Take Me To The River: A Mountain Man Romance (Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 1)

Take Me To The River: Chapter 5


When was the last time I was this hard? How is it possible that just cleaning up the cuts on her arms and legs is so damn sexy? I about lost it, when I saw how soaked her panties were.

I didn’t think there was any chance in hell this sweet, innocent girl would be attracted to me, but her panties prove otherwise.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had a woman, but knowing she was getting wet, because of me is so damn hot. But this could never work out. She’ll be leaving as soon as the storm passes, and the roads are clear. A beautiful woman like her would never be happy out here.

Somehow, I know I’ll be nursing this heartbreak for some time to come, and I only just met her today. Wait until I tell my friends about this one.

My friends are loners like me. The four of us bonded over it. We each have our reasons for moving into the mountains outside Whiskey River, Montana, and we give each other space, except for once a month, when we meet in town. I know they are there if I need anything, and it’s the same as I’d be there for them. But for the most part, we just leave each other alone.

I tidy up the bathroom, throwing away the cotton swabs I used to clean her up with and putting all the first aid supplies back where they came from. Most of those cuts were no more than the size of a paper cut, but I wanted any excuse to touch her.

Trying to clear the thought of how soft and silky her skin is, I shake my head, hoping to distract myself, as I double check the bathroom, before I go back to the living room.

It’s too early to go to bed, so maybe, I can sit down and talk with her some more. I want to get to know Emelie. Plus, I like to hear the sound of her voice, and even how she will ramble on and on, and then catch herself doing it.

When I enter the living room, she’s sitting on the same side of the couch as before. So, I sit on the other side and give her space. I learned a long time ago that my size tends to make people uncomfortable. Though, that doesn’t seem to be the case with her. It seems to turn her on.

A long time ago, I stopped hoping to find a wife. It was just easier to move out here and stop being disappointed over and over again. But what are the chances that fate sent her to me? That she’s the one for me? That I don’t have to live here alone anymore?

I stop my train of thought, as I just finally got my dick to go down, and I really will scare her, if I can’t get that monster under control. I’ve heard bits and pieces of what brought her to me today, and while the last thing I want to talk about is her ex-boyfriend, I need to know the whole story.

I want to know for myself, but also, so I can keep her safe the best way possible. So, I brace myself for the answer I know I’m going to hate. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

‘Now, tell me what happened today with your ex-boyfriend, and start at the beginning,’ I emphasize the ex-part.

She looks over at me, and I can see her guard is up. Does she not trust me? Maybe, I didn’t ask as politely as I could have. My manners are a bit rusty, after being up here for almost six years.

‘Please?’ I add, trying to soften her up, and that seems to work.

‘I work for his dad. Well, worked for. I doubt I’ll have a job now, not that I like my job or anything, but still, it was employment. Anyway, he worked for his dad, too. We were busy and had barely spent any time together. This camping trip was his idea.’

She starts rambling, and I let her because I want to hear anything she’s willing to tell me.

‘Where is this job?’ I ask, praying it isn’t on the other side of the country.


That’s only a few hours east of here. Thankfully, she isn’t that far from Whiskey River. Billings is an easy drive. I nod my head, encouraging her to keep talking.

‘Anyway, we were both looking forward to unplugging. The car ride was normal, fun even. We cranked up the radio, enjoyed the music, and the views on the way here. When we parked, I suggested leaving our phones in the car. I had already turned mine off. He said he would turn his off, but he was bringing it in case of an emergency.’

Maybe, this guy has some brains after all, though not that he knows how to use them, apparently.

‘So, we hiked to the camping spot. It was maybe twenty minutes from the car if that. We set up the tent, and then he went for firewood. I was planning what to make for dinner when his phone went off a few times. Thinking he forgot to turn it off, I was going to do it for him. But the texts were from some girl named Roxy, saying, ‘Hope your family camping trip is going well. Here’s something to spice it up.’ And attached was a picture of her boobs.’

Her cheeks flush at the memory, and she looks so damn cute, but I’m angry for her. She is trying to hide it, but it’s obvious she was hurt by this.

‘I looked at the text thread, and it went back months of them sexting and sending photos and all that. So, I sent her a text back, telling her it wasn’t a family trip, and I was his girlfriend, but after this, she could have him. He got back to the campground, I told him I knew, and then I went off for a walk. He was yelling at me, saying she was just a friend, but I don’t believe it.’

‘And you ended up here?’ I ask.

‘No, I wanted to clear my head and figure out what to do. I decided that, if I went back, then we could get to the car, head back to town tonight, go our separate ways, and I could call someone to come get me, and then get my stuff out of Chris’s place. I don’t have much, and it would have fit in my car. But when I got back to the campsite, everything was gone, including my stuff.’

He didn’t leave her anything? The more I hear about this guy, the more I hate him.

‘That’s when I started to walk towards where I thought the parking lot was, but I guess, I took the wrong path and ended up here.’ She shrugs like it’s no big deal.

She doesn’t realize how lucky she was. The animals could have smelled the blood from her cuts and come after her, or if she had taken one more turn, then she may never have found me, and I’d have been reading about them finding her body in the newspaper the next time I was in town. I don’t even want to think about it.

Her whole world has been turned upside down, and now, she has to figure everything out. I want to rip this guy’s head off and serve it to him on a platter. But I also want to be there and help her figure out her next steps. Be the someone she can lean on.

‘I’m sorry, Little One. This guy is an idiot. Anything could have happened to you out there. Bears and wolves are a big threat. They could have smelled the blood from the cuts on your legs and come for you. What if you hadn’t found me? There’s no way you would have survived the storm!’

I get worked up thinking about the possibilities if she hadn’t found me. She could have frozen to death tonight, been eaten in her sleep, or slipped and fallen to her death. With this storm coming in, the possibilities for her demise are endless.

‘Hey, hey, Axel. I’m right here, and I’m fine thanks to you.’ She places her hand on my arm. That’s when I realize how close she is. Instead of the other end of the couch, she’s now sitting right next to me, her legs touching mine.

When did she scoot across the couch? Normally, having someone in my space like this would make me tense, but with her, it has a peaceful effect.

Her touch calms me and pushes the what ifs away. Wanting to do what’s best, I say the words I don’t want to, and that I don’t mean, but know I will if she only asks.

I’ll do just about anything if she only asks.

‘When the rain stops, I can take you where you need to go, back to town, or even to Billings if you wish.’

She studies me and does not answer right away. I thought this would make her happy, but there isn’t even the hint of a smile on her face.

‘I don’t know where I need or want to go, and I have to figure out my next steps. It’s peaceful enough out here, that I should be able to make new plans.’

‘What are the next steps that you need to plan?’

‘A new job. I doubt Chris’s dad will want me working for him, once he knows we broke up. Then, I have to find a new place to stay and make plans to get my stuff. If I have to, I could stay in my car for a while.’

‘I’m sure a friend will let you stay on their couch,’ I suggest.

‘I don’t really have any friends. Chris was about it. I hung out with his friends and worked. I didn’t do much else.’

I can see why she’s worried about her future. But I want to tell her she can stay here with me, and I’ll provide for her. She won’t have to worry about a thing. But we just met today, and I’m sure she has no intention of staying on the mountain any longer than she has, too.

‘It’s going to rain for a few days. You are welcome to stay until it clears up. I have plenty of supplies.’ I tell her, making her smile.

What I don’t tell her is that rain like this normally washes out the only road to town. After the rain stops, it will be several days to a week, before we’ll be able to get out. But I don’t need to stress her out any more than she already is.

The thought of having a week with her excites me. I can show her my life, and maybe at least, make her think of moving closer to town. There’s plenty to do in Whiskey River.

If I can convince her to move here, then maybe, we could date. Or at the very least, I could find a way to keep her in my life, even just as friends. I don’t like the idea of being just friends, but I hate the idea of not having her in my life even more.

‘What do you want to do now?’ I ask.

‘I don’t know. I’ve never had a lot of options, but I need a job, so I can get a place. Though, I’m not even sure I want to stay in Billings. It’s too big of a city for me.’

‘You should check out Whiskey River. You might fall in love with the area,’ I suggest. ‘There are plenty of tourists that drive through and many businesses downtown.’

She only smirks at me, like she knows what I’m doing.

It’s quiet after that, as the last of the sun fades away, and the rain starts. Listening to the rain on the roof is one of the most relaxing things out here, and it seems to be working on her, too.

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