Take Me To The Mountain: A Modern Mail Order Bride Romance (Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 5)

Take Me To The Mountain: Chapter 13

Emma had the audacity to step foot on my property. Much less to say any of that stuff to my wife. I will not have Willow doubting me and I’m angry Emma planted that seed of doubt. I could see it in Willow’s eyes that Emma got under her skin and I’m not all right with it.

The only way I can prove it to her is to take her to their ranch. So, that’s exactly what I’m doing.

When we arrive, I barely get out of the truck before Emma is stepping out onto the porch. A satisfied smirk covers her face, but it drops the moment she sees Willow get out of the truck. Willow looks pissed and I can read that look on her face because it’s clear as day. It says, why the fuck did you bring me here?

‘Emma, now that we’re both present, why don’t you tell me exactly what you told Willow?’ I don’t even try to soften my tone. There no point because anytime I’m nice to her, she takes it and runs a mile with it.

Before she even gets a chance to respond, Jasper and one of his younger brothers steps out onto the porch. He clearly heard what I said and is staring at his sister waiting for her answer.

‘I just told her the truth. She got in the way of what we had going on and that Bennett married her out of pity.’ Then she rolls her eyes like it’s the most normal thing in the world.

‘Are you kidding me, Emma? We all know that he’s never once touched you and there’s been nothing going on. He’s been more than gracious trying to put you off every time that he’s here. Now it makes sense why you never leave the house when you know he’s coming over. No matter how much we try. But going to his house and causing problems with his wife? You’ve got to be shitting me,’ Jasper says as he walks toward Willow.

‘I don’t know what game my sister is playing at, but you can ask any one of us and anyone in town. She and Bennett never had anything going on. When Bennett’s been here, she’s tried to flirt. We’ve seen it and we’ve told her to stop. But you need to know he puts her off every time. I’m so damned sorry for the trouble that she caused today.’

Then he looks over at me. ‘I can’t even express how sorry I am about this. I promise that we will deal with Emma, and she will be dealt with properly. Though I hope this doesn’t affect our business dealings.’

‘I have nothing against you and your brothers. I just ask that from now on keep Emma away from me, my wife and my family. I’ll make it a point to let you know when I will be here, and I think it’s best that she’s not.’

‘I completely understand, and we’ll make sure that that’s what happens. Again, I am so sorry.’ Jasper says and then turns to his sister.

‘But I’m not…’ Emma starts.

‘You will do as you are told as long as you are living in this house. How dare you! Now get your ass inside.’ Jasper raises his voice and for the first time, I see fear on Emma’s face.

Jasper is a good guy and I know he never raised a hand to her in anger, but I’ve also never heard him raise his voice either. Though Emma’s made her own bed, and now she’s about to reap the consequences of it.

Jasper looks back and nods at me before Willow and I get back into my truck and go home. Once in the car, she still doesn’t say a word to me. I keep waiting for her to say something, anything. But as we climb into the mountains, she is still quiet, so when we reach one of the pull offs that are there for those that want to take in the view, I stop. Only then does she finally turn to look at me.

Turning off the truck, I reach and take her hand. Though really I’m wishing I could pull her in to my seat and effectively kill any of the space between us.

‘Please talk to me, yell at me, hit me, something,’ I beg.

Instead, she just sits there staring at me. The longer she goes without saying a word, the more my heart drops. I’m almost certain that I’m about to lose her. I don’t know how to stop it or what to do. Though losing her and letting her go is no longer an option.

Maybe she doesn’t trust me like I hope she did or maybe we did rush into this. I thought we had built some kind of trust, especially out there on that camping trip and then again on our wedding night.

Finally, she sighs and gives my hand a light squeeze.

‘Take me back to the mountain.’ She says with a softness in her face.

Once again, I start the truck to take us back home.

The entire way there, she doesn’t let go of my hand. But the moment I park the truck in the driveway, she forcefully pulls me towards her. I don’t even get a chance to speak before her lips are on mine.

This kiss mends everything from the last few hours. This kiss says what we can’t seem to say out loud. With this kiss, I try to tell her she is mine forever and I’m not letting her go. This kiss says I’m not letting anyone ever get between us.

We are both breathing hard by the time we break apart. When I get her inside and the door closes behind us, I plan to make love to my wife.

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