man nearest me and asked, “Osric, anything to add?”

Osric behind me let out a low chuckle from behind closed lips, finding some amusement in his father’s deal. “Things cannot divert greatly from the original timeline, so she will still have to have a mate from your pack..” Osric said with a grin, watching as Balthasar moved over to stand near Novaestarus. “You will send someone in your place towards the events that led you to finding her. That will be enough, Fate will take care of the rest.” He glanced over my shoulder at Spencer and smirked. “Some choices are better than others, but that will be the only out of character choice you’ll be allowed. Caius!”

Caius scoffed and I turned towards them, again seeing the girl on fire that I had failed. “You’re kidding right? I raised the literal dead through one of Nova’s walls; even a failing one was a struggle. I had a baker’s dozen constructs going, all stemming from one I snuck in the other day.” He laughed again. “You got a hope in hell that I can handle going back months right now.”

“Don’t look at me,” Varro waved his hand. “If I send him back I’ll just kill him and burry him with all Caius’s future constructs, that he won’t need because I’ll remember this fucker,” he gestured to Spencer, “and go kill him next so Nova can come home.”

I growled before I remembered common sense but by then Varro was roaring in return.

Osric was rubbing his eyes and the bridge of his nose. “Fine, Caius. Hand over your curse.”

I watched the two slap hands, causing a slight spark moving between them. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” He muttered, then Osric linked his arm around mine, leaned into me while popping his foot up, flashed a peace sign and said, “back in a minute.”

There were groans from his brothers, but I saw their father in the background briefly before we were gone. He had kissed the top of Nova’s head and then lightly rest his forehead to hers.

I couldn’t imagine a father having to issue the deal and then banish her for it. When I looked at both of our sides, I realized I could easily be on either end. It was a fight with no real ‘bad guy’, except Beta Wright who agreed to help with this attack… and maybe Varro for who had killed a whole convoy and my men to kill his son.


The world went black but I could still feel Osric’s arm linked through mine. When I could see anything again we were standing in my office, exactly the way it always looked, but there was no chair in the corner. I was face to face with myself, sitting behind my desk, unmoving. A quick look over at the clock and I noted that time was standing still here too.

“You get to change one thing right now in the hopes of changing how this all ends. Frankly, I have zero faith in you and rejoice in knowing that you will get to see how many mistakes you made the first time around.”

I looked at him, confusion apparently part of my normal expression now. “What are you talking about?”

He rolled his eyes. “Geez wolf you’re thick. Past, present, future,-“ he gestured to himself with the last word, “-me and my brothers, we’re triplets, we each chose one. Do you think time travel is just something anyone can barter for? Triplets are rare, especially for our species, and that gave us a unique opportunity to split this magic up between us… never mind, you’ll never understand.

“I’ve been keeping an eye on her since she was banished. She’s my big sister, our blood bond is strong and I can glimpse the future. You were fucking up long before you took a shitty deal from my father.”

“You got that right,” I muttered. “How am I supposed to change anything if I can’t act on the knowledge I have now.”

“Little things. You’ll see how much little changes can affect how things pan out differently. All those moments when before you were stuck between two choices, like whether to have a coffee or tea can have a large impact on your day and those around you. Have a little empathy for others, and think about them before you open your yap. I’ll be watching,” he added quickly, shooting a pair of finger guns are me. “So, you know, you made a mistake and you won’t do it again. Be a better person.”

“Is everyone in your family so fucking condescending?” I growled.

Osric laughed. “I may be younger than Novaestarus, but I’m still much older than you.”

I sighed, looking at myself behind the desk. “So I need to send her another to be her mate, while still feeling the pull to her and remember when she was mine?”

He nodded.

“Can she reject me?”

He chuckled. “It wasn’t a part of the deal that you don’t, but try getting her to do it with your limited vocabulary while she doesn’t feel it.” He looked me up and down. “I don’t envy you dude, but Sequoia told you what you needed to know, about the clues, it’s up to you to save your people, and my sister. If you ever loved her, you’ll do right by her, not yourself. And hey, if you fail again all the wolven whose boarders fail when she dies will be at risk of my family’s vengeance, no pressure.”

“Geez, thanks,” I muttered and he chuckled.

“Time to make some big big decisions young pup, and it all starts with this.”

He shoved me and I stumbled through my desk, merging with the other me sitting there. When I looked up from my seat he was gone, and when I looked down I saw that I had been filing paperwork.

There was a slight knock at the door and Ellion walked in. “Your plans for that warehouse in town have been approved. Are you still determine to oversee every step of this yourself?”

I looked down again, at my hands that looked the same, except for the ring that was back on my finger that I hadn’t worn since that day I hurt Eva… Nova. I shook my head, tensing the hand into a fist and letting it go.

She deserves better.

“No, I’ll send someone else in my place, but it’ll need to be someone I trust.”

“Don’t look at me, Daley might kill your if I’m gone one night a week for the next several months,” he chuckled and I smirked at the thought of him having sister-mates.

“No, I’ll send Spencer. I think he’ll make the right choices.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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