Take Me To The River: A Mountain Man Romance (Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 1)

Take Me To The River: Chapter 16

Another day of rain has us confined to the cabin, and instead of tending to the animals from my traps we gathered yesterday, I find I don’t even want to get out of bed.

Why would I, when I have this hot angel wrapped around me? Once again, I wake to her laying naked on me, but this morning, I carefully shift us to our sides, before sliding my cock over her clit.

Her body shivers, as she starts to wake up. Then, her eyes meet mine, as I slowly slide into her. Her eyes start to flutter closed, but I’m desperate for that connection.

‘Eyes on me, Little One.’ I break the silence, and her eyes fly back to mine.

Our eyes lock, as I slowly thrust in and out of her. I can feel every inch of her, as we move in silence.

I cup her face and brush the hair from her forehead, as her breathing picks up. Since I know every inch of her body, that hitch of her breath just now means I brushed her G-spot. And I know the way she’s fighting not to let her eyes roll to the back of her head, she’s holding off her orgasm.

Just as I know the sensitive spot at the base of her neck drives her crazy, and she loves it, when I’m on top of her, caging her in. Dirty talking can push her right over the edge, but right now, I want to make love to her.

Today, I want more of a connection than just dirty talk. Pulling her leg over my hip, I slide even deeper into her. Every time I think I’m getting too deep, going too far, she urges me on and wants even more.

My Little One is attracted and turned on by everything about me, my size, my scars, my dirty side, and it’s just proof she was made for me, and I was made for her.

Moving her gaze to mine, I’m pulled from my thoughts. As her hand runs down my chest, she traces the scars there without even having to look at them. She knows my body like I know hers.

She knows the slightest touch on those scars will make me hard, that brushing over my nipples will make my body shudder with the need for her, and that when she comes, if she digs her nails in my shoulders, I’ll follow her over the edge as well.

So, it shouldn’t surprise me, when we both know each other’s body so well, that we push each other to orgasm faster than we both would like. Even though I want to laze in bed with her and connect, she plays my body, and in turn, I play her, and with a few well angled thrusts, she’s digging her nails into my shoulder, screaming my name, and I’m coming with her.

We are lying in bed, catching our breath, and I don’t want to stop touching her. Pulling her closer to me, so there’s no space between us, I’m still inside her, and she seems to have no desire to move either. She’s soft everywhere and still sensitive, after the orgasms I gave her. Apparently, I’m addicted to giving her orgasms, and I’d spend all day doing it if I could.

I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that I’m able to make her come without hurting her. We fit perfectly, and that’s something I didn’t think was possible for me. I’m too big, and hurting women, didn’t sit right with me. It’s a big reason I ended up out here.

No one misses me out here, but they might miss her. She must have family that will worry about her.

I prop up on my elbow and look down at her. She giggles at me, as I nuzzle her neck.

‘What about your family, Little One? Is anyone missing you?’

‘No, my parents died in a car crash, when I was sixteen. I didn’t have any other family, so I ended up in a foster home.’

My heart breaks for her. A sad, scared girl having no one in the world. If I had known she was out there, I would have found her sooner. Not for a second would I have let her think she was alone. She’ll never be alone again, not as long as I draw breath on this Earth.

She shrugs her shoulders. ‘I got lucky. My foster parents were really nice. They gave me a job at their company when I turned eighteen.’ Then, she clamps her lips shut.

Though there’s something else, it’s obvious, but she’s hesitant to tell me, and I don’t ever want her to think that she can’t share every detail of her life. I want to know every little thing about her.

‘What is it?’ I trail a finger down her neck between her breasts, and then to her belly button. She shifts a fraction of a bit, and I slip out of her. We both moan from the loss, but I keep my hands on her and keep her close.

‘My ex is their son.’

‘The one that left you in the woods and led you to me?’

She nods, as I take a moment to think about my words. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

‘I don’t know if I want to punch him in the face for leaving you alone in the woods, or if I should send him a fruit basket for sending you to me,’ I huff.

That makes her laugh, and even though I was completely serious, I smile at her. If he hadn’t left, I doubt we would have met, but anything could have happened to her. Even though she’s safe in my arms, the thought about all the trouble could have befallen her, still makes me sick.

‘After we started working with his dad, I moved in with him. Unfortunately, I still have to face him to get my stuff back in Billings. I don’t have a game plan after that.’

Billings is just over four hours from here. It will be a day trip to get her stuff. Possibly two days, depending on how much she has.

‘You won’t go alone. I’ll go with you. We can get the trailer and bring your belongings back if staying with me is what you want. Even if it isn’t, I’ll go with you and get you set up, wherever you want to go. Either way, you won’t face him alone.’

After the way he treated her, I don’t want her to worry about him, and besides, she shouldn’t have to face him at all.

She’s quiet for a moment, studying my face to see if I mean it. I am sincere, even if leaving her somewhere else is the last thing I want to do. If she didn’t want to live out here in the mountains, then maybe, I could learn to live in the city.

I never once considered moving off the mountain, but the thought of being away from her is too unbearable. If it meant I was with her, I’d put up with the city.

‘Since I don’t have much, I’m sure it will fit in your truck. I can sell my car, because it won’t make it up the mountain here on a good day, much less, in any type of weather. And there’s no doubt in my mind that I want to be here with you, My Giant.’ She says, rubbing her hand up my chest.

She pulls me down for a kiss, but I don’t let it go further than that. Though she may not say it, I know she has to be sore, and I won’t do anything to hurt her. So, I pull back from the kiss.

‘I’m sorry you found out about him cheating the way you did,’ I tell her, wanting her to know I understand her pain.

‘Actually, I wasn’t as upset about that, as I should have been. It all kind of clicked when I saw the texts. We hadn’t slept together in months. He would work late, come home, and pass out on the couch. I think in the back of my mind, I knew it was over, but I didn’t know what to do and had nowhere to go. The thought of figuring it out was overwhelming with everything else going on at work.’

‘That’s no excuse for what he did.’

‘I know it’s not, but it led me to you, and I can’t be mad or hurt about it now. Because if he hadn’t done it? We wouldn’t have met.’

She kisses me again, and this time, I know we need to get out of bed, or I’ll end up taking her again.

‘Why don’t we get you a nice, warm bath? You have to be tender, and I want to make you breakfast.’

Then, I get up and head to the bathroom to start running the water for her bath. I place some Epsom salts in the water and some oils I use for achy muscles. It’s stuff my mom would insist my dad use when he would come home, and his muscles were sore and stiff.

The smell alone takes me back to that day when my mom would tell me my size was a gift, and the right people in my life would see it that way. She would tell me anyone who didn’t appreciate my size wasn’t meant to be in my life.

Her words were comforting then, and I realize now how true they are. My Little One loves my size, and I’ll use it to protect her, always. I know my mother would have loved her and said she’s the gift I was put on this Earth for.

When I walk into the bedroom, she’s still lying in the bed, looking every bit the angel I know her to be. Her hair is spread out on the pillow, her cheeks pink, and a smile for me that could melt all the winter snow.

I stalk to her side, my eyes on hers, and don’t say a word, as I just slide my arms under her and scoop her up. Pulling her close to my chest, and now, she’s right where she belongs.

She squeals and throws her arms around my neck. When she rests her head on my shoulder giggling, everything in that moment is perfect. Not only is she light as a feather in my arms, but she fits there perfectly. The sound of her giggles fills the cabin and brings it to life. I didn’t realize how dull my world was until she walked in and lit it up.

Walking into the bathroom, I gently place her in the warm bathwater. She slides into the water and leans her head on the back of the tub with a soft smile on her face.

‘You relax a bit. I’ll get you the book you were reading last night, and you soak until breakfast is ready.’ I place a kiss on the top of her head.

‘This is perfect.’ She sighs, as she settles deeper into the water.

She’s right, it is. Having her here in the cabin, watching her relax, and knowing I put that smile there, I couldn’t think of a more perfect memory to remember forever.

Too bad the mountain doesn’t allow for perfect days.

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