Take Me To The Lake: A Billionaire, Mountain Man Romance (Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 3)

Take Me To The Lake: Chapter 22

got back to the cabin last night, we had time to unload my stuff, make dinner, and then crash into bed. After dealing with my mother, I was completely exhausted, both mentally and physically.

Today, I woke up to Cash hanging my clothes in his closet. He said he wanted my stuff in with his, as soon as possible. Before I had even thought about waking up, he had cleared out several drawers in his dresser.

Now that I have officially unpacked the last box, I’m still amazed that everything I own has a space for me. Everything from my shoes to my photos has its own area. He even cleared room in the office so my books are in there as well. Adding the last box to the stack we had built in the living room, I don’t tell him that it’s the last one.

After quickly changing into my swimsuit and putting on one of my cover up dresses, I go into the living room and sit on Cash’s lap.

Though he was reading a book, he immediately sets it down and smiles up at me.

‘Take me to the lake,’ I tell him with a delighted smile on my face.

He wastes no time getting things ready as I make a lunch to take with us. Instead of walking or taking the horses like last time, he hooks up the four wheeler and we’re at the lake in no time.

As soon as he parks the four wheeler, I get off. Tossing my bathing suit cover up over my head, I drop it on the ground. Looking over my shoulder, I wink at him, and there’s something in his eyes that gives me the confidence to do what I do next.

I take my bathing suit top off, dropping it on the ground. Then I step out of my bikini bottoms, leaving them on the bank and step into the water completely naked.

Before I’m barely knee deep in the water, I hear Cash behind me. When he presses his chest to my stomach, I can tell that he’s naked as well.

Turning in his arms, I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck.

‘Just like our first time,’ I say.

Growling, he carries me further into the lake. Once the water is covering us up to our shoulders, he finally slides into me, making me gasp. This is what I needed. I had to have this connection back.

But this time is so much more than our first time. We are even closer than we were then. He knows my body and he proves it to me over and over.

After spending a good portion of the day at the lake, Cash insists on getting us back before dinner time while we still have plenty of daylight. As we get closer to the house, I can feel him tense up again. Once he parks the four wheeler, we check the tree line before heading into the house.

Thankfully, there’s nothing. No new footprints or any signs that anyone has been there. That seems to allow Cash to relax as we go inside, and I start on dinner.

Over dinner, we talk about our schedule and make plans for the next week. He insisted on making sure I have plenty of time to work and even volunteered to clean out his office if I need it. But I insisted on taking it slow and seeing how it goes. Since I’m used to working just about anywhere, the living room couch works just fine.

As we are cleaning up the dishes, there’s a knock at the door. We both freeze and look at each other before Cash grabs his gun and goes to the door. Though he doesn’t even have to say it, I know to stay back here out of the way. Then I pull my phone out of my pocket and have it ready, just in case. Right then, I’m grateful that Cash thought of getting it hooked up to the internet, so I can make calls as needed.

Cash opens the door, pauses for a moment, and then drops the gun. When he steps back, in walks Axel with Emelie behind him. Beside her is the most adorable dog I have ever seen.

‘My little one checked out that YouTube and found a dog for you. He trained to be a hunter, but could also be a good warning system of sorts,’ Axel says.

Joining them in the living room, I drop my knees to the ground and pet the dog. Immediately, he comes over, sniffs me and as soon as I start petting him, he lays in my lap looking up at me with what can only be described as goo-goo eyes.

Both men are watching me with smiles on their faces.

‘Well, I think that means that he’s officially part of the family,’ Cash says.

I nod in agreement.

Axel brings in a few items to get us started. Then Emelie gives me a quick hug and we both thank them. They don’t linger, saying they want to head home before the sun sets. As soon as they’re gone, I move to the couch and the dog follows.

‘He needs a name, you know,’ I tell Cash who sits down beside us.

The dog sniffs his hand and raises his head. After doing some squirming, he’s half laying on both of us.

‘He looks like a Hank to me.’

The dogs’ ears perk up when Cash says that.

‘Do you like that name? Is Hank your name?’ I ask the dog, and he gets really excited.

‘Looks like Hank it is. We should take him out tomorrow and see what he can do.’

‘Sounds like a plan,’ Cash says. Then Hank stands up and licks his face.


We are up early and one of the little things I get to find out about Hope is that she really is not a morning person. But waking her up with coffee in hand seems to be the trick. So, we make it out the door not too long after the sun starts to light up the sky.

Hank appears to know what to do. Once he sees me with the gun and we’re heading out, he’s constantly sniffing the ground and then he’ll stop, and he’ll sniff the air then he’ll look behind him to make sure that we’re still following.

Today is all about Hank. I want to see what he can do, so I’m not using any of my tracking skills other than remembering how to get back to the cabin. My guess is that he’ll end up with a smaller animal, nothing any bigger than he is.

Also, today is a bit of a test for Hope to see if she truly likes days like this. Because hunting days are going to be more and more coming up here as we get ready for winter.

I have dreams of Hope loving to hunt and wanting to go hunting with me, like Jenna and Emelie do with Phoenix and Axel. The two of them got really lucky with their girls and how well they fit in here.

‘I wonder what he’s tracking.’ Hope whispers beside me.

Hank is now sniffing the air and walking at a decent pace down a trail. We’ve been out for about an hour, and I think he’s finally caught the scent of something.

‘I don’t know, but whatever it is, I hope it stays on my property.’

We’re heading towards Cole’s property line though we’ve still got a way to go. But if whatever Hank is tracking crossed the land border, he’s going to have to figure out how to reroute himself.

While Hank is doing the tracking, I’m constantly watching out for not just Hope’s safety, but all of our safety. Though I’m happy to notice Hope stays pretty well aware of our surroundings. Because she doesn’t know this land like I do, she does know to pay attention to her surroundings. It’s a good habit to have even if I will always be there to take care of her and make sure that she is safe.

As we get closer to a clearing, Hank slows down. When we’re about fifty feet from the clearing, he lays down at full attention facing me.

‘Does that mean he’s found something?’ Hope whispers.

‘Stay here and let me find out,’ I tell her and she nods and kneels down beside Hank.

Slowly, I creep up to the tree line and sure enough there’s a whole herd of deer grazing in the field. Shielding myself mostly behind one of the trees, I kneel trying to pick out my target.

It doesn’t take too long before one of the deer gives me a clear shot. I don’t waste it. Taking a deep breath, I fire. The deer goes down and the rest of them scatter.

When I stand up in a moment later, Hank and Hope are both at my side. Hank is looking up at me with his tongue hanging out and panting. I swear he’s smiling at me.

‘Good job, boy.’ I pat his head and then he runs off to the deer that I just shot.

Wrapping my arm around Hope’s waist, I pull her into me for just a moment. All I want is some time, a minute to have her close and in my arms.

‘I wasn’t prepared for him to get something this big. Are you able to help me get it back to the cabin?’ I ask.

She responds with a huge smile. ‘I’m part of team Cash. Of course I’m up for helping you in any way that you need. Let’s do it.’

We head into the field where Hank is busy sniffing the deer that went down. Once were there he steps back, and I swear he scans the tree line. At least that’s what it looks like. This dog is so well trained that I’m going to owe Axel big time.

‘Axel taught me a way to carry an entire deer back to the cabin by myself, setting it up kind of like a backpack. But I’m going to need you to carry the gun back and watch out for anything that might be attracted by the smell of the blood,’ I say.

In about twenty minutes, the deer is ready. Then I show her how I slip it on my back. Hank seems to understand his role has changed, and he’s also on full alert as we go back to the cabin.

Our way back is slower. But since we’re not trying to sneak up on anything, we’re able to talk and she seems really interested in the different things that need to be done to get ready for winter.

‘So, I was thinking. If I’m going to be living out here, I need to find a way to be useful, and editing books isn’t exactly useful,’ she says. Her words surprise me. ‘I want you to do what you love, and I can see how much you love editing. It shows when you’re talking about it. And I wouldn’t ever want you to stop when I’m perfectly capable of taking care of us out here.’

‘I know you are, but I want to take care of you, too. Living out here requires a different skill set.’

‘If editing books makes you happy, then I want you to keep doing it. Even if it’s just part time. And I don’t want you to make any rash decisions, and I need you to really think about it.’

‘Okay. It’s just been on my mind is all.’

‘And I really appreciate you telling me,’ I say.

When we’re back at the cabin, we set out to process the deer.

‘Start without me. I’m going to go spoil Hank with a few treats. But I’ll be right back,’ Hope says. Then she gives me a kiss on the cheek and disappears into the house. Hank right on her tail.

While I’m working on skinning the deer, they rejoin me a few minutes later.

‘So, he loves peanut butter and apples. Preferably when you put the peanut butter on the apples,’ Hope giggles.

‘Well, he did good today, so he deserves to be spoiled.’

‘I found a recipe for some homemade peanut butter dog treats that I was thinking about trying out.’

‘You should make them. It’ll be better than trying to stock up on store bought snacks, especially in the winter,’ I say. When my words make her face light up, I grin to myself. Maybe she really was just looking for some way to help out to get us ready for winter.

Then, to my surprise, she jumps right in helping process the deer. I’m amazed at how well we work together. Even better than my brother and I did.

After we clean up and put everything away, we’re sitting on the couch and Hank is curled up in her lap fast asleep.

‘Do you think you could really be happy out here?’ I ask the question that’s been sitting on my mind all afternoon.

‘I am happy. Happier than I’ve ever been,’ she replies. Then she reaches over and takes my hand in hers.

‘I’ll ask you again after your first winter,’ I say when she snuggles up with me.

Phoenix and Axel both said they’re worried about the girls making it through the first winter. Because that’s the big test. We are snowed in, and you don’t see anyone else for weeks. Sometimes you’re stuck in the cabin for days on end.

For the first time in many years, I’m not looking forward to the solitude that winter will bring.

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