Symphony of Death

Chapter 13

Anastasia’s POV

I hummed merrily while drying my hair. Nothing could beat a good long and relaxing hot shower to ease the muscles out of their knots.

The entire month was exhausting. There was so much work but now the studio was all set up and ready.

I named it Pink Carnation in memory of Laurel. I couldn’t do enough to repay her for everything she did for me but I was going to do everything in my power to make her happy by being strong.

I was not going to lose for her sake. I was not strong but I was determined to find a way out of this curse.

Laurel might not be with me in flesh but I know she was watching over me. I knew she was going to guide me.

“You would have been so proud,” I smiled sadly. “I’m living my dream, Laurel and I’m going to make the best out of it. I promise.”

A lot of customers were already cued after I announced the opening day on my social feed. They were the people for whom I made dresses while I was still studying. I needed money and I did not want to impose on Laurel for extra expenditures.

So, I used the talent I was born with. Making dresses. I took whatever orders I came across. I never thought it would come in handy in the long run.

“I should get a sound sleep for the big day tomorrow,” I went to the closet and took out my sleeping dress.

I was getting accustomed to this place slowly. It was still my prison but at least, it was not uncomfortable.

Cain didn’t interact with me after our last encounter. I still don’t know what pissed him off so much. He was acting as if I didn’t exist but he was monitoring my every action.

Sneaky ass.

I was about to undo the knot of my bathrobe when my hand went to my eye out of reflex. The lights flickered and the temperature dropped in the whole room.

I crashed back into my closet when three to four of Anima appeared out of thin air.

“What-” I hissed when my eyes hurt.

They weren’t like others. There was something different about these entities.

“No,” I screamed when one of them reached for me. “Cain!” I ran to the door and ended up colliding in his hard chest. “They are here.” Cain steadied me when I latched onto him.

“Who is here?” Cain questioned while looking around my room. “You screamed so I came to check.” I looked behind me in confusion.

They were here. I was sure I was not hallucinating.


“Anima” I touched my left eye unconsciously. “Three to four of them but they were not what I’m used to seeing. My eyes hurt this time when they came. They switch when they are near.”

The surprise was mild but evident among his stoic expressions. I didn’t move when Cain cupped my left cheek. I unconsciously leaned into his touch.

I thought it would be cold.

“Your eyes shift in the presence of Anima?” I nodded in response to his question. His thumb gently rubbed under my eye.

“Only at night,” I whispered. “I can’t sense them during the day. They appear normal in daylight.”

Cain cupped my face with both hands and angled it back slightly. My heart thumped painfully when he moved closer.

His eyes switched from turquoise to electric blue. The lights blew out through the whole room.

I didn’t dare to look away from him when Anima appeared around us on his call. I moved closer to Cain when their hollow voices echoed around me.

“They can’t touch you.” His reassurance didn’t dissipate my fear. “Phenomenal,” Cain murmured while looking into my now pale eyes.

I could only stare at his glowing ones like a retard.

These were the times that made me realize how inhuman he was. And how much I should be terrified of him and what he was capable of doing.

“Cain!” I held his wrist pleadingly. “Please, stop.”

His expressions morphed into coldness the moment the lights came back and Anima disappeared. I staggered back when he released me from his hold. My legs were barely supporting my weight.

“Laurel said that you control them. They fear you.” I dragged myself to the bed and collapsed on it. “How come they appeared here?”

“I would like to know that as well,” Cain replied coldly. “What made them develop enough guts?”

I tried not to shudder at how dark and sinister he sounded.

“Shit!” I pressed the heels of my hand to my eyes. “They won’t just leave me alone. They looked so vicious.”

“When did it first happen?” Cain questioned after a minute. “When did you first see them?”

“At five,” I replied. “Laurel was looking into the cause but she couldn’t find anything. She said it could be because of the wing and the spell.” I rubbed my arm nervously. “Do you know anything?”

“No,” Cain replied singularly.

“So!” I twiddled with my fingers restlessly. “You can just pop in and out across closed doors?” I asked innocently.

“You should change,” I stood up when he turned to leave. “What?” Cain asked without looking back.

“I can’t” he faced me stoically. “They fear you but the same is not the case with me. I’m some kind of food for them. They won’t stop reaching out for me.” I said in exasperation. “I will die if I come across them one more time.” I stepped toward him unconsciously. “Do something about it, please.”

“Are you asking for my help?” Cain mused. “That’s new.” I ignored the cold jibe. “I can’t solve this mystery in a night.”

I was in a tight spot.

“I don’t care.” I thought after I answered. “I mean, I won’t be a nuisance. I’ll just sleep in your room until you secure your perimeters.”

I want to die right now.

“Use some magic or whatever to keep them away from here. You want me in one piece and that won’t be possible with the Anima coming after me.” I moved closer to him.

“Then there are those gigantic jackals and cannibalistic crows too and how can I forget about those black cloaks.” I was horrified. “It’s too much. I don’t even know how many more want my neck for no reason.”

His jaw twitched uncontrollably.

“Laurel was always with me in these situations. Angie and Nat slept with me when things went awry. Now they are not here and I can’t even call them or tell them.” I stopped when I was standing right in front of him.

“You don’t seem allergic to my presence anymore. And you don’t use your bed. It won’t harm both of us. Please, I don’t want to be here alone. They are so scary. I don’t know how you even bear to look at them.”

“I just want to sleep peacefully. I was sleeping just fine for a change and then they had to show up. I will be quiet and you won’t even know that I am there. I don’t even snore or move around in my sleep. Please!” I looked at Cain hopefully. “Say something.”

Cain looked on the verge of snapping my neck.

“Dare to run your mouth like this again and I swear I will sew it.” I nodded obediently. It ticked him off even more. “Do you want me to wait on you while you change or what?”

I looked down at myself and facepalmed mentally.

“Actually,” I chuckled nervously. “Can I change in your room?”

His glare could kill.

I didn’t wait on his answer and rushed to grab my sleeping suit. I hurried out of my room and to his. I made a straight run for his bathroom.

I wasn’t planning on it but his irritation brought me immense satisfaction. That’s the least payback I could take from him for putting me through so much pain and misery.

I changed and came out of his bathroom. As expected, Cain made himself comfortable on the couch. The laptop was open before him with papers on the left and right.

He removed his jacket and tie and unbuttoned a few buttons of his shirt. He didn’t even change into comfortable clothes even when he was home.

At least, I have not seen him out of his suits yet.

I tiptoed to the bed and climbed under the blankets. I fluffed the pillows and made myself comfortable on them.

I was watching Cain but not even once did he look at me.

“Can you stop staring?” He grumbled suddenly.

“I am not staring,” I said defensively. “I was just,” His head shot up when I trailed off. “Observing. I have been wondering actually. Why do you work?” I asked at last.

The question was bugging me ever since I came across his truth.

“You don’t eat, you don’t sleep and you don’t seem to care about human stuff and things.” I pointed out. “From what I have seen, you seem to have enough fortune to last you a lifetime. Then, why do you do this?”

I looked at all the papers on the table.

“I preferred when you didn’t talk at all,” Cain bit back sarcastically. “The saying is true though. You won’t know a person truly unless you live with them.”

He leaned back and watched me bemused when I fumed silently.

“I like putting humans in their places.” He smirked at my expressions. “Nothing beats the fun of controlling humans out of their so-called pride.” His tone was condescending. “It’s a good pastime. Keeps me entertained in your plain world.”

“Why don’t you just go back to your world?” I retorted. “You exploit others just for your fun? You are evil, alright.” My scowled deepened at his scoff. “Why did you choose the fashion industry?”

“I wanted to try something new.” Cain poured himself a drink. “It’s more versatile than my other businesses. I am actually enjoying it.”

“Yes, I have seen the reasons on multiple occasions,” I muttered sarcastically.

I think I have learned enough about him in one day.

I got under the blankets and fixed my eyes on the ceiling. The silence ensued and engulfed us.

But I was aware of his lingering glances my way.

“Why do you think it happened?” I found myself asking. “The curse. Why did the binder doom me with you?” I looked toward him. “I-”

I couldn’t even blink when Cain straddled me in the next instance. He pinned my hands above my head and lowered on me.

“If you don’t stop talking right now,” His breath fanned my lips, accelerating my heartbeat out of fear and something else. “I will teach you how to shut up, Anastasia.”

I turned my face to the side when I sensed his direction of action.

“Don’t ask what you will regret knowing.” He whispered in my ear. “There is a reason Laurel told you a half-truth.” Our noses collided when I turned. “Sleep now,” Cain got off me and went back to the couch.


I pulled the blanket over my head to obstruct his sight and closed my eyes. A minute would have barely passed when an extremely important thought crossed my mind and my eyes flew open in horror.

“Do you bring your pursuits in your room?” I bolted up like lightning when a sudden realization hit me out of blue. “Have you,” I cringed in disgust. “Oh, god. I slept on germs?” I looked toward Cain in disgust and accusation. “Eww!” His expressions were nothing but a mix of apathy and hostility. “I can’t sleep here-”

“Can you shut up?” Cain growled. “I don’t bring just anyone in my personal space, Anastasia.” I glared at him in response. “I have plenty of rooms in my home to seek pleasures.”

“You haven’t slept with anyone on this bed?” I repeated. “No?”

“No” his reply was choppy. “Shut up now.” He raked his hair while looking away from me.

I narrowed my eyes. It was an unlikely and impossible thing. I was not ready to trust him.

“Not even your fiancee-”

“I will gag you, Anastasia.” I laid back quickly when Cain thundered at me and hid under the blanket again.

“Why did I even ask?” I whispered inaudibly. I could not believe my imbecility. “I should stop getting on his nerves before he buries me in the hidden graveyard under his home.”


I wore my wristwatch and looked at myself in the mirror. I was satisfied with my appearance. I looked professional and nice like a true fashion designer.

“Perfect,” I turned towards my bed. “Oh, lord!” I screamed when I saw what was sitting on top of my purse. “What the hell?”

“What is going on?” Cain barged into my room without permission. Again. “Must you create ruckus first thing in the morning?” He was displeased.

“What is that?” I pointed toward the beast sitting on my bed like it owned it. “Why do things keep popping up one after the other?”

“It’s a cat.” Cain reprimanded me and went to my bed.

He carried the red orangish feline and came to me. I paled at the mere sight of it.

“Why are you so scared?” I scowled when he found humor in my misery.

“Please don’t come any closer.” I jumped on top of the dressing table and hugged my legs. “He is staring at me. Why is he staring at me?” I was horrified. “He is going to claw at me.”

She won’t harm you, Anastasia” Cain purposely closed in on me with the cat. It was a she? “I brought her here for you.”

“I don’t need your considerations,” I squeaked when it moved toward me in his arms. “Please, get it away.” I shrunk away from both of them.

“Can you listen?” I peeled open one eye to look at Cain. “Get down right now.” He ordered sternly. I had no choice but to comply. “She is not just a feline creature, Anastasia.” I looked toward the said cat reluctantly. “She is here for your protection.”

“What?” I looked at Cain in question. “A cat will protect me?” I was confused. “But how–she is so small. Is it Persian?”

“Siberian.” Cain corrected with zero expressions. “She is not from this world.”

The cat jumped out of his arms. I could only gape when it transformed into a fair-skinned young girl with auburn hair and green eyes.

She was dressed in a black leather tight outfit. A sword was hanging by her waist on a belt of various pointy chains. Multiple daggers were strapped on her thighs and shin as well.

“Meet, Shae.” She was beautiful but looked cold.

“She was a cat,” I said in disbelief. “She just changed forms.” I looked at Cain in utter disbelief. “Oh, my god!” I palmed my spinning head. “I think I’m going to be sick.” Cain grabbed my arm when I swayed a little. “But why?”

“It’s better not to take chances until I have dealt with the matter of last night.” Cain let go of me once I gained control over my body. “I want you in one piece and harmless, remember?”

My cheeks warmed up for no reason at his intensified glare and dark humor.

“Shae is a warrior. One of my best. She knows how to deal with the rogue Animas. She will keep you safe in my absence.”

I cupped my neck habitually. I wasn’t expecting him to bother with my issues.

“Am I supposed to take her with me?” Cain nodded and Shae transformed back into a cat on cue. She jumped onto the dressing table and looked at me. “Am I supposed to–” I looked towards Cain helplessly. “Is there any other–” I froze when he leaned over me and picked Shae.

“I wasn’t expecting you to cower away from a mere cat,” Cain thrust her in my arms. “Big day, right?”

I blushed against my consent when he caged me in his arms against the dressing. His face hovered over mine and he lightly tapped my forehead with the back of his index finger.

“Have fun,” Cain smirked at my petrified expressions and walked out of my room, all tall and proud.

“That brute,” I looked down at the cat in my arms. She was so soft and pretty. “Do you talk?”

“Yes,” I was psyched out by her telepathic reply. “You look pale.”

“Okay,” I hurried towards my bed and grabbed my purse. “Maybe, we should just stick to listening for now.” Shae meowed this time. “This felt much better.” I laughed nervously and walked out of my room with her.


It was one hell of a day. The opening was a huge success. I was surprised to see Nia and Sean among the crowd. They came to wish me luck. Their presence made me miss my friends even more.

I wonder if they know.

I could do nothing for now. I just hoped someday I would get to explain everything and reconcile with them.

“I might need to hire a helping hand.” I stood up straight and stretched. “What a day, no?” I asked Shae.

She was lounging on the countertop and swaying her tail from one side to the other.

Shae was well-mannered and reserved. She stuck to one place and watched over me quietly. Her presence positively affected the people as well. Everyone went gaga over her.

But what I loved and was relieved about the most was that she didn’t shed hair like cats do. It would have been quite a trouble otherwise.

“Do you need help?” I blinked in surprise when Shae spoke in my mind.

It was going to take time to get used to it.

“I am fine for now.” I held the mop with both hands. “I think we should call it a day. You must be tired as well. People were gushing over you.” I laughed when Shae blinked in response. “Not very fond of attention?”

“I sense danger,” Shae bared her canines. “Ana, get back.”

“I’m not here to harm so avoid jumping for my throat, Shae darling.” Harold appeared through black smoke out of nothing. “I would hate to spill your blood.”

Shae snarled in response and paced back and forth on the countertop.

“Soaring high, eh?” He looked around in mild amusement. “You chose one hell of a place, Ana dear. One hell of a place, I must say. I sense so much divine energy from here. A god’s blessing?” He looked at me slyly. “How are days with Cain?”

“You must be sick in the head for coming here?” I responded sharply. “I haven’t forgotten what you did to my friend that day.”

“Oh, don’t be so dramatic, Ana dear. I merely helped with the age-old hide and seek, that’s all.” I scoffed at this. “Something’s amiss about this whole fiasco.” Harold hummed thoughtfully. “You don’t look like how I was imagining you to be after knowing.” His expression twisted maliciously. “Or is it that you don’t know?” He chuckled sarcastically. “Oh, poor you.”

“Get out.” I yelled at him, “I don’t need to hear your nonsense.”

“This is getting interesting.” He mused darkly.

“Just leave before I-”

“Call Cain?” Harold laughed loudly. “You wouldn’t if you knew what your history with him is.”

My brows furrowed at his cryptic talk.

“Let me help you out a little.” He said wickedly. “Why don’t you try asking Cain about a girl named Omisha? You will love this very intriguing mystery about Cain’s past. And just to motivate you a little to pursue this quest,” Harold whispered dramatically.

“She is someone very dear to the Great Cain Black. She is someone who holds the answers to all your sufferings.”

I showed no response to his provocations.

“I’ll be looking forward to seeing your reaction next time.” He winked at me and disappeared the way he appeared.

“Don’t listen to him” I looked back at Shae. “You know about Beelzebub, one of the trinity?”

I nodded.

“Harold’s father was his firstborn. His family is among the strongest and highest-ranked demons. They rebelled against the Black’s and were cast out of hell.”

“Harold is dangerous and extremely manipulative. It would be better to avoid confrontation with him as much as possible.”

“Who was he talking about?” I asked. “The girl, Omisha. Do you know who she is?”

“No,” Shae replied. ”I haven’t lived enough years with them to know their history.” I nodded again absentmindedly. “I need to tell master Cain.”

I leaned against the counter next to Shae. She closed her eyes and communicated with Cain through invisible means.

Omisha, huh?

“I wonder who she is!”

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