Take Me To The Cabin: A Billionaire, Mountain Man Romance (Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 2)

Take Me To The Cabin: Chapter 9

    she won’t be here for a few more hours,’ my husband says.

My husband.

I still believe I get to call this amazing man my husband for the rest of my life.

‘Yes, I know. But it’s been so long since I’ve met a girl I could be friends with. I was never good at making friends in school,’ I say as I check the table setting.

I decided to have Jenna come over instead of meeting at the Café. Thankfully, Phoenix was able to get my message to her.

‘Her decision to be your friend doesn’t rest on whether the table is perfectly set or not,’ Axel says.

I know he’s right, but fussing over the table gives me something to focus my nervous energy on, and Axel is trying to distract me.

After looking over the table again, I go into the kitchen to check on dinner and make sure that I have everything I need.

‘Come sit down with me, Little One. You’ve gone over everything at least four times now. Let me help you refocus your energy.’

‘None of that before she gets here.’ I smile at him. As much as I would like to sit on his lap and get lost in my husband, Jenna will be here soon, and I need to go change clothes.

Thankfully, Axel follows and changes into the clothes I laid out for him. If it’s just us around the house, we wear old clothes. His jeans have holes in them, and I hardly ever wear a bra nowadays, but those clothes aren’t suitable for company.

I do love it when Axel dresses up for us to head into town. He looks sexy as hell in dark jeans and a button-down shirt with his sleeves rolled up showing off his tattoos.

The knock on the door comes just as we finish getting dressed.

‘See? I told you no time for fooling around,’ I smirk at him.

‘Wait here.’

Axel never lets me open the door, even when we know who it is. Like today, when we’re expecting someone. I think it’s partly his need to protect me, and partly because of the time my ex showed up, followed by the cops. He worries for me.

A moment later, Jenna steps into the living room, and her eyes go wide as she looks around our house. ‘Wow! This place is amazing,’

‘Axel built it all by hand. He’s started expanding out the back, and it’s a sight to watch.’ I wink at my husband, who blushes slightly.

He’s such a big guy, and he still can’t believe how attractive I find him. It’s one of the reasons the expansion of the cabin is slow going because at least once a day I’m dragging him to the bedroom. Simply watching him gets me so damn turned on.

‘Come sit down. We have a little time before dinner is ready. How are you liking Whiskey River?’ I ask as we take a seat in the living room.

‘You sit and chat. I’ll finish dinner.” Axel kisses the top of my head before going into the kitchen.

I had a feeling he would do this when he insisted I make a meal he knew how to cook, too.

‘It’s so beautiful and calming here. It feels like home,’ Jenna says.

I smile. ‘I know what you mean.’

I go on to tell her how I ended up here after my ex left me in the woods when we were camping. I found Axel, and we were stranded in the cabin for a week before I even got to see the town.

‘By the time I made it into town for the first time, I instantly felt at home, and knew this was where I was meant to be.’ My loving gaze finds Axel in the kitchen who returns my look.

Jenna watches him hesitantly.

I place my hand on her arm. ‘He’s a big teddy bear, sweet and loving, but he’s protective of those important to him,’ I reassure her.

‘Phoenix seems the same way. You know he had Jack check on me one night and bring me dinner?’ she asks with a warm smile.

My eyes meet Axel’s for just a moment. We both know there’s more to the story. Something happened if Phoenix went as far as to ask Jack to check on her, but we won’t push to get anything out of her that she isn’t willing to tell us.

‘Phoenix is protective of us all. He always makes sure we have what we need and that we’re okay after big storms.’

‘Dinner’s ready,’ Axel says, carrying plates of food to the table.

As Jenna walks over to the table, she pauses, looking it over closely. ‘Phoenix made this table, didn’t he?’

Surprised, I turn to look at Axel to verify because the table was already here when I met him.

‘He did,’ Axel says.

‘How could you tell?’ I ask in shock.

‘He’s been letting me hang out in his workshop as he works, and I noticed he does the corners like this.’ She runs her hand over the table.

‘He made our bed frame and dresser, as well,’ Axel says, nodding his head in approval, although I’m not sure why.

As we begin to eat, we talk about Jenna’s photography and the book she has planned. Our conversation flows into questions about what the winters are like up on the mountain.

‘I’m glad to have another girl around. I hope you’ll stay,’ I tell her as we finish dinner.

A flash of something crosses her face, but it’s gone so fast I’m not sure I even saw it.

‘I don’t want to be rude, but you should go while there’s still some daylight to get you down the mountain,’ Axel advises.

‘Thank you. I’m still not familiar with the area, so I don’t like driving at night,’ Jenna says.

‘Let’s do lunch in town one day when the guys meet at the shop.’ I want to chat with Jenna again, and get to know her better.

She nods and smiles. ‘I’d like that.’

We say our goodbyes, and Axel walks Jenna down to the gate while I clean up from dinner. I’m washing dishes when Axel comes back in, and a moment later, he wraps his arms around my waist from behind. His front presses to my back, and his warmth surrounds me. He always makes me feel safe.

‘This dress was a tease all night at dinner, Little One,’ he growls into my neck.

I lean back into him as his hand travels up my leg and under my dress.

‘So was this shirt, My Giant.’ I turn in his arms and run my hand over his chest before slowly unbuttoning it.

His hand continues to move upward, knowing he won’t find any panties in his way. He’s made it clear he likes easy access to me and anytime I wear panties, he rips them from me and refuses to let me replace them.

I only get two buttons undone before he makes contact with my clit. I gasp and lose my train of thought. He picks me up and sets me on the edge of the kitchen counter before unbuttoning his pants.

I love watching him when he’s like this, in need of me. As much as I love our fun around the house, I need something more tonight.

‘Take me to the river, My Giant.’

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