Symphony of Death

Chapter 24

Anastasia’s POV

Aessegar was the capital of Istrigus. The place was breathtakingly beautiful with the clear blue sky above and lush green plants below.

I was staying at Termarth Fort. It was Sorush’s residency and was at the top of the Mountain Nor. The onyx garden on the precipice was the highlight of this fort.

Obsidian Castle was right below the east where high-ranked officials lived. There were three divisions below the castle where other Blue Bloods lived.

The rest of the Istrigus was home to huge green mountains, hills, with scattered forests and lakes. Logan gave me a tour but I hardly remembered which way went where.

Everything radiated off a blue hue. I was told it was the lifestream of Istrigus and it was ever-flowing. Even their technology and gadgets and other things run on it. They were advanced but chose not to use it like humans.

“You seem to like this garden.” Logan came with a maid. She set the tea on the table and left. “How are you feeling?” He inquired. Logan was in his normal clothes, the one he wore in Istrigus.

“Good,” I looked back at the beautiful vista again.

“Did you talk to Sorush?” Logan asked. “Anastasia,” he heaved a sigh when I didn’t answer. “For how long will you stay in denial?”

“When can I go back?” I asked. “I didn’t tell my friends anything. They would be going crazy with worry. I have to go back, Logan. I cannot leave everything behind.”

I frowned when he put his finger on my lips.

“The tea will turn cold,” he dragged me to the table and pulled out the chair for me. “Let’s talk later, okay?” I gave up and took the cup.

“You are not going to have any?” I asked when he didn’t pour himself one.

“I had two cups during the meeting. Any more and I won’t be sleeping at night.” He chuckled.

“Larc!” Sophia came with two others.

I learned her real name, Sax, when Sorush disclosed to me that Omisha was his daughter. That I was his daughter. She held the second-highest position after Logan with Aelwin and Viessa.

I couldn’t believe she was the same person who visited my studio. She acted that time like she was closest to me but ever since I came here, I didn’t feel anything but hostility from her.

Sax or Sophia seemed displeased with my arrival. And her envoys followed her feelings.

“Sorush asked for you.” She told Logan.

“Right now?” Logan inquired. “Why?”

I busied myself with the cup. Their silent glances clearly showed that they didn’t want to talk in front of me.

“We are leaving for Ecaiothea,” Aelwin informed him. “The vicars were attacked by demons last night.”

“How?” Logan stood up. “Those lowlifes can’t set foot in our realm.” I was surprised to see his anger. “What happened?”

“Someone opened the Temisgate,” Viessa added. “There were no guards on duty when it was forced open.” I could feel their eyes on me.

“We leave in an hour,” Sax told him.

“What about Anastasia?” Logan looked at me. “She will be alone.”

“Sorush has placed dozens of guards around the fort for her protection.” Her tone was cold. “We’ll meet at the gates.”

“Damn,” Logan muttered when they left. “You should return to your room and rest. It’s getting dark.”

“Have a safe trip,” I stood up to leave.

“You didn’t finish your tea” I looked at the half-drunk cup.

“Maybe later,” I replied. Logan gave me a tight lip smile. “Logan? My hand” he let go and mumbled a quick apology. “Bye,” I walked away from him.

My head started feeling heavy and I wanted to hit the pillow before the massive headache came.


How many days has it been?

I couldn’t remember yesterday from today. Everything in my mind felt hazy and heavy.

I barely thought about Cain ever since I came here. Whenever his name echoed in some corner of my mind, it drowned in the next moment that I even forgot at times that he existed.

I should be afraid but I wasn’t. If any, I was happy that I would get rid of him soon.

“I hope I’m not intruding,” Sorush entered my room. “I didn’t see you so I came to check.”

“I didn’t feel like going out,” I replied politely. “Logan isn’t back yet?”

“He will return tonight,” Sorush informed. “Are you still upset about our conversation?” I stayed silent. “My intentions were not to hurt you, Anastasia,” he sighed.

“You don’t have to feel pressured or burdened. The past was past. It’s not going to become the present.” He sat next to me. “What matters is that you are alive. I’m happy that you were born again.” He held my hand. “All that matters is your happiness and wellbeing.”

“I’m sorry but I cannot lie just so you can feel at peace” I wiped my cheek. “I don’t know how I got entangled in this mess.” I rubbed my wrist. “I want to get rid of this.”

“Shall we have tea together?” Sorush asked. He called the maid when I nodded and ordered her to bring tea and other refreshments. “I understand your predicament, child.”

He dismissed the maid once she settled everything on the table. Sorush prepared two cups and gave me one.


“Enter,” Sorush commanded the person to come in.

“Apologies for the intrusion but it is urgent.” The guard bowed in respect.

“Wait outside,” Sorush ordered him. “I’m sorry about that.”

“It’s fine,” I stood up with him.

“Would you like to have dinner together?” Sorush suggested. “I’d be honored if you would accompany me and,” his expressions hardened a little. “There is something I want to talk to you about.” I nodded. “See you at the table then.”


“Is the food not to your liking?” Sorush asked when I kept poking my food. “I asked the chef to make your favorites.”

“I don’t feel so good,” I said apologetically. “But everything is delicious. Thank you.” I smiled politely. “What did you want to talk about?”

“I will speak only if you feel at ease,” Sorush said grimly.

“What is it?”

“It’s about the curse.” Sorush began. “Are you aware of what part my daughter played to protect the world from that evil?”

“I am well aware,” I replied calmly.

The doors opened and Logan walked in with Sax. They went straight to Sorush and stood on his sides.

“Cain wants to rule the world with absolutism. He wants to control every creature, human or supernatural, by inflicting and instilling fear in them. He wants to destroy the natural order of existence, Anastasia.” Sorush clasped his hands.

“He would have succeeded if Omisha hadn’t stopped him that time by severing his wing and binding it to her soul.”

I stayed neutral.

“He is still powerful but he is incomplete and he has been waiting over a millennium to be whole again.” Sorush took a pause and then began again. “He held you captive and killed your only family. He would have succeeded if we didn’t intervene.” Sorush pressed.

“Cain won’t stop coming after you. He won’t spare you because of the grudge he held against your past self.” Sorush leaned forward.

“It doesn’t matter to him whether you are reincarnated with the memories or not. He wants to spill your blood for your choices.” He whispered darkly.

“Do you want your loved ones to live in fear of death all the time? You love your friends, right? Do you want such a dark future for them?”

“No,” I replied monotonously.

“Then choose.” Sorush pressed. “You don’t have to fear anything. We know the break to the curse.”

“Yes,” Logan nodded at me. “That’s what I was always trying to tell you. We know how to separate the wing from your soul.”

“What will you do with it?” I looked between them. “Once you take it out of me?”

“We will use it to rid the world of every evil and forbidden creature,” Sorush answered. “It holds an eternal flame which is the symbol of divine blessing and source of utmost power in our world.”

“A creature like Cain who is the result of forbidden curses doesn’t deserve to hold onto something so pure.” Sorush said bitterly. “Evil will be cut by evil. His wing will become his demise.”

“You will kill Cain?” I inquired.

“He wasn’t supposed to exist, Anastasia,” Sorush muttered darkly. “He will perish in the same manner he was brought to life.”

“Okay,” I made my decision. “I trust you.”

Sorush came to me and engulfed me in a hug.

“I knew you would make the right decision,” Sorush said proudly and held my shoulders. “Don’t fear anything. You will be fine. Leave everything to us.”

“I’ll return to my room now.” I stepped back when he let go of my shoulders. “My head feels heavy.”

“I’ll send the tea to your room,” Logan said. “It will help with the headache.” I nodded and excused myself from there.

I came back into the room and sat on the bed. I took off my heels and sighed loudly while falling back.

“You are doing the right thing, Ana,” I muttered to myself. “You did great.” I looked at the door when it knocked.

“I’m coming in,” I sat up straight when Logan came with two cups. “Room service, my lady.” I giggled when he bowed in courtesy and handed me one. “You have a beautiful laugh, my lady.” I looked at the flower he extended toward me.

“It’s the same flower you gave me before, right?” I took it from him.

“Yes,” Logan smiled and sat next to me. “Ecress.”

“I remember,” I observed it closely. “I’m glad you are here. This place feels less foreign with your presence.”

“Are you saying you missed me?” Logan mused. I shrugged and rubbed my thumb over the rim of the cup. “You will kill me, Anastasia.” Logan slumped his head on my shoulder. “You don’t know how much I have yearned to hear you say this.” He looked up from my shoulder. “You look heavenly in this gown.”

“I’m upset with you.” I turned my face away from his approaching one.

“Why?” Logan turned me towards him and held my hand. “What did I do to upset you?”

“You didn’t tell your men about me?” I asked angrily. “I was feeling alone so I went to your residence. I thought I would feel closure if I spent some time in your place. But they didn’t allow me to enter.” I jerked my hand out of his hold. “I felt so humiliated.”

“I’m so sorry, Anastasia” Logan grabbed my hand again. “It’s not what you are thinking. You can come to my place whenever you want.”

“No, I won’t.” I stood up and turned away from him. “I don’t want to be a laughing stock.”

“I will kill the one who dared to mock you.” Logan turned me and held me close. “Let me make it up to you.” His hands moved up my arms. “I’ll give you a tour to my place right now.” he grinned boyishly.

“Lead the way,” I got out of his hold and gestured toward the door.

Logan took me to the Obsidian Castle. The guards bowed to him in respect when we arrived. I looked at the sky-high gates when they opened and revealed the humongous stone building.

“How many people live here?” I asked while looking around the exotic gardens.

“Just me, Sax, Aelwin, and Viessa,” Logan informed me.

We crossed another set of doors and came across another garden. It was in the center of four tall towers. It divided the interior into four huge residential parts. Each had a separate entrance.

“Wow,” I mused over the extravagant interior and structure. “This is your home?”

“Yes,” we crossed the main gate and reached the threshold of the first one on the right. Logan unlocked the door and held it open for me. “After you,” I smiled at his gentility and walked inside.

“Beautiful,” I murmured while looking around.

“Less than you,” Logan hugged me from behind. “I cannot tell you how happy I am right now, Anastasia,” he whispered in my ear. “This place felt incomplete until now.”

“You promised to give a full tour,” I broke out of his hold. “Don’t distract me with this and that.”

Logan chuckled and raised his arm for me. He walked me around the entire place.

“This is my study,” he opened the doors and led me inside.

“This place is too big for a single person.” I walked around the different shelves adorning his walls. “It must get pretty boring, no?”

“Why don’t you keep me company?” Logan said flirtatiously. “How does the idea of moving here permanently sound to you?” He winked at me.

I just shook my head and moved along the shelves.

“What’s this?” I stopped in front of a beautiful glass case. It was fixed in the wall and there was a sword inside it. Its hilt was unique and beautiful. “You collect antiques too?” I looked at Logan when he came to me. “Why are there two holders?”

“These were twin dragons. I lost one a while back,” Logan took out the sword from the glass case. “Sorush gave these to me when I became his second in command.”

“They must mean a lot to you,” I smiled at him. “How did you lose the other?”

“We went hunting last year,” Logan took the sword to his study table and put it in the bottom drawer. “I lost it then.” He came back to me. “Let’s go.”

“Can we stay here some more?” I asked. “I like your study and I want to explore a little of your book collection.” I held his hand. “Please?”

“Fine,” Logan caved in.

“Thank you,” I kissed his cheek and hugged him. “I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have you.” I smiled at him brightly. Logan looked at me while touching his cheek. “Are you okay?”

“Uh- yeah!” He rubbed his neck and chuckled nervously. “Can I get you something?”

“A glass of water will do.”

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