Take Me To The Mountain: A Modern Mail Order Bride Romance (Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 5)

Take Me To The Mountain: Chapter 9

we are taking a lazy day. We are both working inside, me on the t-shirt quilt I’m making and him on a set of bows and arrows. I love watching him work with his hands. He knows what he’s doing and his movements are easy and sure.

As much as I am watching him, he’s keeping a close eye on me too. There is something so comforting about the normalcy of this moment. I hope we have many more days like this.

If this is what life is like up on the mountain, I’m really kicking myself for not doing something like this sooner. My dad would have loved this, but we were both so stuck in Chicago and our lives there. I wish that he could have had a chance to experience a life like this before he died.

Though I can’t remember the last time I slept as well as I did last night in Bennett’s arms. He made me feel safe and protected. But at the same time, it makes me feel guilty for not sharing exactly what’s going on in my life. Then I think about how well things are going and I don’t want to burst the bubble. Not yet anyway. While I know I’m going to have to tell him eventually, right now I want to enjoy this time with him.

When I look up at him again, I find him already looking at me. He doesn’t turn away but continues to let his eyes roam down my body. With his eyes on me, it’s as if his hands are on my skin and not just his eyes.

While studying my every move, he says, ‘Every year I do some trading with the local farmer whose property borders the edge of my property at the back. I need to go renegotiate this season’s agreement. If I go up there this afternoon, do you want to go with me?’

He’s waiting to see my reaction. I’ve noticed that he studies every little thing about me. It’s as if he wants to know every detail or that I’m telling the truth about things. If I had to guess, I’d say he wants to make sure I’m not just saying yes to something to make him happy or he wants to make sure that it’s something I truly want.

‘Yeah, I’d like to see you in action and all.’

That earns me a smile from him and we both finish up what we’re doing and get ready to leave. Once in his car, I want to know more.

‘So, what exactly is this agreement that you have with them?’

‘They use a part of my land strictly for hay and pay me a land rent fee. But instead of cash, we swap meat so it’s that much less I have to hunt on my own. Now that you’re here, it will be a huge help, and later as we grow our family.’

He says it’s so casually I don’t think he realizes that his thinking about us building our family together is so much further out in the future than I ever dreamed to look. I turn my head to look out the window so he can’t see the flush that has covered my face.

Soon we’re heading out of the mountains and down into flat land passing farm after farm.

‘Is this still Whiskey River?’ I ask, trying to get my bearings.

‘Technically yes. The mountains are on the north side of town, and the farmland is more towards the east. I’ve worked with this family for many years. There are four brothers who work running the ranch and then they have a sister who helps out here and there. But I mostly work with and talk to the older brother.’

Finally, he turns down one of the long driveways and we make our way up to a farmhouse. We’re greeted by a barking dog that’s running off the front porch to our car. Right behind the dog is an honest-to-God cowboy in wranglers and cowboy hat coming outside to greet us.

‘Bennett! We were just talking about you and hoping you’d stop by soon,’ the cowboy says as we step out of the truck. ‘And you brought a pretty lady with you.’

‘This is my fiancé, Willow. Willow, this is Jasper. He’s the one that I was telling you about.’ Bennett introduces us.

‘Why don’t you come inside, and we’ll talk,’ Jasper says we follow him into the house.

After making sure that we don’t want anything to eat or drink, he sits down in the recliner next to the couch and he and Bennett start talking about their agreement.

Looking around I check out the house which seems to be what I would expect a typical ranch house to look like. But then I notice a woman standing in the doorway shooting daggers at me.

‘Emma, why don’t you come in and join us instead of hanging out by the door,’ Jasper says as the woman steps into the room.

‘Willow, this is my sister Emma, Emma this is Bennett’s fiancé Willow,’ Jasper introduces us.

At the mention of the word fiancé, the look on her face couldn’t get any more disgusted, but it’s quickly gone when she glances over at Bennett. Then she attempts a flirtatious smile aimed at him.

I have to admit I get a certain satisfaction out of the fact that he seems to completely ignore her. Instead, Bennett focuses on either Jasper or myself which appears to irritate her even more.

As her flirting attempts fail, she tries to take it out on me with what I’m assuming she thinks are scary looks. It does make me wonder what kind of history she and Bennett have.

‘But did Jasper tell you about the new colt that we have? she interrupts. “I’d be happy to show it to you in the barn,’ she says while playing with her hair and pushing out her breasts. The fact that she doesn’t even try to hide that she’s flirting with him makes her look overly desperate at least in my opinion. But maybe that’s what Bennett likes. I don’t know.

‘No thanks. Emma. Maybe Willow would like to see it while we finish up our meeting.’ Bennett turns his smile to me, but I’m not stupid enough to take him up on that offer of going into the barn alone with Emma. That would pretty much be suicide.

‘I’m good right here,’ I say with a smile and take Bennett’s hand which earns me another smile from him and another glare from Emma. As he talks to Jasper, he grips my hand and rubs his thumb over the back of my hand. It is not much longer before they wrap up their conversation.

‘You ready to head home, sweetheart?’ Bennett asks when they’re done.

‘I’m ready if you are.’

We say our goodbyes and as always Bennett is a perfect gentleman opening my truck door and making sure I’m inside before getting in himself. Once we’re on the road and going towards home, I decide to ask the question that’s been floating around in my head.

‘What’s the deal with you and Emma?’ I ask bluntly.

‘There’s nothing there. She’s more like the annoying little kid sister. When Jasper and I first started working together, she was always around and I’ve learned to ignore her. Why?’

He glances over at me for just a second before his eyes land back on the road.

‘I was just wondering because she was trying awfully hard to get your attention the entire time we were there.’

‘Well, you completely had my attention and made it very hard for me to concentrate on Jasper. Actually, I didn’t even notice her other than when she asked about the colt and the barn,’ he says, squeezing my hand.

‘Well, that was a blatant attempt to try to get you away from me and alone with her.’ I don’t know where this sassy part of me came from, feeling like I own him and have the right to be upset about the way that Emma acted. For all I know, they could have a history and one he isn’t wanting to admit to having.

‘Didn’t I turn that down really quick? I understand with us moving so quickly and women like her can give you pause, but you’ll learn to trust me. At some point, you’ll learn I’m a man of my word.

Deciding to give him the benefit of the doubt, I drop the subject. He deserves at least that, and besides, the truth always comes out one way or another.

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