Take Me Apart (Vitale Brothers Book 1)

Take Me Apart: Chapter 2

The soft feel of paper against my fingertips’ pads as I turned the page was soothing to the soul like a scalpel slowly slicing through warm flesh. The words were beautiful poetry that sang to my soul every single line, a piece of the author that could never be taken back.

“What are you reading now, Enzo?” Giancarlo asked, effectively bursting the bubble around me.

He knew how to ruin a perfectly peaceful moment. I should be used to it working with my half-brothers for so long. Giancarlo’s sense of personal space needed work.

I attempted to engross myself in the book once more to surround myself with the world of fiction, but no such luck. A shadow was cast over the pages obscuring the pure poetry I’d been reading. A heavy sigh slipped from my chest and out of my mouth.

“Let’s se—” Giancarlo attempted to snatch my book away.

Don’t touch my things. Agitation settled in the pit of my stomach and fizzled out just as quickly. Holding onto anything was nearly impossible for me.

The moment his fingers came within an inch of the book, I had a knife out and pressed firmly against his exposed wrist. He went still as our gazes locked. One wrong move, and he’d be decorating our oldest brother’s office in red. And after the last incident, I doubted Giancarlo wanted to pay for another renovation.

“Is that necessary?” Giancarlo asked through gritted teeth.

Is breathing necessary? I blinked slowly at him before retracting my knife and placing it back in its hidden pocket.

“Why must you bother him, Gin?” Benito waltzed into the office, and I promptly closed the book.

“I was bored.”

“Don’t have me send you back to the hospital. It’s nothing but a call away,” Benito said as he took a seat.

The paper on his mahogany desk was neatly organized. The moment his hand touched it, I forced back the urge to put a bullet in his head. Benito moved things around, ruining the perfect organization that I’d created.

I looked away from the ruined perfection and met my brother’s hard gaze head-on. He knew what I’d been thinking. I glanced away and stood up, moving closer to his desk now that he was there. The Blues music that filtered through Benito’s speakers was turned down, and the mild thumping of the club under us could be heard through the walls.

“You can go home and have your peace once you check on a few things,” Benito said.

“Fine.” There was no use arguing. I’d ultimately do it.

“I get to go home, too, right?” Gin asked.

Benito didn’t even look up from his paperwork as he answered. “No, you have been slacking off, and I’m not going to clean up your shit.”

“Neither will I.” I shook my head at my brother as he tossed his arms up.

He acted like a child on a good day. Still, Giancarlo was the second to Benito in our family.

“Enzo, there have been two busts lately of my warehouses. Find out who’s leaking the information.” Benito passed over two yellow folders, and I grabbed them.

He did everything the hard way, making it nearly impossible for the cops to keep track of our movements or even place anything on us. I opened it, and four cops’ faces and addresses were on the papers. I scanned each one, committing them to memory.

“They were recently removed from the police force. Looks like they had a clean-out day. Take care of it,” Benito said.

He never liked loose ends. Something close to excitement sent little sparks dancing over my fingertips. I’d get to touch a scalpel soon or, better yet, a saw this time. My shoulders dropped as I imagined what I’d do to my next project.

“Don’t draw it out, Enzo. I want it clean.” Benito’s words cut through my momentary excitement like a serrated steak knife through the hand.

“Consider it done.” There was beauty in a clean kill. Still, it was nothing like the chaos I indulged in when I was untethered by other orders.

“Gin, I need you in that meeting with ACTI developing.”

“I get boring meetings?”

Benito glanced up. “Don’t start, we both know your talent is best used there.” He passed over the card to the company. “Get it done. I want them no matter the costs.”

A knock at the door stopped any more talk of plans as it opened. One of our men stepped in and brought over a tablet. He placed it down on the desk before retreating.

“The night is never ending,” Benito said. He rubbed his chin as concentration came over his face. “How long has he been here?”

“He just stepped through the doors ten minutes ago.”

“Who?” Gin asked. He walked around Benito’s desk and peered over our oldest brother’s shoulder. “Is he stupid or ignorant?”

“Has he made any moves?” Benito asked.

The guard shook his head. “No, sir. He’s standing at the bar right now.”

Benito put the tablet down, and the screen drew my full attention. His slender nose, pitch-black hair, strong jawline, and blue eyes drew me in further. His chest was impressive, from what I could tell through his clothes. What took the cake was the look in his eyes. I wanted to know more instantly.

“He’s only been on the force two years, getting rid of him shouldn’t be hard,” Gin said.

My chest clenched, and I found my hand moving toward the tablet before the thought fully formed. I turned it around, absorbing all his information. Tex Caster. Twenty-five years of age, six-foot-two, one hundred and seventy-five pounds. Even his police academy test scores were there.

“Wouldn’t be a good idea. He’s a retired detective’s kid.” I turned it back around and showed Benito, sparing Tex’s life for now. “His father is the one who took down the Revello family thirty years ago.”

“Yeah, but we aren’t the Revellos,” Gin argued.

“Right, we don’t make reckless mistakes,” Benito cut in, looking between us. “However, I have run into his father once. Leave the cop for now. Enzo, since you pointed it out, you keep an eye on him.” Benito passed the tablet back to the man who was waiting, and he slipped back out the door.

“Don’t fuck it up, Enzo.”

I nodded and slipped the files into my suit jacket. They pressed firmly against my ribcage, a constant reminder I had targets to take care of.

I braced myself for the inevitable. The moment I opened the door, I was prepared for the onslaught of music. The heavy base pounded in my ears and resonated through my body until it was a part of me. My teeth were set on edge for the first five seconds as I forced myself to endure it.

Each step increased the volume and the feeling of glass being shoved into my ears. The pain soon numbed me from the inside out. I stopped the moment I made it to the ledge, taking in a deep, controlled breath. The smell of sweaty bodies, mixed perfumes and colognes, and alcohol clogged my airways.

The dance floor was full of bodies pressed against each other, moving to the beat of the music. A group of women danced in a circle. Next to them was a couple thrashing against each other oblivious to the people around them. It was a normal night at one of our clubs, the music blaring over the speakers as people let all their inhibitions go and flung themselves headfirst into inebriation.

How simple it was for them to give up that control. One sip, and they were willing to hand their life over to chance. People never ceased to fascinate and disgust me.

Tingles ran up my spine as pinpricks danced along the side of my face. I’d know the weight of someone’s stare any day. Turning, I caught those same startling blue eyes. Even far away I could feel the intensity, desire and ambition that swirled in them.

The corners of my lips turned up, and I smiled at him. His eyes widened. No doubt he thought I wouldn’t even pay attention to him. I wanted to see those gorgeous eyes up close.

Benito had placed me in charge of watching him. I might as well get a better look. I slipped back from the banister and made my way downstairs.

Fixing the glasses on my face, I stepped down on the bottom floor. People moved out of my way even while drunk. I stopped at the bar, and one of the girls hustled over to me.

“Yes, sir?”

I never ordered a drink. To lose any semblance of control outside of my allowed moments was against everything my brother had taught me growing up. His words flashed through me. “You keep it locked up, and I promise I’ll let you have your fun, but only when I say so. If you don’t listen, you’ll never get to do it again.”

I’d only been seven when my mother saw it fit to drop me off on my biological father’s doorstep. Benito took me under his wing and never once went back on his word.

“That gentleman over there, what has he ordered?” I pointed to Tex. He was looking out to the dance floor as he sipped his drink, but I could still feel his eyes on me.

“A gin tonic,” she said, giving me the information instantly.

“Send him another. Place it on my tab.”

She nodded, her bright pink hair falling over her face as strands slipped out of the ponytail. My fingers twitched at my sides. Sweat dripped down the nape of my neck as the urge to fix her wrapped me up in a thick blanket. The air grew thicker with every breath.

Control. I needed to find something to break the cycle of chaos that wasn’t mine. I pressed my thumb against my finger until the pop echoed through my hand. I did it five more times each finger cracked with the right amount of pressure. Each one brought me back down.

“I don’t think I asked for a drink.”

A smooth voice broke out over the pounding music. I’d been so wrapped in my head I’d missed Tex getting up. This was why I hated being at the club. Everything about it was out of order and a constant reminder of how displaced I was.

“Now you have one. Consider it an invitation to come back.” I turned on my heels and headed for the door. I’d have one of my men watch over Tex for the time being. Leaving took priority.

A calloused, hot hand wrapped around my wrist. Heat traveled up from the point of contact and sent sparks along my flesh. The fine hairs on the nape of my neck stood to attention, kickstarting my flight or fight instinct.

I twisted around, rotating my hand and breaking the hold. I gathered both of Tex’s wrists in my hands as I slammed him against the wall next to the door.

“Don’t touch me.”

Tex’s eyes were far bluer than the picture had captured. Flecks of baby blue mixed with cobalt, making his eyes look more like a gorgeous piece of glass.

“But you can touch me?” He arched a brow, not pushing back on my hold, although I saw it in his face. He wanted to shove me away. The muscle in his jaw ticked along with the twitch in his hands.

I moved close, and my beard brushed along his smooth face. “I can do as I please. If that’s a problem, then I suggest you stay far away from me.”

He attempted to break my hold, and I pulled back just enough to twist him around and slam him against the wall. Tex was not only bigger than me in muscle, but he was also taller than me by a few inches.

I enjoyed taking people by surprise when they underestimated me. They saw the glasses, groomed facial hair, and the nerdish look that made hunting more fun. Someone like Tex was my ideal prey.

“Be good,” I whispered just loud enough for him to hear over the music. I applied pressure between his shoulder blades, and he winced. Tex went still, and his right hand started to tremble.

Oh. I moved my hand over and pressed hard. I wonder how much he can take.

Sweat beaded on the back of his neck as he tried again to pull away. I shook my head. I couldn’t get carried away, especially not here. I reluctantly pulled my hand away and watched as his hand dropped. He reached for the arm that was clearly in pain.

The door was opened for me, and I walked out of the bar. The moment the October air hit me and a chill settled over my agitated flesh, I calmed down a bit more. My ears still thumped with the music annoying me to no end. I’d have to find a more pleasing sound to drown it out.

One of the men pulled my car up to the curb and handed me the keys.

“It’s not a problem,” Tex said, stopping me in my tracks.

I glanced at the rookie cop as he answered what I’d previously said. I can do as I please. If that’s a problem then I suggest you stay far away from me. His pupils were dilated, and the way he licked his lips gave me all the answers I needed.

“Get in.” I slipped behind the wheel, and only a second passed as Tex looked back at the club and ran over to my passenger side.

He opened it up and hopped in. His foot instantly bounced once he was in a confined space with me. Tex’s large hands rested over his crotch. The moment he realized where I was looking, he stopped hiding the evidence of his arousal.

“Don’t get scared now.”

Tex whipped his head toward me. “I’m not. Don’t be a disappointment.”

Something close to laughter tried to break free, but I swallowed it down. This one is going to be fun.

I started the car, and Tex put his seatbelt on. I watched his every move waiting for him to grab his badge or point out the fact he was a cop. I pushed my glasses up on my nose before dragging my gaze up to meet his eyes.

“Don’t ask.”

I cocked a single brow at him.

“I’m a grown man. Yes, I know what I’m doing. This face of mine may look soft, but I can handle more than you think.”

Did he think I’d let him slip away? He’d already walked into the cage with free will. There was no leaving, not till I set him free.

“Bold words. Hope you aren’t all talk.”

“Same.” Tex grinned at me, showing off his pearly whites.

Cute. It was like looking at a kitten. Teeth and claws, but in the end, nothing more than prey.

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