Symphony of Death

Chapter 10

Anastasia’s POV

“Ana! Are you there? What happened?”

My phone fell and my hand went to my eyes while looking into the darkness around me. My heart dropped in the pit of my stomach when the silhouettes appeared out of thin air.


Wind slashed behind me and I turned wildly but there was nothing. Not until my eyes focused on the red glowing eyes snarling at me from the bushes. Winds frosted over suddenly and I looked up when I heard cawing.

Those crows didn’t look normal.

They were abnormally gigantic with green eyes. But that wasn’t the strangest part. Everything froze wherever they sat.

The guttural sounds from behind me forced me to turn and I dashed inside the forest when the source of those angry snarls with glowing red eyes stepped out in the open.

Run, Anastasia

I was on a blind chase with no sense of direction. The deeper I got into the woods, the harder it became for me to move with the heavy snow and wind.

My wet clothes made things worse. I didn’t even have the energy left to move a finger when I fell. My breathing turned shallow and my vision blurred. My head began pounding and spinning.

I was sure I wasn’t going to survive either way.

I pushed myself up on all fours and scampered away when those Anima appeared in my line of vision. They closed in on me until I was cornered. I couldn’t look away from the empty pits of their eyes.

They were sucking me in.


I shook my head when one of them stretched its deformed bony hand toward me. Its mouth twisted into a sick smile and I watched it float away only to let the angry growls take its place.

I had never seen a jackal up close before but I was damn sure they were not supposed to be this gigantic, flaming crimson, and with glowing eyes.

I looked up and there they were. Those ravenous-looking crows. I hid my face in my palms when one of those jackals leaped toward me.

I was going to be ripped to pieces.

Not that there were many people to mourn my absence. But this was not the way I wanted to leave the world.

I reluctantly removed my hands and peeled open my eyes.

I wish I had not.

In the place of those Anima and beasts now stood multiple cloaked bodies with large scythes in their hands. I pushed myself back when one of them turned and looked at me.

I couldn’t see their faces or eyes but I could feel the penetrating gaze.

Laurel said to stay away.

“No” I stuttered. “Stay away from me. Don’t come close.” I couldn’t move any further. “I said don’t come close.” I stumbled back up and dashed in the opposite direction.

I couldn’t get farther because five of them appeared in front of me out of thin air.

“Please!” I staggered back when they moved towards me. “Leave me alone.”

I was past the point of keeping up with everything. I didn’t fight the blackout this time and fell facedown in the heap of snow and dirt again.

The last thing my fading consciousness saw were those dark-cloaked figures closing in on me from every direction.


Cain’s POV

“Careful!” One of them said, “We are not to harm her.”

“How can I forget his despicable voice?” I muttered spitefully. “Like hell I would let you take her.”

A whirlpool of bluish black flames rose around Anastasia and forced them to jump back a few steps. I jumped out of the shadows and landed in front of Anastasia before they could reach for her again.

“If it isn’t the royal fucked ups out of their holes,” I sneered. “I expected nothing less of you wretched souls.” I eyed them scornfully.

“Cain!” One of them stepped forward. “You were alive after all.” He removed his cloak to reveal his face. “How I wished you weren’t.”

“Dreaming costs nothing, Larc,” I replied sarcastically. “I see taking human forms still doesn’t lessen your ugliness.”

My Ashrune appeared right when he drew his scythe and we aimed our weapons at each other’s necks.

“Trying to get your hands on what doesn’t belong to you again?”

“Only time will tell, Cain.” His scowl deepened when I laughed. “You won’t live long enough to laugh once I am done with you.”

“Larc!” A female voice intervened before we could have charged at each other. She removed her cloak and stepped forward. “Not now. Our orders, for now, are not to engage him.”

“Sax!” Larc pressed but she just shook her head at him.

Their platinum hair and icy blue eyes were the same. Every last fucking one of them had them as a mark of their identity.

“Not for long.” Larc lowered his scythe and stepped back.

“She is one of us, Cain.” Sax looked at me coldly. “Sooner or later, she will join our side. It’s only natural for her to do so.” She smirked tauntingly. “And that will be your last day in the world.”

“Looking forward to it.” I scorned.

“Next time won’t end on just parting ways, Cain.” Larc pointed his scythe toward me. “You won’t be able to take her away this time.”

They disappeared all at once.

“I’m intrigued to know the outcome as well, Larc,” I muttered darkly and looked at Anastasia. My Ashrune disappeared and I knelt next to her.

“I want you to pay the price for your every betrayal with infinite pain and anguish.” I carried her in my arms. “This is just the beginning of your sufferings, Anastasia”

I teleported us back to the cottage my company booked for the shoot.

The pendant was gone and now nothing was stopping her from coming to me of her will. I simply needed to time the conditions to my advantage.

The only other obstacle left was Laurel.

I looked around once I was standing in the small living room. There was no light and the cottage bore minimal necessities. The rooms were vacant and there was only one couch in the living across the fireplace.

I could easily take Anastasia back to the hotel but it would raise questions. The roads were blocked and there were no chances of reaching the hotel otherwise.

As much as I hated being in the same space with this woman, I had to endure it for the future.

I laid her carefully on the couch and raised my palm toward the fireplace. It was engulfed in flames instantly. The place would warm up but not enough to dissipate her worsening condition.

“Anastasia!” I patted her cheek but she didn’t budge. I removed my jacket and threw it aside along with my tie. “You need to change.” I sat next to her and raked my hair.

What was she going to change into?

There was barely anything here and I couldn’t leave her alone for even a second.

So much for the sake of it.

I unbuttoned my shirt and took it off before facing her again. I pulled her up against me.

“Be glad that I’m even considering saving your life.” I adjusted her head in the crook of my neck and pulled her shirt up.

I took it off before proceeding to her bra. Her skin felt like ice under my touch. I forced her arms through my shirt and buttoned it up.

I laid her back and removed her shoes and socks before taking off her jeans and underwear. My shirt covered her modestly but not enough to provide her warmth.

Not even once did she stir and it put a dent between my brows. Her heartbeat was slow and her breathing was shallow.

She was not warm enough.

I sat beside her and pulled her up against me. I adjusted her in my lap and secured her body in my arms after covering her with my jacket.

I didn’t want to but I had no choice as of now.

I grunted in annoyance and closed my eyes. My wing appeared and I curled it around us. The flame burning in my wing would warm her enough.

A soft sigh escaped her lips when I brushed her hair back from her face and tucked them behind her ear. Her hands curled against my abdomen and she nuzzled her face in my chest when I caressed her cheek with the back of my hand.

“All this innocence” I murmured against her cheek while inhaling her scent.

It was different from what I remembered. Being untainted sure had a different touch to it. That’s why demons always seeked innocent souls to prey on.

But it made me sick. I felt revolted.

All this innocence couldn’t overshadow someone’s past. She bore no resemblance to her past but that didn’t change anything.

If any, it made me hate her even more.

“Sweet dreams, dear Anastasia” I murmured against her forehead. “Until you wake up to your nightmare.”


Anastasia’s POV

All those sleepless nights finally weighed down on me. I felt well-rested in a way but I felt sore and lethargic as well. I sighed deeply and my eyes finally opened against heavy protests.

To unfamiliar surroundings.

The next thing they noticed was the bare chest beneath my head. My panic rose to infinity and before I could have thrashed or screamed, my eyes found their way to my captor’s face.

The events of the night came back like a whiplash.

“Ca—” My voice drowned once again when my eyes fell on his face.

His closed eyes and his peaceful features.

My struggles to break free halted as well and I fell limp in his hold while watching him. I would die rather than admitting it loudly but he was unfairly handsome. He looked nothing like the monster he was supposed to be.

He looked nothing like what Laurel told me.

I slumped on his chest and palmed his shoulders as if hugging him. It was a miracle I didn’t pass out again out of shock.

Our position was too intimate.

I was lying on top of him with my legs resting between his legs. I was very much aware of my nakedness under his shirt and his one hand resting on my hips.

I didn’t want to think about how I might have gotten in his shirt and this situation. The thought didn’t comfort me in any way.

I didn’t want to stay like this but I couldn’t bring myself to get up and wake him up in the process. I was not ready to face the embarrassment yet.

“There is nothing normal about his existence.” My brows furrowed while listening to his heartbeat. It was beating once every three minutes. “I couldn’t have imagined that you would sleep as well,” I mumbled absentmindedly.

“It’s a luxury I enjoy occasionally.” My head snapped up at his gruff response. “But I never enter a deep sleep cycle.”

I pushed myself up when Cain let go of me and scrambled back to give him some room to sit.

“I’m awake most of the time.” This burnt my cheeks and I looked away from him. “Your clothes must be dry enough by now. Change so we can leave.” Cain stood up and flexed his arms a little. “Don’t take too long.” He left me alone.

I didn’t waste a minute to change back into my clothes. Everything was so awkward right now.

“I need to look for my phone.” Cain walked back in right when I was done wearing my shoes. “I–” He raised my phone and jacket. “Thank you.” I took it from him timidly.

There was still the issue of my pendant.

“Shirt” Cain extended his hand and I passed him his shirt. He wore it and walked past me to grab his jacket and tie. “Let’s go.” Cain walked out of the cottage.

I checked my phone. It was dead and I was not in any position to stay back alone anymore.

Before anything, I needed to tell Laurel about yesterday. I wore my jacket and walked out after Cain.


“I have wasted enough time, Ms. Grace.” Cain cut me again. “If you are done idling around, I have a bu-”

“Can you let me finish?” I snapped at his constant rude interruption. “Thank you for saving my life and I am sorry for wasting your precious time.” I matched his cold glare with my heated one.

“I appreciate the thoughtfulness of not leaving me here but I’d rather find my own way than to go with you. I have enough trouble hanging around my neck, courtesy of you.” Sarcasm was dripping from every word.

“I don’t want to give those people any more reasons to gossip about me.” Cain grabbed my arm when I tried to walk past him. “What?”

“You think you should move around freely after last night.” He leveled his face to mine so my eyes were locked with his. “I am not the only one you need to watch your back from, dear Anastasia.”

“Sounds to me like you knew what was coming my way.” I retorted coldly. “I’ll be fine.” I tried to break free but he held tight. “You want me to faint again?”

“I’m not being hostile.” Cain pulled me closer to him. He grabbed my left wrist and raised it between us. “This painless wrist is proof.” My head spun suddenly but Cain was fast enough to act. “I’ll be generous only this one time.” He carried me and went to his car.

“I don’t want you to be generous.” I groaned. “Put me down.”

“You will only worsen your situation,” Cain replied smugly. “You have a fever and your clothes are still damp”

I stopped my attempts to break free. He put me back to my feet once he reached his car and forced me in the passenger’s seat.

The trip back to the hotel was full of unwanted tension. It was enough interaction with this monster whose motives were very clear about me.

I didn’t wait for Cain to stop the car fully and almost made a jump out of the car. But he pulled me back and locked the doors to prevent my escape.

“Fix it, Anastasia,” Cain said sternly. “I don’t care about these mundane things but I won’t tolerate you making a mess around me. Sharon is not only a model but my business partner as well. I need her right now for a lot of things.”

His grip tightened around my wrist.

“If this shoot doesn’t happen, I will make sure you suffer the repercussions.”

Some nerve this man had to behave like this after everything he put me through. There was a limit to the shit I could take from assholes, human or not.

I was not kidding when I told Hannah that I was going to snap for good.

“You wish I would.” I grabbed his hand and pushed it off my wrist. “I don’t care what you will do to me but I am done. I’m no one’s pet or toy.” I got out of his car and stomped inside the hotel.

My decision was final.

“Look who’s back!” Audrey stopped in front of me. “You have no idea what you have done to yourself, Anastasia.” She dangled papers in my face. “The damage you have done with your stupidity” She grinned viciously.

“You won’t be able to pay back even if you work your ass off all your life.” Everyone gathered around us to watch her slapstick. “Poor, poor, Ana-”

I snatched the papers and tore them to pieces before throwing them in her face.

“I don’t give a dime to know,” I pushed past her to go meet Hannah.

I wanted to savor the stupid expressions on Audrey’s face but getting out of here was more important to me right now.

“Ana!” Hannah rushed toward me when I entered her room after a knock. “What are you–where were you?” She looked at me whole. “Do you know–”

“I’m out, Hannah,” I interjected her calmly. “I am done playing by your shit and theirs. Do the hell you want to do.” I turned to leave.

“Ana!” Hannah called out after me. “It won’t end well. You don’t know what you are doing.”

I wanted to laugh at her desperation. At this point, I don’t know if she was ever sympathetic towards me.

“Think it through.”

“I’m done thinking, Hannah. It’s time for me to act.” I faced her somberly.

She looked pale and scared for some reason. I didn’t think losing an employee was that big of a deal for her to be acting like this.

“Good luck with making my life hell but rest assured, I won’t make it easy for your boss as well.” I walked out on her and went straight to my room to grab my stuff and change.

I put my phone on charge and texted Laurel about the situation. I asked her to meet me in Seattle. Hopefully, she would be there by the time I reached.

I left for the airport without any delay. I felt lighter, better as I walked away from the shit at last. I didn’t know why I decided to put up with it for this long but at long last, I was free.

“I will deal with it” I boarded the flight. “There is nothing that couldn’t be done about Cain.” I smiled to myself. “As long as Laurel is with me.”


I came back to an empty apartment. The quietude gave me a weird feeling. The paranoia was to be blamed on the recent events I encountered one after the other.

There was nothing more, nothing less to it.

I dropped my bag on the floor and slumped on the couch.

“Things will head for good eventually,” I whispered tiredly.

That’s what Laurel has always taught me. I took out my phone from my pocket and called Laurel.

She should have been here by now.

I dialed her number and waited for her to answer. I was suddenly filled with a foreboding feeling.

“She is fine. She is just busy somewhere.” I cupped my neck to ease the lump. The call connected at last and I released a breath of relief. “Laurel!” I stood up involuntarily. “Where are you? I left you messages. Why didn’t you call back? I was so worried.”

“Ana!” She didn’t sound like herself. “I want you to come to Rose Raven.”


“Please, Ana!” Laurel pleaded. “Just do as I say for once. I’m waiting.”

I looked at my phone when she disconnected the call. She wanted me to go there to meet her, the place she strictly prohibited me to go to ever again.

I didn’t know why she called me there but it didn’t seem like a normal matter now.

I walked out of my apartment and left for Rose Raven.

My heart felt in my mouth all the way.

I couldn’t get in contact with my friends and the way Laurel talked gave me all kinds of ill thoughts.

I jumped out of the taxi when it stopped outside the hotel and ran inside.

It reminded me of that night.

The only difference, now I was aware of everything.

I dashed out of the elevator once it stopped and to the same rooftop once again. It was empty and dark just like last time.

Except for one thing.

“Lau–LAUREL!” I screamed, rushing toward her. Her assailant stepped back when I fell by her side. “No, please. What–No.” There was so much blood around her. “Laurel!” I cried loudly. “Please, no.”

“Ana,” She reached for me with her bloody hand. “I tried.” I grabbed her hand. “I couldn’t–There is some-thing you need–to know.” She tried to push herself up. “I didn–The truth-”

“Please don’t talk.” I looked around frantically. “You can tell me about it once you are all better. I’m going–I’m going to call for help. You will be alright. You will have to be alright. Please, Laurel!”

“It’s okay. Every-thin-g will be ok-ay.” I leaned down so she could palm my cheek. “My bra-ve girl.” Her smile was remorseful. “Make the r-ight choice, Ana.”

“Don’t do this to me. Please” I sobbed loudly. “I’m sorry, Laurel. I won’t behave like that again. Please!”

“Ana! The curse–Lies. Don’t trust–” Laurel looked behind me. “Protect– Don’t ever give– Blue–”

“Laurel?” Her eyes didn’t move. “Laurel?” Her hand fell out of my hold. “It’s not funny. Wake up.” She didn’t budge. “YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME,” I shook her violently. “Wake up. Please!” I hugged her tightly. “Please!”

My pain morphed into loath toward the one who took her life and brought ruination to whatever happiness was left in my life. I looked at the gold-hilted blade in his hand.

He stabbed Laurel with it. He took her life so brutally.

He was going to pay the price of her blood.

“I hate you,” My body shook with tremors. “I hate you so much,” I muttered spitefully. “I HATE YOU, CAIN.”

I got up and pushed him back with all my might.

His face bore nothing but cold disdain as he eyed me scornfully. He wasn’t even a bit remorseful for taking away my only family.

Now I knew what Laurel meant.

“You want this?” I raised my left hand. “I dare you to come and take it now.” I spat venomously. “I swear on Laurel’s blood that I will die but I won’t give your wing back,” I screamed at him. “I will never give you your wing back, Cain. NEVER.”

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