Take Me To The Cabin: A Billionaire, Mountain Man Romance (Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 2)

Take Me To The Cabin: Chapter 6


What is Chad doing here?

How is Chad here?

How did he find me?

‘No, I have company. I left for a reason,’ I grit out, trying not to cause a scene.

Chad knows exactly why I left. As I was leaving the church, I had a bridesmaid deliver a note to him. The text messages I got before ditching my phone and getting a new one confirmed they read it. It’s been so peaceful since I got a new number.

‘I just want to talk and figure out what happened. I know we can work this out.’ He tries to step inside, but I edge the door closed.

‘You know what happened. Do not step foot on my property again.’ When I try to close the door, he stops me with his hand. There’s a sudden shift in him. He morphs from the pleasant boyfriend trying to calm me to an angry man I don’t recognize.

‘We lost every penny on that wedding. You will pay me back for it,’ he growls.

He thinks he’s intimidating, and at one time, he was, but not anymore.

No, he’s not one bit intimidating. I’ve seen guys like Axel and how gentle he is with Emelie but he’d still be able to snap Chad’s neck with a flick of his wrist. The thought makes me smirk, which pisses off Chad even more. Win, win.

‘Go talk to my parents seeing as you’re all such good friends.’ I doubt my parents will pay him back, but it does fall on them to make things right. I can only imagine the stories they’re spinning back home to save face in society.

‘You will pay me back, or I’ll make your life here a living hell.’

‘The last five years with you were a living hell, so do your worst. You won’t get a dime from me.’ I slam the door this time and lock it, sagging in relief.

‘You’ll regret this!’ Chad yells through the door.

The only thing I regret is letting it go as far as our wedding rehearsal before putting an end to it.

I want to cry, but then I remember Phoenix is here. He’ll have seen and heard the whole thing from the dining room.

Shit. I can’t seem to catch a damn break.

I have some explaining to do. I was hoping my past wouldn’t catch up with me this fast–if at all–but I’ve never been that lucky. Things have been good with Phoenix. Nothing too personal or deep, but I know he won’t let this go.

No one in their right mind would let it go and continue to flirt with me unless they were only looking to get laid. Phoenix doesn’t seem like that kind of guy. I hope he’s not that kind of guy.

I walk back to the dining room to find him finishing up the measurements with an unreadable expression on his face.

‘That was my ex… fiancé.’ There’s the truth I was hoping to avoid when I moved here. But as my grandma always said, you can’t run from your past, no matter how hard you try–and I’m trying pretty damn hard.

Phoenix studies me before turning and setting his stuff down on the kitchen island. While I don’t know what’s running through his mind, at least he isn’t leaving.

When he turns to face me, the only way I can describe the look on his face is hopeful. He moves in front of me and takes my hands in his. ‘What happened?’

For the first time, I wish I had a couch in here. I don’t want to have this conversation standing up, and sitting on my bed seems inappropriate.

Taking his hand, I walk over to the wall and sit down with my back against it. He sits facing me, still holding my hand.

‘I left him the day of our wedding rehearsal. Packed up what I could fit in my car and left Denver without looking back. When we were at the rehearsal, I stood at the altar, and though I was looking at him, he was looking at everyone but me. Until that moment, it was like I’d been under a spell because suddenly, everything was crystal clear. The conversations, the way he acted.’ I shake my head, not wanting to go too far down that road.

‘How did he act?’ Phoenix asks softly, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

‘He was more interested in my parents, their company, and their money than me. As you heard, he was more anxious about me paying back the money he shelled out and lost by not getting married than he was about getting me back. On my way here, I spent a lot of time thinking and realized I loved the idea of being in love with him. I loved planning our wedding. I loved the life I thought we’d have. I loved his family, but I didn’t love him.’

‘That was a lot to happen all at once.’ His tone is soft but I can tell there’s a lot going on in his head.

‘I knew this is where I wanted to move. Without question, it’s been a dream of mine to move here. The night I got into town, I stayed at the bed-and-breakfast, and the next day I went to the real estate office. Two days later, I found this place, and it just felt like home. I took what money I had from my grandparent’s trust fund to buy it, and that was the last of the family money I used. Anyway, they cut me off, and before I got a new phone, they made that very clear.’

Neither of us says a word as Phoenix takes it all in, but there’s one more thing I want to add to make my point.

‘After purchasing my cabin, I was able to get internet, which will be essential for my business. Then I pitched my book idea to the publisher that took my last book, and they called me the next day to make an offer on it. That’s when I knew in my heart that this is where I’m meant to be. This is where I’m putting down roots, and why I’m taking my time making this into a home. I want it to be perfect. I can sell photos and give photography lessons to tourists in season to make money to pay my bills. I’ve received an advance for my book, which is a great help. I‘m standing on my own two feet for the first time, and I’ve never felt more myself.’

‘What are your plans for when this book is done?’

‘I have a year to figure that out, but I think I want to find some beautiful spots around here and offer photography lessons to tourists. They do it down in Jackson Hole, and it’s incredibly popular, especially catching the sunrise on the mountains. This area is even more beautiful, so I’ll continue to sell my photos, and if I’m smart, I can live off the income from those. I can always sell more books, or do family portraits and weddings. I’d rather fail and live in my car than go home.’ I shrug because the thought did cross my mind.

But as I sit there and stare into Phoenix’s eyes, I’m sure there’s more than one reason I belong here in Whiskey River.


I hate thinking anybody has a claim on her, especially the guy at the door. I’ve always trusted my gut when it comes to people, and it’s yet to steer me wrong. Right now, my gut says that guy is nothing but bad news.

I can’t be mad at Jenna for not telling me about him because there are things in my past she doesn’t know either. The plan has always been to get to know each other slowly, and that hasn’t changed.

‘I love it here in Montana. It’s so peaceful, and I’ve never felt closer to nature,’ Jenna says, pausing to catch her breath. ‘And I like being at your workshop and watching you work. Being disconnected from the rest of the world is freeing, and I can see its appeal…”

Before I realize what I’m doing, I lean forward and cover her lips with mine just to get her to shut her brain off. Or, at least, I hope it does because that’s what this kiss is doing to my brain. All I can think about is how soft her lips are and how she’s melting into me.

While this isn’t my first kiss, it’s been a while. My last was a dare during my senior year of high school a decade ago. This is my first kiss that means something, but I don’t want Jenna to know that.

Leaning forward, I cup her face in my hands before running them through her brown, silky hair. I’m finally getting to touch her, something I’ve been wanting to do since we met, so I take my time. I move slowly, exploring her plump lips, nibbling on them and pulling her closer, not that there’s much space between us to begin with.

When she moans, I know I’m doing something right. Not wanting to jinx it, I pull away and rest my forehead on hers to catch my breath. My whole body is tingling with want–wanting her skin on mine, wanting so much more than just a kiss.

‘I was not expecting that,’ Jenna says breathlessly.

I chuckle, not sure I can speak.

She reaches up and lightly traces a finger along my bottom lip.

‘I liked it, too,’ I say, placing a soft kiss on her finger.

Emelie’s words flash through my mind. Sitting here with Jenna smiling at me after that kiss, I know I want to explore whatever this is between us.

‘Will you come to the cabin tomorrow? I want to show you one of my favorite places on the mountain.’

‘I would love that,’ Jenna says with a smile.

Leaning in, I place a soft, chaste kiss on her lips before standing up to get ready to go.

As I gather my stuff, I tell her, “Make sure to wear some hiking boots and comfortable clothing.’

She stands and slowly walks me to the door. Even with the smile on her face, she looks a little stressed, and I hate to leave her. Knowing I’ll see her tomorrow makes it easier.

I get in my truck, and the entire way home, all I can think about is that kiss. It’s everything I hoped my first real kiss would be, and so much more. The moment I saw Jenna in the store, I knew she was special.

Being comfortable around her is a big thing for me because I’m not comfortable around just anyone. She’s interested in me, and that’s important because women in town generally see right through me. I don’t even mind the drama of her ex.

But I don’t like how stressed she looked when I was getting ready to leave. Was she anxious because I was leaving after everything that happened with her ex? Maybe she didn’t want to be alone?

As I drive through town, I decide to follow my gut. I stop at the store, and when I walk in, Jack doesn’t even hide his shock at seeing me.

‘Phoenix? Is everything okay?’ he asks, his voice full of concern.

Since I don’t stop in unless it’s my normal drop-off days, I’m not surprised he’s concerned.

‘I need a favor, and I can’t give you too much information without betraying Jenna’s trust,’ I tell him.

‘Jenna is the girl who’s interested in the table, right?’

Nodding, I get up the courage to ask my favor. Jack’s always been great with the shop, but it wasn’t until the issue with Emelie’s ex-boyfriend and Axel being questioned by the police that Jack stepped up and showed he wanted to help us in any way that he could. It was also when he revealed to us that he was a lawyer before opening the shop here in Whiskey River.

‘When you close up the shop, can you drive by Jenna’s house and make sure everything looks okay. She had a visitor today who kind of shook her, and she looked a little stressed when I left. I just want to make sure everything is okay,’ I say as I scribble her address down on a piece of paper for Jack.

‘Of course. I’ll actually go one better and take her dinner so I have an excuse to check on her.’

That’s an even better idea. Knowing Jack will have eyes on her is a relief. I pull some money from my wallet and hand it to him.

‘This should cover dinner for her and for you as a thank you for doing this. If anything is wrong, you know how to get hold of me.’

Even though I have the internet at my cabin, I stay as disconnected as possible. It’s satellite internet, and slower than most people are used to, but it allows me to have a satellite phone that I can reach Jack, and he can reach me as needed.

To stay in contact with Axel, Cash, and Bennett, we have a radio that we use to check on each other. We generally use it after big storms to make sure that we’re all okay.

If they need something from town, they call and ask me to pick it up for them. Right now, with Axel working on his cabin, he’ll radio me things he’d like Jack to order. I call it in so it’s ready for him the next time he’s in town.

With Jenna’s safety taken care of, I get back in my truck and head to the cabin. This time, the only thing I can think about is the asshole demanding money from her. With her parents cutting her off, I know she won’t be able to pay back the money anytime soon. And there’s no telling how much he’s trying to get from her.

The longer she has to deal with him, the longer he’s going to be a sore spot, preventing us from moving forward with any type of relationship.

I could pay him off and not tell Jenna. Let her think he just disappeared into oblivion. But with a man like him, if I show him I have money to pay him off, he’ll be constantly demanding money to stay out of her life.

This isn’t how I wanted to start a relationship with her, but I’m sure as hell not going to let it stop me from going after what I want. Without a shadow of a doubt, I know Jenna is the one I want.

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