Take Me To The Cabin: A Billionaire, Mountain Man Romance (Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 2)

Take Me To The Cabin: Chapter 12

    two days now, making a bunch of casseroles and meals to fill Cash’s freezer. Everything from meatloaf, chicken casserole, spaghetti casserole, to simple mac and cheese. I even included his favorite huckleberry pie and some fudge brownies.

Axel hasn’t said a word about all my cooking, though he’s enjoyed sampling it. But there’s something I need to talk to him about, and I don’t think he’s going to like it.

‘Hey, sexy,’ I call out to him from the kitchen.

He’s sitting on the couch in the living room watching me and pretending to read, even though he hasn’t turned the page in over half an hour.

‘What do you want?’ He sets his book down and looks at me suspiciously.

‘How do you know I want something?’ I make my way over to him and sit on his lap.

‘Because you only call me sexy when you want something you know I’m not going to like.’ He wraps his arms around me and pulls me even closer to him.

Just as I do every time I’m on his lap, I melt into him. He rubs my back and kisses the top of my head, waiting for me to ask him. He hasn’t told me no on any of my crazy ideas yet, but that’s not to say he won’t start now.

“I want to go with Phoenix when he takes the food to Cash. I want to check on him, and see what else we can do to help.’

I wait for him to think it over. One of the things I love about Axel is he considers everything carefully, especially when it comes to me. He knows that this is important to me.

‘We’ll go together. Let’s go get ready. Phoenix will be here soon.’

Instead of jumping up, I turn, straddle his waist, and kiss him with everything I have. I want him to know how much this means to me, how much he means to me.

‘Little One, we don’t have time for this. If you want to go, we need to get ready,’ he groans, but doesn’t push me away.

‘Tonight,’ I say as I stand up.

‘Tonight,’ he agrees, and follows me to the bedroom.

We have just enough time to get ready before Phoenix is knocking on the door. As always, Axel answers it, his body tense and one hand on his gun. He relaxes as soon as he confirms it’s Phoenix.

While I get the food ready to take down to the truck, they have a hushed conversation. I know Axel is telling Phoenix my idea, and when I hear him chuckle, I know he’s agreed.

‘I made you and Cash a huckleberry pie,’ I say, holding up his pie.

His eyes go wide. ‘You know I won’t pass that up. What can I take?’

He jumps right in, helping to carry the food to the trucks at the end of the driveway. Hopefully, all the food I prepared should last at least a month.

Phoenix takes his truck, and we follow behind in ours. I’ve never been to Cash’s home, and I’ve never met his brother, so I’m a little nervous. But I trust Axel, and I know he won’t let anything happen to me. If he thinks this is safe for me to go, then I’ll place my trust in him.

We pull up to a cabin about the size of ours before Axel started the addition. I jump out and help Phoenix with the casseroles just as Cash steps outside. He stops short because I know he was only expecting Phoenix.

‘I just wanted to visit and see if there’s any way I can help. Feel free to tell us to leave. We don’t want to be a burden,’ I say, waiting for him to let me know what he’s comfortable with.

‘I could use the company.’ He turns to go back inside.

I look at Axel, who nods. He grabs the last of the food, leaving Phoenix’s pie in his truck, and we follow Cash inside.

The cabin is clean, but there’s medical stuff for his brother everywhere.

‘My brother is asleep. He’s not in any condition for visitors,’ Cash says, coming to a halt in the living room. He looks nervous.

‘Cash, we’re here for you. What do you need? Taking care of him can’t be easy. What can we do to help? Cleaning? Dishes? Laundry?’ I ask.

He glances around but looks hesitant to ask for what he needs.

‘What can the guys do? Do you need firewood? Need meat for winter?’

‘Bennett brought me a few animals. But I do need wood. I can’t get outside long enough to chop any.’

‘I’m on it,’ Phoenix says, and heads back out the door.

‘We’ll be on cleaning duty,’ I say, not giving him a choice.

‘I’ll do dishes,’ Axel says.

I start gathering clothing to do a load of laundry. I silently pray these guys don’t live so far off the grid they don’t have a washer and dryer.

When Cash starts picking up stuff in the living room, I place my hand on his. ‘I know it’s hard to accept help. But please let us. Go lay down, get a nap, take a shower, do something for yourself so you can recharge. It’s the best way you can help.’

He stares at me for a moment before he nods and heads for the bedroom.

I do some cleaning and organizing, not moving anything too far from where it is so Cash knows where to find it. Axel joins me as I fold laundry, and he finishes up the cleaning. When Phoenix starts bringing in some of the chopped wood, Axel helps him.

Quietly as possible, we finish up just as Cash’s brother starts making noise.

Cash checks on him and quiets him down before stepping back out to talk to us. He looks around at what we’ve done, and I can tell from the sheen in his eyes that he’s fighting his emotions. ‘Thank you. I… Thank you,’ he says, his voice choked.

‘It’s what we’re here for,’ I reply with a shrug. ‘There are meals for the next month in the freezer. All the directions for cooking are written right on the top. There’s also a pie on the counter. Call if you need anything at all, otherwise, we’ll be by the same time next month with more food.’ I step up slowly and hug him tight.

He pats my back. Even though I know he’s not used to a lot of affection, everyone needs a hug now and then.

‘You two go on. I’m going to get the stuff for the store before I head out,’ Phoenix says.

Axel and I leave, and we barely get out of Cash’s driveway before Axel is pulling the truck to the side of the road.

‘What’s wrong?’ I ask, checking the area around us to see what I missed.

Soon as the truck is in park, he unbuckles my seatbelt and pulls me into his lap.

‘You knew what he needed, and you did it in a way he was able to accept. Thank you. You show me over and over again just how much you were made for this life.’

He places a kiss on my lips, and I pull back because what I want won’t happen on the side of the road. ‘Take me home. We need to finish what we stated earlier.’ Smiling, I slide back into my seat.

‘Be prepared to be spoiled. You won’t be leaving the bed for a few days,’ he growls as his hand lands on my leg.

I still can’t believe this is my life. It’s better than anything I could have hoped for.

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