Symphony of Death

Chapter 22

Anastasia’s POV

“Damn this place is huge,” Angie sat down after she was done exploring Cain’s estate for the fifth time. “Every nook is worth millions.” She whistled while looking around the grand living room. “I want to see his room.”

“That’s off-limits,” I said sternly. “Don’t even think of sneaking in or anything,” I warned her. “I told you he doesn’t let anyone in his personal space.”

“But he is letting you stay there, no?” Nat wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and smiled mischievously.

“Because I got attacked in the room right across from him,” I said defensively. “He is keeping his treasure safe.” I scoffed bitterly. “If not for his wing, I wouldn’t be even sitting here.”

Nat and Angie looked at each other.

“Enough about this and that,” I said dismissively. “How did the trip go?”

“My brother is getting married in a month,” Angie informed us emotionlessly. “He finally proposed to Diana and she finally said yes and they are finally settling down.”

“Why do you sound so bitter about it?” I chuckled at her expressions. “Aren’t you happy for him?”

“I am,” Angie sighed, “wholeheartedly but not for the grand wedding. Mom is going to turn the world upside down.” She rubbed her temples tiredly.

“You two are going to suffer every moment of it with me and I am telling you this beforehand.” Nat groaned at this. “And you, my dear friend, are going to design the bride’s dress.” Angie pointed to me. “Mom’s strict orders for you.”

“I can’t tell you how much I missed your drama,” I laughed. “I’ll make sure to surprise you all.”

“That’s what I said,” Angie winked at me. “By the way,” she sat up straight suddenly as if remembering something. “I came across something really creepy and interesting.”

“Which one is it?” Nat asked incredulously. “Creepy or interesting?”

“Shut up and listen to me,” Angie crossed her legs and held the cushion in her lap. “Do you know the birthmarks have a very interesting belief behind them?” She said excitedly. “They tell you how you died in your previous life.”

“What nonsense?” Nat scoffed.

“It’s not nonsense. It’s true,” Angie said seriously. “I did thorough research after I read about it. The mark is the remains of where you were stabbed or shot. If you were killed in your past life, you will have one.”

“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard,” Nat said flatly. “You are impossible, Angie. Stop feeding your fantasies.” Angie made a face in response. “She has gone crazy ever since she learned that the Black brothers are demons.”

“I haven’t seen Aeron and Xic.” Angie looked around.

The brothers walked in on cue.

“Is everything okay?” I asked them and looked at my friends. They seemed equally perplexed by their dark expressions.

“Yeah,” Xic answered and looked at Aeron. I noticed the invisible conversation between their eyes and I’m sure my friends did too. “How was your day?”

“Boring,” Nat answered. “Why are we locked up as well?”

“Because you two can be used as collateral and bait to lure your friend out,” Xic replied coolly. “Bear with it, sweetheart.” He winked at Nat.

“Einar is returning tonight,” Aeron informed. “He will stay with you.”

“Are you” I looked at Nat and Angie. “Going back home as well?”

“To hell?” Angie looked at Aeron.

“It’s not that bad down there.” He smirked at her petrified expressions.

“I’m sure I still wouldn’t want to go there.” She retorted. “Can we party?”

“Without guests? Yes,” Angie made a disgusting face at Aeron. “You be careful, Anastasia.” Aeron looked at me meaningfully. “Shae is here so you have nothing to worry about. Don’t cross the threshold at midnight. Not until Einar is back.”

“Why?” Nat asked.

“There occurs a time-lapse between our realms at midnight when every barrier and spell disappears or weakens for a moment,” Xic explained. “Our enemies can take advantage of it.”

“That’s disturbing,” Angie said grimly. “Are you sure nothing will happen in your absence?”

“Yes,” Aeron assured her. “Don’t go out at any cost. Any of you, okay?” We nodded in sync. “Xic?” He looked at his brother and they disappeared right before our eyes.

“I can’t get used to this,” Angie visibly shuddered. “Do you think we will be fine?”

“Yes,” I smiled at her. Angie didn’t look convinced at all. “Don’t worry, nothing will happen.” I stood up. “Let’s eat dinner for now. Rest can wait.”


I put my phone down and focused on the ceiling. Angie and Nat went to sleep after having a heavy course of beer and Shae was patrolling outside.

I was alone and bored.

I thought of working but I couldn’t beat the laziness that suddenly crawled into me.

I looked at Cain’s bed and frowned. I was not going to sleep on it.

I couldn’t.

Not after seeing Serra leaving his room like that. I didn’t care about whatever but it didn’t feel right to sleep on his bed now.

So I settled on the couch. It was big and super comfy. I could even toss and turn on it without falling.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I wanted to sleep but sleep didn’t want me for unknown reasons. I rubbed my wrist softly.

“How many days until he returns?” I mumbled absentmindedly.

My eyes flew open when I heard a faint crunch outside. I lay still and focused but I didn’t hear anything.

It happened again after a few minutes.

I sat up when the terrace door rattled slightly. The curtains were drawn so I couldn’t see anything.

I was sure it was not wind.

I stood up and rushed to switch on the lights. I stood in the middle of the room and kept my eyes locked on the terrace door.

I almost jumped out of my skin when it knocked again.

“Who’s there?” I asked firmly though I was shaking like a leaf inside. I went forward on trembling legs. “You will be fine.” I chanted under my breath. “As long as you stay inside.”

I stopped once I was standing before the glass door. My hand reached for the curtain reluctantly.

“You will be fine,” I assured myself and gripped the curtain firmly. “We are just going to look so I can sleep peacefully at night.” I breathed through my nose and pulled the curtain aside.

There was nothing.

“It was just-” I screamed, falling on my butt when a shadow jumped down suddenly.

“It’s Clary,” she hissed under her breath and removed the cloak from her face. “Tone it down, girl. I’m going deaf here.”

“Clarissa?” I whispered breathlessly while looking at her. “What are you doing here?”

“What do you think?” She snapped angrily and pointed to the lock. “Open it, will you?” She said impatiently. I stayed on the floor on my sore butt and kept looking at her mutely. “Have you gone dumb?”

“Why aren’t you using the main door?” I asked suspiciously.

“Because I am assigned to guard outside your room.” She retorted coldly. “Cain has tied my hands.” She glared at me. “I’m bored to death but I can’t move my ass because of you.”

I got up hurriedly and opened the door. I was so embarrassed for doubting her.

Of course, it was Clarissa.

Who else could set foot here apart from them?

“I’m so sorry,” I stepped aside and she came inside. “It’s just that-”

“Save it,” Clarissa sat on the couch and reached for the whiskey bottle. “I want to take a small break.” She grabbed the glass from the tray and poured herself a drink. “Your friends?”

“They are asleep.” I sat next to her reluctantly. “I had no idea you were here.”

“We are not exactly close,” she stopped and looked at me. “Here.” Clarissa extended the glass toward me. “I don’t like drinking alone.” I didn’t want to but I took the glass from her. “Cain will be back in a day.”

“Really?” I asked. Clarissa nodded while pouring herself another drink. “He found the one who sent that monster?”

“He already knew.” Clarissa clinked her glass with mine. “Serra’s father, Amon.” She informed me. “I told you, didn’t I? That bitch is crazy.”

“But why?” I took a sip. “Why would he do that?”

“Amon lives for his daughter.” Clarissa snorted. “He can go to any lengths for her. This was nothing.”

“What will Cain do?” I rubbed my eyes tiredly.

My head felt heavy and my body felt light. I tried sitting up straight but gravity dragged me down.

“Don’t worry, Anastasia” Clarissa grinned at me viciously. “It will be over before he is back.”


My head buzzed with the voices around me. My eyes stung when I opened them and it took a whole minute for my vision to adjust to the dark and damp surroundings.

I was in a dungeon.

“Hello, Anastasia” I turned my head to the voice sluggishly. “How was the nap?”

“Clarissa?” I whispered hoarsely. “What are you doing?”

A little of my senses kicked back in me when my eyes recognized the cloaked shadows hidden in the darkness.

“What’s going on?” I looked at the chains around my wrists and ankles. “Where am I?”

“Poor little Ana,” Clarissa stopped by my side and eyed me scornfully. “Is it still unclear to you?” She lowered over me menacingly. “It was all part of our plan. It was all to get you away from Cain so we could deal with you for good.”

“Open these,” I gritted through the pain. “Let me go, Clarissa,” I screamed at her. “Let me-” my heart dropped in fear when the cloaked figures moved out of their spots and closed in on us. “No. Let me go.”

“It’s all because you have his wing, right?” Clarissa grabbed my jaw and dug her nails in my skin. “He is keeping you close because of this fucking curse, right?” I cried in pain when she twisted my wrist in the iron cuff. “I’m going to rip it out of you.”

“No,” I yelled. “You can’t do that.” I started thrashing violently.

The shadowed figures surrounded me from every direction. I could not see their faces or eyes but I could feel their hungry gazes leering on my body.

“Leave me. You don’t know what you are doing.” I fought back the tears.

“I haven’t forgotten what you did to my family, Omisha.” Clarissa stepped out of the circle.

Her eyes held a crazed look and her sinister expressions twisted my insides with fear.

“You are the reason things fell apart. You are the reason things are falling apart. How can you be so greedy?” She screeched. “All you do is take and so shamelessly.”

“How can you take all that from Cain when you gave him nothing but pain? How can you be so selfish and come back to his life?” She kicked the barrel of fire in anger. “How dare you play your tricks on him again?”

“No, please,” I begged. “Don’t do this. Please, Clarissa.”

“I’m going to make Cain so happy.” She laughed like a maniac. “I’m going to take his wing from you. He will be so surprised and pleased when he will return when he will learn that you are gone.”

A long blade appeared in her hand.

“You are going to pay the price for your sins, Omisha. You are going to pay for ruining our lives.”

“No,” I screamed when she lunged at me. “Don’t come near me. Stay away, Clarissa.” I closed my eyes when she plunged the blade down to my chest.

“Where is the fun in that?” I screamed when she whispered in my ear. “This will be too easy.” She shook her head at me. “I want it to be excruciatingly painful for you, Omisha. I want you to burn in the agony and beg for death.”

“I’m not Omisha,” I yelled angrily and got backhanded hard.

“Don’t you dare raise your voice at me, Omisha” Clarissa kept slapping me like a madwoman. “You know what?” She grabbed my jaw and pulled my face up. “I’ve decided how to start.”

I heaved while looking into her bloodshot eyes.

“I’m going to rip you off your purity and modesty first.” She grinned at my expressions. “That’s the reason he is feeling attracted to you, right? That was the reason he always chose you over me.” She caressed my hair.

“I’m going to eliminate the root of the entire problem. Yes, that will be the perfect beginning.”

“No,” I shook my head furiously. “No. Don’t,” I screamed in horror when she slashed open my nightgown and ripped it off my body. “Don’t do this, please.”

I cried loudly when the shadowed cloaks closed in on me at her command.

“Scream louder, Omisha” Clarissa laughed evilly. “Do you want to know what these are?” She gestured toward the cloaked forms. “They are the demons with insatiable sexual hunger.” My blood turned cold. “I tame them personally. Pure women like you are what they prefer the most and you know what the fun part is?” She faked a gasp. “They are famished right now.”

“Clarissa, please” I sobbed loudly.

“You are a perfect feast for them after being starved for a century.” Her expressions morphed into disgust. “Don’t stop until I say so.”

My screams painted the air when I felt their invisible hands everywhere on my naked body. Their grotesque voices were unbearable for my ears.

I wanted to puke at the feel of their disgusting breaths on my skin.

“This is spectacular,” I heard Clarissa.

I wanted to tear her to pieces but more than that, I wanted to die right now. I was being violated in horrible ways and I couldn’t slit my own throat to end this nightmare.

“Make sure to make her scream hard and loud, boys.”

I turned stone-cold when one of them got on top of me. These things had no physical body yet their presence was horrendous above all and locked me in paralysis.

“Don’t touch me. Don’t touch me.” I kept screaming.

“Lovely,” Clarissa cooed from somewhere.


“How dare you say his name,” Clarissa snarled at me. “What are you waiting for?” She snapped at the one straddling me. “Fuck her right now.”

Everything happened in the blink of an eye.

Clarissa was whiplashed and thrown across the dungeon. The shadow that was on top of me suddenly howled and disappeared in the whirlpool of bluish black flames.

Every other shadow around me disappeared in the same manner.

The shackles broke around my limbs and I was pulled up and secured in warmth.

“Ana!” His heavy voice pierced the darkness. Cain pulled my face up by my chin.

His face held apathy but his eyes were ablaze. He wiped my cheeks and pulled the coat tightly around my trembling form while holding me close.

“Will you look at that?” I heard Clarissa. “You got some nerve to play tricks on us, Serra.”

“Serra?” Cain loosened his hold on my waist when I turned slightly. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

There were two Clarissa.

One was lying on the ground with a leash around her neck and the other was standing on top of her.

Cain forced me around and buttoned up the coat. It covered me to my toes but it couldn’t erase the memories of moments ago.

“Hold it until I return.” Cain looked at Clarissa sideways.

“I’m going to warm up until then,” Serra screamed when Clarissa stepped on her chest and tightened the leash around her neck.

I couldn’t believe my eyes when her form shifted.

It was Serra alright.

I buried my face in Cain’s neck when he carried me in his arms. I heard a swoosh and everything fell silent.

“Your friends are fine,” Cain whispered. “You need to change.” I closed my eyes when tears stung them. “Ana!”

“Can you leave me alone?” I croaked. “I want to be alone.” I waited for him to put me down but he didn’t. “I said-”

“I can hear you just fine, Ana,” Cain replied. “You want me to put you down? You look at me first.”

I tightened my arms around his neck.

“I’m taking you to the bathroom.” I didn’t say anything.

Cain put me down and unlocked my arms from around his neck. I kept my eyes to the floor between our feet.

“I’ll bring you a change.” He left and came back within a heartbeat. Cain placed the clothes on the vanity and left without a word.

I turned on the shower and took off the coat hurriedly. I rubbed at my body furiously. I tried to keep my voice locked in my throat as much as possible.

The thought of what could have happened pricked my insides like poisonous thorns. My skin turned red with all the rubbing but I couldn’t wash off the feeling those entities left on me.

“Aaaaahhhhh!” I fell to the cold floor and cried loudly. “Why? Why? Why?” I hit my head with my fists.

“Ana!” I hugged my knees and buried my face in them. The shower was turned off and I felt the towel around my shoulders. “Get a grip of yourself.”

“I said leave me alone,” I hiccupped. “Go away.”

“That’s the last thing you want right now.” Cain pulled me up to my feet. I held the towel tightly to my chest and looked at him reluctantly. “Dress up.” Cain handed me the clothes and turned away. “Lean on me if you need assistance.”

I wiped my cheeks and wore the clothes. I was grateful that he brought me a full-sleeved shirt and pajamas.

Cain faced me once I was done. Without a word, he carried me again and took me back to the room.

“Don’t take me to the bed.” His brow shot up at this. “I don’t want to sleep on it.”

“Nothing happened–”

“I don’t care.” I interrupted him. “I don’t want to.”

His jaw locked and he put me down to my feet.

“This bed a problem?” Cain asked angrily. “Fine!”

I gasped loudly when he burnt the bed to nothing. My mouth fell open slightly when a new bed appeared in the place of the old one. It was more luxurious than the last one.

“Happy now?” He carried me again and laid me down. “You should sleep.” I tried not to flinch when Cain cupped my cheek. “You will feel better.”

“You think I can sleep?” I said bitterly and pushed his hand off my face. “I’m sorry for not being heartless like you. I’m only human.”

“Let me–”

“I can’t bear any more shocks.” I stopped him from coming closer. “Let me heal on my own.”

“Nothing happened.” I looked away from Cain.

I should have known better than expecting any sympathy from him.

“Alright, that was insensitive of me,” Cain admitted. “It’s normal to be shaken by what happened.”

I couldn’t believe my ears.

“Ana?” Cain shook my shoulder.

I made the mistake of looking into his eyes and my tears decided to come back at the exact moment.

I started bawling my eyes out.

“I told you to leave me alone,” I sobbed. “Why couldn’t you listen? It’s all because of you. You ruined my peace, Cain. You ruined everything for me.” I hid my face in my palms.

I was so ashamed of breaking down in front of him.

“Go away, please. Just go.” I looked at Cain in confusion when he patted my back awkwardly.

“You can cry until you feel calmed down.” He said gently. “Though I don’t get why you would cry.”

I buried my face in his chest and hugged him tightly when his arms secured me in their hold.

“I was going to be raped,” I whimpered. “How could she do that? Just because she hated me?” More tears came. “It was so scary, Cain. It was so scary.” I fisted his shirt.

“Why did you leave me alone? Why did you go?” I punched his back. “I never asked for any of this. Why did I have to suffer for someone else’s doings?” I hiccupped.

“I can’t get the images out of my head. I don’t want this to happen again.”

“It won’t,” Cain whispered in my ear. “I wouldn’t have let you get hurt, Ana. Nothing can happen to you on my watch.” This made me cry harder. “You are going to get sick at this rate.”

“I want to get rid of this pain,” I murmured. “This is too much.”

“I will erase every ounce of it,” Cain pulled back and cupped my face. “You can count on it.” He wiped my cheeks with his thumbs. “This was the last time you saw Serra.”

“What-” Cain put his finger on my lips.

“No more talking.” He patted my cheek. “Sleep,” he pushed me down gently. “Leave your nightmares to me and just rest.”

“Cain?” I grabbed his hand when he stood up to leave. “Can you forget everything for tonight?” I looked at him pleadingly. “I don’t think I will be able to handle it alone.”

“You asked for it,” Cain climbed under the blanket next to me. “Sleep now.” He palmed his head and looked at me. “I’ll be here.”

What was I thinking asking him such an absurd thing?

This was so embarrassing. I couldn’t even relax my body.

“Ana,” I looked at Cain reluctantly. “Come here,” he pulled me on top of him and laid back while holding me firmly in his arms. “Sleep now.”

I closed my eyes when Cain kissed my forehead. I buried my face in his chest when he began rubbing my back slowly.

The fear and restlessness vanished as he held me in his arms and whispered soothing words.

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