Symphonic Odyssey

Chapter : Vol. Two: Beneath the Hawthorn Tree: Verse One-Hundred and Three

With all the similar-looking trees around, it would be very difficult to find the correct one. Each one had blue flowers growing underneath it and all of them were well-trimmed. Furthermore, this kind of tree seemed extremely common around Seven City, and Cypher was at a complete loss on how to proceed.

“Well, what now?” Cypher asked, and Alvin scratched his beard and thought for a moment.

After a few seconds passed Alvin responded, “Well, the only thing we can do is check each one. You said Serenade mentioned their home was underneath one of these, but that isn’t much to go on at all. I suggest we split up and search as many of these as we can,”

Cypher looked at Alvin with a confused look, “What do you mean split up? What about the Order? Do you really think that’s wise?”

Alvin chuckled and shook his head, “Splitting up here should be fine. The Order and anyone working for them quite literally cannot step foot in this City without the entire Crystal system activating at level red. It was a measure that was put in place long before the Royal family decided to move to Cael instead of remaining here so there shouldn’t be anything to worry about.

“Not to mention, they couldn’t haul you out of here without passing through the main gate and the guards would notice immediately if that happened. There are many hidden and obvious defenses in this city. You have nothing to fear here,” Alvin finished, and the others were nodding in approval as Cypher looked around. With no other real objections, he just shrugged his shoulders and agreed.

“Good then, we can meet back up by the Adventurer’s Guild before sunset. If we still haven’t found anything by then we’ll rent a few rooms at one of the inns and try again tomorrow,” Alvin finished laying out the only plan anyone had suggested and they all split up and began searching for anything out of the ordinary beneath one of these trees.

The city was vast and it would take some time to thoroughly check each tree. Cypher began his search in the housing district after everyone else had dashed off and his search was not going well. Under every single tree, he found nothing that would indicate an entrance or even the presence of a hidden one.

He even tried to use his mental energy to examine the ground beneath each tree he searched but his skill with that ability was still new, and his influence didn’t spread very far. As a result, he was constantly pressing his head to the dirt and trying to push his mental waves out as far as he could. This of course left him feeling a bit weird and ashamed since he was sure he looked ridiculous as he did this.

He didn’t even find anything other than roots, insects, and various-sized pebbles. After about an hour of searching, he finished with the Housing district and moved toward the Royal district. There were fewer trees here and so searching this area wouldn’t take too long.

He began his search and after about thirty minutes came to the last cluster of trees. He continued his strange examination of this cluster, and after reaching the fourth tree he was startled by a girl’s voice coming from the trunk, “What are you doing?”

His eyes widened and his head jerked up and cracked against the trunk of the tree with a loud, ‘THUNK’ which caused him to instinctively close one eye and rub the area of impact. ‘What the hell?’ he thought as he stared questioningly at the tree.

“Did you just talk?” He asked as he tilted his head, and the voice responded rather amused.

“Well, of course! Who else do you think could have said that we’re the only ones here!” Cypher was shocked to hear this tree speaking to him.

“So, wait are you the tree I’m looking for then?” Cypher couldn’t help but ask despite his shock at conversing with a tree of all things. Loud laughter then filled the area and Cypher was once again confused, “Don’t laugh! I mean it, there aren’t many trees I’ve ever met that could talk, that must mean you’re the special one I’m looking for!”

“So you meet a lot of trees then?” the voice asked through its laughter, and Cypher’s cheeks grew hot as he stepped back a bit.

“Well… no, not really but I…” He shook his head and slapped his cheeks to banish the heat that was gathering there. “Look, you know what I mean! Stop laughing will you?” Cypher was beginning to get flustered at this tree that was laughing at him so carelessly.

The laughter only continued for a moment longer before a girl around his age stepped out from the other side and waved at him, a wide smile on her face. Cypher blushed harder as he realized that it had not in fact been the tree talking but this girl. How had he been so stupid to not realize that she was literally just standing behind the trunk out of sight?

“I’m sorry for fooling you. I couldn’t resist and you were so earnest when you were speaking,” the girl said, still giggling as she brushed the bangs of her brown wavy hair behind her ear and stepped towards him. “I’m Melodi Cilan, and you are?”

Cypher blushed again as he looked at her, and brushed the dirt from his hand before holding it out to her, “I’m Cypher, err… Ceraunus, err… I mean,” he cleared his throat and started again, “I’m Cypher Ceraunus!”

He was quite flustered and almost yelled his name to the amused girl standing in front of him. He wasn’t quite sure why, but the family name sounded right as it rolled off his tongue and he was happy to be able to finally introduce himself to others properly.

Melodi took his hand and shook it gently as she smiled at him again, “Well, it’s certainly nice to meet you. So, are you just here looking for talking trees then? Or just one in particular?”

Cypher rubbed the back of his head again and remembered why he was there. “N-no, not talking trees, just one specific tree. But these all look the same and I’m starting to think that maybe my information was wrong or lacking somehow,”

Cypher couldn’t help but look into her sparkling hazel eyes as he spoke, and he quickly looked away once he realized that he was staring for too long. She was wearing a light green dress of exquisite quality and her hair was held back in a ponytail by a bow of the same color.

Coupled with her fair features and light caramel skin similar to his own, he couldn’t help but be captivated by her. She was perhaps the cutest girl he had ever seen and interacting with girls his own age wasn’t something he was accustomed to. Still, she looked like she was from a very wealthy family and it wouldn’t be too surprising to discover that she was of noble blood. The name, ‘Cilan’ was ringing no bells.

Melodi giggled softly as he looked away, “Well, maybe I can help then? How specific of a tree are we talking about? I have to assume it’s one of these Hawthorn trees,” she said as she gently stroked the trunk.

Cypher looked at the ground for a moment and then replied, “Well, yeah actually. The information I received said it was a Hawthorn tree with blue flowers growing around it, and that something is supposed to be waiting for me beneath it.”

“Well, that’s going to be a bit difficult then because Hawthorn trees are very common in this city. Come to think of it, so are Sapphire Blossoms, I’m not sure how you’re supposed to find one among hundreds…” Her eyes suddenly widened though and she continued, “Oh! Actually, I might know which trees you’re looking for!” she exclaimed.

Melodi excitedly pulled at Cypher’s hand to lead him away, which caused him to blush again at the sudden contact. However, she stopped abruptly and turned to face him, “Oops, actually before we go I have to get my cat. He loves to climb these trees and if I lose sight of him now it might take another few hours to find him again!”

Cypher looked up into the tree and sure enough, there was a grey cat clinging to one of the branches. “How do you usually get him to come down?” Cypher asked and Melodi only shrugged.

“He usually just comes down on his own after a while and I have to make sure to catch him then. He’s such a troublesome boy,” she replied with a huff.

Cypher nodded and then looked back up, “Does he bite or scratch?”

Melodi shook her head before answering, “Not really, not unless he’s really scared but right now he seems pretty calm. Though it did take a while after my retainers scared him off.”

Cypher nodded again and leaped up into the tree with a little help from his Zight Stanza. He quickly grabbed the cat who let out a surprised yowl and landed softly next to Melodi, who stood with a surprised look on her face as she took her cat into her arms.

“Thank you! But how did you do that? You wouldn’t happen to be a Conductor, would you?” she asked, astonishment in her voice.

“Well yeah, kind of… I’m training to be one at least.”

Melodi beamed then and continued, “Ah, so are you from the Academy then? You’re awfully young to be a student there, I’m surprised! You must be quite skilled.”

Cypher nodded once more and smiled softly as he shyly rubbed the back of his head, and Melodi returned the gesture. “I don’t get to attend for another year. Father insisted I wait until after my thirteenth birthday, but since you’ve been there yourself you can tell me all about it while we walk!”

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