Symphonic Odyssey

Chapter : Vol. Two: Beneath the Hawthorn Tree: Verse Seventy-Two

He had not been able to say much in that exchange but he dared not push his luck. He knew that they were making an exception for him due to the circumstances of the incident, as well as several other factors. Alvin’s connection with him was quite certainly a part of that as well as, he imagined, his extremely rare elemental affinity.

He knew that Alvin was already busy with his own classes, and he felt bad about having to burden his master with even more work because of his carelessness. What really bothered him was that he was being treated differently. He was getting a pass where others would have met the full measure of the Council’s wrath.

Something about that didn’t seem quite fair, but on the other hand, Elder Itzel was quite right. There was still so much he didn’t know and the fact that he had so much Zight compared to others was cause for concern. For now, he was willing to accept his punishment. It would mean being behind his classmates, but at the moment he felt that was probably the best course of action.

If he accidentally almost killed another student he would most certainly be expelled or worse. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to continue his journey as a Conductor, but he still wanted the ability to choose that path for himself rather than having it taken from him.

He left the chamber, confused about his feelings, and found Alvin standing in front of the doors with a worried look on his face. However, as soon as Alvin saw that no guards were moving to stop his disciple, he eased up a bit and relaxed.

“How did it go? What is to become of you?” he asked hurriedly as he stepped forward to greet Cypher. But before he could give an answer, Elder Itzel appeared behind him, and Alvin’s attention turned to her instead.

“Alvin if you could come in here for a few moments, we have a few matters to discuss. Cypher, you may go, feel free to spend the rest of your day as you will. Although we would much prefer it if you did so in the confines of your room.”

Alvin gave him a cautionary glance and then nodded as he followed Elder Itzel back into the chamber.

The doors swung shut with a resounding, ‘CLANG’ and for a moment he felt relieved that this ordeal was almost over. However, that feeling was soon replaced by one of regret and shame. He had already imposed on Alvin enough already and this would only add to that burden.

In the time that he now had, he wondered what he should do. Obviously, he wouldn’t be going to classes anytime soon. He knew that he should probably return to his room as Itzel had suggested, but he also thought about his options as he walked through the main castle. After a few minutes, he had decided.

He made his way to the nearest Slingate and after confirming that it would lead him to the proper destination he stepped through. A large white building appeared before him. He entered with his head held low and his hands in his pockets as he took slow deliberate steps toward the front doors.

He traveled up a few flights of stairs after checking with the clerk at the reception desk, and before he knew it, he was standing before the door to Alex’s room. A small window was set in the door, and he moved closer to peer inside.

Alex lay there on the bed with a towel over his forehead. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be sleeping. Cypher wasn’t quite sure, but Alex’s face was scrunched into a painful grimace and he would shudder every few seconds. He could see how Alex’s arms were wrapped in yellow and red stained bandages.

Several tubes were feeding liquids into his body at a steady rate from bags hanging from hooks above his bed, and some kind of apparatus was assisting him in his breathing. A glowing pink crystal attached to the top of the machine pulsed in time with each ragged breath Alex took. He had survived, but the teenager laying only a few feet from him was in a terrible state.

Cypher laid his hand on the doorknob and was about to open it when he hesitated, his thoughts locking him in place. ‘Does Alex even want to see me right now? What would I even say? “Sorry I almost killed you, but don’t worry you’re going to be alright in a few weeks!” Yeah right, I’m probably the last person he wants to see right now. I doubt he can even open his eyes right now. I should just go, he’s resting anyways and I’ve caused him enough trouble already.’

Cypher continued to linger with his hand on the doorknob as he watched Alex for a while longer and after a few moments, he turned and headed back to his quarters. He knew he had to apologize to speak to Alex eventually but right now was not the time. At least, for him.

As he slowly headed back towards the Slingate that led to the dormitories, he kept his head low. Shame was all he could feel as he walked, and even as he passed groups of whispering students, he only stared at the ground. How could he even face his peers after what he had done?

He could already imagine the vicious rumors that were probably circulating at this very moment. He had spent enough time around Nobles to know how they conducted themselves. The Galvans were a poor example and he was quite biased when it came to them, but several times other noble families had visited the mansion and gossip always found its way into their conversations.

None of that mattered though. Anything they had to say was probably warranted considering how he had recklessly used his power. He felt sick to his stomach and regretted the feelings of joy and excitement he had felt when he was preparing to show off to Alex.

A bitter frown spread across his face as he walked and considered the situation. He felt like the punishment the elders had given him was far too lenient. If anything, he should have at least been expelled. Instead, he had only received a slap on the wrist and burdened Alvin once again.

He wished he could go back in time and undo the damages he had caused, and he wondered if Alex would have been better off if he had never talked to him in the first place. Still, he wasn’t out of the woods just yet. Perhaps Alvin would have a thing or two to say to him. Perhaps Alvin would issue a punishment that suited the crime.

It was strange to him how he was getting off with little more than a warning. Anytime he had ever done something wrong back at the mansion the punishment had always fit the crime. Galex was quite fair like that, at least, when it came to all but his own blood. Eiden had done many things to earn the ire of his father over the years. But each time his punishments had been small and inconsequential.

Cypher wondered to himself if this was how it felt to be coddled. To be set apart from others because of something special about him that he had no control over. Right now he felt as though he were actually a noble and being given special treatment because of that fact. He had no choice and no control over what his elemental affinity was, yet he was already being treated differently because of it. Cypher still hated his guts, but if Eiden had grown up his entire life being treated like this, he could see why the boy was so callous and cruel towards those not of his station.

It certainly didn’t excuse the behavior but it at least helped to shed some light on the situation. In this small way, Cypher came to understand Eiden a little better. Still, Cypher was not so spoiled as to think himself invincible because of this turn of events. On the contrary, it made him far harsher on himself than he probably should have been.

It was an honest accident. Sure, there were ways to avoid what had happened but in the end, it wasn’t as though he intended to hurt Alex. If nothing else, before any more lessons, before he hurt someone else, he had to get a grip on this strange power of his.

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