Take Me To The Lake: A Billionaire, Mountain Man Romance (Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 3)

Take Me To The Lake: Chapter 13

in Whiskey River a lot differently than they do then in the South. There are still all the bright lights, sounds and food, but there are many artists at work. Though it’s not quite as loud and everything is spread out and everyone is more relaxed.

Regardless of how much more relaxed it seems to be, it’s still a lot for Cash to take in. I’m aware of his body language. He’s been tense but still trying to have a good time. Constantly, he’s looking everywhere, but every once in a while, he stops and looks over his shoulder with a weird look on his face. When he catches me watching, he smiles and shakes his head.

I’ve never been able to turn down a good festival or fair. My mom loved that she could give me a little bit of money, usually enough to cover admission and a little more and tell me to go and not come back for the rest of the day. Therefore, I became very good at learning how to manage whatever money I had.

Even though I’d try to go with friends if I could, but if not, I’d go by myself Many times I’d get lucky enough to get one of those all-you-can-ride bracelets so I could spend the whole day going on all the rides. Those were the best days.

Today Cash appears to want to try the food, and he’s mesmerized by all the games. This is his first time at a festival. At least one that he remembers. Though his parents might have taken him to one, he doesn’t remember, and his brother would never be in this type of a crowd. I love getting to experience all this with him, watching him enjoy it and try new things.

‘I am so happy you dragged him out here.’ Jenna comes bouncing over, giving me a hug with her husband Phoenix not too far behind.

‘Have you forgotten that before you girls, we would never step foot in places like this?’ Phoenix asks. But you can tell that there’s a hint of a smile in his eyes.

He likes making Jenna happy, which I guess is something they all have in common. The men like to make their women happy. It’s a completely different type of man that I’m used to having in my life. How different things would have been if my mom had found herself a sexy mountain man instead of her usual druggie boyfriends.

Why am I even thinking about my mom today? We’re here having a good time. I shouldn’t even be going down that road.

‘Please tell me I’m not the only one in love with these deep-fried Oreos.’ Jenna says, finishing off the last of one.

‘Oh no, I’ve already had two servings,’ Emelie says as she walks up beside us hand in hand with husband Axel. Bennett’s not far behind them.

I’m glad she was able to drag Bennett out. Since he doesn’t have a special lady in his life, he doesn’t get out as he should. Even though I’m sure he’d bail in less than an hour, it would be nice for him to have someone to pull him into these types of events.

‘So,” I say. Let’s get these guys on some rides before they try to talk about leaving.’ Both Jenna and Emelie smile and nod their heads.

Axel lets out a bit of a groan, but a quick glance at Cash indicates he’s kind of excited by it.

‘When I was a kid, my favorite ride was that one that spun in a circle really fast. I think it was called the gravity.’ Phoenix says with a huge smile on his face.

‘Oh! I just saw that one. It’s this way. Come on! And it’s called the graviton,’ I tell him.

‘Close enough,’ he says, while we all go back towards the rides.

After getting our ride tickets and pairing off by couples, Bennett refuses to ride, so we make him hold all of our drinks and bags. Though he doesn’t seem to care as he sits down on the bench by the rides and waits for us.

‘We really need to find someone for him. I hate that he’s all alone like that,’ Emelie says as we wait for our turn on the ride. We all look at Bennett sitting patiently waiting for us.

‘Don’t you go meddling, little one. He’ll find someone when he’s good and ready and not a moment before,’ Axel says.

But I can tell it’s pretty much useless. Already her brain is going a mile a minute trying to think of a good match for him. Even though she hasn’t been here much longer than I have, and I live in town so I know the people in town a little better, I don’t know of any single women that would be a good fit for him.

‘I have to agree with Axel on this one. He’s not going to do well being forced into something,’ Phoenix says, as the line starts moving.

Once the ride gets going, Cash wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me to his side. Throughout the ride, he has the largest smile lighting up his face. When we get off and gather together, even Axel is smiling.

After doing a few more rides together, we all go our separate ways. Cash wants to play some of the games. Bennett, of course, opts out and goes home. Emelie and Axel want to get another round of fried Oreos, while Jenna and Phoenix are going to sample some more of the rides.

For someone who’s never played any carnival games before, Cash is surprisingly good at the games. He wins me the most adorable panda bear but loses out on a water gun fight to Jack, of all people.

‘I don’t think I’ve ever seen you outside of your store.’ I joke with him.

Though I know for sure Cash and the other guys have only seen Jack when they’re bringing their stuff into his store to sell. But whenever they come, they always stay and talk for a while.

‘Well, I finally broke down and hired help. Though only on the weekends, so I can go out and enjoy things like the festival and have a little bit of a life. Since you guys only bring your stuff in during the week, I figure it won’t be an issue because I will still be there,’ he says, looking at Cash, knowing the guys aren’t going to deal with anyone but him.

‘You deserve to have some fun, too,’ Cash says.

Then we walk around watching some of the other games that are being played. The two of them talk about what is selling and things that Cash is getting ready to bring into the shop. But I tune them out and watch what’s going on around me. Without missing a beat, Cash takes my hand in his while still talking to Jack. It’s as if it’s an everyday kind of thing and no big deal.

Looking at our hands together, I can tell it’s also not missed by Jack. Even though we’ve already had sex, walking hand in hand like this is still new to me. But if I’m honest, I really like it and feel protected and wanted. While Cash’s attention might be on Jack right now, he’s letting me know that he’s here and has got me.

When we make it to the end of the row with the games, Jack says his goodbyes and heads off. Then Cash pulls me in for a quick kiss.

‘Do you want to get some food?’ he asks.

I can only nod because I wonder if he knows how big this moment is for me. Even though it’s something simple couples do all the time, it feels like a life-changing moment.

As we walk around looking at the food, I can’t decide what I want. Finally, Cash gets a little of everything as I grab us a table.

‘Damn. I knew mountain men could eat, but I didn’t know they could eat like this,’ Jana says as she walks up with her boyfriend, Alex.

Alex has his nose in his phone, almost like he doesn’t realize where he is, or he could care less. Cash watches him with a confused look, but when he catches me looking at him, he just smiles and shakes his head.

‘Well, Hope here couldn’t decide what she wanted to eat, so we got some of everything.’ He shrugs like it’s no big deal, but I can see the look of astonishment on Jana’s face. Though I haven’t really spent much time with her boyfriend Alex, I know that he would never do something like that.

‘Why don’t you sit down and help me eat it? Then I won’t feel so bad,’ I tell her.

She smiles, sits down next to me, and grabs some of the homemade chips.

‘Have you been down to the art exhibit area? Your friend Jenna has a few photos up,’ Jana says.

‘No, she didn’t even mention it when we saw her earlier,’ I say. I barely look over at Cash before he’s nodding like he’s reading my mind.

‘We’ll head over after we finish eating,’ he says.

If I tried, I don’t think I could stop the smile on my face.

It’s such a very couple thing. Almost reading each other’s minds about what we want and checking in on what to do with someone else. When I saw my mom doing it with her boyfriends, I thought I never wanted to be tied down like that, having to check in with someone else and get their permission for stuff. But it’s not like that with Cash. I don’t need his permission to do anything and he would never stop me. I know it’s more of a respect thing to check in with him.

Then Jana starts talking about the different people she’s seen here so far today. Does she even realize that she gossips just like those little church ladies that she’s always complaining about? Little does she realize how well she fits in with them. While I don’t know half the people she’s talking about, but I just nod and agree at the right places and ask the right questions, so she knows I’m paying attention.

She moves on to talking about her neighbor, and suddenly I get this feeling that someone is watching me. It makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I start looking around, thinking maybe it’s one of Cash as friends or their wives, but I don’t see anyone. Turning around to look behind me, I don’t see anyone I recognize or anyone staring in our direction.

When I turn back around, Cash is looking over my shoulder. He has the same look on his face he had on earlier when he was glancing around and I can’t help but wonder if he felt it too. Finding it very hard to concentrate on what Jana is saying, I know it’s about time to wrap things up here.

‘Oh man, am I stuffed. That food was so good, but I think it’s about time we go walk things off and maybe head home soon,’ I say. Thankfully Jenna understands, but before we can say anything else, her boyfriend interrupts us.

‘Babe, did you get the stuff to make that taco dip for the party tomorrow?’ Alex asks. But he’s still looking down at his phone and I don’t think I’ve seen him look up once.

Jenna glances at me and rolls her eyes.’Yes,’ she answers him sighing. But then her eyes light up.

‘Alex and his friends are having a game day party to watch a baseball game. Cash should join them. It’d be a great way for him to meet some new people and then us girls can have a girl’s day.’

My first gut reaction is to say no. I don’t think that’s something Cash would like, but when I look over at him, his face is unreadable.

It would be nice to have some time with Jana and the girls. But since Cash’s brother died, he hasn’t really made any other friends other than me. Though I think it would be good for him, but I don’t think it’s something he’s going to want to do. Still, I decided to try.

‘Might be a good idea to meet some new guys,’ I say, looking over at Cash and shrugging my shoulders. While I don’t want to pressure him, I’m really hoping that he will go. Maybe he picks up on that because while he still doesn’t look too thrilled, he nods.

‘Yeah, I guess that would be fine so long as you’ll spend the next day with me,’ he says very hesitantly.

‘Of course,’ I agree.

‘Perfect,” Alex says. “I will text you all the details now.”

While I’m excited to spend some time with Jana, I can’t help feeling I might have just set Cash up for a very un-fun day. Especially since Alex’s nose is still buried in his phone.

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