Taken By A Sinner (The Sinners Series)

Taken By A Sinner: Chapter 8

After my advanced cinematography class, where I got to touch a new state-of-the-art digital camera with prime lenses, I leave the bustling campus, trying to ignore the two guards behind me.

I can’t even relish the amazing lecture I just had.

It sucks.

Glancing over my shoulder, I scowl at the guards wishing they’d disappear.

I haven’t heard from or seen Nikolas since lunch on Sunday, and I’m hoping it’s a good sign that I’ll only have to deal with him on Sundays.

One can hope.

Letting out a sigh, I head in the opposite direction of my apartment, hoping to get more shots of the city and people for the screenplay I’m producing.

Reaching the David Lam park, I set my backpack down and dig my digital camera out. When I feel James and Grant breathing down my neck, I shoot a scowl their way. “Do you mind? I need some space.”

James takes a couple of steps back, but Grant gives me a glare filled with warning before he joins his partner.


I haven’t spoken to them much and don’t plan to. They work for Nikolas, and that’s the end of the story.

Adjusting the lens, I get into position. When I have the perfect view in my sights, I press record and slowly sweep the lens over the green lawn, and some ducks slipping into the water. I record the water rippling against the smooth rocks for a couple of minutes, so I can speed it up for a good effect.

I move, one with the camera, getting a shot of blossoms drifting from a tree before focusing on the city buildings framing the park.

I stop recording, then replay the clip, a smile spreading over my face.


Turning to the path, I press record again, focusing on the paving before swooping the lens up toward… ugh. James and Grant.

I don’t stop recording but get a good shot of them in a serious conversation, giving off heavy mafia vibes.

I can use that for the danger aspect of my screenplay.

Who would’ve thought the guards would come in handy.

I move to get a better shot of the path and focus on a pair of shiny black shoes walking toward me. The person’s steps are confident. Then, ever so slowly, I bring the lens up the person’s legs. Black suit pants. A crisp white shirt and jacket.

Apprehension trickles through my veins as I start to realize who I have in my sights. Still, I keep recording until I have a full view of Nikolas, all fire and brimstone, heading right for me with a group of guards flaring out behind him as if they are his wings.

I quickly end the scene by slanting the camera and getting a shot of the blue sky dotted with fluffy clouds. Just as I press stop, Nikolas comes to a halt in front of me. He glances at the camera in my hand before hitting me with the full impact of his intense gaze.

I’ve always struggled with being social, but with Nikolas, it’s a million times worse, and I can’t think of a thing to say.

“How was school?” he asks.

“Good.” Then I think to ask, “How did you know I was here?”

He gestures to the guards.


His eyes lower to my camera again. “Did you record me?”

I wet my already dry lips. “By accident.”

“Show me.”

Shit. It was a good shot, and I’d hate to lose it.

Reluctantly, I rewind and turn the screen so Nikolas can see. He moves to my side, way too close, and I quickly press play to get it over with.

Damn, it’s really a good shot. He embodies everything the mafia stands for, and it definitely doesn’t hurt that he’s so damn attractive.

There’s a low humming sound from deep in his chest. My eyes fly up to his face, and I try to read his expression. Not giving a single damn thing away, he mutters, “Show me what else you’ve recorded.”

A frown forms on my forehead as I rewind to the first clip. Again I watch for his reaction but get nothing while he views my work.

When the footage comes to an end, I nervously fidget with the camera.

“Not bad. What will it be used for?”

I frown again, not understanding where this sudden interest is coming from. “Ah… It’s for a screenplay I wrote.”


He’s probably going to laugh. “A girl questioning her purpose in an uncaring world.”

“Will it be used just for school?”

I nod quickly. “Yes.”

Nikolas’ eyes lock on my face, and he seems deep in thought. Then the corner of his mouth lifts in a hot smirk that probably gets him laid a hell of a lot. “I’d like to see the final piece.”


I tilt my head, my confusion growing, and unable to stop myself even though I know better, I ask, “Why the sudden interest in my life?”

“We’re family,” he states as if it should mean something.

But it doesn’t. It never will.

For a moment, the sounds of the park fill the silence between us as Nikolas glances toward the shore. “It’s peaceful out here.”

My eyes dart to his face, and seeing how he admires our surroundings, I wonder if his life is just filled with death and crime. Not knowing beauty and peace. That’s actually sad if it’s the case.

Getting a deeper glimpse of Nikolas makes me want to know more.

“You don’t get to spend time in nature?” I ask, hoping he’ll answer and not shut me down.

Letting out a deep breath, he turns his attention back to me. He takes an envelope out of the inside pocket of his jacket and holds it out to me. “The paperwork explains your new finances.”


With shock shuddering through me, I take the envelope. “Why new finances?”

His gaze turns hard, warning flashing in his dark brown irises. “So I can control your income and expenses.”

My lips part and I gape at him. Even though I knew it might happen, I hoped it wouldn’t.

Nikolas has taken complete control of my life.

Against my better judgment, anger burns through my veins. “Seriously? I now have to ask you if I need something?” I slap the envelope back against his chest. “Hell no.”

Instead of taking the envelope, Nikolas grabs hold of my wrist and yanks me right against his body. The sudden movement has my precious camera slipping from my grip. Not giving a single fuck about Nikolas’ wrath, I rip free from his hold and shove at him before crouching by my camera.

“Asshole! Look what you’ve done.” A piece broke right off, and the sight instantly has tears pushing up my throat. The camera is my most prized possession, not because of monetary value, but because it’s given me so much joy.

I gather the pieces, making sure not to leave anything behind in the hopes that I can get it repaired, and rush over to my bag. I carefully place the pieces inside, shrug the straps over my back, and not sparing Nikolas a glance, I head for the main road.

Hurt blooms in my chest with every step I take, hating Nikolas even more.

The asshole.

Arrogant, egotistical, freaking monster.

God, I wish I could slap him.

Suddenly he grabs hold of my arm, and I’m swung around. I land with a thud against his chest, his fingers grip hold of my chin, and my head is forced back. His raw masculine scent wraps around me. Our angry gazes lock, making something foreign and new spark to life.

“Did you just call me an asshole?” Even though he looks like he’s a second away from completely losing his temper, his tone sounds incredulous.

I won’t be surprised if no one has had the guts to curse him, and if that’s the case, I’m glad to be the first.

“Among other things,” I grit out between my clenched teeth. “You broke the one thing that meant the world to me.”

“I didn’t do shit,” he bites back. His presence grows darker, threatening to swallow me whole. “If you didn’t throw a fucking tantrum and took the envelope, none of it would’ve happened.”

“Tantrum?” I gasp, my own temper completely spiraling out of control. “You expect me to roll over and play nice while you take control of every single aspect of my life?”

“I expect you to obey.”

My eyes flit over his features, and again I’m left wondering if he has no heart at all.

“I tried, but you make it impossible.” I hate the quivering in my voice. I hate that I can’t control my emotions around him. I hate how he makes me feel. Terrified but curious. “Why do you have to control my life? Why can’t you just let me be?”

His eyes narrow slightly, and looking like a predator ready to pounce on its prey, he replies in a low tone, “At first it was because it was my damn job, but now…” He leans closer until I feel his breath on my lips. “It’s because I’m enjoying this thing between us. The more you fight, the harder I’ll strike.”

Somehow I keep eye contact as I whisper, “You’re evil.”

“Never claimed not to be.” He lets go of me, shoves the envelope in my hand, and gives me a final look of warning. “The next time you disobey me, you won’t like what I’ll do.”

With nothing more than the ominous warning, he stalks away, leaving me with James and Grant.

My chest fills with hopelessness as I stare at his broad back.

God, what am I going to do?

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