Take Me To The River: A Mountain Man Romance (Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 1)

Take Me To The River: Chapter 25

‘Hey, Axel?’ I call out for him, as I come out of the bedroom.

I just finished unpacking the last of my stuff, and I know he said he was going start a fire and burn the trash and boxes. But I think he’s worried, if he keeps the boxes around, I might try to pack them up again.

‘Kitchen.’ He calls back.

I put the flattened box with the others by the door and walk straight to him. He wraps an arm around my shoulder, as he finishes the sandwiches he’s making for lunch.

‘I’m done unpacking,’ I tell him.

He stops and looks at me.

‘You unpacked the books in the spare bedroom?’

‘Yes, and my winter clothes in that closet, too. I put away my formal dresses as well, though I’m not sure why I brought them.’

It’s been three days, since we went to Billings to get my stuff, and the moment we got home, Axel helped me organize where everything would go. My winter clothes, formal clothes, books, photos, all of it, so I didn’t have an excuse to not unpack anything.

Since I packed everything in a rush, I took my time unpacking. The next time we’re in town, I actually have a decent pile of stuff to donate. When I tried to put my formal dresses in the donation pile, Axel wouldn’t let me.

He says I can wear them for him in the cabin and also promised to give me some places to wear them. Someday, when they take up too much space, I’ll just donate them or burn them. For now, I’ll do ask he asks and hang them in the spare closet.

‘You will look sexy in those dresses, and I can’t wait to see you in them.’ He winks, and then finishes our lunch, and as we sit down at the table, I think about my plans for the day. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

‘You going to do the trash burn today?’ I ask.

‘Yeah, might as well clean things up around here,’ he huffs.

I smile at him, which relaxes him.

‘On our way back to the cabin the other day, I saw some berry bushes not too far from the house. I was going to go pick them and make some jam, or maybe a pie?’

He doesn’t look me in the eye, but his body is tense. I know that look. He doesn’t want to tell me no, but he doesn’t want me to go without him either.

‘I’ll take my knife, and I swear it’s in yelling distance.’ I try to calm him.

‘You’ll take the shotgun and the four-wheeler,’ he says.

‘As you wish.’

I’ve learned Axel is extra protective, but he’s beginning to accept that I can take care of myself out here, and he has to let me go out. It’s a learning process for us both, because I don’t like being away from him either.

After lunch, he sets up a box on the back of the four-wheeler and places some buckets in it for me to gather berries. He loads the shotgun and places some extra shells in the box as well.

‘Anything goes wrong, fire the shotgun, and I’ll be there. You see a bear or wolf, you kill it. Any animals get too close, even if you think it’s friendly, kill it.’

I know he’s being serious, but I decide to push my luck a little.

‘Why don’t you just get me a guard dog to chase everything off, when you aren’t with me?’ I joke.

He freezes and looks at me, and a slow smile spreads across his face.

‘That’s not a bad idea, Little One. We’ll talk to Jack when we go into town.’

‘What, you are serious?’

‘Yes. Another set of eyes protecting you is always a good thing.’

‘I’ve always wanted a dog, but I didn’t think you’d want another mouth to feed around here.’ My smile isn’t hidden anymore.

‘Then it’s settled. But it will be a guard dog, a large one, and not a little yuppie thing that fits in your purse.’

I smile at the thought of this giant toting around a dog that would probably fit in his hand.


‘We are also going to get some radios to use when we aren’t together like this.’

‘Whatever you want.’ I agree with him, still in shock he’s getting us a dog.

‘Go, before I change my mind.’ He picks me up and sets me on the four-wheeler and gives me a kiss, before stepping back.

He watches me head down the trail, and it takes less than a minute to get there.

Once I arrive, I turn the four-wheeler around to face the cabin, and then get a bucket to pick berries. The red ones I saw, when I was driving by are wild strawberries. Giggling out loud, I start picking them, making plans for all the things I can make including jam, or maybe strawberry shortcake. I can freeze some to use later as well.

In no time, I easily fill a bucket with strawberries, and then see some honeyberries as well. My mom loved those, so I gather another bucket to fill with them.

A few books I brought with me were ones I picked up in preparation for the camping trip with lots of information on nature. I also had Jack order me a few more books about the plant life and animals in the area.

One thing I remember reading though, is that berries like this tend to attract animals, such as bears. But I’m close to the cabin and not comfortable with bears being this close. Thankfully, Axel sent me several large buckets, so I decide to pick all the berries off the bushes.

It’s more than I had planned to pick, but it will keep me busy for the next few days. With all these berries, I could make some fruit bread too, and then freeze anything I don’t use. Any day now, Phoenix will be stopping by with our order, so I can make him a pie.

Heck, on our next trip into town, I can make each guy a pie to take back. If they are anything like Axel, pies weren’t on their list of items they needed to make up here.

As I pick the last of the berries, I hear a twig snap, and I freeze. The shotgun is strapped over my back ready to use. But when I look around, I don’t see anything, so I continue to pick the last of the strawberries, yet, stay on high alert.

Another twig snaps behind me, and I turn around and see a movement behind a bush on the other side of the four-wheeler.

Slowly walking back up to the four-wheeler, I place the bucket down and get the shotgun ready. When I take a step towards where I saw the movement, a coyote steps towards me. He hunches down and starts growling at me.

I line up my shot, and just as the coyote starts towards me, I pull the trigger. He falls to the ground a pile of dead weight. Knowing Axel is going to come running, I make quick work of picking up the coyote and getting him on the back of the four-wheeler.

No sooner do I start the engine, than Axel comes running into the view.

‘I’m okay. Just got me a coyote.’ I smile at him.

Taking a deep breath, Axel walks over and pulls me into his arms without a word.

‘I’m sorry you were worried.’

‘It’s okay, Little One. I’m just glad you are safe.’ He pulls back and takes a look at the coyote, and then the berries.

‘That’s a lot of berries.’ He says as he climbs onto the four-wheeler, sitting behind me.

‘They were too close to the cabin, and I was worried they’d attract bears,’ I say, as he wraps his arms around me, and we slowly head towards home.

‘Good thinking. Any idea what you want to do with them?’

‘I’m going to make some jams. Maybe, we can sell some in the store? When we meet there next week, I was going to make some pies and send the guy’s home with one.’

‘They’ll love that. Phoenix called, and he’s heading to town tomorrow and will be by for dinner. I’ll call him back and ask him to pick up canning jars as well.’ He says, kissing the top of my head, as the cabin comes into view.

‘What about the coyote?’

‘His pelt isn’t worth as much as a deer one, so I’ve been saving them and making a blanket for our bed. The meat we’ll grind up and use like we would ground beef.’

‘Coyote tacos.’ I giggle, as we bring the food inside.

‘You go get going on washing the berries, and I’ll take care of the coyote and the four-wheeler,’ he says.

I spend the rest afternoon, washing the berries and making a small batch of jam with the jars I found in the pantry. Then, I sectioned out some to freeze, and then with the jars we’ll get tomorrow, I can finish up the rest.

When I’m filling the last of the jars and enjoying the setting sun from the kitchen window, a delicious aroma starts to fill the cabin. It smells like dinner, only I’m in the kitchen, and I’m not cooking anything.

That’s when Axel walks in with a smile on his face. ‘Come with me. I have a surprise for you.’

‘Does it have something to do with the food I smell cooking?’

‘I thought we could do a real campfire cooked dinner tonight.’

As I turn the corner, I gasp, as he has a table set up under a canopy of string lights. There is food cooking on the campfire, but the fresh picked flowers and candles on the table tell me this is anything, but a traditional rustic meal.

‘What is this Axel?’ I ask, running my eyes over everything.

‘I’ll always spoil you in my own way. You made me so proud today, proving you can take care of yourself, even if I don’t like you leaving my side. Though, we’re still getting the dog.’ He pauses and stares at me. ‘But I’ve never been more certain you were meant to be out here than I was today.’ He leads me over to the table and pulls out a chair, ever the gentleman.

He serves dinner, which he calls cowboy casserole, using some of the coyote meat. It really is good, and there’s no difference in taste than ground beef. He even made some biscuits for the meal.

‘This is perfect, Axel. But I want you to know you don’t have to do over-the-top dinners like this for me. Just eating with you is all I need.’

‘I know, but tonight is different.’ He says with a shy smile.

‘How so?’ I ask.

That’s when I notice his leg is bouncing and his strained smile. He’s nervous. Before I can think any more of it, he walks over to me. Then, he takes my hand and drops to one knee.

Holy shit, this is not what I was expecting.

‘Emelie, Little One, I was not expecting you. Until you found me in the river, I was happy in my solitude and living alone. One day of you in my space, and I never wanted you to leave. You showed me that what other people think doesn’t matter, only you matter, and having you proudly by my side, makes it easy to ignore the stares and whispers. I don’t need them, I just need you.’

He kisses my hand and pulls out a square black velvet box.

‘I want you by my side, when we go hunting, I want you here picking berries, and I want to look over by the fire and find you reading. I want to wake up and make love to you every morning and fall asleep the same way. I want to bathe with you in the river, and when you are ready, I want to start a family with you. I love you, my Little One. Will you marry me?’

He opens the box to reveal the most beautiful and simple engagement ring I’ve ever seen. Three square stones with a large one in the center.

‘Yes!’ I hug him tightly.

When he places the ring on my finger, I notice a plain gold band as well.

‘I figure you need a fancy ring to wear into town, or whenever you want, but the gold band will be practical when we’re hunting and prepping for winter.’ He says, reading my mind.

‘I can’t wait to be your wife.’ I kiss him.

‘We can go to the courthouse tomorrow.’ He kisses me back.

‘No,’ I say, and he pulls back to look at me.

I shake my head.

‘I mean, the courthouse is fine, but the guys should be there and Jack,’ I say.

He smiles and nods. ‘The sooner the better.’

‘I couldn’t agree more.’

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