Systemless Villain

Chapter 116 Intrigue and Betrayal

Chapter 116 Intrigue and Betrayal

Dark smoke and haze billowed from the Golden Star Sect, particularly in the front yard near the gate. Out of the initial 500 people, only 486 from the alliance of Wudang Sect, Xuantian Academy, and the Imperial faction remained.


Shi Huang's golden fist struck dozens of people, sending peacocks scattering in all directions. This time, Shi Huang showed no mercy.

Yet, his advance was halted by a man cloaked in black. "I've heard rumors about your power, Shi Huang. It seems they were true; you are indeed formidable," he said, his smile mysterious.

"Who are you?" Shi Huang asked, his tone calm yet cold.

"It doesn't matter who I am," the man replied.

Shi Huang had no intention of engaging in conversation; he attacked again with his golden fist. Yet, his strike passed through the man as if he were an illusion.

The man in the black robe simply smiled and then turned away; with every step, he vanished.

Shi Huang furrowed his brow. The man was clearly no ordinary human; he might be the reason why the Golden Star Sect knew about this attack. "There must be others involved. But for now, I need to focus on destroying this sect," he said, his voice icy. And with that determination, he plunged back into the battle.


Meanwhile, in another area, Qin Chen was stealthily eavesdropping on a conversation between two men nearby, his senses heightened to capture every word.

"I've done everything you instructed, and it didn't work!" said a middle-aged man, his expression grim.

The man in the black robe in front of him frowned, his curiosity piqued. "What do you mean it didn't work?" he inquired.

"The methods you described. You said it would function as a mass destruction weapon, but it failed. It exploded and killed everyone in the lab," the middle-aged man retorted, his frustration boiling over.

Hearing this, the man in the black robe stroked his chin, pondering the situation. "Did you follow my instructions to the letter?" he pressed, his tone firm.

"Yes, every detail. Yet, it backfired completely, nothing like what you described!" the middle-aged man exclaimed, his anger unabated.

"If it failed, then there's nothing more I can do. It was the only solution. If it didn't work, then you must face the consequences," the man in the black robe replied, his voice turning icy as he began to walk away.

But before he could escape, the middle-aged man grabbed his shoulder, desperation in his eyes. "Are you truly abandoning our sect like this? Didn't you promise to assist us?"

"I provided you with the method to utilize the weapon. Besides, isn't it your son's fault for stealing the imperial treasure in the first place?" The man in the black robe remained indifferent, his resolve unyielding.

Without hesitation, he strode forward, vanishing into the night.

The middle-aged man stood frozen, his eyes widening in realization. He was well aware of the alliance of the three forces attacking the Golden Star Sect. Initially, he had felt secure due to his powerful backers, but now, that support had abandoned him. Fear and deep regret engulfed him, all because of his foolish son who had stolen the imperial treasure!

In that moment, a burly man approached him, concern etched on his face. "Sect Master, what should we do? Our forces have suffered significant losses at the front lines," he said earnestly.

The anger inside the middle-aged man exploded like a volcano. "I am Xiong Zhu the Great; I will not fear anyone! I will confront them directly!" he declared fearlessly. Then, he fixed a stern gaze on the burly man. "And you, unlock the heavenly cage," he commanded.

The burly man's expression turned resolute. "Certainly, Sect Master," he nodded, his determination matching his leader's resolve.

With that, he immediately went to the heavenly cage, while Xiong Zhu headed to the front lines.

In the ensuing silence, Qin Chen emerged stealthily from his hiding place. He had overheard the entire conversation between the two men concerning the mass destruction weapon and the enigmatic figure.

However, he displayed no visible interest in their discussion. His focus remained solely on finding the Heartblade of Guo Jian.

Qin Chen gazed northward, where a majestic oriental building stood.

"Lady Shen, is that the building you mentioned?" he inquired.

Shen Yulan's voice emanated from the jade, "Indeed, that structure undoubtedly houses the treasure vault of the Golden Star Sect."

Upon hearing this confirmation, a sly grin crept across Qin Chen's face. "Then let's make our way there!"

With unwavering determination, he sprinted toward the towering building, undeterred by the cacophony of battle echoing around him. contemporary romance


Qin Chen stealthily arrived near the building's vicinity, his eyes scanning the surroundings as he calculated his next move. There were approximately 20 guards stationed around the building, making a direct confrontation a risky endeavor.

Deep in thought, he reached out to the jade, seeking guidance, "Lady Shen, can you divert their attention somehow?"

"Qin Chen, I am but a soul; I lack the ability to interact with physical objects," Shen Yulan's voice resonated in response.

"Well, that's unfortunate," Qin Chen sighed softly, weighing his options.

As he observed the guards, he sensed their varying levels of power, ranging from Qi Foundation to Flowing Qi. Engaging them head-on would undoubtedly lead to defeat.

However, fate intervened in the form of a burly man approaching the guards, engaging them in conversation. Their expressions turned grave, and they swiftly followed the burly man, leaving the building momentarily unguarded.

A mischievous grin spread across Qin Chen's face, "Hehe, it appears luck is on my side," he chuckled to himself.

With newfound confidence, he rose from his hiding spot and advanced toward the building. To his surprise, the entrance was unlocked, granting him easy access.

Once inside, he closed the door behind him. Before him lay a vast room with zig-zagging stairs on each floor, all visible from below and designed in a traditional manner. The space was adorned with various artifacts, including books and weapons, displayed in meticulously arranged rooms.

In that moment, Shen Yulan emerged from the jade, her ethereal presence filling the room. "Qin Chen, what exactly are you searching for?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"I'm after a Heartblade. The Heartblade of Guo Jian. Can you help me locate it?" Qin Chen asked.

"A Heartblade?" Shen Yulan raised an eyebrow, her gaze thoughtful. "Technically, a Heartblade forms within an individual. However, there is a method to store a Heartblade by infusing it into an energy sword."

Qin Chen nodded, "Can you help me find it?" he requested.

"Let me try," Shen Yulan responded, her form floating as she scanned every corner of the room.

After a brief moment, she returned to Qin Chen.

"I don't sense any trace of the Heartblade here. Where did you hear about its presence in this sect?" Shen Yulan inquired.

"I heard rumors that the Golden Star Sect was safeguarding it, which led me here," Qin Chen explained.

Shen Yulan nodded, not asking further. However, she had a bad feeling about this.

"Qin Chen, you should consider abandoning this search and join the battle. Pursuing the Heartblade might lead you down a dangerous path," she advised, her concern evident.

"Thank you for your concern, Lady Shen, but I cannot ignore this opportunity. I will continue my search," Qin Chen resolved, his gaze unwavering.

"Well, I cannot dissuade you further," Shen Yulan conceded before retreating into the jade, leaving Qin Chen to refocus on his mission.

"I should return to the troops," he muttered to himself, aware that time was of the essence.

With purpose in his step, he made his way back, ready to rejoin the battle unfolding outside.

As Qin Chen was about to leave, his steps abruptly halted upon spotting a figure peeking not far ahead.

The figure immediately hid upon meeting Qin Chen's gaze, but Qin Chen decisively walked toward him.

"Hey, you there! Come here!" Qin Chen's voice boomed with authority.

The figure grew more panicked and attempted to flee, but Qin Chen gave chase.

Qin Chen's hand clenched, and he punched forward, generating a powerful wind that swept everything in his path. His aura surged, creating substantial pressure around him.

He struck again, the force of his blow shattering bookshelves into pieces, revealing a short, elderly-looking man.

"You can't escape anymore," Qin Chen declared.

Despite the threat, the man remained unyielding. "You won't be able to destroy this place, invader! I, Ah Wong, will protect this place with all my might!" he declared fearlessly.

Qin Chen smirked, cracking his knuckles, his confidence evident. "Then don't blame me if you end up battered," he warned.

In an instant, he lunged toward Ah Wong, delivering a powerful punch to his stomach.


Ah Wong was sent flying, crashing into the wall and creating cracks. He groaned in pain on the floor.

Qin Chen showed no mercy, readying himself for another strike. However, Ah Wong raised his hand, pleading for mercy. "Enough, enough, I surrender. I am just a cultivator in the realm of body tempering; I am no match for you," he conceded.

"Hehe, I'll spare you if you obey my commands," Qin Chen said, grinning with satisfaction.

"Okay, okay, don't hurt me, alright? I'll do anything you say; this place will be destroyed anyway," Ah Wong pleaded.

Qin Chen grinned, his demeanor triumphant. Extending his hand, he helped Ah Wong stand up.

"As long as you don't betray me, you'll be safe," Qin Chen assured him.

"I promise I won't do anything. Besides, the fate of this sect is on the verge of destruction because of the foolish son of the sect leader," Ah Wong said, frustration evident in his tone.

"I have no interest in your sect's affairs. I seek the Heartblade of Guo Jian. Do you know where it is?" Qin Chen inquired.

"That's it! The Heartblade of Guo Jian was stolen by that wretched brat, leading to this chaos. As for its current location, it might be in the sect leader's chamber. They argued about it a few days ago," Ah Wong revealed.

"The sect leader's chamber, you say? Is it the tall oriental building near the big tree?" Qin Chen questioned.

"Yes, that's the place," Ah Wong confirmed.

A grin spread across Qin Chen's face. Unexpectedly, he had acquired valuable information. It seemed luck was truly on his side.

"Since you've been helpful, I will spare you," Qin Chen said, granting Ah Wong his freedom.

Ah Wong didn't utter another word; he simply sighed in relief. Even in the midst of this war, he believed he could survive, albeit possibly as a prisoner of war.


The battlefield echoed with the clash of swords, the fierce gusts of wind, and the relentless fires that consumed every structure.

The alliance of the Wudang Sect, Xuantian Academy, and the Imperial faction remained resolute in their assault, demolishing every building in their path.

Amidst the chaos of battle, the ground suddenly trembled, a violent quake that shook both the Golden Star Sect and the alliance.

All eyes turned toward the source of the disturbance, where rising dust signaled the epicenter.

The alliance might not have known, but the Golden Star Sect was well aware of what it meant.

"Damn it, they've unleashed the heavenly cage! Retreat, retreat now!"

"Shit shit shit! Are those old fools trying to get us killed too?"

Various shouts and curses were heard; many people started running away, leaving the alliance forces confused.

"What's happening? Why are they pulling back?"

"Are they really retreating? I can't be certain."

"Something feels terribly wrong."

As troops exchanged bewildered glances, those at the forefront sensed an ominous presence. As the settling dust revealed the truth, their shock was palpable.

Before them, a horde of soul beasts charged relentlessly, their savage eyes locked onto the fleeing humans.

"Damn it, it's a soul beast horde! They've unleashed another deadly force!"

"Run for your lives!"

"Find shelter in another area!"

Panic engulfed the battlefield as the soul beasts closed in, attacking anyone unfortunate enough to be in their path. The alliance forces scattered, desperately seeking safety from this unexpected onslaught.


In the shadows, Qin Chen swiftly moved, his steps silent as he navigated the ornate corridors of the oriental building. The adrenaline in his veins heightened his senses, allowing him to remain undetected.

In a sudden, swift motion, he subdued an armored man, his knife finding its mark in the man's neck with a deadly accuracy. With his opponent silenced, Qin Chen pressed on, slipping inside the building unnoticed.

Upon entering, he found himself in a grand chamber, opulent in its decorations and furnishings. Despite the luxurious surroundings, Qin Chen didn't let his guard down. He quickly took cover behind a large pot, ears tuned to the hurried footsteps approaching.

"I'm not sure if they will stop, Sect Master. Young Master Cao also killed Shi Huang's son; it won't be easy," an old man's voice echoed, filled with gravity.

"I know it won't be easy. But at least I will try to stop this war by returning the imperial treasure. I can harness the horde of soul beasts to my advantage as well," Xiong Zhu replied, his voice laced with determination.

"I don't know if it will work, but it's worth a try," the old man responded.

"Retrieve the treasure and bring it to me. I will meet Shi Huang and Yu Zhong," Xiong Zhu commanded before briskly leaving the room.

The old man stood there, his eyes following Xiong Zhu's retreating figure. He didn't rush to retrieve the treasure but instead clapped his hands. In response, an armored man swiftly approached him.

"Go and retrieve the imperial treasure. It's shaped like a sword; it's on the fifth floor," the old man instructed.

"Alright, Elder," the armored man acknowledged before promptly leaving.

Meanwhile, Qin Chen grinned; he could eavesdrop on the conversation between the two men discussing the imperial treasure and its whereabouts. He had intended to explore the entire room, but once again, goddess of luck was on his side.

With caution, he started to move, tailing the armored man.

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