Systemless Villain

Chapter 162 The New Lord of Death

Chapter 162 The New Lord of Death

Outside the castle, the world dissolved into an abyss of darkness, consuming everything in its path—from lifeless trees to stones and water.

At specific locations, portals shaped like doors appeared, unveiling a 10-meter tall man who emerged from one and ventured into this world, swiftly making his way toward a distant, colossal castle.

After a while, he finally stepped inside the castle, driven by a singular purpose: to find Long Tian.

He hurried from room to room, navigating as if he had the layout memorized.

Eventually, he stood before a silver-colored wall radiating a mysterious aura.

He advanced, effortlessly phasing through the wall like a ghost and entering a pitch-black room completely devoid of light.

Yet, thanks to his unique ability, he could discern his surroundings clearly.

His gaze fixed upon Long Tian, unconscious in his horrifying state.

The man smiled as he approached Long Tian. "Finally, after thousands of years... It appears destiny can be wrong as well. The one destined to vanquish the fallen was meant to bear the golden light and carry the Jade of Spirit... But you, the bearer of darkness, are the one challenging fate," he remarked, a smile gracing his lips.

With a snap of his fingers, the portal door materialized, instantly whisking them both away from that place.


Meanwhile, at Tianzhou High School, Li Yue'er stood before hundreds of students on the ceremonial ground, with teachers standing behind her.

"Dear classmates," she began, her voice brimming with sincerity, "I address you today with a heavy heart, burdened by the events of yesterday. I profoundly regret my inability to control my martial spirit, which inadvertently led to several of our fellow students losing consciousness."

She paused, her eyes scanning the faces of her peers.

"I want each and every one of you to know that I am genuinely sorry for the chaos my actions have caused. I comprehend the fear and concern it must have instilled in all of you. Harming anyone was never my intention, and I deeply regret the distress I have brought upon our school community."

Her words hung in the air, genuine and heartfelt.

The courtyard fell silent for a moment, the weight of Li Yue'er's words lingering in the air. Then, murmurs spread through the crowd.

"For me, I don't mind the incident from yesterday at all!"

"Yes, I think such incidents are common in martial arts schools. It's just that many students don't possess strong spirits."

"Li Yue'er, I will always forgive you no matter what happens!"

Many students immediately responded to Li Yue'er's apology. Besides her popularity because of her beauty, her former position as the student council president had also left a positive impression on the students.

Yet, amidst the students, Liu Qian stood silent, her arms crossed. contemporary romance

Now, she acknowledged the truth in Long Tian's words; Li Yue'er's martial spirit had undeniably possesed her body. Although she was still angry, she tried to forget the incident.

Meanwhile, Li Yue'er smiled with gratitude, relieved that her classmates didn't hold her responsible.

Taking a deep breath, she composed herself and resumed speaking, her voice steady yet laden with emotion.

"Thank you, everyone, for your understanding and kindness. Your forgiveness means more to me than words can express. I am truly grateful for the support of each and every one of you," Li Yue'er said, her eyes glistening with gratitude.

She bowed respectfully to her classmates, a gesture conveying her deep appreciation for their compassion and understanding.

Applause resounded through the air, filling the space with warmth. Shortly after, the headmaster stood beside Li Yue'er and shared a few words.

On this day, in addition to Li Yue'er's heartfelt apology, the headmaster also announced to the students that the selection test for the annual Han Empire survival competition would commence in three days' time.


Back to the mysterious world. Long Tian opened his eyes, not pain welcoming him, but a sense of comfort.

He promptly sat up, surveying his surroundings. He found himself in a room enveloped in white mist.

"Oh, you're finally awake," a voice reveberated.

Long Tian turned toward the source of the voice, discovering a ten-meter-tall man with six arms

"Did you heal me?" he inquired, rising to his feet.

The man nodded. "Yes, your condition was too serious. If left untreated, it would have taken you weeks or even months to recover. I recommend using your immortal mode for truly desperate situations," he advised.

"Well, thank you for your assistance. That was the toughest battle I've ever experienced," Long Tian said with gratitude.

The man smiled. "I should be the one thanking you. Finally, after thousands of years, after countless people confronted the fallen, you are the one who succeeded," he said.

"What?" Long Tian was taken aback. "You mean many people faced that death god and failed?" he inquired, his disbelief evident.

"Yes, I've established more than one portal in your world and in the upper world. Many attempted, and they all failed, and ended up becoming dark souls. There was once a man named Alexander; he professed to be a skilled king, a conqueror of territories. He was remarkably impressive and annihilated all the dark souls in the Undead world. Fortunately, he survived and managed to return to his world," the man explained.

Hearing this, Long Tian was astonished. Alexander... A skilled king who conquered... The name was familiar; it was Alexander the Great.

His expression turned grave; it appeared that this world was far more mysterious than he had ever imagined.

"Oh, and there were other prominent names showcasing their impressive skills, such as Lu Bu, Xerxes, Julius, Miyamoto Musashi, and others... They were very strong and had unique powers, but they lacked something, which was the weakness of the dark souls: darkness and divine power. Yet, here you stand, possessing both rare elements. I am deeply thankful to you, and at last, my mission is fulfilled," the man said, his gratitude evident in his tone.

Long Tian nodded, absorbing every word. It appeared that several renowned figures had ventured into this realm. Yet, he couldn't help but wonder why history had never mentioned this place.

"Anyway, what should I call you, and who sent you to guide me here?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

"I have no name; those who successfully arrive here usually refer to me as giant, odd creature, genie, or monster. You may address me however you wish. As for who sent me? No one. I am a celestial entity, created solely to guide someone in eliminating an anomaly. Once that task is accomplished, I will fade into nothingness. The fallen entity you vanquished earlier was one of those anomalies," the man explained.

Long Tian nodded, immediately grasping the man's words.

"Well, I've successfully dealt with that anomaly. What do I get in return?" he inquired casually.

"Of course, you will receive a reward. Offer me your hand," the man said.

Upon hearing this, Long Tian extended his hand. The man manipulated his six hands, forming a focused dark energy from his palms. He then channeled the energy into Long Tian's hand, allowing it to seep into his body.

Long Tian watched in amazement as black veins appeared on his arm, spreading throughout his body. Simultaneously, he sensed an unfamiliar power entering his being.

The process lasted for more than five minutes before the flow of power ceased.

Long Tian could distinctly feel the energy had seamlessly integrated into him, emanating darkness from his very core.

A grin spread across his face. "Is this the power to create dark souls?" he inquired.

"Exactly, now you are the new lord of death," the man responded.

Long Tian's grin widened. "I owe you my thanks for this," he said.

"That's what you deserve after vanquishing that anomaly. Well, now that the problem is resolved, this world will fade away. It's time for you to leave," the man stated.

"Sure," Long Tian nodded.

With a snap of his fingers, a portal materialized. It swiftly drew Long Tian inside.

He traversed the time corridor once again.


More than thirty minutes passed, and a portal suddenly ripped open in the heart of the forest, ejecting Long Tian.

He landed gracefully, though his expression bore a hint of confusion.

"No dizziness? Weird, but that's definitely a good thing," he murmured to himself.

Surveying his surroundings, he realized he was deep within a forest. While he couldn't pinpoint the exact location, he suspected it might be in Shanghai.

Dark wings unfurled from his back, but as he prepared to take flight, he noticed a tiger stealthily approaching him. It wasn't a soul beast, just a regular wild animal.

A grin spread across Long Tian's face. "Why not test my new power?" he mused.

With a flicker, lightning danced between his fingertips. He pointed at the tiger, conjuring a bolt of lightning that struck the animal with a sizzling sound, instantly felling it.

Approaching the tiger's lifeless form, his eyes glowed with dark energy as he commanded, "Arise!"

In the next moment, the tiger's carcass dissolved, and from the darkness emerged a tiger, its body pulsating with dark energy.

A triumphant grin adorned Long Tian's face. "Now, I am the lord of death!"

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