Take Me To The Cabin: A Billionaire, Mountain Man Romance (Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 2)

Take Me To The Cabin: Chapter 24

    is a good idea, Little One,’ Axel says from beside me.

He’s driving me to Phoenix’s house. We were just there picking up Jenna’s things from him and taking them to her. It was the first time I’ve been at Phoenix’s house and seen his workshop. He didn’t give me much time to look around because he wanted Jenna’s things gone.

After stewing on what she said for the last few days, I decided I wanted to talk to Phoenix. Anyone can see the love they have for each other, but they’re getting in their own way.

‘You’ve said that several times now, and it’s duly noted, but I have to do this. I have to try.’

‘I know you do, and that’s why I haven’t stopped you. I want them to be happy, too. Jenna is good for him, and I like you having another girlfriend out here to talk to.’

‘You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t force him to drink,’ I sigh.

‘What?’ Axel asks, giving me his adorable, slightly confused look that makes me giggle.

‘It means I’m only giving him advice. I can’t force him to take it or do anything about it. He has to want to do that himself.’

Axel squeezes my hand. It’s always a treat driving here in the mountains. They’re so beautiful, and there are many spots where the trees open up into breathtaking views. I hope I never take this place for granted.

As we start up Phoenix’s driveway, I suddenly get nervous. These men are private people and don’t like visitors. I did tell him via the radio I was going to stop by, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he wants me here. Since I’m not sure how this will go, I’m glad to have Axel at my side. My Giant. I’ve never felt as safe as I do with him, and I know he won’t let anyone hurt me, even his friends.

When we park at Phoenix’s cabin, I step out of the car to the sound of an electric saw filling the air. He must be in his workshop. Axel walks over to me, taking my hand as we make our way over to where the noise is coming from.

Even though we don’t say a word as we step into the large garage, Phoenix stops what he’s doing and turns off the saw. He doesn’t move at first, but when he turns to look at us, the dark circles under his eyes are evident and I know I made the right choice in coming to speak to him.

‘Can we talk?’ As much as I know I’m doing the right thing, he can still turn us away, and I’d respect that decision. If I push him too far, it won’t do any good for anyone.

‘Yeah. Let me clean up. We can talk inside,’ he says as we follow him into his cabin.

Axel sits on the couch in the living room facing the fireplace and pulls me onto his lap. He’s been doing this more and more since we got married. It’s like sitting next to him is just too far away. I don’t complain because I like it, too. With his strong arms around me I feel safe, and it gives me the confidence I need to do things like this.

When Phoenix joins us, his steps falter at seeing Axel and me together. He takes a seat in the chair next to us and looks at me, waiting for me to speak.

‘I took Jenna’s stuff to her. But I have to say, she looked as miserable as you do now. She told us what happened, at least, what she wanted to tell us, but I know there’s always more on a deeper level.’

Phoenix grunts, but doesn’t stop me from talking.

‘I get that you aren’t sure she’ll be happy here. I know Axel had the same fears. Hell, every once in a while, I can still see that fear creeping in. The only way you’ll ever know for sure is if you let her prove it to you. That means you have to stop pushing her away.’

‘She sees me as everything she was trying to get away from.’ His head falls to his hands as he rests his elbows on his knees.

‘Did she say that?’ I ask.

‘No. She didn’t have to.’

‘Maybe you should let her speak instead of assuming. Because I can tell you from talking with her, that’s not how she feels at all.’

He shakes his head but says nothing.

‘Okay, well, if your goal was to push her away, goal accomplished. She went home. This is your turning point. It’s going to take more than ‘I’m sorry’ to end this. Either fix it and be happy or spend the rest of your life up here alone. I’m willing to bet that doesn’t sound as great as it used to.’

I stand up and Axel follows me. I don’t stop until I reach the front door when I turn back to look at him. ‘No matter what you choose, we’re here for you. Anything you need, all you have to do is ask. Don’t forget it.’

On the way home, I doubt every word I said. Going back over everything, I try to figure out what I could have said differently to have made my point, and get no clear answer.

‘He just needs time, Little One. Us mountain men can be a stubborn bunch,’ Axel says, trying to cheer me up.

‘I know. I just hope he heard me because I don’t think I can stand to see him like that for much longer. He deserves to be happy, to be loved. The kind of love you and I share.’

‘I got lucky when I met you. It’s not every day someone meets the love of their life in a river in the middle of the mountains.’

‘No, that was fate leading me to My Giant, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.’

‘Neither would I,’ he says, squeezing my hand.

‘Now. Get me home and take me to the river.’

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