Symphonic Odyssey

Chapter : Vol. One: Servant of a Hopeless Household: Verse Three

The next day was quite busy after Cypher had awoken. Already he could hear the hustle and bustle of an army of servants preparing the grounds for a visitor of high standing. Cypher had only experienced this kind of thing a few times before. Each time in the past he had been too young for his presence to matter.

However, he was six now! There would be certain things expected of him and he would be sure to make Molly proud of him no matter what. Molly came from the royal castle in Cael, the capital city of the kingdom of Dellorim. She was highly trained in all things pertaining to servitude. It wasn’t as though the royals paid their servants more than the Galvans did, but being the royal family they ensured that all of their servants received a fairly high level of education when it came to their various tasks and duties.

Molly was one of these high-level servants, and through some trick of luck, the Galvans had managed to acquire her services. Cypher didn’t know all the details but he did know that she was amazing at her job. This was why the Galvans treated her somewhat differently than their other maids and butlers or stable hands. Cypher could see that she was special, and she expected great things from him so he would do his best to live up to her expectations.

Cypher quickly stored his wooden sword and leather belt back inside the box Molly had given him and got dressed for the day. His tasks were done quite early, thanks in part to no interference from Eiden. No doubt the young heir was busy in the heart of the mansion with his parents and siblings. After all, this was all for him. It would not do for him to slack off on such an occasion.

Cypher and the other servants kept a sharp eye on the front gates of the estate. For hours they waited. Dusting, mopping and various other cleaning chores absorbed most of their time on top of their usual duties. Nobody wanted to feel the wrath of the Galvans for messing up some crucial detail on a day like this.

Cypher wasn’t sure exactly why everyone was so on edge. Of course, he caught rumours here and there as he went about his work. Some said that it was a teacher from the royal academy in Cael. Other’s said that their visitor would be a dignitary from the neighbouring country of Farnor. These were all interesting guesses.

However, there was one rumor in particular that really caught Cypher’s attention. It had been whispered that a Conductor from the Guardian Hall Academy, located in the heart of Dellorim, was the true identity of the visitor. Knights and dignitaries were cool and all, but to have an actual practitioner of Magick come here? Cypher was beside himself with wonder and excitement.

He had read many tales of brave knights fending off attacks from bandits or saving princesses from dangerous towers but out of all the stories he had read only one thing drew his imagination more than the others. In this world, there existed people far more powerful and influential than even Knights in shining armor.

They were the Conductors. Powerful sorcerers capable of bending the very laws of the world to their whim. Not only that, but they all excelled in combat as well. They were legendary, godlike beings capable of living for centuries. Their very bodies were capable of enduring things that no mortal could hope to withstand.

Galex Galvan himself was one of these powerful Conductors. Cypher would have been excited about that fact, but Galex was always cold and indifferent to him. In fact, Cypher feared the man quite a lot. His very presence was menacing and offputting to Cypher. Because of that, Cypher had never dreamed of asking the hulking man about his powers or adventures. Nor was it his place to do so.

Cypher was well aware of his place as a mere servant and asking something like that to his liege was quite obviously a mistake. Molly had made sure to instil at least that much in him. But if it was another Conductor Cypher was certain he would get the chance to talk to him and ask him about his adventures. He might even show his powers off a bit if Cypher played his cards right.

Bandits were the bottom of the barrel, and guards were more common than leaves on a tree. But from what Cypher had read, knights would stand proudly above them all, high in the clouds. Cypher had often dreamt of reaching this level himself one day even if it were an impossible dream. However, if Knights were the pinnacle of the sky, then Conductors would stand far beyond that and touch the very stars themselves.

Cypher held them in the highest regard. Why wouldn’t he? Conductors were capable of fighting off actual monsters! There had been several times in the dead of winter that vicious Zightbeasts had attempted to attack the Galvan estate. Each time the guards would try and fail to send them away, and Galex himself would be forced to head out and face these terrifying creatures. Knights could handle them up to a certain point. After all, not all Zightbeasts were beyond the mortal levels of power.

Anyone trained well enough could hold their own against such low-level beings. But true Zightbeasts resided in a realm above that, and they were more common than these weakest of Zightbeasts. The world was a dangerous place if you weren’t one of these powerful Conductors. Molly had told Cypher several stories about the battles she had witnessed in the past. His young mind was always sent reeling with fear and awe and wonder after each of her tales.

Cypher never dreamed that he would ever become one of these powerful Conductors. They were simply too far beyond what he could ever hope to be. Still, the thought of talking with one, in real life no less, was something he found impossible to pass up. Although along with this feeling of awe and wonder, he found himself quite jealous.

Eiden of all people was being visited by one of these powerful people? Furthermore, he might even become a Conductor? Something like that was truly unfair in Cypher’s eyes. He had never wanted to be rich or own a household full of servants to do his bidding. These things didn’t matter at all to Cypher. He had the things he needed for the most part. Food, shelter, clean water to drink, a few meager toys to play with, and Molly with all of her love for him.

In his mind, his life was all but complete as far as these things went. But to actually have the chance to become a Conductor was something Cypher found himself green with envy over. Eiden was an asshole! He didn’t deserve to become one of these illustrious sorcerers. Still, there wasn’t much he could do about it.

The Galvans wanted their children to have the best opportunities available to them, and this naturally included the chance to become Conductors. Cypher could do nothing to change this fact. So, he would have to satisfy his jealousy and curiosity by simply talking to the Conductor if he could.

That, however, would prove to be quite difficult. Cypher was no fool. Why would someone so powerful waste their time on a simple servant boy? Beyond that, how would he even find a chance to get near this Conductor? It wasn’t like he could just interrupt him while he was talking with Eiden. Not only would that be an offense to the Conductor, but the Galvans wouldn’t be too happy about it either.

Cypher spent the time thinking and plotting on how he could possibly get an opportunity to talk with the man as he mindlessly cleaned. But he wouldn’t have to wait much longer. Right at noon, everyone’s attention turned to the front gates. A large impressive looking carriage rolled through them and shuffled its way down the road towards the mansion. The visitor was here at last!

The Galvans, Galex, Tyrina, Eiden and his two sisters stood at the front doors of their estate and welcomed the carriage with open arms. The door swung open and Cypher held his breath. From inside the carriage stepped an older man in dark blue robes. His appearance was like nothing Cypher had ever seen before. Galex certainly never dressed this way.

His blue robes seemed to blend into the world around them, and his light brown hair was cut neatly. Bits of silvery metal were stitched along the arms and chest of the man’s robes and a slender looking sword hung at his waist. A pendant hung from the Conductor’s neck, and glimmered in the light, even when partially hidden from the sun’s rays. Cypher stared in wonder as the man stepped down and the carriage drove towards the stables.

The blue-robed man greeted Galex and his family, and as the group headed inside, Cypher could swear that he felt the man’s eyes meet his own for a brief moment. He was high on the second floor and well out of sight, but Cypher just somehow knew that the Conductor had looked right at him.

The man’s gaze was piercing and sharp. Something that reminded him greatly of Galex’s own gaze. Still, there was warmth behind those eyes unlike with Galex. They soon vanished from sight and Cypher dashed through the halls as quickly as he dared towards the entrance. He remained out of sight for fear of upsetting the Galvans but he simply couldn’t resist seeing the visitor up close with his own eyes.

They walked into the west wing of the mansion and down the hall towards Galex’s meeting room. Cypher trailed behind them quietly, using the servant’s passages built into the walls to navigate without being seen. None of the others in the mansion would dare to do what Cypher was doing now.

Something like this would be considered extremely rude if they were caught. These matters were lost on Cypher though. All that ran through his young mind was his goal of talking with this powerful man. The door to the meeting room slid shut just as Cypher rounded the corner and emerged from the passage. He could faintly hear what was going on inside and inched closer to peek between the small gap in the two doors. He couldn’t see much of anything, but he was able to barely see the back of the man’s blue robes. For now, this would have to do.

“Welcome to our estate Frederick. It’s a pleasure to have you come out and see if Eiden would be a good fit for the Academy. I know you’re a busy man so I’ll let you get right down to it and we’ll just skip the formalities,” said Galex, Tyrina at his side.

“Thank you Galex. I’ve always appreciated your candour and dealing with nobles as I often do is quite an annoying task. As a fellow Conductor though I’m always assured you won’t bluster and waste time with trivial conversation,” replied Frederick. “Step forward young Eiden, let me get a good look at you!”

Cypher heard the shuffling of feet and then silence for a few moments.

“Hmm, yes, I see… Your blood is much like that of your father’s. You could quite easily have a promising future as a Conductor for the kingdom. Tell me, do you often dream of the stars?”

Eiden paused as he thought and Cypher waited for his response.

“Every night sir!” Eiden replied.

“Hmm, interesting. Interesting indeed… Hold out your hands for me,” continued Frederick.

Eiden did as he was told and the man began to chant in a low voice. His words were so quiet that Cypher couldn’t make them out but he could hear a faint humming sound. Almost like the chiming of bells, or the ringing of vibrating metal. Cypher was unsure of what he was hearing exactly but in a few moments, Frederick clapped his hands together and nodded.

“Well Galex I have some good news and some bad news for you,” began Frederick.

“Out with it, what is it?” replied Galex sternly.

“The good news is that your son is clearly capable of using the power of Zight. He could one day become a powerful Conductor just like you,” replied the man.

“And the bad news?” asked Galex in a cautious tone.

“The bad news is that his body is terribly weak. At this rate, the power would tear him apart. Aside from that, he’d be hopelessly far behind his peers. This, however, is easily remedied. Train him. Train him in combat to harden this weak body of his. He’ll need a full course, naturally. His reaction times are pitiful, his muscles are weak, and overall I couldn’t see him becoming much more than a simple peddler of parlour tricks if this is how he remains. His Orrium hasn’t even developed yet. Still, in him, I can sense a powerful potential. The odds of success are quite good for him if you follow my advice.”

Galex nodded and let out a relieved sigh. “Don’t scare me like that Frederick. I was worried you’d tell me he was somehow incompatible with our ways. Training him will be beyond easy and I have just the man in mind.”

“Does this mean I can be like you, Father?” asked Eiden.

“It certainly does, but you’ll have your work cut out for you, that much is certain,” replied Galex.

“I am a bit confused though,” began Frederick.

“Oh? About what?” inquired Galex.

“Well, I’m sensing a lot of potential for someone with such a weak body. It isn’t often I run across something like this. It makes me wish that you were more in tune with the sensory side of things Galex, it’s quite the odd feeling,” replied Frederick his words laced with confusion.

“Show me then,” demanded Galex.

The two went silent for a moment and Cypher heard more of the strange ringing in his ears. Seconds passed and finally, Galex spoke up.

“Hmm… I see what you mean. That is quite curious indeed…”

Cypher wasn’t sure what had just happened, but from the look on Eiden and Tyrina’s faces neither did either of them.

“In any event, this shouldn’t pose an issue so long as young Eiden here puts forth the effort to better himself. I expect to see you arrive at the Academy in six years. I’d be awfully disappointed if the son of my close friend wasn’t able to overcome such a weakness,” chuckled Frederick.

“Don’t you worry sir! I won’t let you down!” replied Eiden with confidence in his voice.

“There is one other thing I should mention Galex,” continued Frederick.

“That being?” asked Galex tilting his head.

“Well, training your son is a good start to solving his issues. But even if he trains his heart out, I wonder if he can get as far as he needs to on his own,” Frederick paced around the room as he spoke, his hand on his chin. “I know this is all new information, and that surely you haven’t made too many decisions so far, but, I think it would be wise to find him an adequate sparring partner. Perhaps someone who can push him to his limits during each training session. Trained or not, truly capable adults won’t be able to draw out that inner desire to truly push beyond his limits.”

“Hmm, that might be a wise course of action,” replied Galex. “You always have known what to say, my friend.”

“If I might make a suggestion,” replied Frederick with a nod.

“Of course! What is it?” asked Galex, his eyebrow rising once again in careful curiosity.

“Upon my arrival, I took notice of a young boy peeking out the window. It might just be prudent to have him train in the basics alongside your son Eiden. If nothing else he would make a good starter partner for him,” said Frederick as he flashed a glance towards the door. Galex didn’t seem to notice, nor did anyone else. However, a wave of worry spread through Cypher.

“Is he talking about me?!?” thought Cypher as his eyes widened and his body grew stiff. Had he been spotted? Did they know he was here?!

“Hmm… That boy huh? Always the observant type I see,” grumbled Galex. Cypher continued to peek through the door and caught sight of Eiden, who, just a moment ago was smiling and seemingly proud of himself. However, now, Eiden was staring down at the floor with a scowl on his face, his fists balled up tightly.

“I’m not a sensory expert for no reason. It’s my job to pay attention to every detail,” chuckled Frederick, a sly smile spreading across his face. “Besides, this happens more often than you’d think. Not everyone is physically capable of forging down the path that we have chosen right from the outset. It is true that some are just born with the talent or in other cases, circumstance has led them to be stronger than your average person. But humans are quite weak generally speaking,”

“But are you sure it’s necessary? That boy is hardly worth the effort it would take to train him to be worthy of my son’s time,” Galex said with firm authority.

“All the same, perhaps he could work, at least until Eiden is ready to take the exam. Six years can change a person quite a lot, if the boy isn’t up to par now, he surely could be in a couple of years. Plus, he seemed quite enamoured with me from what I could tell. Given that, he would perhaps be willing to take on this challenge, ” Frederick smiled at Galex softly and took a seat in the chair just out of Cypher’s sight.

“Tyrina, what do you think?” asked Galex.

Tyrina simply frowned and looked out the window, then her gaze fell to her son and she lingered there for a few moments before nodding gently to Galex. Galex sighed and rubbed the back of his head.

“Harold?” asked Galex firmly.

“Here, sir,” said the head butler as he stepped forward from just out of sight.

“I want you to go to the servant’s quarters. Bring Cypher here, tell him nothing but do not scare him. We will see if he is interested in something like this. I won’t have someone training alongside my son if they aren’t willing to put in maximum effort towards his success. It’s no matter if he isn’t but it would certainly save us some time and effort if he is willing to put forth his best and serve this household in a new capacity,”

“It shall be done my lord,” Harold said with a bow.

Cypher’s eyes widened as the head butler Harold started towards the door and Cypher’s hiding place. If he was caught here it would be very bad!

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