Take Me To The Mountain: A Modern Mail Order Bride Romance (Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 5)

Take Me To The Mountain: Chapter 3

sleep very well last night, I still slept much better than I have in weeks. At least for now, I feel a lot safer out here. I know he slept on the couch because he wanted to be a gentleman, but I couldn’t tell him that I’d feel much safer with him in bed with me without raising suspicions. The last thing I need is for him to find out what I’m running from and tell me to hit the road.

He’d be completely justified in doing so.

Hearing him outside chopping wood, I take the time to really look around the house and get a feel for my surroundings. For being secluded up on the mountain and self-sufficient, it’s a lot more modern than I expected.

The kitchen looks like it could be set in any home. The countertops are granite with a modern feel. He has a refrigerator, a microwave, and even a dishwasher. But then there’s a classic wood-burning stove.

Next to the kitchen is a decent-sized laundry room with a sink, some counters and even a washer and dryer. I guess I thought he would have been hand-washing his clothes. But the most surprising find of all is that he has a telephone in the living room. It looks just like an old dial-up telephone that I had in my house growing up before cell phones were as big as they are. When I pick up the handset, there’s a dial tone. I’ll have to see if he’s willing to give me the number so that Aspen can call and check in when she’s safe.

The cabin has four bedrooms, but he uses one of the bedrooms as an office. Another one is set up like a library and then there’s a second almost guest bedroom, but it doesn’t have a bed, just some dressers and storage cabinets. Then there’s the primary bedroom that I slept in last night.

In the spare bedroom, I find a box of old worn out t-shirts. Most of them have holes in them, but they’re in decent enough shape that they would make a great t-shirt quilt. Also, there’s a sewing machine in the living room so I can use this as my chance to show him I can be useful around the house. One of my winter projects could be to make a quilt out of these t-shirts.

It’s a win-win because I love to quilt. Though I haven’t had the opportunity to do so since my dad died and even before then because I was just too busy taking care of him. So, I pick up the box and take it into the living room, and set it next to the sewing machine. I checked the drawers in the machine, and find all the thread that I need.

While he’s outside doing his chores, this can be one of the things I’m doing in the house

By the time he comes inside to get ready for the rodeo, I have a smile on my face. That I’ll be helping to contribute to the house even in a small way makes me feel a lot better about being here.

‘Let me know when you’re ready and we can get going,’ he says as he comes out of the bathroom in a nice pair of jeans and a button-down shirt.

He looks downright mouthwatering with his muscular body on display. I’m sure at an event like a rodeo he’d have no problem getting girls, which makes me wonder why a hot guy like him did the mail-order bride thing.

I head into the bathroom and put on a pair of jeans, a comfortable but dressier t-shirt, and a pair of sneakers that I wouldn’t mind getting dirty. After putting a few curls into my hair, I swipe on a little bit of mascara and lip gloss before leaving the room.

When I step out, his eyes find me immediately. His eyes dance over my face before taking in the entire length of my body and then slowly traveling back up and locking with my eyes.

‘You look beautiful,’ he says as he clears his throat.

Then he opens the front door for me, and he’s the perfect gentleman just like yesterday, opening my car door and making sure I’m settled in the truck before going around to his side.

When we’re in the truck, he turns the radio on low for some background noise before smiling back over at me.

‘My friends and their wives are going to be there. They’ll come over and say hi, but they’ll let us be today, but tomorrow they will want to talk to both of us,’ he says as I look out the window.

‘Will you tell me about them so at least I can say that I’ve heard about them?’ I ask.

This earns me a huge smile. I guess he likes that I’m actually taking an interest in his friends and his life.

‘There’s Axel and his wife Emelie. They were the first to get married and I’ll let you hear their story from them, but he’s a pretty big guy, so don’t be alarmed when you see him. She’s the sweetest person you will ever meet. She makes sure to take care of me and always sends me home with food when she’d see me. Then there’s Jenna and Phoenix. They were the next to get married. He’s a talented wood worker and makes a lot of the wood furniture that you’ll see in town, as well as some of the furniture in my place. She’s a photographer who specializes in pictures of the national parks and sells her stuff in town and online.

Then there is Hope and Cash whose wedding we’re going to. And finally, there is Jana and Cole who live on the land bordering Cash and Hope. Cole has been somewhat of a recluse. He’s a great guy and only just joined our group. He’s got a scar on the side of his face, but don’t let it startle you. This will be his first big event with crowds, so give him a little leeway.’

I appreciate that he gave me a heads up on Cole and also that he’s protective of the rest of them as well. It says a lot about who he is and how loyal he is to his friends. Hopefully, maybe one day I’ll fall into the category to deserve that kind of loyalty from him, too.

The rest of the car ride he talks about some of the rodeos he’s gone to in the past and what I can expect since it’s my first time.

No sooner are we inside the gates of the rodeo, than a group of people head right for us.

‘You must be Willow! We’re so excited to meet you. I’m Emelie and this is my husband, Axel,’ the little blonde one says.

They take turns introducing themselves and it’s a little overwhelming trying to remember everyone’s names. But like Bennett promised, they don’t crowd us.

‘Tomorrow, we will see you both for lunch.’ The blonde one says again and then they go grab their seats.

‘Let’s get some seats over there,’ Bennett says we head in the opposite direction as his friends.

Even though his friends seemed really nice, I find meeting each new people can be quite intense. Thankfully, he seems to understand as do his friends, by giving us our space.

I didn’t quite know what to expect with the rodeo, but there are people everywhere and I can easily tell that he was uncomfortable. Bennett’s trying to hide it, but I don’t blame him because this whole place makes me feel on display/uneasy, too.

Grabbing seats in the metal bleachers a few rows up from the front, we’re so close we can smell the dirt ring below us and the food that’s in the air.

I’m enjoying watching the barrel racers and the girls on the horses are just amazing.

Leanings over, nodding towards the horses in the ring in front of us, he asks, ‘Do you know how to ride?’

‘Not very well. I’ve gone a few times with some friends, but that’s about it.’

‘I’ll teach you. It will come in handy out here.’

Then we go back to watching the show before he turns back to me again.

‘Are you hungry? I can go grab some food,’ he says.

I panic just a little as I don’t want to be left alone and he seems to sense it.

‘You can come with me and see what they have,’ he suggests, and I nod.

As we’re looking at the food options, it’s very hard not to notice all the girls that stare at him. Some of them walk by and giggle, but when I look at him it’s like he doesn’t even realize they’re paying him so much attention.

Maybe he’s just being polite with me here and all. I shake my head and try to focus on the food choices in front of me.

‘Don’t pay them any attention.’ He leans down and whispers into my ear.

‘So, you did notice them.’ I try to say in a flirty tone with just a hint of a smile.

‘No, I noticed how comfortable you were and then put two and two together. Most of us guys moved out here to the mountain for one reason or the other, so we’re used to being stared at in crowds either for our size or our scars.’

‘Trust me, that’s not why they’re staring.’ I shake my head but get into line to grab a hot dog.

‘Their opinion doesn’t matter. What matters is if you like what you see,’ he says completely shocking me.

Taking the opportunity, I run my eyes over him as slowly as he did me when I stepped out of the bedroom earlier.

‘Yeah, I like what I see,’ I tell him honestly.

That seems to be all he needs because he relaxes and wraps an arm around my waist as we wait in line together. Though it’s a small gesture, it signals that I’m his now, and he’s mine. Even if it’s only by a contract.

We get our food and head back to our seats just as the bull riding gets ready to start. Watching these men try to go for eight seconds on a prancing bull is pure madness.

These animals weigh so much that when their feet hit the ground I can feel the vibration in my seat. Every time one of the men gets thrown to the ground, my heart stops until I know that they’re okay.

Finally, I begin to relax and enjoy myself until I see a photographer walking closer to us taking photos of the crowd. Inching closer to Bennett, I bury my face in his arm when she aims her camera our way. He shifts and wraps his arm around me and pulls me into his side allowing me to hide.

The last thing I need is for a picture of me to go public and show exactly where I am. My uncle will be looking for things like that, so I have to be careful. If Bennett picks up on it, I’m hoping he thinks I just don’t enjoy having my picture taken.

‘She’s gone. You okay?’ he says after a few minutes.

I’m not and thankfully he doesn’t push the subject any further, at least not right now. Though I’m sure we get home, I’ll hear about it.

The rest of the night goes smoothly. We leave before the rodeo is over to avoid most of the traffic in the parking lot. On the way home, he keeps the topics light, but looks over at me like he’s expecting me to not be okay or for something else to come up. Not sure what to say or do, I keep trying to offer a reassuring smile.

‘I had a really good time tonight,’ he says when we get to the front door.

‘So did I,’ I tell him. Because despite being uncomfortable and for that roaming photographer trying to take a picture, I really did have a good time.

He smiles, placing a hand on my hip as he gently drops a soft kiss on my lips. I’ve dated before and I’ve been kissed before, but holy hell, nothing has felt quite like Bennett’s lips on mine.

The kiss is soft and a bit unsure like he’s expecting me to pull away. One thing I do know, it’s way too short. Does it mean anything that he’s the one that pulls away first?

My heart’s racing like I just ran a marathon, and my lips tingle where his were was touching mine. Even though his eyes are heated and he’s acting like he wants more, he takes a step back. Then like nothing happened, he opens the door and we go inside.

‘Goodnight, Willow. If you need me, I’ll be here on the couch.’

I want to ask him to come to bed or even just stay there until I fall asleep but the thought of having to tell him why terrifies me. So once again, I head to bed, alone.

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