Symphonic Odyssey

Chapter : Vol. Two: Beneath the Hawthorn Tree: Verse One-Hundred and Nine

The group had disbanded a few hours after the sun had set, and the members of Silent Night had spent a good chunk of that time drinking and honoring the memory of their fallen comrade, Ashley. Ulric looked especially troubled by the loss, and Cypher only felt worse about the decision he had made.

Ulric and his team had escorted them only to protect Cypher. That meant, In Cypher’s mind, that he was partially responsible for Ashley’s early demise. However, he couldn’t turn back now, he was resolved to see his plan through to the end.

Cypher and the two Professors sat some distance away from Silent night and Cypher motioned for them to follow him. He led them to his and Alvin’s room and the three each took up a seat, Cypher on the bed, Alvin and Glenda in chairs at the small table.

“There’s something I wish to say and I want you both to hear me out before you respond okay?” Cypher began.

“Of course my friend, you’ll always have my ear,” replied Alvin. Cypher smiled weakly and fidgeted on the bed for a moment.

Then he took a deep breath and continued, “Ever since I left the Galvan mansion and arrived at the Academy, you’ve treated me quite generously. I don’t know if that’s because of my rare elemental affinity or if you just like me for me. But whatever the case, I still appreciate it and I wanted to repay you for your kindness,”

Cypher reached into his pack and pulled forth the large bags of golden coins which he then slid towards Alvin. He hadn’t told them all exactly how much wealth was contained inside his inheritance, but clearly, this was more than even they assumed because Alvin’s eyes went wide with shock and Glenda’s jaw hung loose.

“Cypher I can’t accept this!” Alvin began, pushing the bags back towards his disciple, but Cypher shoved them back and continued,

“You can accept it, Alvin, because I owe it to you. You clothed me and housed me and paid for my education and fed me. You gave me every opportunity that you could think of even when my actions threatened to ruin everything and for that, I will be forever grateful to you.

“If I had been forced to go back to the mansion I’d either be dead or captured right now and my inheritance would have gone forever undiscovered. All of that was avoided because of you and the rest of the higher-ups at the Academy.”

Alvin looked touched by Cypher’s kind sentiment and so he nodded and accepted the bag of coins. Glenda looked curiously over Alvin’s shoulder and said, “I hope you realize that my services over the last few months have suddenly become a lot more expensive!”

Alvin laughed and Cypher chuckled alongside him for a moment before he dipped his head and took another deep breath. “So, since I’ve repaid you this debt I feel like I should also tell you what I’ve decided,” Alvin cocked his head and raised an eyebrow questioningly at Cypher and gestured for him to continue.

“The dangers surrounding me are growing day by day. If it’s not my own ridiculous powers, it’s the threat of the Order or no doubt something else we have yet to see. Staying at the Academy might be the smartest thing to do for a normal Conductor. I could stay and make friends. I could attend my classes, and you would scold me for not doing my assignments on time. I could waste the days away messing around with Alex and living a relatively normal life.

“But I’m not a normal Conductor and everyone in this room knows it. Take away my parentage and even then I’m still not normal compared to the others. I don’t bring this up to be harsh on myself, but it’s a fact and it’s one we all have to consider. In my inheritance, my parents left me everything I could possibly need to become stronger than the Academy could ever make me.”

“Between that fact, my power, and the Order which is going to try to capture me again, I think it’s best that I stay here in Seven City and train on my own, away from others. The house is located in a separate pocket of space and nobody will ever know I’m there. I can get supplies and food and everything else I need from the market district. I can do all of that and more and the entire time I’ll be completely out of the Order’s reach.”

Alvin and Glenda didn’t seem surprised or even like they had anything to say against Cypher’s points which confused him greatly. Instead, they exchanged a knowing glance and nodded.

“We suspected that you might decide to do something like this. If we’re being honest,” began Alvin, “the two of us finished our searches almost ten minutes after we all parted ways and the members of Silent Night weren’t far behind us.

“At that time we met up and had a discussion about this very possibility. They were opposed to the idea, their orders are to escort you back to the Academy but Glenda and I felt differently. We know you well enough to have guessed that you might choose to stay for all the reasons you listed. Why do you think I went to the effort of explaining so much about the city?”

“In any event, we were of course outvoted and didn’t have a choice but to go along with Ulric’s decision to bring you back to the Academy.” Cypher stood up quickly and looked hurt and offended, but Alvin raised a hand to his lips and gestured for Cypher to sit back down.

“We agreed with them because we had to, not because it’s how we truly felt,” Alvin finished and Glenda continued a moment later,

“To that end, we knew we had to do something to help you if you decided to stay and if the conditions were optimal. Since it seems that they are, it isn’t right to force you to come back with us.”

Alvin stood up and walked to the door where he began chanting softly, while Glenda continued, “It certainly wasn’t easy, but we managed to spike the drinks of those Conductors downstairs, and right about now they should all be sound asleep. It’s a shame we had to taint their celebration and mourning of their comrade like this but there was no other way without a fight.”

Alvin finished his chanting and opened the door, which now exited out into the grove of Hawthorn trees and the veil hiding the statue of the Ceraunus. “We understand your decision and I’m sure the headmaster will as well once I deliver my report to him,” said Alvin, and Cypher felt a lump of emotion in his throat as his gratitude towards his two teachers grew to astounding levels.

“We’re certainly going to hear it from the Council, but those assholes are just going to have to deal with it. I’ll also remind you that the two of us signed a binding contract my good lad,” Alvin began with a wink, “all the resources of the Academy are at your disposal for the duration of your enrollment.”

“If you need anything you need only send word and I’ll do my best to provide my assistance. Oh, and while I’m sure your new home has plenty to offer in the way of academic material I’ll be along eventually to give you an outline of the best courses and focal points of study that will best help you. Now quickly! Get in there, before Ulric or someone else manages to fight off that sleeping agent of mine,” finished Alvin as he held out his hand towards the door.

Cypher ran up and hugged him tightly before turning to Glenda and doing the same, “I won’t forget this… I’ll remember your teachings and make you proud of the Conductor I become in the future! I promise!”

Alvin and Glenda smiled at him as they nodded and Cypher stepped out and into the grove. He never cared for long goodbyes, but this was hard to do now that the moment had come. Still, he knew that his window of opportunity could be closing very quickly and so he gave Alvin and Glenda a final look of gratitude, bowed deeply before them, and passed through the veil.

He dropped the small blue gem into the statue and once again it rose from the earth. At that moment Cypher could suddenly sense Ulric’s pressure getting closer at a rapid rate and he knew that he had run out of time.

“Cypher no! Stop!” Ulric’s words reached his ears just as he passed through the shimmering stone of the entrance, and slid down the ladder. After falling about halfway down, all sound and pressure from the outside vanished and Cypher was once again alone inside his home.

He walked inside, plopped down on the couch, and heaved a long drawn-out sigh as he settled into place. His emotions were running wild right now and he felt terrible about ignoring Ulric and leaving them all behind after what they sacrificed to get him here.

People had died because the Order was after him, and not only did he not allow them to complete their mission, but those attacks had resulted in the death of one of Ulric’s companions, and a close one at that. It was as if she had died for nothing and Cypher felt sick to his stomach as he thought about it.

His emotions continued to run wild for a while after that, but they quickly calmed as his new pup waddled its way over to him and curled up on his lap to snooze. Cypher smiled warmly down at his new companion and began to pet him gently.

It really seemed to enjoy being scratched under its chin and its leg would twitch and kick gently as Cypher scratched in just the right spot. “I guess it’s just you and me now huh?” Cypher paused then and realized with a chuckle that he still needed to give this little guy a name.

“So little guy, what shall I call you hmm? I’m thinking…,” A spark of electricity shot between its short horns again and it shivered as it let out a small whimper and a yawn. Cypher smiled again and knew exactly what he would call his new companion.

Cypher tilted his head back and stared at the ceiling. The road ahead was long but for now, he was content to relax. There would be plenty of time ahead of him to train and study, and to grow his centers of power. Safe from the outside world, he basked in the tranquility of his surroundings hidden beneath the grove of Hawthorn trees.

He didn’t know what the future held. However, no matter what lay in store for him he would be ready to face it, and by his side, Spark would be there to help him through it all.

He transmitted the name to his half-sleeping pup across their mental link, who only yipped halfheartedly. Although, he got the impression that it somewhat liked the name before it hopped off of his lap and yawned before curling into a ball in front of the fireplace.

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